Young Democrats more likely to despise the other party

Cool, so you shouldn’t have any problem getting a job finally
Lol. Who taught you clowns how to insult? It only stings if there's truth in it. It's why you clowns get triggered when I say you and your culture are deplorable because you venerate piece of shit slavers.
Lol. Who taught you clowns how to insult? It only stings if there's truth in it. It's why you clowns get triggered when I say you and your culture are deplorable because you venerate piece of shit slavers.
We are not going to convince each other. So let us go to war and hopefully it is limited and a few cities get vaporized here. Enough of you. We are looking for any excuse to end this.
Well one, I don't accept your premise. Statues were never meant as tools of education. They are celebrations of people. Its easy to understand this, students don't gather around statues every morning to receive instruction they go to schools and statues typically aren't placed inside classrooms but prominent public spaces.

Secondly, taking down statues isn't erasing history. History is much more resilient then you give it credit for. It exists in memory, in stories, in books, in movies, in pictures, on the internet etc. We preserve more history today than at any other previous point in time.

Third, teaching the real history, that Washington was a piece of shit slave owner is exactly why you are hearing and are going to be hearing more and more calls to stop venerating that piece of shit in our culture.

You're the one seems real triggered by this conversation. I'm fine.

Anyone's. Just not yours. Your ability for either seems broken.

Well, unfortunately just because you don't accept a premise, which is widely accepted by most of the population btw, doesn't make the premise false. You still haven't shown or proven that any conservative is venerating statues of those who fought for the confederacy for the purpose of glorifying slavery. It's just your misguided opinion, formed I'm sure from some bitter leftist who taught you that you were a victim before you could talk. Have you ever been to Gettysburg, that federal park is absolutely teaching anyone who goes there about the history of a sad and bitter time, to claim it doesn't is asinine. Taking down the statues does nothing to change the past, only tries to erase it as if it never happened.

What's your reasoning for not removing these same historical figures from all the mediums you listed? It's just statues that are 'celebrations' of people? lol

Washington clearly wasn't a 'piece of shit', like I said, you're incapable of looking at anything or anyone in its historical context, therefore you're sadly misguided about all of it.

Was the very first slave owner in this country also a 'piece of shit'? Were the Africans who sold their fellow Africans to the Europeans? The muslims? Pretty much every culture in history prior to the 1800's were immoral and corrupt according to you, and none of them should be celebrated for any accomplishments they achieved.
We are not going to convince each other. So let us go to war and hopefully it is limited and a few cities get vaporized here. Enough of you. We are looking for any excuse to end this.
You cuck boys aren't going to get your war. For one you are cucks and by definition, cowards. What's going to happen is you're going to continue lose slowly for the next 2 decades while younger more progressive voters replace your old and dying conservative base and then one day you're going to look around and see your entirely irrelevant and a sad political minority barely more influencial than today's Libertarians.
You cuck boys aren't going to get your war. For one you are cucks and by definition, cowards. What's going to happen is you're going to continue lose slowly for the next 2 decades while younger more progressive voters replace your old and dying conservative base and then one day you're going to look around and see your entirely irrelevant and a sad political minority barely more influencial than today's Libertarians.

So bitter, angry, and vengeful, how sad for you.
Well, unfortunately just because you don't accept a premise, which is widely accepted by most of the population btw, doesn't make the premise false.
Of course not. Facts decide whether premises are true or false.
You still haven't shown or proven that any conservative is venerating statues of those who fought for the confederacy for the purpose of glorifying slavery.
Another red-herring. You added that last part, the part about for the purpose of glorify slavery. I never said that. I said you venerate slavers. Period. Why you venerate them is really besides the point, it's the mere fact that you do indeed venerate slavers and rapists that is all I need to show you to be deplorable.
It's just your misguided opinion, formed I'm sure from some bitter leftist who taught you that you were a victim before you could talk. Have you ever been to Gettysburg, that federal park is absolutely teaching anyone who goes there about the history of a sad and bitter time, to claim it doesn't is asinine. Taking down the statues does nothing to change the past, only tries to erase it as if it never happened.
No, it shows that those pieces of shits aren't worth venerating. You can teach history without doing that.
What's your reasoning for not removing these same historical figures from all the mediums you listed? It's just statues that are 'celebrations' of people? lol
Yep. Symbols are important.
Washington clearly wasn't a 'piece of shit', like I said, you're incapable of looking at anything or anyone in its historical context, therefore you're sadly misguided about all of it.
I'm more than capable of understanding historical context. Maybe you can explain what about the context makes his slaving not deplorable.
Was the very first slave owner in this country also a 'piece of shit'? Were the Africans who sold their fellow Africans to the Europeans? The muslims?
Yes. All slavers, save for the ones who purchased family members because that was their only avenue of escape, were pieces of shit. Slavery is and always was morally wrong.
Pretty much every culture in history prior to the 1800's were immoral and corrupt according to you, and none of them should be celebrated for any accomplishments they achieved.
The deplorable characters and parts of any culture shouldn't be celebrated. That's how cultures change for the better.
Of course not. Facts decide whether premises are true or false.

Another red-herring. You added that last part, the part about for the purpose of glorify slavery. I never said that. I said you venerate slavers. Period. Why you venerate them is really besides the point, it's the mere fact that you do indeed venerate slavers and rapists that is all I need to show you to be deplorable.

No, it shows that those pieces of shits aren't worth venerating. You can teach history without doing that.

Yep. Symbols are important.

I'm more than capable of understanding historical context. Maybe you can explain what about the context makes his slaving not deplorable.

Yes. All slavers, save for the ones who purchased family members because that was their only avenue of escape, were pieces of shit. Slavery is and always was morally wrong.

The deplorable characters and parts of any culture shouldn't be celebrated. That's how cultures change for the better.

What you have are opinions, only yours, not facts. Thankfully most don't agree with your opinions. Tearing statues down changes nothing.
What you have are opinions, only yours, not facts. Thankfully most don't agree with your opinions. Tearing statues down changes nothing.
Plenty agree with me, that's why these statues have been coming down. I'm more than happy to put my belief that slavers and rapists shouldn't be venerated up against yours that they should in the long run. I know which idea will eventually win and eradicate the other. Lol.
Plenty agree with me, that's why these statues have been coming down. I'm more than happy to put my belief that slavers and rapists shouldn't be venerated up against yours that they should in the long run. I know which idea will eventually win and eradicate the other. Lol.

Not plenty enough, places like Gettysburg aren't going anywhere. :cool:
Not plenty enough, places like Gettysburg aren't going anywhere. :cool:
Of course not, I'm not suggesting they should. But certainly enough sea change has happened that statues of Confederates are coming down all over the country. That's just the beginning.
You cuck boys aren't going to get your war. For one you are cucks and by definition, cowards. What's going to happen is you're going to continue lose slowly for the next 2 decades while younger more progressive voters replace your old and dying conservative base and then one day you're going to look around and see your entirely irrelevant and a sad political minority barely more influencial than today's Libertarians.
I am not a cuck boy. I do not want to be bothered anymore. Get it! Stop it! I mind my own business! And still judged for it...All the younger shit means nothing. You are not including the taxes and false currency. You do not even have the intellect to even look it up. More taxes and false fiat currency and deficits that printing the debt money has less of an affect on real growth.
Which it doesn't. Remember the movie "Back to School" where Rodney Dangerfield's character schooled the economics professor? Much truth in that scene. And yet morons like you seem to think a worthless "gender studies" degree is worth anything more than the toilet paper it's printed on.
That idiot has never watched Back to School. What we have here is a pseudo-intellectual braggard who has the sense of humor of a scuffed floorboard. She'd probably blow her stack 10 minutes into the movie and end up in a semi catatonic state, mumbling "racist" over and over.
Of course not, I'm not suggesting they should. But certainly enough sea change has happened that statues of Confederates are coming down all over the country. That's just the beginning.

You've clearly never been there, you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Really? What's next?
I am not a cuck boy. I do not want to be bothered anymore. Get it! Stop it! I mind my own business! And still judged for it...All the younger shit means nothing. You are not including the taxes and false currency. You do not even have the intellect to even look it up. More taxes and false fiat currency and deficits that printing the debt money has less of an affect on real growth.
Lol. No one is going back to the gold standard nut bag.
most people do. very very few are honestly 100% one side or the other. they just pretend the rest of the world is that way and refuse to budge where they disagree out of fear of losing ground on where they do agree.
Most people are good.

Both Political Parties have enormous flaws.
They believe in "Democratic" socialism, where the government has total control of everything and we elect someone to be the leader of that government which has total control of everything. What could possibly go wrong when one person is in charge of a government that has total control?
In Scandinavia and Canada, Welfare State does work.

Young students want an extremely repressive Society, unlike Scandinavia.
Doesn't surprise me. I've seen this dynamic play out. The people who preach tolerance the most are usually the ones who practice it the least.
I agree 100%. Sadly, they view themselves as righteous and anyone who disagrees with them as a heretic.

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