Your Healthcare Premiums will NOT Rise in 2017

cereal_killer Some missed the sarcasm though....
Fact checkers rate this mostly true
What you are not understanding is , just like snopes and soon to be google, they will manipulate and say certain information is true when it is not true.
But because most of us have relied on lets say google to not put out bs information we think it is factual because it comes from lets say snopes or fact checker etc .
That is to keep the public from realizing what is actually factual or not factual. It basically keeps the sheep in the Gov. coral . How or why . Because ppl are beginning to realize they are bieng lied to via the Gov. The web is far to out there for me to give you every single detailed let alone whether you believe it or not.
Look up how HITLER kept the public from knowing much truth because the media of choice was blocked/controlled.

Here is what I was also meaning by " Google" ..

Search Engine giant Google, the major driver of traffic to the majority of media portals is moving to change the way it ranks websites, declaring that it intends to use known partisan debunking outlets to determine the “truthfulness” of content.

Google Moving To Shut Down Alternative Media By Ranking Sites On “Facts” Rather Than Popularity
As they say you're preaching to the choir, I'm understanding everything. You missed the sarcasm of my post :)
Oh LOL...
cereal_killer Some missed the sarcasm though....
Fact checkers rate this mostly true
What you are not understanding is , just like snopes and soon to be google, they will manipulate and say certain information is true when it is not true.
But because most of us have relied on lets say google to not put out bs information we think it is factual because it comes from lets say snopes or fact checker etc .
That is to keep the public from realizing what is actually factual or not factual. It basically keeps the sheep in the Gov. coral . How or why . Because ppl are beginning to realize they are bieng lied to via the Gov. The web is far to out there for me to give you every single detailed let alone whether you believe it or not.
Look up how HITLER kept the public from knowing much truth because the media of choice was blocked/controlled.

Here is what I was also meaning by " Google" ..

Search Engine giant Google, the major driver of traffic to the majority of media portals is moving to change the way it ranks websites, declaring that it intends to use known partisan debunking outlets to determine the “truthfulness” of content.

Google Moving To Shut Down Alternative Media By Ranking Sites On “Facts” Rather Than Popularity
As they say you're preaching to the choir, I'm understanding everything. You missed the sarcasm of my post :)

Now that is a def. an OOOOPPPPSIEeeeee. my bad. :banghead:
Let me save you all some suspense.

Premiums would be lower without Obamacare because plans would cover fewer benefits, as well as denying coverage based on preexisting conditions.

But Obamacare, in itself, has not driven up costs per se'

Medical costs have been rising sharply since 1970

When was Obama born again?
Obamacare! The unaffordable care Act. Premium s up as much as 60% in some states, deductibles waaaaaaaaay up, co pays up. Obamacare, you cannot afford it and get your ass taxed off for not being able to afford it. It's a mandate don't ya know? Aren't libtards special?
Let me save you all some suspense.

Premiums would be lower without Obamacare because plans would cover fewer benefits, as well as denying coverage based on preexisting conditions.

But Obamacare, in itself, has not driven up costs per se'

Medical costs have been rising sharply since 1970

When was Obama born again?

Do they keep track of years in Hell?
Obamacare penalties reach full strength in the 2016 tax year....

So no insurance will cost you $690 when you file taxes after January

Pluse $240 per dependent
Taxed for being unable to afford a mandated product. Aren't libtards a special kind of asshole?

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