Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election

And yet the Democrats still have a fairly healthy lead in the midterm polling
If the Right decides it's serious about doing something, it will have to (a) admit the real racism and bigotry of which it has been guilty, (b) stop pretending that the racism that does exist isn't important, and (c) provide minorities with a clear and positive alternative. In that order, chronologically.

No, the Republicans are not going to admit that they are evil white racists; that's what the Democrats want them to to do. Now what in your mind makes anybody in the GOP racist? The idea that there should be no affirmative action? The idea that blacks can do it own their own without our help? The idea that the GOP sticks up for law enforcement, even if the enforcement was against a minority? The GOP believes in border enforcement and security? What??????

Regardless, it doesn't matter what the Republicans do. The left will continue to push this racist agenda as they have been for well over 20 years. And as long as they have their cohorts in the MSM amplifying their message, minorities will listen too.
If the Right decides it's serious about doing something, it will have to (a) admit the real racism and bigotry of which it has been guilty, (b) stop pretending that the racism that does exist isn't important, and (c) provide minorities with a clear and positive alternative. In that order, chronologically.

No, the Republicans are not going to admit that they are evil white racists; that's what the Democrats want them to to do. Now what in your mind makes anybody in the GOP racist? The idea that there should be no affirmative action? The idea that blacks can do it own their own without our help? The idea that the GOP sticks up for law enforcement, even if the enforcement was against a minority? The GOP believes in border enforcement and security? What??????

Regardless, it doesn't matter what the Republicans do. The left will continue to push this racist agenda as they have been for well over 20 years. And as long as they have their cohorts in the MSM amplifying their message, minorities will listen too.
Do you see any racism, at all, coming from the GOP? Anywhere?

Maybe starting right here, on good ol' USMB?
If the Right decides it's serious about doing something, it will have to (a) admit the real racism and bigotry of which it has been guilty, (b) stop pretending that the racism that does exist isn't important, and (c) provide minorities with a clear and positive alternative. In that order, chronologically.

No, the Republicans are not going to admit that they are evil white racists; that's what the Democrats want them to to do. Now what in your mind makes anybody in the GOP racist? The idea that there should be no affirmative action? The idea that blacks can do it own their own without our help? The idea that the GOP sticks up for law enforcement, even if the enforcement was against a minority? The GOP believes in border enforcement and security? What??????

Regardless, it doesn't matter what the Republicans do. The left will continue to push this racist agenda as they have been for well over 20 years. And as long as they have their cohorts in the MSM amplifying their message, minorities will listen too.
Do you see any racism, at all, coming from the GOP? Anywhere?

Maybe starting right here, on good ol' USMB?

Like what? For crying out loud, anytime somebody voiced against DumBama they were called a racist by the left. There is almost nothing that can be done to stop it unless each and every one of us sat back, scripted words, searched for any possible way they could be misconstrued, and then post it.

Racism today is like the Boy that Cried Wolf. After a while it falls on deaf ears because it's nothing but BS. It takes away from the true meaning of the word. The Democrats are realizing that now, so the new thing is to use the word Nazi. Deplorable didn't work well for them either.

So if Trump supposedly says something like "shitholes" or "Mexico is sending us rapist and murderers," the left goes out and says Trump believes all Mexicans are rapist and murderers, or that all minorities come from shithole countries.

It's all a lie, but it doesn't matter, because the NYT will latch on to the phrases and run with it.
If the Right decides it's serious about doing something, it will have to (a) admit the real racism and bigotry of which it has been guilty, (b) stop pretending that the racism that does exist isn't important, and (c) provide minorities with a clear and positive alternative. In that order, chronologically.

No, the Republicans are not going to admit that they are evil white racists; that's what the Democrats want them to to do. Now what in your mind makes anybody in the GOP racist? The idea that there should be no affirmative action? The idea that blacks can do it own their own without our help? The idea that the GOP sticks up for law enforcement, even if the enforcement was against a minority? The GOP believes in border enforcement and security? What??????

Regardless, it doesn't matter what the Republicans do. The left will continue to push this racist agenda as they have been for well over 20 years. And as long as they have their cohorts in the MSM amplifying their message, minorities will listen too.
Do you see any racism, at all, coming from the GOP? Anywhere?

Maybe starting right here, on good ol' USMB?

Like what? For crying out loud, anytime somebody voiced against DumBama they were called a racist by the left. There is almost nothing that can be done to stop it unless each and every one of us sat back, scripted words, searched for any possible way they could be misconstrued, and then post it.

Racism today is like the Boy that Cried Wolf. After a while it falls on deaf ears because it's nothing but BS. It takes away from the true meaning of the word. The Democrats are realizing that now, so the new thing is to use the word Nazi. Deplorable didn't work well for them either.

So if Trump supposedly says something like "shitholes" or "Mexico is sending us rapist and murderers," the left goes out and says Trump believes all Mexicans are rapist and murderers, or that all minorities come from shithole countries.

It's all a lie, but it doesn't matter, because the NYT will latch on to the phrases and run with it.
Okay, I believe you.
The Democratic Party feels its 'War on White Males' is a winning strategy. And it might be, in the short term. But i think it's gonna come back to haunt them in the long term.

Many White Democrat males are feeling like they're targets and are being ostracized. I think there's a quiet mass exodus brewing. Many will leave and join the GOP. But it'll happen quietly. I think the Democrats are gonna regret their 'War on White Males' down the road.
Hey Mac, this is the first time I have ever seen you lay out your position. I absolutely agree that Hispanics have a great deal in common with the Republican party. Family and religion would be the biggest at first glance. I can't imagine many Hispanics would be happy about the left talking about the 'Sky God' or policies that promote single motherhood over marriage. I think that would be a great way to reach out. I'm not sure about your position on racism, which seems to be your main complaint. Of course there is racism, and of course there are Republicans who are racists. I can understand how you hate the mantra of 'free stuff', but in defense of many, it seems off the cuff to be a reasonable assertion. Why else does such a high percentage of Hispanics vote democrat? It isn't for family or religion, free speech, law enforcement, ect? I can see why the assumption is free stuff, because it is hard to see the other reasons. Actually, what other reason is there for anyone of any race to vote democrat. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but I can see how people make this assumption. As for calling out racism on the right, I agree. If a lawmaker treats any group of people unjustly they should be called on it. At the same time, after being called Hitler and KKK for at least thirty years, it seems a bit rich to make the entire Republican party have to PROVE that the entire party is not Hitler and the KKK. Republican ideology includes all races, and family and religion would appeal to blacks as well as Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out this way. Besides calling out the bad actors, the whole racism thing is tiresome, because most republicans have always wanted a better life for ALL Americans.
redwave walkaway.jpg
Young White Americans are smart and know where they are not wanted and most of all not going to be represented
Hey Mac, this is the first time I have ever seen you lay out your position. I absolutely agree that Hispanics have a great deal in common with the Republican party. Family and religion would be the biggest at first glance. I can't imagine many Hispanics would be happy about the left talking about the 'Sky God' or policies that promote single motherhood over marriage. I think that would be a great way to reach out. I'm not sure about your position on racism, which seems to be your main complaint. Of course there is racism, and of course there are Republicans who are racists. I can understand how you hate the mantra of 'free stuff', but in defense of many, it seems off the cuff to be a reasonable assertion. Why else does such a high percentage of Hispanics vote democrat? It isn't for family or religion, free speech, law enforcement, ect? I can see why the assumption is free stuff, because it is hard to see the other reasons. Actually, what other reason is there for anyone of any race to vote democrat. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but I can see how people make this assumption. As for calling out racism on the right, I agree. If a lawmaker treats any group of people unjustly they should be called on it. At the same time, after being called Hitler and KKK for at least thirty years, it seems a bit rich to make the entire Republican party have to PROVE that the entire party is not Hitler and the KKK. Republican ideology includes all races, and family and religion would appeal to blacks as well as Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out this way. Besides calling out the bad actors, the whole racism thing is tiresome, because most republicans have always wanted a better life for ALL Americans.

That does put his argument to rest. I mean, look at the Jewish community. They strongly favor the Democrats even beyond Hollywood. It's the Republicans who are always backing Israel and despised by most Democrats. The Democrats are constantly sticking up for the Palestinians and other terrorists. These anti-semites are always making claim our middle-east wars are on because of the Jews.

Nobody has reached out to the Jewish community more than Republicans, yet if we did the same for Hispanics, somehow that would change anything???? Well.......I don't know. But it sure hasn't in the Jewish community.
Hey Mac, this is the first time I have ever seen you lay out your position. I absolutely agree that Hispanics have a great deal in common with the Republican party. Family and religion would be the biggest at first glance. I can't imagine many Hispanics would be happy about the left talking about the 'Sky God' or policies that promote single motherhood over marriage. I think that would be a great way to reach out. I'm not sure about your position on racism, which seems to be your main complaint. Of course there is racism, and of course there are Republicans who are racists. I can understand how you hate the mantra of 'free stuff', but in defense of many, it seems off the cuff to be a reasonable assertion. Why else does such a high percentage of Hispanics vote democrat? It isn't for family or religion, free speech, law enforcement, ect? I can see why the assumption is free stuff, because it is hard to see the other reasons. Actually, what other reason is there for anyone of any race to vote democrat. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but I can see how people make this assumption. As for calling out racism on the right, I agree. If a lawmaker treats any group of people unjustly they should be called on it. At the same time, after being called Hitler and KKK for at least thirty years, it seems a bit rich to make the entire Republican party have to PROVE that the entire party is not Hitler and the KKK. Republican ideology includes all races, and family and religion would appeal to blacks as well as Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out this way. Besides calling out the bad actors, the whole racism thing is tiresome, because most republicans have always wanted a better life for ALL Americans.
Thanks (again) for the calm and reasonable response (again). Much appreciated (again).

I think the two main mistakes the GOP is making are as follows:

First, they're convinced that a better economy and low unemployment are minorities' top priorities. It isn't, at least in many cases. Minorities (just my opinion here, coming from a completely mixed race family and extended family) place a higher priority on being hated and/or isolated in their own country, simply because of the color of their skin. As you say, certainly racism still exists, but look at this thread: Many on the Right just won't talk about that. Even though it's terribly important to minorities. What are minorities supposed to think, then?

Second, the Right is wasting a huge opportunity with Hispanics, as you point out. They've been conditioned to think that reaching out in any way whatsoever is surrender, capitulation, pandering. Since they're so set in their obedient ideology, they're not going to change. They think that standing there with a come-hither look will do the trick. Otherwise, to hell with minorities, we'll set up the immigration system to bring in more whites and fewer browns/blacks (admitted this morning in another thread).

So my response is, great, fine. More and more minorities are finding the Democratic Party's bullshit to be weak, but the alternative is even worse. So, to hell with it, they'll stay. The GOP is clearly fine with that.
Hey Mac, this is the first time I have ever seen you lay out your position. I absolutely agree that Hispanics have a great deal in common with the Republican party. Family and religion would be the biggest at first glance. I can't imagine many Hispanics would be happy about the left talking about the 'Sky God' or policies that promote single motherhood over marriage. I think that would be a great way to reach out. I'm not sure about your position on racism, which seems to be your main complaint. Of course there is racism, and of course there are Republicans who are racists. I can understand how you hate the mantra of 'free stuff', but in defense of many, it seems off the cuff to be a reasonable assertion. Why else does such a high percentage of Hispanics vote democrat? It isn't for family or religion, free speech, law enforcement, ect? I can see why the assumption is free stuff, because it is hard to see the other reasons. Actually, what other reason is there for anyone of any race to vote democrat. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but I can see how people make this assumption. As for calling out racism on the right, I agree. If a lawmaker treats any group of people unjustly they should be called on it. At the same time, after being called Hitler and KKK for at least thirty years, it seems a bit rich to make the entire Republican party have to PROVE that the entire party is not Hitler and the KKK. Republican ideology includes all races, and family and religion would appeal to blacks as well as Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out this way. Besides calling out the bad actors, the whole racism thing is tiresome, because most republicans have always wanted a better life for ALL Americans.

That does put his argument to rest. I mean, look at the Jewish community. They strongly favor the Democrats even beyond Hollywood. It's the Republicans who are always backing Israel and despised by most Democrats. The Democrats are constantly sticking up for the Palestinians and other terrorists. These anti-semites are always making claim our middle-east wars are on because of the Jews.

Nobody has reached out to the Jewish community more than Republicans, yet if we did the same for Hispanics, somehow that would change anything???? Well.......I don't know. But it sure hasn't in the Jewish community.
Smart and educated people tend to be Democrats you are correct.
I am holding out hope that some of the youth in this country are starting to figure out on their own that liberalism is just propaganda they taught them in school.
There has been a mind-boggling movement by young people towards libertarianism. Of course, being young, stupid, and indoctrinated, the majority are ignorant socialists. By society has never seen a young generation so far right before. Assuming some of those socialists will grow up, mature, and realize the monumental failure of the left-wing ideology, we are set to have a very large and very sound conservative voter base for decades. It is safe to say things are not nearly as grim as the left wants conservatives to believe.
I have been saying this for years.

Without immigrants Democrats are a dead party in the not too distant future.
Without racial and religious hatred orange Jesus would not be in the Whitehouse and only an idiot would deny this.
I have No idea or understanding what you are posting, the only thing I can answer to is Christ was brown...the rest????
Hey Mac, this is the first time I have ever seen you lay out your position. I absolutely agree that Hispanics have a great deal in common with the Republican party. Family and religion would be the biggest at first glance. I can't imagine many Hispanics would be happy about the left talking about the 'Sky God' or policies that promote single motherhood over marriage. I think that would be a great way to reach out. I'm not sure about your position on racism, which seems to be your main complaint. Of course there is racism, and of course there are Republicans who are racists. I can understand how you hate the mantra of 'free stuff', but in defense of many, it seems off the cuff to be a reasonable assertion. Why else does such a high percentage of Hispanics vote democrat? It isn't for family or religion, free speech, law enforcement, ect? I can see why the assumption is free stuff, because it is hard to see the other reasons. Actually, what other reason is there for anyone of any race to vote democrat. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but I can see how people make this assumption. As for calling out racism on the right, I agree. If a lawmaker treats any group of people unjustly they should be called on it. At the same time, after being called Hitler and KKK for at least thirty years, it seems a bit rich to make the entire Republican party have to PROVE that the entire party is not Hitler and the KKK. Republican ideology includes all races, and family and religion would appeal to blacks as well as Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out this way. Besides calling out the bad actors, the whole racism thing is tiresome, because most republicans have always wanted a better life for ALL Americans.
Thanks (again) for the calm and reasonable response (again). Much appreciated (again).

I think the two main mistakes the GOP is making are as follows:

First, they're convinced that a better economy and low unemployment are minorities' top priorities. It isn't, at least in many cases. Minorities (just my opinion here, coming from a completely mixed race family and extended family) place a higher priority on being hated and/or isolated in their own country, simply because of the color of their skin. As you say, certainly racism still exists, but look at this thread: Many on the Right just won't talk about that. Even though it's terribly important to minorities. What are minorities supposed to think, then?

Second, the Right is wasting a huge opportunity with Hispanics, as you point out. They've been conditioned to think that reaching out in any way whatsoever is surrender, capitulation, pandering. Since they're so set in their obedient ideology, they're not going to change. They think that standing there with a come-hither look will do the trick. Otherwise, to hell with minorities, we'll set up the immigration system to bring in more whites and fewer browns/blacks (admitted this morning in another thread).

So my response is, great, fine. More and more minorities are finding the Democratic Party's bullshit to be weak, but the alternative is even worse. So, to hell with it, they'll stay. The GOP is clearly fine with that.

I don't think the Right views reaching out as surrender or pandering. I think you are correct in a great many republicans don't even know they need to reach out. For myself, I thought hey, I'm not a racist, I believe my message includes everybody, what's the problem? As you pointed out, a lot of us on the Right, myself included, thought it was about economics and policy. I had no idea that minority groups felt that isolated and hated. Just because the media called republican's nazi's, I never thought very many people actually believed that stuff. It is kind of a haunting thing to think that many people actually think you are a monster. How in the world do you convince people who are sure you hate them, that you do not, especially when people on TV keep hammering that message home. Hell's Bells, this absolutely needs to be addressed. I know you obviously don't speak for all minorities, and I don't speak for all white people, but this is a mess. White people are angry for the non stop mud slinging, so you have one side that is angry and doesn't know it needs to reach out, and the other side is still hurt and isolated.
I had no idea that minority groups felt that isolated and hated. Just because the media called republican's nazi's,

That's the brainwashing scheme the left has depended on for decades. I would disagree with Mac that race has anything to do with it; maybe with some, but there are some people (you see them here all the time) where they are consumed with race and there is nothing you can do about it.

Then we have Republicans that buy into it, and they want to push our party more to the left which the Democrats love. Hey! If we can't win, at least we can get our opposition to do some of our dirty work for us. So now we have the battle between the Establishment and the conservatives.
Just because the media called republican's nazi's, I never thought very many people actually believed that stuff. It is kind of a haunting thing to think that many people actually think you are a monster. How in the world do you convince people who are sure you hate them, that you do not, especially when people on TV keep hammering that message home.
First, this certainly didn't begin with Trump or the constant use of the term "Nazi". That word was used pretty regularly here on USMB long before Trump took the ride down that escalator. What really lit the fire there was the fact that there were MANY examples of neo-Nazis and neo-Nazi groups supporting him, then Trump refused to condemn them, THEN he pretended not to know who David Duke is. Holy crap, what the hell, come on. And now he's PRESIDENT? All of that played RIGHT into the Left's narrative perfectly, and off we went.

Second, and you'll find this ALL OVER this board, there are a LOT of "conservatives" who either (a) downplay the fact that racism that still exists, or (b) and this is the REAL mind-blower, insist that it no longer exists at all. Again, come on, this is playing right into the hands of the Left when minorities know better. Here's what the GOP is completely missing - It doesn't matter what the economy is doing, it doesn't matter how low the minority unemployment rate is. A higher priority is that half the country is allowing this to happen. This situation has definitely taken a step back.

What can be done? The people on the Right who are doing this have to be clearly and aggressively and loudly and consistently marginalized. And not just after someone complains, but proactively. And if someone downplays the real racism that does still exist, don't let them get away with it. Be honest. That would be a start. But this whole situation has been set back 30 years or more. And the hardcore Left is taking full advantage of it, screaming RACISM at every last thing that moves. It's MUCH easier for them to get away with that when they're getting so much HELP from the Right.

But it looks pretty clear to me that those who control the GOP have pretty much tossed everything I said above into the trash. I've been told here that goal is to manipulate the immigration system so that more white immigrants are allowed in and fewer black/brown immigrants. Okay, fine. If they want to draw that line, that line is drawn.
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The irony is that as much as Democrats feel the need to gather voting blocks and not individuals - blacks, women, gays, Latinos, etc. - and, at the same time, demonize the straight, White Christian, working male for past, present and future, ultimately, it is the white male vote that determines or swings the Election.

Hillary ignored White men and it cost her the Election.
Hey Mac, this is the first time I have ever seen you lay out your position. I absolutely agree that Hispanics have a great deal in common with the Republican party. Family and religion would be the biggest at first glance. I can't imagine many Hispanics would be happy about the left talking about the 'Sky God' or policies that promote single motherhood over marriage. I think that would be a great way to reach out. I'm not sure about your position on racism, which seems to be your main complaint. Of course there is racism, and of course there are Republicans who are racists. I can understand how you hate the mantra of 'free stuff', but in defense of many, it seems off the cuff to be a reasonable assertion. Why else does such a high percentage of Hispanics vote democrat? It isn't for family or religion, free speech, law enforcement, ect? I can see why the assumption is free stuff, because it is hard to see the other reasons. Actually, what other reason is there for anyone of any race to vote democrat. I'm sorry if that annoys you, but I can see how people make this assumption. As for calling out racism on the right, I agree. If a lawmaker treats any group of people unjustly they should be called on it. At the same time, after being called Hitler and KKK for at least thirty years, it seems a bit rich to make the entire Republican party have to PROVE that the entire party is not Hitler and the KKK. Republican ideology includes all races, and family and religion would appeal to blacks as well as Hispanics. I'm all for reaching out this way. Besides calling out the bad actors, the whole racism thing is tiresome, because most republicans have always wanted a better life for ALL Americans.
Thanks (again) for the calm and reasonable response (again). Much appreciated (again).

I think the two main mistakes the GOP is making are as follows:

First, they're convinced that a better economy and low unemployment are minorities' top priorities. It isn't, at least in many cases. Minorities (just my opinion here, coming from a completely mixed race family and extended family) place a higher priority on being hated and/or isolated in their own country, simply because of the color of their skin. As you say, certainly racism still exists, but look at this thread: Many on the Right just won't talk about that. Even though it's terribly important to minorities. What are minorities supposed to think, then?

Second, the Right is wasting a huge opportunity with Hispanics, as you point out. They've been conditioned to think that reaching out in any way whatsoever is surrender, capitulation, pandering. Since they're so set in their obedient ideology, they're not going to change. They think that standing there with a come-hither look will do the trick. Otherwise, to hell with minorities, we'll set up the immigration system to bring in more whites and fewer browns/blacks (admitted this morning in another thread).

So my response is, great, fine. More and more minorities are finding the Democratic Party's bullshit to be weak, but the alternative is even worse. So, to hell with it, they'll stay. The GOP is clearly fine with that.

I don't think the Right views reaching out as surrender or pandering. I think you are correct in a great many republicans don't even know they need to reach out. For myself, I thought hey, I'm not a racist, I believe my message includes everybody, what's the problem? As you pointed out, a lot of us on the Right, myself included, thought it was about economics and policy. I had no idea that minority groups felt that isolated and hated. Just because the media called republican's nazi's, I never thought very many people actually believed that stuff. It is kind of a haunting thing to think that many people actually think you are a monster. How in the world do you convince people who are sure you hate them, that you do not, especially when people on TV keep hammering that message home. Hell's Bells, this absolutely needs to be addressed. I know you obviously don't speak for all minorities, and I don't speak for all white people, but this is a mess. White people are angry for the non stop mud slinging, so you have one side that is angry and doesn't know it needs to reach out, and the other side is still hurt and isolated.
One more thing. Sorry, you got me going here.

Seems to me that, from the outside, to minorities who are already suspicious of the GOP (and that's key), the Right is largely populated by two kinds of people: Those who are willfully ignorant of the race issue, and those who are aggressively ignorant of it.

Aggressively ignorant - Fake news! There's no real racism left! Republicans freed the slaves! It's a conspiracy! Nothing to see here! Dittos!

Willfully ignorant - What? Huh? Who? Where? There's racism? Huh? Really? What?

They all pretty much go into the same box. That's a problem, and it plays right into the Left's hands.
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