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Young men giving up on marriage: Women aren't women anymore

“The problem? This new phenomenon has changed the dance between men and women,” Venker wrote. With feminism pushing them out of their traditional role of breadwinner, protector and provider – and divorce laws increasingly creating a dangerously precarious financial prospect for the men cut loose from marriage – men are simply no longer finding any benefit in it.

Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’

This is the lovely damage the liberal morons have created for those kids born anywhere from the late 70's to now this present day! Good job zero four thirty you have created a world that will take years to undo and you hippe liberal fks thought you had it bad in your day...........lmfao

Then factor in the retard for parents telling the boys they are girls, the schools telling them they are boys oh wait be whatever you want in fact you can identify as being a phucking goat if you want. Just have it put on your birth certificate.

Young women have up on marriage too. People born in the late 70's aren't young kids. :lol:

Why do people need to get married?
Another factor is that men can get foreign brides and women don't. All that is happening is that women who make the wrong reproductive decisions have fewer children and their genetically influenced behavior is reducing in frequency. Arguments about the behaviors will have no serious influence on outcomes.

Men have always been able to get foreign brides. That's not a new factor. Women who can support themselves financially don't have to be married. They choose whether they want to now out of love not monetary survival.
The sad thing is that most married men these days are cucks that let their wives and even children walk all over them. Men are too afraid to tell their women "no", and they all want to be best friends with their kids.

For example the other day I was eating at the food court, I notice a young man trying to call his son over to his table. The son is running around playing at other tables. When the kid refuses to obey his father, what happens next? The guy then offers his son he'll play with him if he comes over, "hey buddy, do you want to come over here and we'll play with your cars?" The kid still refused. Of course the wife was sitting at another table gabbing with some other land whale not caring at all.
I'm just sitting there shaking my head.
Case After Case

This is one of the main causes of homosexuality. The son sees the father dominated by the mother, so he wants to become a woman. anderson cooper's dad was a trophy husband of a billionaire heiress; that's what drove him to become a piledriver.

The mother of Richard the Lion-Hearted was the most dominant woman since Cleopatra; he turned Gayist.
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I agree with this 100%...

Men are being shit on and pushed out of the family by women that have been trained all their lives to hate them because of fucking feminism.

-Can't be a man anymore. Don't get me wrong I think it is cool if you want to be a girly man but most men don't! Most men need to feel like they're head of something as our evolution as a primate demands it! If not then we don't want anything to do with it.
-Can't have a opinion or any say in the family...Gots to feel like shit and that she is always effin right or she'll leave you and take half of everything you own.

I am sorry but modern marriage in this country is very bad for men as women don't feel like they should honor their side of the fucking deal and that is only the start of why feminism is bad....Other areas is in the work place and education that works against our boys in everyway.

America was better in the 40's and 50's in many ways as economic liberalism allowed one man to buy a good house, raise 3-5 kids and have the women at home...Thank the unions and anti-trust for that mindwars....

If anything the femenist movement helped grow single parent families(more so in the black family!), hurt our educational standards and fucked over millions of years of human evolution. Yes, I believe feminism creating the environment for the mother to work 40-50 hours a week and not caring to have a man is why blacks in general are hurting....

I say this as someone who is a democrat.

A lot of those good times in the 50's was due to the fact that the USA was way ahead in manufacturing etc. and didn't face much competition, so times were good. Almost all families could live on one income. Most of Europe and the orient were still recovering from WW2. I remember my Dad and a couple of his friends remarking on the competition this country faced in the future, after viewing a couple items from Europe on sale in the local hardware store. Quality good, price low. This was about 1956 or '57. Sputnik was the big wakeup call. We weren't the only ones in the world with great capabilities anymore.
A Fish Rots From the Head Down

That's what we're told to think, over and over again. But logically, we were way ahead and so should have stayed ahead by that much even as other countries recovered. We had been ahead for almost two centuries before that without any devastating wars keeping our competition behind.

The reason for the decline is that America began fully developing only 1% of its talent. The rest were expected to make the rich richer, which is a downer even if they comply.
From time to time we feel the urge to hunt down the participants in a so-called "gay marriage" and express our heartfelt sentiments about their diseased deviance.

"Hey, Dirty Greasebutt Filth," we say kindly. "You and your kind are an abomination before Almighty God, Our Savior, Father of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!"

On occasion our constructive criticism results in the loathsome netherworld beasts mouthing off and/or physically assaulting us.

That's when we get to have some real fun: BAM! WHACK! POW! WHUB! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!

Self-defense can be an enormous pleasure.

It is the Will of God.

Know what we mean?
Hope you try it on a couple of Pink Pistols soon, and I hope it ends with you spending at least a year conscious, aware, but totally paralysed and unable to communicate in any way.
I'm for the right for women to be in the work force....but living in the US and traveling to more family oriented countries. I see huge problems in the US:
First thing women in general here try so hard to be as tough as possible to gain respect, and that strips them from their feminism in my opinion, you don't have to be weak but act like a female.
That leads to high divorce rate (one of the highest in the world)and kids grow up with major psychological issues and unstable emotionaly.
Men and women were created for different roles and when one or other steps away from his/her role malfunction happens.
I was the luckiest man to marry a working mom, that's feminine and knows her role and appreciates it, and realised that her kids needs her more than her career. But if I would marry again it'll never be an American woman, cause that breed of women is instinct in here.

Horseshit to all of you.
If young men can't handle an equal partner in a relationship, that's on them, not the woman.
If a young man can't cope with pitching in with housework and taking care of the kids, that's his problem. Women work and do all that. What's wrong with men if they can't?
There's no dark evil plot involved and no political party responsible, because what you're talking about actually isn't happening. Maybe the young people aren't committing to the piece of paper, but that's not because they are turned off by feminism. Just the writer of OP's article.
I'm for the right for women to be in the work force....but living in the US and traveling to more family oriented countries. I see huge problems in the US:
First thing women in general here try so hard to be as tough as possible to gain respect, and that strips them from their feminism in my opinion, you don't have to be weak but act like a female.
That leads to high divorce rate (one of the highest in the world)and kids grow up with major psychological issues and unstable emotionaly.
Men and women were created for different roles and when one or other steps away from his/her role malfunction happens.
I was the luckiest man to marry a working mom, that's feminine and knows her role and appreciates it, and realised that her kids needs her more than her career. But if I would marry again it'll never be an American woman, cause that breed of women is instinct in here.

Horseshit to all of you.
If young men can't handle an equal partner in a relationship, that's on them, not the woman.
If a young man can't cope with pitching in with housework and taking care of the kids, that's his problem. Women work and do all that. What's wrong with men if they can't?
There's no dark evil plot involved and no political party responsible, because what you're talking about actually isn't happening. Maybe the young people aren't committing to the piece of paper, but that's not because they are turned off by feminism. Just the writer of OP's article.

Right on and good for you. and her.
Case After Case

This is one of the main causes of homosexuality. The son sees the father dominated by the mother, so he wants to become a woman. anderson cooper's dad was a trophy husband of a billionaire heiress; that's what drove him to become a piledriver.

The mother of Richard the Lion-Hearted was the most dominant woman since Cleopatra; he turned Gayist.
While all that sounds rather convincing it doesn't work that way. Without the essential hormonal impetus one will not (cannot) experience homosexual impulses regardless of any social circumstances or emotional intensity. E.g., men who claim they were turned into homosexuals in prison were in fact latently homosexual, even if they never were willing to acknowledge it.
Our child support laws are the worst. 90% of child support is paid by men. And there is no oversight. The bitches take the money and spend it on themselves.
As far as "good" husband's who are protector provider's - fuck that noise. Every woman must be ready to support themselves (and their children) at all times. No matter what your "Christian" or "Traditional values" husband says he believes or will do - do /not/ trust him. Ferret money into a private account that he has zero legal right to, even if you never spend it, you should always be prepared for unforeseen occurrences.

On the "women fuck over men" - 100% correct, for the good reasons, and the bad ones. Women are bitches, especially when angered. Watch out for the snowflake ones, I bet they'd bite your dick off. Men should also always prepare for unforeseen occurrences and ferret away some private cash for lawyers heh
I agree with this 100%...

Men are being shit on and pushed out of the family by women that have been trained all their lives to hate them because of fucking feminism.

-Can't be a man anymore. Don't get me wrong I think it is cool if you want to be a girly man but most men don't! Most men need to feel like they're head of something as our evolution as a primate demands it! If not then we don't want anything to do with it.
-Can't have a opinion or any say in the family...Gots to feel like shit and that she is always effin right or she'll leave you and take half of everything you own.

I am sorry but modern marriage in this country is very bad for men as women don't feel like they should honor their side of the fucking deal and that is only the start of why feminism is bad....Other areas is in the work place and education that works against our boys in everyway.

America was better in the 40's and 50's in many ways as economic liberalism allowed one man to buy a good house, raise 3-5 kids and have the women at home...Thank the unions and anti-trust for that mindwars....

If anything the femenist movement helped grow single parent families(more so in the black family!), hurt our educational standards and fucked over millions of years of human evolution. Yes, I believe feminism creating the environment for the mother to work 40-50 hours a week and not caring to have a man is why blacks in general are hurting....

I say this as someone that is a democrat.
Why the FUCK are you a democrat then?
If young men can't handle an equal partner in a relationship, that's on them, not the woman.
If a young man can't cope with pitching in with housework and taking care of the kids, that's his problem. Women work and do all that. What's wrong with men if they can't?

When the car breaks down, who fixes it?. When there's a burglar in the house, who chases him off? THINK, you maggot-sucking lezbo.
I agree with this 100%...

Men are being shit on and pushed out of the family by women that have been trained all their lives to hate them because of fucking feminism.

-Can't be a man anymore. Don't get me wrong I think it is cool if you want to be a girly man but most men don't! Most men need to feel like they're head of something as our evolution as a primate demands it! If not then we don't want anything to do with it.
-Can't have a opinion or any say in the family...Gots to feel like shit and that she is always effin right or she'll leave you and take half of everything you own.

I am sorry but modern marriage in this country is very bad for men as women don't feel like they should honor their side of the fucking deal and that is only the start of why feminism is bad....Other areas is in the work place and education that works against our boys in everyway.

America was better in the 40's and 50's in many ways as economic liberalism allowed one man to buy a good house, raise 3-5 kids and have the women at home...Thank the unions and anti-trust for that mindwars....

If anything the femenist movement helped grow single parent families(more so in the black family!), hurt our educational standards and fucked over millions of years of human evolution. Yes, I believe feminism creating the environment for the mother to work 40-50 hours a week and not caring to have a man is why blacks in general are hurting....

I say this as someone who is a democrat.

A lot of those good times in the 50's was due to the fact that the USA was way ahead in manufacturing etc. and didn't face much competition, so times were good. Almost all families could live on one income. Most of Europe and the orient were still recovering from WW2. I remember my Dad and a couple of his friends remarking on the competition this country faced in the future, after viewing a couple items from Europe on sale in the local hardware store. Quality good, price low. This was about 1956 or '57. Sputnik was the big wakeup call. We weren't the only ones in the world with great capabilities anymore.
A Fish Rots From the Head Down

That's what we're told to think, over and over again. But logically, we were way ahead and so should have stayed ahead by that much even as other countries recovered. We had been ahead for almost two centuries before that without any devastating wars keeping our competition behind.

The reason for the decline is that America began fully developing only 1% of its talent. The rest were expected to make the rich richer, which is a downer even if they comply.

Leftist class warfare at its best.
From time to time we feel the urge to hunt down the participants in a so-called "gay marriage" and express our heartfelt sentiments about their diseased deviance.

"Hey, Dirty Greasebutt Filth," we say kindly. "You and your kind are an abomination before Almighty God, Our Savior, Father of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!"

On occasion our constructive criticism results in the loathsome netherworld beasts mouthing off and/or physically assaulting us.

That's when we get to have some real fun: BAM! WHACK! POW! WHUB! STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!

Self-defense can be an enormous pleasure.

It is the Will of God.

Know what we mean?

Jesus hates you.
If young men can't handle an equal partner in a relationship, that's on them, not the woman.
If a young man can't cope with pitching in with housework and taking care of the kids, that's his problem. Women work and do all that. What's wrong with men if they can't?

When the car breaks down, who fixes it?. When there's a burglar in the house, who chases him off? THINK, you maggot-sucking lezbo.
My wife wrenches on her own car...she did the brakes on her Blazer last weekend.

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