Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election

Won't be if your side doesn't get the House in the midterms-) The only reason we are standing still is-----------> collusion/delusion, and the ability of the Democrats to gaslight everyone on how letting illegals in is really what America wants.

If the Democrats get spanked on election day, within a week of proving that America was gaslighted, the whole border situation policy is going to be ramped up, and Herr Mueheller will either be forced to do something, or be fired...….and Trump will have 2 years to smooth that over before 2020.

Doubt me-)

Nope, you don't, because if anything, you know Trump, and how much political capital he will have if he carries the midterms, along with how much the Democrats credibility will be in the trash can!
Okay, so let me know if I'm seeing this correctly: The plan is to revise/fix the immigration system so that more white (Norman used the term "European") people would be let in, and fewer black and brown people would be let in. This would keep the overall ideological mix more to the GOP's liking.

Is that a fair characterization?

LOL, no. Are you for diversity? Yes or no!

Therefore, by the LEFTS OWN counting, everything being equal, if people are allowed in, it would become one for one, now wouldn't it. What that means is, the change in demographics would slow, and give current immigrants time to become assimilated. And again, if assimilated, they usually don't become progressives, and in fact change just like home grown Americans sometime in their 30s.

Translation---------> Democratic party would be forced to moderate, as virtually all people coming over from Europe want nothing to do with socialism. Even those in Norway know, that they are a "big nanny state," and NOT Democratic Socialist. Democratic Socialism, is a fabricated term created by the Left in this country to make it more palatable.

By the way, haven't yet heard the outcome in Germany of Merkel. Has anyone? Or hasn't it been determined yet?

You see, no matter what happens there, it is going in OUR direction, even if she holds power. The whole world is coming to the conclusion, that Far Left idiocy does NOT work! And we still have around 4 months to drive that message home, along with showing what measures other countries are taking, because OPEN BORDERS do NOT work!
Well, Norman agreed with my characterization.

So I'd be interested to see a conversation on this between the two of you.

LOL, no need. A person who doesn't want someone moving into their neighborhood because they committed a sex crime, likes the idea that someone else doesn't want them moving in because if they stop them, they can buy the property at a cut rate themselves. Like minded goals create strange bedfellows.

It is really easy to lambast ideas as long as you use the most odious ideas for them being implemented, which is exactly what the Left does. The Left ALWAYS try's to frame the debate in that way, but this time, (and hopefully from here forward) Conservatives aren't allowing that to happen.

This isn't about people being brown, or black, or blue, or pink, it is about being illegal! Did you see the clown from Norway who started the massive fire in Colorado? I believe he was illegal also. So by your logic, we should be in support of him, lolol......NOT!

Forget the color of ones skin, it is all about ILLEGAL, that is the bottom line. We as citizens have the RIGHT to demand our borders be secured as long as it is the law of the land. You don't like the law of the land? THEN CHANGE IT! Put a bill in right now. Force EVERY DEMOCRAT in congress to put in for a bill on Thursday with 5 words in it---------------> We shall have open borders! Lets see how that works out for your side-)

And quit trying to convince the rest of us to feel badly about ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE LAND! Especially when your side still hasn't put up ANYTHING to change the laws, nor will they because we both know what would happen. In essence, they are hypocrites, and anyone in congress who takes their position of insisting that this is bad, but refuses to put forth a bill to change the law because of their re-election chances, are nothing more than phony-e-baloneys!

You people have no case until YOUR SIDE puts their ass on the line politically, instead of demanding every one else do their political job for them!
Well, I can certainly see now why you folks are not trying to change minds to your ideology, particularly minorities.

Changing minds regarding ideology is no longer the game Mac, the two Washington Crime Families are/have been engaged in an exercise in branding. They're not grounded in anything as concrete as ideology or principles. They'll say or do whatever the party bosses believe is necessary to hang on to their base and convince a majority of "independents" to side with 'em.

IMHO the general populace isn't even capable of grasping a debate on ideology, they want cute sound bytes and emoticon antics, in other words BREAD AND CIRCUSES, whomever comes up with the best tasting bread and most entertaining clowns wins.
Okay, so let me know if I'm seeing this correctly: The plan is to revise/fix the immigration system so that more white (Norman used the term "European") people would be let in, and fewer black and brown people would be let in. This would keep the overall ideological mix more to the GOP's liking.

Is that a fair characterization?

LOL, no. Are you for diversity? Yes or no!

Therefore, by the LEFTS OWN counting, everything being equal, if people are allowed in, it would become one for one, now wouldn't it. What that means is, the change in demographics would slow, and give current immigrants time to become assimilated. And again, if assimilated, they usually don't become progressives, and in fact change just like home grown Americans sometime in their 30s.

Translation---------> Democratic party would be forced to moderate, as virtually all people coming over from Europe want nothing to do with socialism. Even those in Norway know, that they are a "big nanny state," and NOT Democratic Socialist. Democratic Socialism, is a fabricated term created by the Left in this country to make it more palatable.

By the way, haven't yet heard the outcome in Germany of Merkel. Has anyone? Or hasn't it been determined yet?

You see, no matter what happens there, it is going in OUR direction, even if she holds power. The whole world is coming to the conclusion, that Far Left idiocy does NOT work! And we still have around 4 months to drive that message home, along with showing what measures other countries are taking, because OPEN BORDERS do NOT work!
Well, Norman agreed with my characterization.

So I'd be interested to see a conversation on this between the two of you.

LOL, no need. A person who doesn't want someone moving into their neighborhood because they committed a sex crime, likes the idea that someone else doesn't want them moving in because if they stop them, they can buy the property at a cut rate themselves. Like minded goals create strange bedfellows.

It is really easy to lambast ideas as long as you use the most odious ideas for them being implemented, which is exactly what the Left does. The Left ALWAYS try's to frame the debate in that way, but this time, (and hopefully from here forward) Conservatives aren't allowing that to happen.

This isn't about people being brown, or black, or blue, or pink, it is about being illegal! Did you see the clown from Norway who started the massive fire in Colorado? I believe he was illegal also. So by your logic, we should be in support of him, lolol......NOT!

Forget the color of ones skin, it is all about ILLEGAL, that is the bottom line. We as citizens have the RIGHT to demand our borders be secured as long as it is the law of the land. You don't like the law of the land? THEN CHANGE IT! Put a bill in right now. Force EVERY DEMOCRAT in congress to put in for a bill on Thursday with 5 words in it---------------> We shall have open borders! Lets see how that works out for your side-)

And quit trying to convince the rest of us to feel badly about ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE LAND! Especially when your side still hasn't put up ANYTHING to change the laws, nor will they because we both know what would happen. In essence, they are hypocrites, and anyone in congress who takes their position of insisting that this is bad, but refuses to put forth a bill to change the law because of their re-election chances, are nothing more than phony-e-baloneys!

You people have no case until YOUR SIDE puts their ass on the line politically, instead of demanding every one else do their political job for them!
Well, I can certainly see now why you folks are not trying to change minds to your ideology, particularly minorities.

Changing minds regarding ideology is no longer the game Mac, the two Washington Crime Families are/have been engaged in an exercise in branding. They're not grounded in anything as concrete as ideology or principles. They'll say or do whatever the party bosses believe is necessary to hang on to their base and convince a majority of "independents" to side with 'em.

IMHO the general populace isn't even capable of grasping a debate on ideology, they want cute sound bytes and emoticon antics, in other words BREAD AND CIRCUSES, whomever comes up with the best tasting bread and most entertaining clowns wins.
I'm afraid you're right. It appears that the strategy is not to do the heavy lifting of changing minds, but to manipulate the system so that those who agree with ME simply outnumber those who can resist.

This is a fucking perversion.
LOL, no. Are you for diversity? Yes or no!

Therefore, by the LEFTS OWN counting, everything being equal, if people are allowed in, it would become one for one, now wouldn't it. What that means is, the change in demographics would slow, and give current immigrants time to become assimilated. And again, if assimilated, they usually don't become progressives, and in fact change just like home grown Americans sometime in their 30s.

Translation---------> Democratic party would be forced to moderate, as virtually all people coming over from Europe want nothing to do with socialism. Even those in Norway know, that they are a "big nanny state," and NOT Democratic Socialist. Democratic Socialism, is a fabricated term created by the Left in this country to make it more palatable.

By the way, haven't yet heard the outcome in Germany of Merkel. Has anyone? Or hasn't it been determined yet?

You see, no matter what happens there, it is going in OUR direction, even if she holds power. The whole world is coming to the conclusion, that Far Left idiocy does NOT work! And we still have around 4 months to drive that message home, along with showing what measures other countries are taking, because OPEN BORDERS do NOT work!
Well, Norman agreed with my characterization.

So I'd be interested to see a conversation on this between the two of you.

LOL, no need. A person who doesn't want someone moving into their neighborhood because they committed a sex crime, likes the idea that someone else doesn't want them moving in because if they stop them, they can buy the property at a cut rate themselves. Like minded goals create strange bedfellows.

It is really easy to lambast ideas as long as you use the most odious ideas for them being implemented, which is exactly what the Left does. The Left ALWAYS try's to frame the debate in that way, but this time, (and hopefully from here forward) Conservatives aren't allowing that to happen.

This isn't about people being brown, or black, or blue, or pink, it is about being illegal! Did you see the clown from Norway who started the massive fire in Colorado? I believe he was illegal also. So by your logic, we should be in support of him, lolol......NOT!

Forget the color of ones skin, it is all about ILLEGAL, that is the bottom line. We as citizens have the RIGHT to demand our borders be secured as long as it is the law of the land. You don't like the law of the land? THEN CHANGE IT! Put a bill in right now. Force EVERY DEMOCRAT in congress to put in for a bill on Thursday with 5 words in it---------------> We shall have open borders! Lets see how that works out for your side-)

And quit trying to convince the rest of us to feel badly about ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE LAND! Especially when your side still hasn't put up ANYTHING to change the laws, nor will they because we both know what would happen. In essence, they are hypocrites, and anyone in congress who takes their position of insisting that this is bad, but refuses to put forth a bill to change the law because of their re-election chances, are nothing more than phony-e-baloneys!

You people have no case until YOUR SIDE puts their ass on the line politically, instead of demanding every one else do their political job for them!
Well, I can certainly see now why you folks are not trying to change minds to your ideology, particularly minorities.

Changing minds regarding ideology is no longer the game Mac, the two Washington Crime Families are/have been engaged in an exercise in branding. They're not grounded in anything as concrete as ideology or principles. They'll say or do whatever the party bosses believe is necessary to hang on to their base and convince a majority of "independents" to side with 'em.

IMHO the general populace isn't even capable of grasping a debate on ideology, they want cute sound bytes and emoticon antics, in other words BREAD AND CIRCUSES, whomever comes up with the best tasting bread and most entertaining clowns wins.
I'm afraid you're right.
LOL, yeah that happens once every century or so.

It appears that the strategy is not to do the heavy lifting of changing minds, but to manipulate the system so that those who agree with ME simply outnumber those who can resist.

This is a fucking perversion.
I think they're working on changing minds but I'm afraid it's not in a way that will generate positive long term results, everything is focused on short term election cycle to election cycle vote buying and class/race/gender/sexuality/etc..., variation pandering and IMHO it's been a pretty common situation throughout history. Politics always seems to break down to the lowest common denominator and unfortunately the LCD of the American Citizenry is pretty fucking low these days.

"We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Walt Kelly
Well, Norman agreed with my characterization.

So I'd be interested to see a conversation on this between the two of you.

LOL, no need. A person who doesn't want someone moving into their neighborhood because they committed a sex crime, likes the idea that someone else doesn't want them moving in because if they stop them, they can buy the property at a cut rate themselves. Like minded goals create strange bedfellows.

It is really easy to lambast ideas as long as you use the most odious ideas for them being implemented, which is exactly what the Left does. The Left ALWAYS try's to frame the debate in that way, but this time, (and hopefully from here forward) Conservatives aren't allowing that to happen.

This isn't about people being brown, or black, or blue, or pink, it is about being illegal! Did you see the clown from Norway who started the massive fire in Colorado? I believe he was illegal also. So by your logic, we should be in support of him, lolol......NOT!

Forget the color of ones skin, it is all about ILLEGAL, that is the bottom line. We as citizens have the RIGHT to demand our borders be secured as long as it is the law of the land. You don't like the law of the land? THEN CHANGE IT! Put a bill in right now. Force EVERY DEMOCRAT in congress to put in for a bill on Thursday with 5 words in it---------------> We shall have open borders! Lets see how that works out for your side-)

And quit trying to convince the rest of us to feel badly about ENFORCING THE LAWS OF THE LAND! Especially when your side still hasn't put up ANYTHING to change the laws, nor will they because we both know what would happen. In essence, they are hypocrites, and anyone in congress who takes their position of insisting that this is bad, but refuses to put forth a bill to change the law because of their re-election chances, are nothing more than phony-e-baloneys!

You people have no case until YOUR SIDE puts their ass on the line politically, instead of demanding every one else do their political job for them!
Well, I can certainly see now why you folks are not trying to change minds to your ideology, particularly minorities.

Changing minds regarding ideology is no longer the game Mac, the two Washington Crime Families are/have been engaged in an exercise in branding. They're not grounded in anything as concrete as ideology or principles. They'll say or do whatever the party bosses believe is necessary to hang on to their base and convince a majority of "independents" to side with 'em.

IMHO the general populace isn't even capable of grasping a debate on ideology, they want cute sound bytes and emoticon antics, in other words BREAD AND CIRCUSES, whomever comes up with the best tasting bread and most entertaining clowns wins.
I'm afraid you're right.
LOL, yeah that happens once every century or so.

It appears that the strategy is not to do the heavy lifting of changing minds, but to manipulate the system so that those who agree with ME simply outnumber those who can resist.

This is a fucking perversion.
I think they're working on changing minds but I'm afraid it's not in a way that will generate positive long term results, everything is focused on short term election cycle to election cycle vote buying and class/race/gender/sexuality/etc..., variation pandering and IMHO it's been a pretty common situation throughout history. Politics always seems to break down to the lowest common denominator and unfortunately the LCD of the American Citizenry is pretty fucking low these days.

"We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Walt Kelly
Well, the explanation I've received on this thread does explain a few things. Whenever I suggest the possibility of reaching out to minorities, the response I get is either "we tried that and it didn't work" (as ridiculous as that is) or "what, and promise them free stuff"? (which is both ignorant and bigoted).

So I'm told that the goal here is to simply manipulate the immigration system to bring in more white folks and fewer black/brown folks. Okay. While it'll take some time for me to fully process something like that, at least it makes sense in context.

It also makes sense within your context, in that "politics always seems to break down to the lowest common denominator and unfortunately the LCD of the American Citizenry is pretty fucking low these days".

Blech. Oh well. At least it's more clear now.
Well, the explanation I've received on this thread does explain a few things. Whenever I suggest the possibility of reaching out to minorities, the response I get is either "we tried that and it didn't work" (as ridiculous as that is) or "what, and promise them free stuff"? (which is both ignorant and bigoted).

That's never been the Republican platform. The Republican platform is to treat everybody the same way, not give special things to special people.
Well, the explanation I've received on this thread does explain a few things. Whenever I suggest the possibility of reaching out to minorities, the response I get is either "we tried that and it didn't work" (as ridiculous as that is) or "what, and promise them free stuff"? (which is both ignorant and bigoted).
That's never been the Republican platform. The Republican platform is to treat everybody the same way, not give special things to special people.
I didn't say it was in the platform.
The thread title is NO surprise.


As the Caucasian population continues its unprecedented slide, more and more young Caucasians (who keep their mouths shut at school and at work and in society in general) will feel more and more uncomfortable with the developments of the "new" United States.

They will stop voting for the Democratic Party (which will be dominated by the new majority) or stop voting altogether (the Republican Party may even cease to exist), or they may even emigrate to another country (maybe Russia?).

What's really happening is the Democrat party became the anti-white party and more and more whites are beginning to see this. Why would anybody but a lib support a party that is anti-them?
Well, the explanation I've received on this thread does explain a few things. Whenever I suggest the possibility of reaching out to minorities, the response I get is either "we tried that and it didn't work"

Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you envision when you say "reaching out to minorities" ? In other words, what are your specific suggestions?
You can only tell people to shut up and sit down so long before they decide to find someone who will listen to them.
I am holding out hope that some of the youth in this country are starting to figure out on their own that liberalism is just propaganda they taught them in school.
There has been a mind-boggling movement by young people towards libertarianism. Of course, being young, stupid, and indoctrinated, the majority are ignorant socialists. By society has never seen a young generation so far right before. Assuming some of those socialists will grow up, mature, and realize the monumental failure of the left-wing ideology, we are set to have a very large and very sound conservative voter base for decades. It is safe to say things are not nearly as grim as the left wants conservatives to believe.
I have been saying this for years.

Without immigrants Democrats are a dead party in the not too distant future.
Without racial and religious hatred orange Jesus would not be in the Whitehouse and only an idiot would deny this.

by Russian Bots and trolls

Hamilton 68: Tracking Putin's Propaganda Push... To America

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg
Well, the explanation I've received on this thread does explain a few things. Whenever I suggest the possibility of reaching out to minorities, the response I get is either "we tried that and it didn't work"
Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you envision when you say "reaching out to minorities" ? In other words, what are your specific suggestions?
It would have to involve something that simply cannot happen right now - the GOP would have to (a) publicly, loudly and clearly distance itself from, and condemn, the real racists and bigots within its party (even more difficult when the President has pretended to not know who David Duke is), and (b) just admit that there have been powerful elements within the party that have had too much influence.

Normally, I would suggest starting with Hispanics and Latinos, who share certain core philosophies with Republicans, such as family, religion, and hard work. But there remain far too many people in the party whom Hispanics and Latinos find repulsive (the aforementioned "what, give 'em free stuff?" types).

But I can see this is a moot point, that I was wasting my time. Okay, we'll see if this immigration thing works. I don't know how.
In 1996 we heard the Republican Party was dying, after 2004 we heard the Democratic Party was dying, in 2008 the Republican Party was dying, 2010 Democratic Party, 2012 Republican Party, 2016 we back to the Democratic Party, anyone besides me seeing a pattern here?

If the Democratic Party makes big gains in November, I’m willing to bet we will hear that the Republican Party is dying. Any want to take that bet?
Young people support Democrats over Republicans 69%-28% in November.

Institute of Politics Spring 2018 Youth Poll

Now watch all the old guys living in their news bubble try to tell us this is wrong/fake.

The gap between young people and the old people has never been higher. Young people aren’t scared of change and darkies like old people.

Well young people don't know very much about politics but learn after they start paying taxes and become aware of what's going on. When I was a lad at 18 I had long hair, smoked pot, anti-war, anti-police, played lead guitar in a rock band, and registered as a Democrat at the age of 20.

The only similarity I have now from a kid is that I still play my guitar from time to time.

Kids talk about kids stuff. But adults talk about adult stuff like politics. That's when one starts learning about it.
In 1996 we heard the Republican Party was dying, after 2004 we heard the Democratic Party was dying, in 2008 the Republican Party was dying, 2010 Democratic Party, 2012 Republican Party, 2016 we back to the Democratic Party, anyone besides me seeing a pattern here?

If the Democratic Party makes big gains in November, I’m willing to bet we will hear that the Republican Party is dying. Any want to take that bet?

I don't know about you, but I've been hearing that the GOP is a bunch of rich old white dudes dying off since the 70's.
Young people support Democrats over Republicans 69%-28% in November.

Institute of Politics Spring 2018 Youth Poll

Now watch all the old guys living in their news bubble try to tell us this is wrong/fake.

The gap between young people and the old people has never been higher. Young people aren’t scared of change and darkies like old people.

Well young people don't know very much about politics but learn after they start paying taxes and become aware of what's going on. When I was a lad at 18 I had long hair, smoked pot, anti-war, anti-police, played lead guitar in a rock band, and registered as a Democrat at the age of 20.

The only similarity I have now from a kid is that I still play my guitar from time to time.

Kids talk about kids stuff. But adults talk about adult stuff like politics. That's when one starts learning about it.

Young people voted for Reagan over Mondale by 9 points.

But thanks for proving my point about old people living in denial.
Without immigrants Democrats are a dead party in the not too distant future.
holy crap

True statement, even today they would be a dead party without the immigrant vote.

Of course, this assumes that their policies and visions wouldn't change. That is unrealistic, but actually the whole point. Without all these immigrants this party would have to act sane, and as we increase the number of 3rd world immigrants they and America in general will become progressively insane.

And this has nothing to do with the fact that you are mixed race and appear sane. Don't confuse your personal experiences with the general trends.
You're not going to stop immigration, so it might be a better idea to concentrate on an electorate that is changing. But, I know, the GOP has clearly decided to ignore our changing demographics.

That's fine, but the notion that the Democratic Party is going away is pure talk radio fantasy. We'll see how long the GOP can play only to its base, because that's all it cares about.
The GOP changed with Trump.

Talk radio is paranoid that Democrats will rule everything after Trump. None of them think Democrats are going away, just like none of them believed Trump would win.

Without white millennials(and their non-white friends), Democrats are toast.
Without immigrants Democrats are a dead party in the not too distant future.
holy crap

True statement, even today they would be a dead party without the immigrant vote.

Of course, this assumes that their policies and visions wouldn't change. That is unrealistic, but actually the whole point. Without all these immigrants this party would have to act sane, and as we increase the number of 3rd world immigrants they and America in general will become progressively insane.

And this has nothing to do with the fact that you are mixed race and appear sane. Don't confuse your personal experiences with the general trends.
You're not going to stop immigration, so it might be a better idea to concentrate on an electorate that is changing. But, I know, the GOP has clearly decided to ignore our changing demographics.

That's fine, but the notion that the Democratic Party is going away is pure talk radio fantasy. We'll see how long the GOP can play only to its base, because that's all it cares about.
The GOP changed with Trump.

Talk radio is paranoid that Democrats will rule everything after Trump. None of them think Democrats are going away, just like none of them believed Trump would win.

Without white millennials(and their non-white friends), Democrats are toast.
Do you think while millennials are going to move to the GOP in any significant number?

And do you think the GOP will be successful in stopping immigration from the south?
Normally, I would suggest starting with Hispanics and Latinos, who share certain core philosophies with Republicans, such as family, religion, and hard work. But there remain far too many people in the party whom Hispanics and Latinos find repulsive (the aforementioned "what, give 'em free stuff?" types).

Oh please, that has nothing to do with it. May I quote some pretty racist things that some prominent Democrats have said in the past, you know, like "20 years ago, he would have been serving us coffee!"

The Republican party is about X. You either believe in X or you don't. We don't pander to people based on polls. We do what we feel is right for individuals and right for the country.

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