You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.

The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
right wing fantasy.
Businessman know how
business knowhow creates deficits?
Stupid like obummer creates deficits. He just proved it
Why do we have massive deficits?
Cause an inexperienced man held the office of president for the last eight years!
NOW we have a thief trying to double his net worth as our president AND get into a war ,hopefully of words with Putin
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
Oh and republicans care about pollution?? all those stinkin regulations??? lol

Reagan stopped doing press conferences because he had Alzheimer's what's trumps excuse?

Is this the type of silly shit we are going to get from you hateful confused Moon Bats for the next eight years?

You know that the Obama jackass went went for over two years without a press conference, don't you? That piece of shit Crooked Hillary did everything possible during her campaign to avoid having to answer question from the press when Trump made himself available to anyone anytime.

So if if things like that bothers you Moon Bat then you are barking up the wrong tree their Sport.

Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?

They were Liberals that grew the size of government, increased debt and increased entitlements. You know, all the things that you Moon Bat Democrats love so much.

I didn't vote for Trump because I suspect he is a big government Liberal that will do about 90% of what we would have got had that Crooked Hillary piece of shit had been elected.

However, so far I have been pleasantly surprised based upon his cabinet appointments and work to fix some of Obama's over spending and pleased that he he seems to be taking a fiscal responsible stance.

However, the proof will be eight years from now. If he has reduced the size of the government, reduced debt, sealed the border, kept America safe, restored the economy, reduced welfare, fix Obama's disastrous foreign policy, repeal Obamacare and make Conservative Supreme Court appointments then I will consider him a good President.

Reagan stopped doing press conferences because he had Alzheimer's what's trumps excuse?

Is this the type of silly shit we are going to get from you hateful confused Moon Bats for the next eight years?

You know that the Obama jackass went went for over two years without a press conference, don't you? That piece of shit Crooked Hillary did everything possible during her campaign to avoid having to answer question from the press when Trump made himself available to anyone anytime.

So if if things like that bothers you Moon Bat then you are barking up the wrong tree their Sport.
Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?
The "nothing" he did cost Russia billions and made Putin so mad he got involved in our elections.

Sounds like Obama made Putin very mad. Hillary too.

You don't want to make Russia mad, pussy
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.
Environmental laws?


Republicans want to end those here.
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
That's Trump's plan. Pollute here.

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?

Reagan stopped doing press conferences because he had Alzheimer's what's trumps excuse?

Is this the type of silly shit we are going to get from you hateful confused Moon Bats for the next eight years?

You know that the Obama jackass went went for over two years without a press conference, don't you? That piece of shit Crooked Hillary did everything possible during her campaign to avoid having to answer question from the press when Trump made himself available to anyone anytime.

So if if things like that bothers you Moon Bat then you are barking up the wrong tree their Sport.
Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?
Does it matter if he does a good job?

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.
She's been investigated for 30 years and republicans found shit and it cost many millions too Sure I'd like to know whats been hidden BUT when a man like this crook trump becomes president it behooves him to show those returns like all others have for the past 60 years or so What is he afraid of ?? Of course a republican leaner like you don't give a damn

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
That's Trump's plan. Pollute here.
Our Republican governor is moving us more towards renewable energy. Weird. We will be 15% renewables. It'd be nice to be 75% renewable 25% fossel

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Yes; If Mr. Trump really wanted to impress us with his Capital prowess, he would have financed his own cruiser and merely, "taken care of business" in the Middle East, instead of being willing to resort to a social bailout, with the Peoples Tax monies.

THat was nonsense.

She's been investigated for 30 years and republicans found shit and it cost many millions too Sure I'd like to know whats been hidden BUT when a man like this crook trump becomes president it behooves him to show those returns like all others have for the past 60 years or so What is he afraid of ?? Of course a republican leaner like you don't give a damn

Hopefully with somebody other than this Obama piece of shit in charge of the Justice Department and FBI maybe somebody can do a real investigation of her corruption and she can spend the rest of her life in a Federal Women's Correction Facility like other crooks. We will see if Trump will take the time out of his schedule of making America great again to put the bitch behind bars where she belongs.

Trump got away with being elected President without releasing his tax returns just like that Crooked Hillary asshole got the Moon Bat nomination without releasing the Wall Street speech transcripts and having deleted all the records of her corruption in the State Department.

You stupid Moon Bats elected that piece of shit Obama as President when he refused to release his college transcripts that would have revealed if he was a foreigner or if he got his degrees because of affirmative action instead of really earning them. What the hell was the sonofabitch hiding?

Stop being a hypocritical Moon Bat. It just makes you look like a fool when you post silly shit like that.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?[/QUOTE]

I didn't vote for Trump but I do know that anybody that Trump appoints as Secretary of State will do a much better job than corrupt dumbass Crooked Hillary did or that jackass clown John Kerry.

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?

Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?

Look at the shitheads that Obama brought in his cabinet. All of them were despicable,especially Holder, Lynch, Clinton and Kerry. Nobody can be worse than the assholes that Obama appointed. They have been a disaster for this country.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?

I didn't vote for Trump but I do know that anybody that Trump appoints as Secretary of State will do a much better job than corrupt dumbass Crooked Hillary did or that jackass clown John Kerry.[/QUOTE]
Will they do better than condi rice or Powell?

Will his appointee go to the UN with fake anthrax in a little vile and try to lie the world into going along with invading another sovereign nation? Because that stupid move created isis

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