Young White Americans are fleeing Democrat Party in droves since Trump's election

Without immigrants Democrats are a dead party in the not too distant future.
holy crap

True statement, even today they would be a dead party without the immigrant vote.

Of course, this assumes that their policies and visions wouldn't change. That is unrealistic, but actually the whole point. Without all these immigrants this party would have to act sane, and as we increase the number of 3rd world immigrants they and America in general will become progressively insane.

And this has nothing to do with the fact that you are mixed race and appear sane. Don't confuse your personal experiences with the general trends.
You're not going to stop immigration, so it might be a better idea to concentrate on an electorate that is changing. But, I know, the GOP has clearly decided to ignore our changing demographics.

That's fine, but the notion that the Democratic Party is going away is pure talk radio fantasy. We'll see how long the GOP can play only to its base, because that's all it cares about.
Agreed. Leftists who said the GOP was dead after Obama were high on something. Now it’s the GOP base’s turn
Without immigrants Democrats are a dead party in the not too distant future.
holy crap

True statement, even today they would be a dead party without the immigrant vote.

Of course, this assumes that their policies and visions wouldn't change. That is unrealistic, but actually the whole point. Without all these immigrants this party would have to act sane, and as we increase the number of 3rd world immigrants they and America in general will become progressively insane.

And this has nothing to do with the fact that you are mixed race and appear sane. Don't confuse your personal experiences with the general trends.
You're not going to stop immigration, so it might be a better idea to concentrate on an electorate that is changing. But, I know, the GOP has clearly decided to ignore our changing demographics.

That's fine, but the notion that the Democratic Party is going away is pure talk radio fantasy. We'll see how long the GOP can play only to its base, because that's all it cares about.
Agreed. Leftists who said the GOP was dead after Obama were high on something. Now it’s the GOP base’s turn
Folks sure do love to jump to long-distance conclusions.
I don't have a lot of time here, but I think one of the reasons Trump never went into detail about Duke, or racists who may support him, is that the interviewers are just asking to paint him and the whole party as racists. Again, that has been the game for over thirty years. So I don't blame him for not playing games with a bunch of gotcha interviewers. It was a setup question. Also, Trump doesn't get to choose who votes for him, any more than Hilary chooses who votes for her. Why is that an issue? I thought race issues were getting better, I never said it didn't exist. Many thought it was getting better and that the media's racial hysteria was mud slinging. I'm not sure how you can be angry at a large group of people who actually thought things were getting better.

That's all:2cents:
Indeed Breitbart....they take news reported elsewhere and give their take on it....go ahead look at the link...they give credit to who first reported the news.

You know they never do that. All they do is look at Breibart and that's all they need to know. No going to the link, no reading, just look at what organization posted it. If it's not from any leftist site, it's not worth reading to them.

That's all:2cents:
Yep....Breitbart. The news outlet with an incredible track record for reporting facts and only facts. Unquestionably one of the three most reliable news outlets in the world (along with The Drudge Report and The Blaze).

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