You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
And liberals allow them to stick it to american workers. Again, libturds don't like human kind!
If you open your eyes you'd see bush 1 and 2 loved mexico and china. Every Republican voted for NAFTA so do us a favor and stfu pretending you weren't for sending jobs overseas.

From 2000-present you dickheads have defended wallmart. Today you don't like the cheap goods??? Liar
China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
That's Trump's plan. Pollute here.
It is?:link::link::link:
If he wants to bring manufacturing back and lift regulations on pollution, what do you think dummy?

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
And liberals allow them to stick it to american workers. Again, libturds don't like human kind!
If you open your eyes you'd see bush 1 and 2 loved mexico and china. Every Republican voted for NAFTA so do us a favor and stfu pretending you weren't for sending jobs overseas.

From 2000-present you dickheads have defended wallmart. Today you don't like the cheap goods??? Liar
NAFTA is bad and both parties are responsible. You can't ever be honest
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
That's Trump's plan. Pollute here.
It is?:link::link::link:
If he wants to bring manufacturing back and lift regulations on pollution, what do you think dummy?
You said he was going to pollute how?
Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Truman was
I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Truman was
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
95 million out of work yeah that's sad
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
95 million out of work yeah that's sad
What did you want ?? Blood??? With ZERO help from repubs imo he did a great job
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
95 million out of work yeah that's sad
What did you want ?? Blood??? With ZERO help from repubs imo he did a great job
It's what one says who can't be honest. 95 million out of work and you think that's good. Wow. by the way, two years with majorities to push an agenda . He failed and why he lost every midterm elections
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
95 million out of work yeah that's sad
What did you want ?? Blood??? With ZERO help from repubs imo he did a great job
It's what one says who can't be honest. 95 million out of work and you think that's good. Wow. by the way, two years with majorities to push an agenda . He failed and why he lost every midterm elections
Did you get the quote McConnell made about the #1 project of repubs was to take obama down ?? Someone should have smashed his ugly face in after that and 95 mill out of work isn't good Too bad that # is BS
Think any of them were part of the 700000 gwb put out of work in just his LAST month??
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
95 million out of work yeah that's sad
What did you want ?? Blood??? With ZERO help from repubs imo he did a great job
It's what one says who can't be honest. 95 million out of work and you think that's good. Wow. by the way, two years with majorities to push an agenda . He failed and why he lost every midterm elections
Did you get the quote McConnell made about the #1 project of repubs was to take obama down ?? Someone should have smashed his ugly face in after that and 95 mill out of work isn't good Too bad that # is BS
Think any of them were part of the 700000 gwb put out of work in just his LAST month??
McConnell didn't have numbers to do that in the first two years! All libturds had to do was do their jobs and move policy. They just wanted to fk conservatives and that motivated the midterm elections. It's all on your fking side for failure

What did you want ?? Blood??? With ZERO help from repubs imo he did a great job

Wrong Moon Bat.

First of all he did a terrible job. We know that because poverty has increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocket, income disparity increased, illegals flooded in and in eight year hes never was able to achieve even once a three percent annual economic growth. The first time that happen in 70 years. He has been a failure. You Moon Bats were idiots electing him. What the hell were you thinking?

Second of all although all Republicans voted against that filthy ass destructive Obama care on the floor of both houses three Republicans Senators did not invoke cloture allowing it to be passed by a partisan vote.

The Republican controlled Congress did nothing to defund Obamacare or most of the other filthy ass bloated Obama spending programs. They went along with increased government spending, which was wrong.

In addition the Republicans gave Obama more debt and approves a stupid increase in taxes.

The Republicans talk big but at the end of the day they have given Obama most of what he wanted.

You can't blame Obama's failures on other people. You voted for the asshole so you own his failure.
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?
95 million out of work yeah that's sad
What did you want ?? Blood??? With ZERO help from repubs imo he did a great job
It's what one says who can't be honest. 95 million out of work and you think that's good. Wow. by the way, two years with majorities to push an agenda . He failed and why he lost every midterm elections
Did you get the quote McConnell made about the #1 project of repubs was to take obama down ?? Someone should have smashed his ugly face in after that and 95 mill out of work isn't good Too bad that # is BS
Think any of them were part of the 700000 gwb put out of work in just his LAST month??
McConnell didn't have numbers to do that in the first two years! All libturds had to do was do their jobs and move policy. They just wanted to fk conservatives and that motivated the midterm elections. It's all on your fking side for failure
There weren't many fillibusters?

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.
She's been investigated for 30 years and republicans found shit and it cost many millions too Sure I'd like to know whats been hidden BUT when a man like this crook trump becomes president it behooves him to show those returns like all others have for the past 60 years or so What is he afraid of ?? Of course a republican leaner like you don't give a damn

Still crying about tax returns? LOL! You left wing nut jobs are really funny and sore losers.

Let your hate continue, let your speculation run wild.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Truman was

Great! How many years ago was that? 6
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
Bush company didn't go bankrupt?? bush wasn't investigated for stock manipulation insider trading?? A lousy businessman
And obummer isn't even a businessman zip experience debt proves it
Tripled the dow 15 million new jobs ,,,who needs a businessman?

What specifically did Obama do to create 15 million jobs and caused the Dow to go up?

Still crying about tax returns? LOL! You left wing nut jobs are really funny and sore losers.

Let your hate continue, let your speculation run wild.

Crying about the Electoral College or the Russians didn't do them much good so they have to show that they are assholes another way.

America elected Trump knowing he didn't release his tax returns like these Moon Bats elected Obama knowing he was hiding something with not releasing his college transcripts. 60 Million Moon Bats voted for Crooked Hillary knowing she deleted her State Department emails to cover up her corruption.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
And liberals allow them to stick it to american workers. Again, libturds don't like human kind!
If you open your eyes you'd see bush 1 and 2 loved mexico and china. Every Republican voted for NAFTA so do us a favor and stfu pretending you weren't for sending jobs overseas.

From 2000-present you dickheads have defended wallmart. Today you don't like the cheap goods??? Liar
NAFTA is bad and both parties are responsible. You can't ever be honest
That's the most honest a Republican will ever be when they give both sides blame.

Like Fonzie you can't admit you are w rrr rrrooo rrrooonn wrong

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