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Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Well he sure wont be able to make Veterans day about him so, I guess this was the next best thing
As commander in chief of the military it is all about him.

Even as the CIC, he will never be a veteran.

Something him and you share I assume.
Choke on it troll. he's the top guy.

Yep, and he is still just a civilian. He will never have veteran status, he will never qualify for VA benefits.

If you had ever served you would appreciate the difference.
Odd. I don’t remember anyone disagreeing with Trump’s Memorial Day tweet from last year.

Maybe snowflakes just missed it? Or. Maybe it was appropriate. You be the judge. Here it is.

“Honoring the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to America. Home of the free, because of the brave. #MemorialDay.”

He also tweeted this on that same day:

“Today we remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving. Thank, you, God bless your families & God bless the USA!”

Any snowflakes have an issue with either of them?
NO what you quote from last year is fine.
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Well he sure wont be able to make Veterans day about him so, I guess this was the next best thing
As commander in chief of the military it is all about him.

Even as the CIC, he will never be a veteran.

Something him and you share I assume.
Choke on it troll. he's the top guy.

Yep, and he is still just a civilian. He will never have veteran status, he will never qualify for VA benefits.

If you had ever served you would appreciate the difference.
You can't stand it can you troll? lol! With all the sincerity I can muster, I pray it sends you to a hospital.
Well he sure wont be able to make Veterans day about him so, I guess this was the next best thing
As commander in chief of the military it is all about him.

Even as the CIC, he will never be a veteran.

Something him and you share I assume.
Choke on it troll. he's the top guy.

Yep, and he is still just a civilian. He will never have veteran status, he will never qualify for VA benefits.

If you had ever served you would appreciate the difference.
You can't stand it can you troll? lol! With all the sincerity I can muster, I pray it sends you to a hospital.

Does not bother me in the least, he is no worse or better than the last two CICs, which ironically I have a retirement Congrats letter from both the previous two.

I did something that neither you nor your savior had the balls to choke on that my little freeloader
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Where did he make it about himself? He’s talking about how the country is in great shape.

You don't think he's trying to take credit for it? He says virtually the same thing at every rally he goes to, and I got no problem with that. But IMHO that's just not the kind of thing a president should say or tweet on Memorial Day. It's like he's trying to honor himself along with those who fought and died for this country, and for me I find that inappropriate.
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Where did he make it about himself? He’s talking about how the country is in great shape.

yes, all the things that he takes credit for making happen.

Politicians take credit for everything good. Did he take credit for it in the tweet? what’s the problem?
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Where did he make it about himself? He’s talking about how the country is in great shape.

yes, all the things that he takes credit for making happen.

Politicians take credit for everything good. Did he take credit for it in the tweet? what’s the problem?

No, but he did in about 1000 tweets before that one.

Why not make it about those that died? Why is that so hard? This day is about those that died not the fucking unemployment rate...
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Where did he make it about himself? He’s talking about how the country is in great shape.

yes, all the things that he takes credit for making happen.

Politicians take credit for everything good. Did he take credit for it in the tweet? what’s the problem?

No, but he did in about 1000 tweets before that one.

Why not make it about those that died? Why is that so hard? This day is about those that died not the fucking unemployment rate...
And all those young beautiful lives ruined? Flynn Manafort etc etc lol lol

but expected at this point.... :(

Because ...
well, you would think he would talk about what memorial day is all about...the sacrifice these veterans gave for our country, for us... and the sacrifice their children and spouses and parents have gone through due to the veteran's death for their country and family being without them.... not make it about him and what he as president, has some campaign speech with narcissistic rhetoric...

So if I showed you a quote where Obama, Hillary or Slick did that, you'd say they are classless?

Then again, when I said school gun free zones are Federal, you said I was wrong, and I showed you a link, you wouldn't admit that you were wrong
school gun free zones are federal, but that does not in any way stop a licensed person to carry a gun in these zones.... a School Security officer can carry a gun, or even a teacher, if they get licensed for it....
and yes, please show us Obama doing something like this on memorial day...

So you finally admitted you were wrong. You said they were not Federal. I showed a link they were. You refused to admit you were wrong. There's nothing more to the story except now you finally admitted you were wrong.

And "us?" Don't have the stones to speak for yourself? What's with the insecurity, toots?

And you didn't answer my question. If I show you quotes by Democrat Presidents that are overtly political, are you going to call them classless? You aren't, are you?
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Who else but Trump could make Memorial Day about himself

Where did he make it about himself? He’s talking about how the country is in great shape.

yes, all the things that he takes credit for making happen.

Politicians take credit for everything good. Did he take credit for it in the tweet? what’s the problem?

I think most people will see the implication that Trump did indeed try to take credit for everything he mentioned. Does he say it directly? No, but anyone who is the least bit honest about it can put 2 and 2 together and figure out what he's saying between the lines. And normally I don't care; the problem is that he tweeted it on Memorial Day, a day when we honor the fallen in past wars. IMHO it's just not a time to trumpet your own accomplishments for personal and political gain, and that is precisely what I think Trump is doing with that tweet.
Anything showing praise in our country is nauseating to hated fill dimstains.
See, this is what I mean. You know perfectly well that Trump's tweet is classless, self-gratiating, and inappropriate. But your brain no longer really controls your mouth, when it comes to Trump.

Leftists are so consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome you think if he said good morning to a nun you'd be offended
No kaz only when he went for her pussy

That's a lie. He wouldn't have to do anything.

And Trump wasn't the sexual predator. Once again you display your misogyny ignoring an actual sexual predator you kept voting for to make a cheap political point

Sent from my iPhone using

FYI, I don't know what you think you're posting, but nothing is showing. Your reply is blank
Trump never stops selling himself, praising himself and hyping himself. And they called President Obama a narcissist.

Trump makes up his own 'facts', lying to the public and obfuscating justice. And they called President Obama a liar.

Trump has the largest rate of staff turnover in American presidential history. He appoints people lacking qualifications to serve, people who, once in office, have shown themselves to be incompetent, corrupt and treasonous. And they said President Obama was an unqualified 'community organizer' without the skills to lead.

I wonder what they think today as their righteous outrage and hyperbolic criticism has come full circle? How can they look themselves in the mirror?
It was 13 3/4 when Obama took office and it was 8% when he left. That isn't half.

It was also in a recession when he took office and you're not counting that under employment went up and that the long term unemployed didn't change.

You take to facts like a duck to spaghetti sauce

I'll cite my pull them out of your rectum

Black unemployment peaked at 16.6 percent in April 2010, when Obama was president. It then fell by more than half to 7.8 percent by the time Obama left office in January 2017.

Hispanic unemployment, meanwhile, peaked at 13 percent in August 2009, then fell to 5.9 percent at the end of Obama’s term in January 2017.

Fact-checking the Donald Trump, Kanye bromance

I see, so you're removing the part where it went up almost 3% from 13 3/4 to 16.6 under Obama. You're cherry picking your period. It's fake news. You claimed Obama's policies cut black unemployment in half. They didn't
It was 13 3/4 when Obama took office and it was 8% when he left. That isn't half.

It was also in a recession when he took office and you're not counting that under employment went up and that the long term unemployed didn't change.

You take to facts like a duck to spaghetti sauce

I'll cite my pull them out of your rectum

Black unemployment peaked at 16.6 percent in April 2010, when Obama was president. It then fell by more than half to 7.8 percent by the time Obama left office in January 2017.

Hispanic unemployment, meanwhile, peaked at 13 percent in August 2009, then fell to 5.9 percent at the end of Obama’s term in January 2017.

Fact-checking the Donald Trump, Kanye bromance

I see, so you're removing the part where it went up almost 3% from 13 3/4 to 16.6 under Obama. You're cherry picking your period. It's fake news. You claimed Obama's policies cut black unemployment in half. They didn't

You are a sad fucker who won't admit a mistake. If it was 16.6 at any point in Obama's term and it finished at 8, he cut it in half during his term in office. Admit your fucking mistake, loser.

but expected at this point.... :(

Because ...
well, you would think he would talk about what memorial day is all about...the sacrifice these veterans gave for our country, for us... and the sacrifice their children and spouses and parents have gone through due to the veteran's death for their country and family being without them.... not make it about him and what he as president, has some campaign speech with narcissistic rhetoric...

This is about where I am, but that tweet is a self-aggrandizing, political pat-yourself-on-the-back that to my mind as a veteran is inappropriate for the occasion. This day is not about him, and he should not be attempting to make it that way. Whether there is or isn't any truth to it is beside the point.

Something you've never said about Obama, Hillary, Slick, Kerry, ... when they did it.

Would you? If I show you a quote from one of them would you say they are "self-aggrandizing, political pat-yourself-on-the-back" politicians?

If they said something like what Trump did on Memorial Day, then hell yes. Pols on both sides are wont to use any and every possible opportunity to make themselves look good to the public, and especially to their political base. That's the way it is, and for me it goes in one ear and out the other cuz I recognize it for what it is - political BS. But there's certain times and places where that sort of thing is just not appropriate, and no politician should try to divert attention to themselves at such a time and place. And I don't give a shit who it is.

Politicians are wrong to be politicians. I don't think that for either party.
Is this an appropriate message for Memorial Day?

View attachment 195636
Trump is congratulating himself more than thanking and showing appreciation to all veterans.

He could say we ll owe a debt of gratitude to all veterans for the successes of of our country.

It is always about him over everyone else.

I always like people who tell veterans how they should feel instead of asking them how they feel, which doesn't support this.

Obviously you're just partisan petty motivated, which is exactly what you're pretending to be against
It was 13 3/4 when Obama took office and it was 8% when he left. That isn't half.

It was also in a recession when he took office and you're not counting that under employment went up and that the long term unemployed didn't change.

You take to facts like a duck to spaghetti sauce

I'll cite my pull them out of your rectum

Black unemployment peaked at 16.6 percent in April 2010, when Obama was president. It then fell by more than half to 7.8 percent by the time Obama left office in January 2017.

Hispanic unemployment, meanwhile, peaked at 13 percent in August 2009, then fell to 5.9 percent at the end of Obama’s term in January 2017.

Fact-checking the Donald Trump, Kanye bromance

I see, so you're removing the part where it went up almost 3% from 13 3/4 to 16.6 under Obama. You're cherry picking your period. It's fake news. You claimed Obama's policies cut black unemployment in half. They didn't

You are a sad fucker who won't admit a mistake. If it was 16.6 at any point in Obama's term and it finished at 8, he cut it in half during his term in office. Admit your fucking mistake, loser.

If Obama's policies caused the drop, then why would we cut out part of his term? That's ridiculous. You're a pathetic little man
It was 13 3/4 when Obama took office and it was 8% when he left. That isn't half.

It was also in a recession when he took office and you're not counting that under employment went up and that the long term unemployed didn't change.

You take to facts like a duck to spaghetti sauce

I'll cite my pull them out of your rectum

Black unemployment peaked at 16.6 percent in April 2010, when Obama was president. It then fell by more than half to 7.8 percent by the time Obama left office in January 2017.

Hispanic unemployment, meanwhile, peaked at 13 percent in August 2009, then fell to 5.9 percent at the end of Obama’s term in January 2017.

Fact-checking the Donald Trump, Kanye bromance

I see, so you're removing the part where it went up almost 3% from 13 3/4 to 16.6 under Obama. You're cherry picking your period. It's fake news. You claimed Obama's policies cut black unemployment in half. They didn't

You are a sad fucker who won't admit a mistake. If it was 16.6 at any point in Obama's term and it finished at 8, he cut it in half during his term in office. Admit your fucking mistake, loser.

If Obama's policies caused the drop, then why would we cut out part of his term? That's ridiculous. You're a pathetic little man

Are you saying that his policies caused the increase, but not the drop? are. Asshole.

And...for your info...I'm a pretty big guy. You should imagine someone larger than you as you type your weak shit.

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