Your military service does not mean you get to say it's OK to disrespect the flag...

Your military service does not mean you get to say it's OK to disrespect the flag...

WTF is "disrespecting a flag"? It's a piece of cloth.

The constitution on the other hand is a set of American ideals. And it says we can protest. And that protest is protected by the military. Duh!
The Constitution says you have the right to say it.

But your military service does not mean you have a superior right over non-veterans to have an opinion on disrespecting the flag.

Then don't say it's disrespectful to those who served.
Having the ability to protest is the reason they served. How come these people don't see that?

They make an oath to protect the Constitution not the flag

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed ...
...that's a bullshit argument.

I only brought up my military service last night because you told me I'm not a real American. I didn't say "This is okay because I was in the military." I gave you my reasons for why I feel the way I do, and they had nothing to do with my service.
Active or not?

It makes a difference.

If not active, its undoubtedly protected free speech. But, if pino trump gets his way, that will all change and you dummies will wish you had paid more attention to liberals.
Leftwingers are the ones trying to outlaw free speech, not Trump.

Trump is trying to outlaw free speech and so are you. You are no different Nazi.
What actions has Trump taken to outlaw free speech? When has even expressed a desire to do so?
The so-called president just used his bully pulpit to tell NFL owners they should fire those who kneel. In case you were unaware, the Chief Executive is part of the government.
The Constitution says you have the right to say it.

But your military service does not mean you have a superior right over non-veterans to have an opinion on disrespecting the flag.

Then don't say it's disrespectful to those who served.
Having the ability to protest is the reason they served. How come these people don't see that?

They make an oath to protect the Constitution not the flag

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed ...
We have a First Amendment as part of our fundamental law.
You're free to say it, I'm not going to arrest you, but it's a bullshit argument. Veterans did not earn a right to tell others it's ok to disrespect the flag.

according to you those men disrespected "the flag" "the military" "the country" even though they SAID that was not their intent.

anyone who actually DID serve, reserves the right to say they are not in fact offended in the least.

WEAK minded emos, like our tough guy draft dodger in-chief, feel threatened because they are weaksauce on the inside.

these same dumbo FRAUDS are CURRENTLY also having "free speech" rallies to protect 'rights' of torch carrying nazi confederate militia.

WHY do YOU and our so-called POTUS protect and defend this form of DISRESPECT to our flag??


^ "sons of bitches" or "very fine people"?? :eusa_think:
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Your military service does not mean you get to say it's OK to disrespect the flag...

Apparently one's preference for president does?

What defines "disrespecting the flag?" It turns out we have a law that define what exactly one must do and not do so as not to disrespect the flag: 4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag.

Among the provisions there, one finds this:
  • The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.


  • No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.
For comparison, check out "The Democrat Store." (There's a reason I have no images posted from the link and you'll see why.)

You Trumpkins on here don't have any of that gear, do you? Wouldn't be flying a U.S. flag on the same pole as your "Trump" flag would you?

Words of Advice:
When you don't know what you are talking about, it's best to refrain from saying anything.

Did I see a clip of the Idiot In Chief admitting that he didn't know what the stripes on the flag represented?

I think I did.

I don't know what you've seen.

Be that as it may, if he didn't know at the time he was asked and he responded truthfully by saying he didn't know, he gets credit for being truthful in that instance. As I've often said, if one doesn't know something about which one is directly asked, the thing to do is simply to say so and move on, or commit to getting the answer and then follow through doing so.

That Trump may have "owned" his ignorance re: the flag's stripes in no way absolves him for the hundreds of lies he's told about myriad other matters. Furthermore, I don't need to "rag" on him via the possibility that he didn't know something I might think he should. I don't because there is no dearth of stuff that he absolutely should and must know, and that he either doesn't know or misrepresents regardless of whether he knows the point of fact, and of which in either case, Trump talks about it when he should have really just kept his mouth shut or said that he doesn't know.

I've long said that my biggest beef with Trump is his absolute lack of integrity. Build a wall or don't. Renegotiate NAFTA or don't. Lower taxes or don't. Those and other so-called Trump policy positions are just that, policies. I have views about them, but they are just policies and like many a policy notion, they can come and go and change along the way. I also don't despise Trump for espousing the policies he does. I despise Trump and see him as unfit for the office of the POTUS because he has proven that one cannot believe and rely upon a goddamned thing he says, not even that the man would truthfully utter his f*cking name.

Ignorant, stupid and of sterling character, I'm not nuts about, but I can work with that. Ignorant, stupid and turpitudinous is just unacceptable in my mind, just as every other mix of character traits burdened by unabnegated turpitude.
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First of all what they did is not protected by the first amendment, forget that BS, IT IS NOT.

Second, who puts the limits on speech? You are trying to enforce laws because it hurts someone's FEELINGS? Really? Are you really that big of snowflake? (I don't think you are) My FEELINGS were hurt by the players taking a knee to protect the rich owners, so should I sue or is someone else going to sue?

Of course it is protected. They can't be punished by the government for their actions, but they sure as hell can by their employer.

You're claiming disrespecting the flag isn't covered by the First Amendment. Which is false. Of course it is covered, you may not like it, but our constitutional rights are not determined by your feelings.
I guess I don't understand. You are saying that there will or will not be ramifications for their political protest? Whether there actually is or not?

Of course the government isn't going to come and arrest them because they actually broke no law.

But saying that they have a first amendment right as if there could be no ramifications is completely wrong.

Damn. You don't understand what the words you use mean. You should stop using them.
As I have shown, their protest is not a protected right, that is without doubt. Even though the liberals want to make it about the first amendment it does not apply.

Ask yourself, can rights be taken away? The answer is no. Can the owners demand that there not be political protest at their games? Absolutely as you were shown. Thus the protest is not a protected right.

That said, they did not break a law so the government isn't going to stop them from protesting, but that does not make it a right. No matter how much you want it to be.

Damn. You are stupid.
This is the perfect example of liberals are always so sure but always so wrong. Since you started with the insult I will consider I won the discussion. But it really isn't me winning because there never was an argument. You and your liberal buddies are trying to make this about the first amendment, and it is NOT. I provided a link to show you how incredibly dishonest is the liberal left. Choose to ignore it and live in ignorance, nothing changes.

Not that it will do any good but here is a link to an article on this very subject. The problem is that you and your liberal buddies have said the same thing over and over and over to the point I doubt their is anyway you can be brought to the truth;

Future Colin Kaepernicks, Beware: You Can Get Fired for Political Speech
Your military service does not mean you get to say it's OK to disrespect the flag...

Apparently one's preference for president does?

What defines "disrespecting the flag?" It turns out we have a law that define what exactly one must do and not do so as not to disrespect the flag: 4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag.

Among the provisions there, one finds this:
  • The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.


  • No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.
For comparison, check out "The Democrat Store." (There's a reason I have no images posted from the link and you'll see why.)

You Trumpkins on here don't have any of that gear, do you? Wouldn't be flying a U.S. flag on the same pole as your "Trump" flag would you?

Words of Advice:
When you don't know what you are talking about, it's best to refrain from saying anything.

Did I see a clip of the Idiot In Chief admitting that he didn't know what the stripes on the flag represented?

I think I did.

I don't know what you've seen.

Be that as it may, if he didn't know at the time he was asked and he responded truthfully by saying he didn't know, he gets credit for being truthful in that instance. As I've often said, if one doesn't know something about which one is directly asked, the thing to do is simply to say so and move on, or commit to getting the answer and then follow through doing so.

That Trump may have "owned" his ignorance re: the flag's stripes in no way absolves him for the hundreds of lies he's told about myriad other matters. Furthermore, I don't need to "rag" on him via the possibility that he didn't know something I might think he should. I don't because there is no dearth of stuff that he absolutely should and must know, and that he either doesn't know or misrepresents regardless of whether he knows the point of fact, and of which in either case, Trump talks about it when he should have really just kept his mouth shut or said that he doesn't know.

I've long said that my biggest beef with Trump is his absolute lack of integrity. Build a wall or don't. Renegotiate NAFTA or don't. Lower taxes or don't. Those and other so-called Trump policy positions are just that, policies. I have views about them, but they are just policies and like many a policy notion, they can come and go and change along the way. I also don't despise Trump for espousing the policies he does. I despise Trump and see him as unfit for the office of the POTUS because he has proven that one cannot believe and rely upon a goddamned thing he says, not even that the man would truthfully utter his f*cking name.

Ignorant, stupid and of sterling character, I'm not nuts about, but I can work with that. Ignorant, stupid and turpitudinous is just unacceptable in my mind, just as every other character burdened by unabnegated turpitude.

That's all fine. You are a person of high character.

It's funny, though.

Your military service does not mean you get to say it's OK to disrespect the flag...

Apparently one's preference for president does?

What defines "disrespecting the flag?" It turns out we have a law that define what exactly one must do and not do so as not to disrespect the flag: 4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag.

Among the provisions there, one finds this:
  • The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.


  • No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.
For comparison, check out "The Democrat Store." (There's a reason I have no images posted from the link and you'll see why.)

You Trumpkins on here don't have any of that gear, do you? Wouldn't be flying a U.S. flag on the same pole as your "Trump" flag would you?

Words of Advice:
When you don't know what you are talking about, it's best to refrain from saying anything.

Did I see a clip of the Idiot In Chief admitting that he didn't know what the stripes on the flag represented?

I think I did.

I don't know what you've seen.

Be that as it may, if he didn't know at the time he was asked and he responded truthfully by saying he didn't know, he gets credit for being truthful in that instance. As I've often said, if one doesn't know something about which one is directly asked, the thing to do is simply to say so and move on, or commit to getting the answer and then follow through doing so.

That Trump may have "owned" his ignorance re: the flag's stripes in no way absolves him for the hundreds of lies he's told about myriad other matters. Furthermore, I don't need to "rag" on him via the possibility that he didn't know something I might think he should. I don't because there is no dearth of stuff that he absolutely should and must know, and that he either doesn't know or misrepresents regardless of whether he knows the point of fact, and of which in either case, Trump talks about it when he should have really just kept his mouth shut or said that he doesn't know.

I've long said that my biggest beef with Trump is his absolute lack of integrity. Build a wall or don't. Renegotiate NAFTA or don't. Lower taxes or don't. Those and other so-called Trump policy positions are just that, policies. I have views about them, but they are just policies and like many a policy notion, they can come and go and change along the way. I also don't despise Trump for espousing the policies he does. I despise Trump and see him as unfit for the office of the POTUS because he has proven that one cannot believe and rely upon a goddamned thing he says, not even that the man would truthfully utter his f*cking name.

Ignorant, stupid and of sterling character, I'm not nuts about, but I can work with that. Ignorant, stupid and turpitudinous is just unacceptable in my mind, just as every other character burdened by unabnegated turpitude.

That's all fine. You are a person of high character.

It's funny, though.

TY for substantiating the remark about what you'd seen. I hadn't seen that clip.

Having seen the video now, yes, Trump gets full marks for simply saying he doesn't know what the stripes represent. I have no criticism to offer as goes how he handled the question he was asked. (I also give him credit for doing something he rarely does: answering a question with a direct answer that is presented in a complete sentence.)

Trump once said the following:

Well, on the sole basis of the video you above shared, one must conclude that Trump neither is nor is like a smart person. A smart or "like smart" person almost certainly would have inferred that the "13 stripes on the flag" represent the thirteen original states/colonies and at least posited as much....."Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I think the stripes represent the original 13 states."

Of course, the disturbing thing is that the video you shared isn't the only thing we have that demonstrates that Trump is not nor like a smart person.
You're free to say it, I'm not going to arrest you, but it's a bullshit argument. Veterans did not earn a right to tell others it's ok to disrespect the flag.

according to you those men disrespected "the flag" "the military" "the country" even though they SAID that was not their intent.

anyone who actually DID serve, reserves the right to say they are not in fact offended in the least.

WEAK minded emos, like our tough guy draft dodger in-chief, feel threatened because they are weaksauce on the inside.

these same dumbo FRAUDS are CURRENTLY also having "free speech" rallies to protect 'rights' of torch carrying nazi confederate militia.

WHY do YOU and our so-called POTUS protect and defend this form of DISRESPECT to our flag??


^ "sons of bitches" or "very fine people"?? :eusa_think:

I served 4 years and I'm not offended and don't talk about it much or bring it up every other post. If one wants to kneel, lay down,turn their back on the flag I don't really give a damn. They are not offending me at all. If standing for the anthem is their contracts then the probably will be punished in some form. Seems the only ones offended by this are the Trump suckers. It's a piece of fucking material for Christ sakes. If you want to be offended say something to the people wearing the flag. Or in kid rocks case cutting it out and using as a poncho, but you sure want him to run for office. Now he offends me because he is a pathetic piece of shit.
You're free to say it, I'm not going to arrest you, but it's a bullshit argument. Veterans did not earn a right to tell others it's ok to disrespect the flag.

according to you those men disrespected "the flag" "the military" "the country" even though they SAID that was not their intent.

anyone who actually DID serve, reserves the right to say they are not in fact offended in the least.

WEAK minded emos, like our tough guy draft dodger in-chief, feel threatened because they are weaksauce on the inside.

these same dumbo FRAUDS are CURRENTLY also having "free speech" rallies to protect 'rights' of torch carrying nazi confederate militia.

WHY do YOU and our so-called POTUS protect and defend this form of DISRESPECT to our flag??


^ "sons of bitches" or "very fine people"?? :eusa_think:

I served 4 years and I'm not offended and don't talk about it much or bring it up every other post. If one wants to kneel, lay down,turn their back on the flag I don't really give a damn. They are not offending me at all. If standing for the anthem is their contracts then the probably will be punished in some form. Seems the only ones offended by this are the Trump suckers. It's a piece of fucking material for Christ sakes. If you want to be offended say something to the people wearing the flag. Or in kid rocks case cutting it out and using as a poncho, but you sure want him to run for office. Now he offends me because he is a pathetic piece of shit.
Yeah...this guy is running as a Republican, isn't he?
You're free to say it, I'm not going to arrest you, but it's a bullshit argument. Veterans did not earn a right to tell others it's ok to disrespect the flag.

according to you those men disrespected "the flag" "the military" "the country" even though they SAID that was not their intent.

anyone who actually DID serve, reserves the right to say they are not in fact offended in the least.

WEAK minded emos, like our tough guy draft dodger in-chief, feel threatened because they are weaksauce on the inside.

these same dumbo FRAUDS are CURRENTLY also having "free speech" rallies to protect 'rights' of torch carrying nazi confederate militia.

WHY do YOU and our so-called POTUS protect and defend this form of DISRESPECT to our flag??


^ "sons of bitches" or "very fine people"?? :eusa_think:

I served 4 years and I'm not offended and don't talk about it much or bring it up every other post. If one wants to kneel, lay down,turn their back on the flag I don't really give a damn. They are not offending me at all. If standing for the anthem is their contracts then the probably will be punished in some form. Seems the only ones offended by this are the Trump suckers. It's a piece of fucking material for Christ sakes. If you want to be offended say something to the people wearing the flag. Or in kid rocks case cutting it out and using as a poncho, but you sure want him to run for office. Now he offends me because he is a pathetic piece of shit.

You see the rhetorical path this matter has taken, right. It began as a very understated act of personal advocacy by one guy that upon receiving attention was opposed on the basis of it disrespecting the National Anthem. Now that that has proved ineffective, the opposition has substituted "Anthem" with "flag." That, of course is even less effective as shown in post 68.

Where does that leave the pricks?

You're free to say it, I'm not going to arrest you, but it's a bullshit argument. Veterans did not earn a right to tell others it's ok to disrespect the flag.

according to you those men disrespected "the flag" "the military" "the country" even though they SAID that was not their intent.

anyone who actually DID serve, reserves the right to say they are not in fact offended in the least.

WEAK minded emos, like our tough guy draft dodger in-chief, feel threatened because they are weaksauce on the inside.

these same dumbo FRAUDS are CURRENTLY also having "free speech" rallies to protect 'rights' of torch carrying nazi confederate militia.

WHY do YOU and our so-called POTUS protect and defend this form of DISRESPECT to our flag??


^ "sons of bitches" or "very fine people"?? :eusa_think:

I served 4 years and I'm not offended and don't talk about it much or bring it up every other post. If one wants to kneel, lay down,turn their back on the flag I don't really give a damn. They are not offending me at all. If standing for the anthem is their contracts then the probably will be punished in some form. Seems the only ones offended by this are the Trump suckers. It's a piece of fucking material for Christ sakes. If you want to be offended say something to the people wearing the flag. Or in kid rocks case cutting it out and using as a poncho, but you sure want him to run for office. Now he offends me because he is a pathetic piece of shit.
View attachment 151775Yeah...this guy is running as a Republican, isn't he?

Yep, he certainly is but he is a patriot. He wears that flag proudly.
There's always a small cadre of douchebag military veterans who stand by to make excuses for the Democrats and all the unpatriotic shit they pull. It's bullshit.

back at you
but REALLY there is no excuse to call ANY of our vets douchebags.
You're free to say it, I'm not going to arrest you, but it's a bullshit argument. Veterans did not earn a right to tell others it's ok to disrespect the flag.

Vets, active, retired or reserved are required to know and obey the UCMJ to wit:

The “lawful command of his superior officer,” 891.ART.91 (2), the “lawful order of a warrant officer”, 892.ART.92 (1) the “lawful general order”, 892.ART.92 (2) “lawful order”. In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ."

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