Your Options in Gun Free UK

Humm so I wondr why blacks and Hispanics commit more gun violence than whites...seggragation maybe? Inequality? What is it exactly?
That doesn't mask the fact that there are thousands of victims from gun violence unlike most civilised and third world countries.
Btw: if there is a mass shooting 9 out of 10 times the preparator is white.
Hundreds die from gun violence in Texas every year. In fact the worst of 20 states when it comes to gun violence are all red states with lax gun control laws.....taraaaaa ta ta ta!!!!....amazing isn't ?

Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

Most of the people dying from gun violence in Texas are the black gang bangers in the Houston area, and Latino gang bangers in El Paso, Laredo, San Antonio, etc.

All crime stats in the US are skewed by minorities.

Single teenage girls raising young males from multiple men, with no father.........with no adult male role models other than drug dealers and gang members.....

What does trump's multiple marriages and affairs have to do with this?

They don't....he married the mothers and actually stayed around to father all of the children.....
My previous post went POOF into the cyber space but what I said was my "options" are the same as anyplace else.

But I'm not the pathetic coward the ^^^ gun nutters ^^^ are.

How are they cowards?

Considering they are possibly going to be able to actually be effective at saving their own lives and possibly other lives in the middle of an attack...vs. morons like you who will sit there and quietly submit to having your life taken........
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

No, not always. Many of them prefer to use swords and a muslim terrorism traditionalist practice. Much like the Japanese like swords over guns. Culture, since they have access to guns.
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

and.....please tell us, oh genius......are explosive materials illegal in Britain? Cause it seems like the muslim terrorist who blew up little girls at the concert had no problem getting explosives......something tells me that explosives have been banned for terrorists in Britain the same way guns have been.......
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

No, not always. Many of them prefer to use swords and a muslim terrorism traditionalist practice. Much like the Japanese like swords over guns. Culture, since they have access to guns.

And they seem to use guns when there is easy access.
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

and.....please tell us, oh genius......are explosive materials illegal in Britain? Cause it seems like the muslim terrorist who blew up little girls at the concert had no problem getting explosives......something tells me that explosives have been banned for terrorists in Britain the same way guns have been.......

Are bombs and trucks and planes tradition also?
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

No, not always. Many of them prefer to use swords and a muslim terrorism traditionalist practice. Much like the Japanese like swords over guns. Culture, since they have access to guns.

And they seem to use guns when there is easy access.

And Trucks, and bombs, and knives and machetes.....
Highly likely the London terrorists would have been dead in minutes had this been in Texas.

View attachment 130737

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

and.....please tell us, oh genius......are explosive materials illegal in Britain? Cause it seems like the muslim terrorist who blew up little girls at the concert had no problem getting explosives......something tells me that explosives have been banned for terrorists in Britain the same way guns have been.......

Are bombs and trucks and planes tradition also?

they are for some don't see a lot of isis videos of them shooting people to do see decapitations....with knives....
Honey....they use of knives in Europe and vans cause they can't get their hands on guns like here in the US. And no you don't know squat about the UK. Just for your information is not another state is not part of the union, it's overseas...thy are no gun crazy and they don't have gun violence like here.

Now pay close attention to this big boy , or have someone explain it to you:

Gun homicides in the US are +150 times worse than England and Wales.

They had the terrorists gunning down 130 a terrible tragedy right? Well guess what? Even if that recurred every month it'll still be less than the people killed by guns in the US.....and we are not talking suicides here.

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

and.....please tell us, oh genius......are explosive materials illegal in Britain? Cause it seems like the muslim terrorist who blew up little girls at the concert had no problem getting explosives......something tells me that explosives have been banned for terrorists in Britain the same way guns have been.......

Are bombs and trucks and planes tradition also?

they are for some don't see a lot of isis videos of them shooting people to do see decapitations....with knives....
Kid how many did the terrorist kill in the UK in the last 10 years? How many of American killed each other in one year?
Let's assume you have a gun in a concert, the terrorist walks in and stage right next to you and blow up himself, what your gun is gonna do Mr John Wayne?
Yes imbecile. Just look how safe the world is from terrorists.
Most of our gun deaths are gang bangers killing one another. We want it like that.
Honey....they use knive's in Europe and vans cause they can't their hands on guns like the US. And no you don't know squat about the UK. Just for your information is not another state is not part of the union, it's overseas...thy are no gun crazy and they on have gun violence like here.

Now pay close attention to this big boy , or have someone explain it to you:

Gun homicides in the US are +150 times worse than England and Wales.

They also would have had guns rather than knives.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

and.....please tell us, oh genius......are explosive materials illegal in Britain? Cause it seems like the muslim terrorist who blew up little girls at the concert had no problem getting explosives......something tells me that explosives have been banned for terrorists in Britain the same way guns have been.......

Are bombs and trucks and planes tradition also?

they are for some don't see a lot of isis videos of them shooting people to do see decapitations....with knives....
Keep telling yourself that....
Work shootings, school shootings, domestic shootings, police shootings, road rage shootings, mass shootings?

Gang bangers or not, the US is the worst when it comes to's even worse than Iraq and Afghanistan..... let it sink in and think before you answer.
Kid how many did the terrorist kill in the UK in the last 10 years? How many of American killed each other in one year?
Let's assume you have a gun in a concert, the terrorist walks in and stage right next to you and blow up himself, what your gun is gonna do Mr John Wayne?
Yes imbecile. Just look how safe the world is from terrorists.
Most of our gun deaths are gang bangers killing one another. We want it like that.
Honey....they use of knives in Europe and vans cause they can't get their hands on guns like here in the US. And no you don't know squat about the UK. Just for your information is not another state is not part of the union, it's overseas...thy are no gun crazy and they don't have gun violence like here.

Now pay close attention to this big boy , or have someone explain it to you:

Gun homicides in the US are +150 times worse than England and Wales.

They had the terrorists gunning down 130 a terrible tragedy right? Well guess what? Even if that recurred every month it'll still be less than the people killed by guns in the US.....and we are not talking suicides here.

If they wanted guns they could have used guns...they chose knives for cultural reasons....and shock value....guns are easy to get in Britain.....especially for terrorists.....and gun crime in London is up getting guns aren't the issue if you are a terrorist....

If you are a law abiding British citizen who doesn't want to be stabbed to death or have your throat guns for you....

They use guns when they can get them.
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia

and.....please tell us, oh genius......are explosive materials illegal in Britain? Cause it seems like the muslim terrorist who blew up little girls at the concert had no problem getting explosives......something tells me that explosives have been banned for terrorists in Britain the same way guns have been.......

Are bombs and trucks and planes tradition also?

they are for some don't see a lot of isis videos of them shooting people to do see decapitations....with knives....

Gun murder wasn't happeneing as often in Britain before they banned went up after they banned guns.....and then it returned to the same level as it was before they banned your point has no meaning. British criminals do not murder their victims or each other as often as American criminals do.....they get guns easily, they just don't use them for murder. And the majority of gun murder victims in the United States are criminals, not normal people. There was a robbery in Britain just last week....the armed....yes armed, robbers shot the guard in the leg.....they used their guns to rob, not murder.

But that is changing.....British culture can no longer civilize young males who are raised by single teenage girls.......
Keep telling yourself that....
Work shootings, school shootings, domestic shootings, police shootings, road rage shootings, mass shootings?

Gang bangers or not, the US is the worst when it comes to's even worse than Iraq and Afghanistan..... let it sink in and think before you answer.
Kid how many did the terrorist kill in the UK in the last 10 years? How many of American killed each other in one year?
Let's assume you have a gun in a concert, the terrorist walks in and stage right next to you and blow up himself, what your gun is gonna do Mr John Wayne?
Yes imbecile. Just look how safe the world is from terrorists.
Most of our gun deaths are gang bangers killing one another. We want it like that.

we had 9,616 gun murders in 2015.....70-80% of the victims were that leaves 1,923 victims who were not a country of over 320 million people...and of those victims, many are friends and family of criminals caught in the crossfire of the criminals.....

Cars in this country accidentally kill ...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC
Total car accidental death....


So......if it is a choice between owning a car or a gun...keep the gun and walk.....

And there is the important point....Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack......those are lives saved, criminals stopped....and that doesn't include the lives saved and the crimes stopped because the criminals are captured and in jail......

It is also hard to believe that in a country like Britain, that watched 12 million people rounded up by their governments on the continent and sent to gas chambers, that they would give up their guns......dittos the rest of Europe....some people don't learn the lessons of history....

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