You watch. Trump is going to bring back millions of jobs.


Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare

Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?

Look at the shitheads that Obama brought in his cabinet. All of them were despicable,especially Holder, Lynch, Clinton and Kerry. Nobody can be worse than the assholes that Obama appointed. They have been a disaster for this country.
Flash it's plain to me that conversation with you about our present or future administrations is futile You are blind to all the good that Obama has achieved during his 8 years and equally blinded to what an AH trump is
If poor women in the next 10 years all had 1 kid instead of 2 or more in 30 years the market wouldn't be flooded with cheap labor and that would increase wages

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare
I don't like the term "fixed" maybe greater education might help? Didn't Chinese have something to do with prevention of child birth? a while ago?

Will they do better than condi rice or Powell?

Will his appointee go to the UN with fake anthrax in a little vile and try to lie the world into going along with invading another sovereign nation? Because that stupid move created isis

Funny. Some Democrats Electors voted for Colin Powell as President this week and he supported your Boy Obama both in 2008 and 2012 so I would check with the Democrat Central Committee if I were you before disparaging him too much.

I am sorry Moon Bat but you are really confused about ISIS. Obama's convoluted destabilization of the Middle East with his bombing of Libya, no courage in dealing with Syria. funding of terrorist activity by Iran and unwilling to keep a few troops in Iraq all led to ISIS. You probably don't know that because Rachael Maddow hasn't mentioned it in her program.

Stop being a dumbass Moon Bat. It just makes you look like a fool when you post your silly shit.
If poor women in the next 10 years all had 1 kid instead of 2 or more in 30 years the market wouldn't be flooded with cheap labor and that would increase wages

You are really underestimating the amount of immigration we have had.

Deport all the illegals. Stop new immigration. Bring back jobs.

THAT will increase wages.

If the poor are not encouraged to have children, in the long run that would also contribute.
and just for the record bobo I'm a dem since 2000 when I voted for GWB but I'm against illegals in America for tax reform and not a big fan of unions

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
they were not in sales.

Yeah and hiding his tax returns because he's a thief is NBD either?

His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare
I don't like the term "fixed" maybe greater education might help? Didn't Chinese have something to do with prevention of child birth? a while ago?
It should happen naturally but apparently poor people have figured out how to survive while having multiple kids. Meanwhile I don't have any kids and I'm still worrying about my retirement. Arent these people worrying about retiring?

Poor people need to be warned cuts to social security and welfare are coming and if they can't feed their kids then don't have them.

We also need to bring back indentured servants for deadbeat dads who can't keep a job and pay child support. Companies should be able to buy them till their debt is paid off. Might be 18 years till the kid is 18. We can't afford to put these men in prison. Then we have to pay welfare to the kid and mom and pay $30,000 a year to house and feed him
His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare
I don't like the term "fixed" maybe greater education might help? Didn't Chinese have something to do with prevention of child birth? a while ago?
It should happen naturally but apparently poor people have figured out how to survive while having multiple kids. Meanwhile I don't have any kids and I'm still worrying about my retirement. Arent these people worrying about retiring?

Poor people need to be warned cuts to social security and welfare are coming and if they can't feed their kids then don't have them.

We also need to bring back indentured servants for deadbeat dads who can't keep a job and pay child support. Companies should be able to buy them till their debt is paid off. Might be 18 years till the kid is 18. We can't afford to put these men in prison. Then we have to pay welfare to the kid and mom and pay $30,000 a year to house and feed him
the fantastical right wing love to trample natural rights, whenever it is not specifically about guns.
His tax returns are none of your business. It is the business of the IRS and he has been heavily audited. If you are concerned about politicians hiding things then why weren't you concerned about that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch hiding her speeches to Wall Street and deleting 30,000 emails as Secretary of state. What was the bitch hiding? We know a little bit of the corruption that was going on because of the Wikileaks but wouldn't you want to know all of it? Probably not because you are a stupid hypocritical Moon Bat.

What was that asshole Obama hiding by not releasing his college transcripts? Do you even care?
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare
I don't like the term "fixed" maybe greater education might help? Didn't Chinese have something to do with prevention of child birth? a while ago?
It should happen naturally but apparently poor people have figured out how to survive while having multiple kids. Meanwhile I don't have any kids and I'm still worrying about my retirement. Arent these people worrying about retiring?

Poor people need to be warned cuts to social security and welfare are coming and if they can't feed their kids then don't have them.

We also need to bring back indentured servants for deadbeat dads who can't keep a job and pay child support. Companies should be able to buy them till their debt is paid off. Might be 18 years till the kid is 18. We can't afford to put these men in prison. Then we have to pay welfare to the kid and mom and pay $30,000 a year to house and feed him
Have to agree If you can't feed em don't have em,,,,and deadbeat dads?? something must be done and jail is too costly
You cry about speeches to wallstreet and then trump appoints wallstreet and Exxon and corporations to run the government?
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare
I don't like the term "fixed" maybe greater education might help? Didn't Chinese have something to do with prevention of child birth? a while ago?
It should happen naturally but apparently poor people have figured out how to survive while having multiple kids. Meanwhile I don't have any kids and I'm still worrying about my retirement. Arent these people worrying about retiring?

Poor people need to be warned cuts to social security and welfare are coming and if they can't feed their kids then don't have them.

We also need to bring back indentured servants for deadbeat dads who can't keep a job and pay child support. Companies should be able to buy them till their debt is paid off. Might be 18 years till the kid is 18. We can't afford to put these men in prison. Then we have to pay welfare to the kid and mom and pay $30,000 a year to house and feed him
Have to agree If you can't feed em don't have em,,,,and deadbeat dads?? something must be done and jail is too costly
why does the right complain about the cost of an ounce of prevention?
Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!

Let's hope you are correct, I would love to see the federal government show some fiscal responsibility.
The left doesn't like that trump talks directly to the people. Shades of Reagan
Reagan stopped doing press conferences because he had Alzheimer's what's trumps excuse?
Cause the media has Alzheimer's
Yes trump was going to clean the swamp and brought it to the WH He spoke against WS and then brings them into his cabinet?? I don't get it Is he mad?
Here is what I hope. We all agree the government is too big. Every department could be cut in half and the world would continue. That would create a lot of unemployment and would cause other problems but no one denies the government and the debt are out of control.

The other thing is we are throwing money at bad citizens. Why? Because we can't let their kids starve, so we provide them with free food. This encourages them to have more kids. From everything I see I have determined that poor people are ruining this country. And poor person who has 5 kids is a problem. So we need to discourage high birth rates in high poverty areas.

I think the rich love poor people having lots of kids. It floods the market with cheap labor.

If you had to get fixed to get welfare then all those women with 5 kids would only have one kid each. Lot easier to get out of poverty when you have one kid instead of 5. Wouldn't you agree? If she doesn't want to be fixed she doesn't have to take the welfare
I don't like the term "fixed" maybe greater education might help? Didn't Chinese have something to do with prevention of child birth? a while ago?
It should happen naturally but apparently poor people have figured out how to survive while having multiple kids. Meanwhile I don't have any kids and I'm still worrying about my retirement. Arent these people worrying about retiring?

Poor people need to be warned cuts to social security and welfare are coming and if they can't feed their kids then don't have them.

We also need to bring back indentured servants for deadbeat dads who can't keep a job and pay child support. Companies should be able to buy them till their debt is paid off. Might be 18 years till the kid is 18. We can't afford to put these men in prison. Then we have to pay welfare to the kid and mom and pay $30,000 a year to house and feed him
Have to agree If you can't feed em don't have em,,,,and deadbeat dads?? something must be done and jail is too costly
why does the right complain about the cost of an ounce of prevention?
danny you've got me Seems they want America filled with children no one wants

Will they do better than condi rice or Powell?

Will his appointee go to the UN with fake anthrax in a little vile and try to lie the world into going along with invading another sovereign nation? Because that stupid move created isis

Funny. Some Democrats Electors voted for Colin Powell as President this week and he supported your Boy Obama both in 2008 and 2012 so I would check with the Democrat Central Committee if I were you before disparaging him too much.

I am sorry Moon Bat but you are really confused about ISIS. Obama's convoluted destabilization of the Middle East with his bombing of Libya, no courage in dealing with Syria. funding of terrorist activity by Iran and unwilling to keep a few troops in Iraq all led to ISIS. You probably don't know that because Rachael Maddow hasn't mentioned it in her program.

Stop being a dumbass Moon Bat. It just makes you look like a fool when you post your silly shit.
Ask Isis what examples they use to recruit members and invading Iraq is right up there at the top. Libya? Not even on the list. You guys created Isis but of course u won't admit it just like you didn't cause the great bush recession
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
And liberals stick it to american workers. Again, libturds don't like human kind!
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Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.

We manufacture in China and mexico because they're willing to pollute.
That's Trump's plan. Pollute here.
It is?:link::link::link:

the right always claims that; we have massive budget deficits, now.

Our cumulative deft is at $20 trillion and that shitheahd Obama ran several trillion dollar a year deficits and is now running over a half trillion so I would say that they are right, wouldn't you?

It is even worse when you understand the really massive debt goes back to when the 2006 Democrat Congress was elected.

However, both political parties are known for spending more money than they take in so it is not just a Democrat problem.

Hopefully Trump will stop doing that by cutting spending in addition to growing government revenue by a better economy. That would be a refreshing change, wouldn't it?

I'm not optimistic on Trump cutting spending, I think it will go the other way. For some reason people can't control themselves when they are in positions of power using the people's money.
Never had anyone like trump in office before!
Bush and Chaney were businessmen weren't they?
Somewhat yes! And records will back bush twice the businessman then obummer will ever be!
You crack me up

Seriously, you guys are so stupid you don't even realize you aren't making any sense. Or, you are being hypocritical big time. Think about it. You are arm chairing Obama and Hillary because they don't have good relations with Russia. You are sooo worried about starting another cold war. Meanwhile Trumps going to start a cold war with China. Who should we be more worried about Russia or China?

Do you realize Russia is desperate to return back to its glory days? Meanwhile China has passed us in almost every aspect.

Long predicted, many observers now think that China has or is about to become more powerful than the United States on the global stage.

So while you are playing politics with Russia, no one gives a fuck about Russia.

And, if you want us to care about Russia, how about the fact they invaded Ukraine similar to how we lied ourselves into Iraq. Are you ok with Russia doing this? Will you go to war over Ukraine? No you won't. So at best you would do what to Russia? Would you sanction them or are you saying Trump won't sanction even if Russia is a bad actor? If that's true then who's the pussy?

China wants to sit down with Trump to work out a more equal trade agreement. They guy isn't in office but he already has China wanting to bargain. I'm not saying he is going to be a great President but he has surprised me so far in the trade arena. First Mexico and Canada wanting to renegotiate NAFTA and China wanting to sit down and renegotiate. I am waiting to see what comes of these.
Considering Trump's business acumen, what is it you expect?

I expect a better bargaining position, the end of tariffs for our exports to China, China to conform to some sort of environment laws, China to comply with child labor laws. Mexico the same. The world knows Trump is an unknown quantity and they don't know what to expect, he is not a politician.
Environmental laws?


Republicans want to end those here.
Which laws got a link with that fake post?

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