You Will Not Be Permitted To Escape Diversity: Nicholas Sparks Sued For Racism

Is there anyone left who still believes liberals aren't totalitarian monsters? No good deed goes unpunished. Never hire a white liberal for anything because they're going to inject the poison from their soul deep into whatever you love.

Nicholas Sparks, the famous author, sets up a Christian School near his home town and supports it with his foundation. He hires a liberal Jew who is also a Quaker and a huge useful idiot of the social justice warrior mold who immediate sets out to infect this school with diversity quotas and recruitment and then all hell breaks loose leading to his suing Sparks and others for not believing in diversity:

The former headmaster of a private school founded by novelist Nicholas Sparks says the author and other school leaders forced him out when he tried to recruit black students and faculty and supported a bullied group of gay students, and on Thursday he sued for damages.

In the federal lawsuit, Saul Hillel Benjamin accuses Sparks of making racially and religiously dismissive remarks while Benjamin headed the college-prep K-12 school Sparks founded in New Bern, his hometown of 30,000 people about 100 miles east of Raleigh.

Sparks is a prolific author of love stories that are regularly turned into Hollywood movies - among them, 'The Notebook,' 'Dear John,' and 'The Last Song.' The film adaptation of 'The Best of Me' will be released in theaters this month - the ninth of Sparks' 17 novels to be made into a movie, according to his website.

'Apparently, despite the efforts our society has made, Mr. Sparks wants to travel back in time and vilify those who promote diversity and tolerance of all people regardless of their sexual orientation and race,' said Douglas H. Wigdor, a New York attorney representing Benjamin.

Theresa Sprain, an attorney representing Sparks in the case, denied the allegations in Benjamin's lawsuit.

'As a gay, Jewish man who has represented Nick for almost 20 years I find these allegations completely ludicrous and offensive,' entertainment attorney Scott Schwimer said in a statement released by Sparks' publicist.​

These fucking totalitarians are like zombies, they will never let freedom live, anytime they see freedom they need to snuff it out.

The lesson here is to be on the safe side, you never know when a liberal will transform into a zombie, so don't even take the risk, just hire a normal person instead.
sounds like the douche didn't want to follow orders from the man that signs his paycheck.

tough shit, hope Sparks counter sues
“Is there anyone left who still believes liberals aren't totalitarian monsters? No good deed goes unpunished. Never hire a white liberal for anything because they're going to inject the poison from their soul deep into whatever you love.”

This is a lie and ignorant idiocy.

Nowhere is Benjamin identified as a 'liberal.'

And the suit concerns seeking lost income and punitive damages against his former employer, having nothing to do with 'forcing' anyone to 'accept' anything or anyone.

Regardless of what happens with the lawsuit, Sparks remains at liberty to have a white only Christian school hostile to gay Americans.
If you break through the total partisan bullshit spewed in the OP what you get is:

Nick Sparks and other school leaders can't hire for shit. OR the headmaster was right. I guess we'll find out.

is that what you get from it? I get that he's whining because he thinks his bigotry should be able to affect others. normal people figure if he wants to be a bigot he can't bring it into areas that are intended to serve the public.
If you break through the total partisan bullshit spewed in the OP what you get is:

Nick Sparks and other school leaders can't hire for shit. OR the headmaster was right. I guess we'll find out.
So what is the OP is right? Doesn't that support my claim that you cannot escape diversity?
You can leave my country if you don't like diversity you inbred moron.

You leave, spear chucker. Africa is where you belong.
You leave cave ape. The caves of Europe is where you belong.
It's not really diversity since it focuses on distinctions instead of looking through them. Diversity is a lefty euphemism for segregation.
True diversity happens.
How about we try that forced lefty style diversity shit in the NBA or NFL.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.
He's being sued due to an accusation is Benny was called names.

Sounds like a typical liberal whiner
It's not really diversity since it focuses on distinctions instead of looking through them. Diversity is a lefty euphemism for segregation.
True diversity happens.
How about we try that forced lefty style diversity shit in the NBA or NFL.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.

What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?
It's not really diversity since it focuses on distinctions instead of looking through them. Diversity is a lefty euphemism for segregation.
True diversity happens.
How about we try that forced lefty style diversity shit in the NBA or NFL.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.

What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?

Who told you I thought it didn't apply? Open up business like they did sports and you will see Blacks excel in certain aspects of business just like they do in sports.The problem is unlike sports, white people are not happy when Black people compete on an equal basis. Whites have a 350 year head start due to white AA. 60 years of partial Black AA is not going to fix that chasm.
Diversity is a most commendable and peaceful way towards understanding differences.

In the city where I live there is a two week celebration of diversity, where different ethnic groups display their best in culture and cooking.

In different pavilions you can see Ethiopians liking Scottish haggis, Irish immigrants enjoying the performance of Korean dances, French eating hamburgers while listening to country and western, Italians eating Swedish herrings, Russians drinking German beer, Hungarians eating refried beans while Mexicans enjoy goulash.

If only the world could be as unpoliticised and peaceful as our two weeks in the summer, the world would be a better place.
It's not really diversity since it focuses on distinctions instead of looking through them. Diversity is a lefty euphemism for segregation.
True diversity happens.
How about we try that forced lefty style diversity shit in the NBA or NFL.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.

What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?

Who told you I thought it didn't apply? Open up business like they did sports and you will see Blacks excel in certain aspects of business just like they do in sports.The problem is unlike sports, white people are not happy when Black people compete on an equal basis. Whites have a 350 year head start due to white AA. 60 years of partial Black AA is not going to fix that chasm.

In other words, you don't think it applies. Why would the business of making cell phones be any less "open" than the business of professional football? Perhaps it's because the former requires the use of brains, whereas the later requires the use of muscle. According to your theory, whites have a natural advantage when it comes to brains, right spear chucker?
Diversity is a most commendable and peaceful way towards understanding differences.

In the city where I live there is a two week celebration of diversity, where different ethnic groups display their best in culture and cooking.

In different pavilions you can see Ethiopians liking Scottish haggis, Irish immigrants enjoying the performance of Korean dances, French eating hamburgers while listening to country and western, Italians eating Swedish herrings, Russians drinking German beer, Hungarians eating refried beans while Mexicans enjoy goulash.

If only the world could be as unpoliticised and peaceful as our two weeks in the summer, the world would be a better place.

Diversity sure worked great in Sri Lanka. Tens of thousands of people were killed in a brutal decades long civil war there between the two major ethnic divisions. How about Syria where the Muslims are killing all the Christians? Egypt? Nope, they're killing Christians there as well. India? Muslims regularly go on the rampage and kill dozens of Hindus. South Africa? The Xhosa regularly kill Zulus. Rwanda? The Hutus slaughtered the Tutsi.

Wherever you look "diversity" only leads to bloodshed and civil strife.
It's not really diversity since it focuses on distinctions instead of looking through them. Diversity is a lefty euphemism for segregation.
True diversity happens.
How about we try that forced lefty style diversity shit in the NBA or NFL.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.

What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?

Who told you I thought it didn't apply? Open up business like they did sports and you will see Blacks excel in certain aspects of business just like they do in sports.The problem is unlike sports, white people are not happy when Black people compete on an equal basis. Whites have a 350 year head start due to white AA. 60 years of partial Black AA is not going to fix that chasm.

In other words, you don't think it applies. Why would the business of making cell phones be any less "open" than the business of professional football? Perhaps it's because the former requires the use of brains, whereas the later requires the use of muscle. According to your theory, whites have a natural advantage when it comes to brains, right spear chucker?

You must have completely missed reading comprehension. Whites have a decidedly unnatural advantage in terms of the years spent in control of the market due to white AA. According to my theory whites would lose that if they allowed Black business inclusion. You also reveal your lack of education by not knowing that the process of making your muscles work is the same process of making your brain work. If you are saying Blacks are physically superior then you are admitting we are mentally superior.
This is why you don't do business with Jews. Aside from the fact that they live up to their reputation as hoarding pennies.

Dr Kevin MacDonald, PHD has written the most extensive treatises on the Jewish motives for the actions they take in every aspect of life and issue in society. You don't know shit if you haven't explored his amazing depth of knowledge on the subject.
It's not really diversity since it focuses on distinctions instead of looking through them. Diversity is a lefty euphemism for segregation.
True diversity happens.
How about we try that forced lefty style diversity shit in the NBA or NFL.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.

What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?

Who told you I thought it didn't apply? Open up business like they did sports and you will see Blacks excel in certain aspects of business just like they do in sports.The problem is unlike sports, white people are not happy when Black people compete on an equal basis. Whites have a 350 year head start due to white AA. 60 years of partial Black AA is not going to fix that chasm.

In other words, you don't think it applies. Why would the business of making cell phones be any less "open" than the business of professional football? Perhaps it's because the former requires the use of brains, whereas the later requires the use of muscle. According to your theory, whites have a natural advantage when it comes to brains, right spear chucker?

You must have completely missed reading comprehension. Whites have a decidedly unnatural advantage in terms of the years spent in control of the market due to white AA. According to my theory whites would lose that if they allowed Black business inclusion. You also reveal your lack of education by not knowing that the process of making your muscles work is the same process of making your brain work. If you are saying Blacks are physically superior then you are admitting we are mentally superior.

Africa, with the colonial powers gone for 40 years, has a definite BLACK ADVANTAGE.

And, typically, nothing to show for it.
We did. Sports are pretty much ahead of our society in race equality. The cream rises to the top. Blacks dominate basketball, football, baseball etc. Whites dominate ice skating and hockey.

What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?

Who told you I thought it didn't apply? Open up business like they did sports and you will see Blacks excel in certain aspects of business just like they do in sports.The problem is unlike sports, white people are not happy when Black people compete on an equal basis. Whites have a 350 year head start due to white AA. 60 years of partial Black AA is not going to fix that chasm.

In other words, you don't think it applies. Why would the business of making cell phones be any less "open" than the business of professional football? Perhaps it's because the former requires the use of brains, whereas the later requires the use of muscle. According to your theory, whites have a natural advantage when it comes to brains, right spear chucker?

You must have completely missed reading comprehension. Whites have a decidedly unnatural advantage in terms of the years spent in control of the market due to white AA. According to my theory whites would lose that if they allowed Black business inclusion. You also reveal your lack of education by not knowing that the process of making your muscles work is the same process of making your brain work. If you are saying Blacks are physically superior then you are admitting we are mentally superior.

Africa, with the colonial powers gone for 40 years, has a definite BLACK ADVANTAGE.

And, typically, nothing to show for it.
That only works if the World Bank run by Europeans was not holding the purse strings. Typically uneducated buffoons like you dont realize this. Besides your deflection has nothing to do with what we are talking about here in the states.
What makes you imagine the same rule doesn't apply in business?

Who told you I thought it didn't apply? Open up business like they did sports and you will see Blacks excel in certain aspects of business just like they do in sports.The problem is unlike sports, white people are not happy when Black people compete on an equal basis. Whites have a 350 year head start due to white AA. 60 years of partial Black AA is not going to fix that chasm.

In other words, you don't think it applies. Why would the business of making cell phones be any less "open" than the business of professional football? Perhaps it's because the former requires the use of brains, whereas the later requires the use of muscle. According to your theory, whites have a natural advantage when it comes to brains, right spear chucker?

You must have completely missed reading comprehension. Whites have a decidedly unnatural advantage in terms of the years spent in control of the market due to white AA. According to my theory whites would lose that if they allowed Black business inclusion. You also reveal your lack of education by not knowing that the process of making your muscles work is the same process of making your brain work. If you are saying Blacks are physically superior then you are admitting we are mentally superior.

Africa, with the colonial powers gone for 40 years, has a definite BLACK ADVANTAGE.

And, typically, nothing to show for it.
That only works if the World Bank run by Europeans was not holding the purse strings. Typically uneducated buffoons like you dont realize this. Besides your deflection has nothing to do with what we are talking about here in the states.

Six years, forty years, whatever, the incompetent, the stupid, the lazy, the non-productive, the ideologue without any grasp in reality will always blame someone else (usually, or even more likely) better than themselves, resorting to name calling like you and your failed president Obama.

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