Young Democrats more likely to despise the other party

I am vehemently opposed to democrats because of their Marxist, racist, bigoted anti-American policies.
That said, 99% of my friends, neighbors and colleagues are staunch democrats. I give individuals the benefit of the doubt and chalk up democrat advocacy to their insulated lifestyles.
However, when I posted a comment on FB that challenged a BLM cross-burning (their name painted all over a local Washington DC street), I was socially lynched by over a hundred democrats. No personal contact or questions asked. Just utter democrat intolerance and bigotry.
Hahaha…what metric are you using?
How many black folks were raped, maimed or murdered by white racists in St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles this year?
I'm using an objective method that takes into all the raping, slaving and thieving whites did to blacks over the centuries for us to arrive at the situation we have now.
Do statues teach history? Are you suggesting we can't teach about Hitler without erecting a statue to Hitler?

Yes, they do teach history. If you didn't look at everything through your racist lens, you would understand that. And if that's your entire argument as to why every conservative is a 'racist', it's pretty pathetic.
I'm using an objective method that takes into all the raping, slaving and thieving whites did to blacks over the centuries for us to arrive at the situation we have now.

So you support learning history when it allows you to play the victim for your entire existence? More like subjective method, nothing objective about it.
Yes, they do teach history. If you didn't look at everything through your racist lens, you would understand that.
The problem here is your argument isn't supported by reason. "Yes they do teach history" is a statement, but where's the proof? The only other statement you give in support of this argument is a personal attack which isn't proof either.
And if that's your entire argument as to why every conservative is a 'racist', it's pretty pathetic.
That isn't my only argument, it's just my opening one and it's a pretty good one. So good you haven't been able to discredit it with logic or reason, but keep throwing angry words at it and see if that helps. Lol.
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I'm using an objective method that takes into all the raping, slaving and thieving whites did to blacks over the centuries for us to arrive at the situation we have now.
How do you suppose the Kenyan Messiah and Oprah made it in America?
:cuckoo: - Yeah, cause 'slave and rape idolaters' are behind every corner, you're a lunatic.
I feel as if you think calling people names is a substitute for sound logic and reason. Lol.
So you support learning history when it allows you to play the victim for your entire existence? More like subjective method, nothing objective about it.
Objectively Washington was a slaver and clearly plenty of white Americans idolize him. Those are object facts. Sorry if you find them inconvenient. Lol.
The problem here is your argument isn't supported by reason. "Yes they do teach history" is a statement, but where's the proof? The only other statement you give in support of this argument is a personal attack which isn't proof either.

That isn't my only argument, it's just my opening one and it's a pretty good one. So good you haven't been able to discredit with logic or reason, but keep throwing angry words at it and see if that helps. Lol.

Okay, well tell us why they don't teach history? Let's take a statue of Robert E Lee as an example, you would just prefer to erase him from history? Why don't we just erase the whole entire history of slavery then? All it does is apparently breed victimhood that you feel comfortable reveling in, even though you've never been a slave, nor will you be. So let's just not teach future generations about it at all.

'Logic and reason', whose? Yours? lol
I feel as if you think calling people names is a substitute for sound logic and reason. Lol.

Objectively Washington was a slaver and clearly plenty of white Americans idolize him. Those are object facts. Sorry if you find them inconvenient. Lol.

If the shoe fits.... you seem to enjoy doing it as well, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

And they idolize him for owning slaves? Are you incapable of looking at a point in history in the historical context that existed at that point in time, or is that beyond your capabilities?
Okay, well tell us why they don't teach history? Let's take a statue of Robert E Lee as an example, you would just prefer to erase him from history? Why don't we just erase the whole entire history of slavery then?
Well one, I don't accept your premise. Statues were never meant as tools of education. They are celebrations of people. Its easy to understand this, students don't gather around statues every morning to receive instruction they go to schools and statues typically aren't placed inside classrooms but prominent public spaces.

Secondly, taking down statues isn't erasing history. History is much more resilient then you give it credit for. It exists in memory, in stories, in books, in movies, in pictures, on the internet etc. We preserve more history today than at any other previous point in time.

Third, teaching the real history, that Washington was a piece of shit slave owner is exactly why you are hearing and are going to be hearing more and more calls to stop venerating that piece of shit in our culture.
All it does is apparently breed victimhood that you feel comfortable reveling in, even though you've never been a slave, nor will you be. So let's just not teach future generations about it at all.
You're the one seems real triggered by this conversation. I'm fine.
'Logic and reason', whose? Yours? lol
Anyone's. Just not yours. Your ability for either seems broken.
If the shoe fits.... you seem to enjoy doing it as well, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

And they idolize him for owning slaves? Are you incapable of looking at a point in history in the historical context that existed at that point in time, or is that beyond your capabilities?
Sure, I'm capable of doing that, but no amount of historical context makes slavers anything but pieces of shit. Slavers and rapists of any time are pieces of shit.

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