Your Stories of how Gay Marriage ruined your Marriage

What a simpleton line for an opening statement.

Its about concern for society as a whole, including children.

Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions? Thats a real question. Probably 90% of the country would be ok with most aspects of marriage within civil unions. But thats apparently not good enough.

Instead they want to avoid the will of WE THE PEOPLE by playing on the emotions and arrogance of judges who will twist the simple, straight forward, commonsense reading of the law, making a mockery of our court system.

Why did 19 states pass laws making even civil unions illegal?

I think that was short-sighted on their part. I Dont know if any of these were by referendum or all just legislatively. Legislatures can get a little unrepresentative on some of these issues. ....Regardless I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.

No we're not going to settle for less than marriage and the Far Right has no one to blame but themselves....:D
Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions?

Because ‘separate but equal’ is just as offensive to the Constitution as denying gay Americans their equal protection rights.

Moreover, same-sex couples are eligible to participate in the same marriage law as opposite-sex couples, there’s no point in creating ‘marriage lite’ for gay Americans motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.
DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE TRYING TO ARGUE AND FIGHT ALMIGHTY GOD!!!===So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies. 25 Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.

26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.
Romans 1:24-27

:cuckoo: Loony Taliban guy
He called you a "Bimbo Barfly". I guess that means you'll have to wear a scarlet "B" on all your clothes now. If it's good enough for Hester Primm...
Why did 19 states pass laws making even civil unions illegal?

I think that was short-sighted on their part. I Dont know if any of these were by referendum or all just legislatively. Legislatures can get a little unrepresentative on some of these issues. ....Regardless I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.

No we're not going to settle for less than marriage and the Far Right has no one to blame but themselves....:D

well that would be short-sighted of you..... IF you do it through the courts.... Fight your battle openly in the public arena....then fine.

Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions?

Because ‘separate but equal’ is just as offensive to the Constitution as denying gay Americans their equal protection rights.

Moreover, same-sex couples are eligible to participate in the same marriage law as opposite-sex couples, there’s no point in creating ‘marriage lite’ for gay Americans motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

Its not motivated "solely by animus toward same-sex couples"....thats your arrogance, your holier-than-thou, attitude, and perhaps a bit of persecution complex. What gay people has is would simply be different.
We've been hearing for a very long time about how allowing gays to marry legally in this country (or even in other countries) will ruin marriage altogether. Well, legalized gay marriage has been a reality in 10+ years in some places.....share with us your stories of how it has ruined yours, or someone you know's, marriage.

Post your stories here.

What a simpleton line for an opening statement.

Its about concern for society as a whole, including children.

Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions? Thats a real question. Probably 90% of the country would be ok with most aspects of marriage within civil unions. But thats apparently not good enough.

Instead they want to avoid the will of WE THE PEOPLE by playing on the emotions and arrogance of judges who will twist the simple, straight forward, commonsense reading of the law, making a mockery of our court system.
"separate but equal"? Here's a hint: separate but equal is NEVER EQUAL!
I think that was short-sighted on their part. I Dont know if any of these were by referendum or all just legislatively. Legislatures can get a little unrepresentative on some of these issues. ....Regardless I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.

No we're not going to settle for less than marriage and the Far Right has no one to blame but themselves....:D

well that would be short-sighted of you..... IF you do it through the courts.... Fight your battle openly in the public arena....then fine.

Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions?

Because ‘separate but equal’ is just as offensive to the Constitution as denying gay Americans their equal protection rights.

Moreover, same-sex couples are eligible to participate in the same marriage law as opposite-sex couples, there’s no point in creating ‘marriage lite’ for gay Americans motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

Its not motivated "solely by animus toward same-sex couples"....thats your arrogance, your holier-than-thou, attitude, and perhaps a bit of persecution complex. What gay people has is would simply be different.

The courts ARE the public arena. :D
I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.

As opposed to the danger of ignoring the rule of law, the Constitution, and appeasing the tyranny of the majority.

In our Constitutional Republic the people lack the authority to deny American citizens their civil liberties, where one’s civil rights are not subject to ‘majority rule.’
I think that was short-sighted on their part. I Dont know if any of these were by referendum or all just legislatively. Legislatures can get a little unrepresentative on some of these issues. ....Regardless I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.

No we're not going to settle for less than marriage and the Far Right has no one to blame but themselves....:D

well that would be short-sighted of you..... IF you do it through the courts.... Fight your battle openly in the public arena....then fine.

Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions?

Because ‘separate but equal’ is just as offensive to the Constitution as denying gay Americans their equal protection rights.

Moreover, same-sex couples are eligible to participate in the same marriage law as opposite-sex couples, there’s no point in creating ‘marriage lite’ for gay Americans motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.

Its not motivated "solely by animus toward same-sex couples"....thats your arrogance, your holier-than-thou, attitude, and perhaps a bit of persecution complex. What gay people has is would simply be different.
Two sober, tax paying citizens who want to establish a next of kin relationship based on commitment to each other, trust and love. How is that different in the eyes of the law?

Remember, rights are protected even if they are unpopular, especially if they are unpopular. He tyranny of the narrow minded fins no room in the halls of justice.
What a simpleton line for an opening statement.
Its about concern for society as a whole, including children.
Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions? Thats a real question. Probably 90% of the country would be ok with most aspects of marriage within civil unions. But thats apparently not good enough.
Instead they want to avoid the will of WE THE PEOPLE by playing on the emotions and arrogance of judges who will twist the simple, straight forward, commonsense reading of the law, making a mockery of our court system.
"separate but equal"? Here's a hint: separate but equal is NEVER EQUAL!

HOw come your not concerned about tax breaks for single people?.....why are you making a distinction there? Separate so not equal.

well that would be short-sighted of you..... IF you do it through the courts.... Fight your battle openly in the public arena....then fine.
Because ‘separate but equal’ is just as offensive to the Constitution as denying gay Americans their equal protection rights.
Moreover, same-sex couples are eligible to participate in the same marriage law as opposite-sex couples, there’s no point in creating ‘marriage lite’ for gay Americans motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples.
Its not motivated "solely by animus toward same-sex couples"....thats your arrogance, your holier-than-thou, attitude, and perhaps a bit of persecution complex. What gay people has is would simply be different.
The courts ARE the public arena. :D

Thats just a silly statement.

I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.
As opposed to the danger of ignoring the rule of law, the Constitution, and appeasing the tyranny of the majority.
In our Constitutional Republic the people lack the authority to deny American citizens their civil liberties, where one’s civil rights are not subject to ‘majority rule.’

"tyranny of the majority" is an oxymoron. WE the PEOPLE gave us the AMENDMENTS to the Constitution....They were pushed mainly by OPPONENTS to the Constitution.... They passed due to pressure by the MAJORITY. It was elitists, the original federalists (who packed the courts BTW) who opposed them.
What a simpleton line for an opening statement.
Its about concern for society as a whole, including children.
Why cant the gay community be happy with civil unions? Thats a real question. Probably 90% of the country would be ok with most aspects of marriage within civil unions. But thats apparently not good enough.
Instead they want to avoid the will of WE THE PEOPLE by playing on the emotions and arrogance of judges who will twist the simple, straight forward, commonsense reading of the law, making a mockery of our court system.
"separate but equal"? Here's a hint: separate but equal is NEVER EQUAL!

HOw come your not concerned about tax breaks for single people?.....why are you making a distinction there? Separate so not equal.

Thats just a silly statement.

I think it dangerous to negate the will of the people no matter how important a person feels the issue is.
As opposed to the danger of ignoring the rule of law, the Constitution, and appeasing the tyranny of the majority.
In our Constitutional Republic the people lack the authority to deny American citizens their civil liberties, where one’s civil rights are not subject to ‘majority rule.’

"tyranny of the majority" is an oxymoron. WE the PEOPLE gave us the AMENDMENTS to the Constitution....They were pushed mainly by OPPONENTS to the Constitution.... They passed due to pressure by the MAJORITY. It was elitists, the original federalists (who packed the courts BTW) who opposed them.

Tax breaks for single people? People have the choice to be single or where's the legal problem?
Clayton, Marty understands the argument for the 14th perfectly.

He simply, without logic or analysis, does not agree.

Thus, he will always play "just once more".
Tax breaks for single people? People have the choice to be single or where's the legal problem?

separate but not equal huh.....

choice has nothing to do with it.....regardless maybe they dont have a choice.

STARKEY....if your replying to me ...ive had you on ignore for a long time.....not taking you off now.
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Tax breaks for single people? People have the choice to be single or where's the legal problem?

separate but not equal huh.....

choice has nothing to do with it.....regardless maybe they dont have a choice.

STARKEY....if your replying to me ...ive had you on ignore for a long time.....not taking you off now.

Choice does have something to do with want single tax remain want married tax marry (this is a choice gays didn't have for a while) want dependent tax have children. :D
Tax breaks for single people? People have the choice to be single or where's the legal problem?

separate but not equal huh.....

choice has nothing to do with it.....regardless maybe they dont have a choice.

STARKEY....if your replying to me ...ive had you on ignore for a long time.....not taking you off now.

Choice does have something to do with want single tax remain want married tax marry (this is a choice gays didn't have for a while) want dependent tax have children. :D
Or you could achieve fabulous wealth and enjoy all the tax breaks Conservatives have to offer.
Tax breaks for single people? People have the choice to be single or where's the legal problem?

separate but not equal huh.....

choice has nothing to do with it.....regardless maybe they dont have a choice.

STARKEY....if your replying to me ...ive had you on ignore for a long time.....not taking you off now.

Choice does have something to do with want single tax remain want married tax marry (this is a choice gays didn't have for a while) want dependent tax have children. :D

Cant u see that some people would like to get married but cant?

What you are saying is akin to saying, Gay people can get married to someone of the opposite sex but choose not to. (and indeed a lot of gay people have been traditionally married.)
separate but not equal huh.....

choice has nothing to do with it.....regardless maybe they dont have a choice.

STARKEY....if your replying to me ...ive had you on ignore for a long time.....not taking you off now.

Choice does have something to do with want single tax remain want married tax marry (this is a choice gays didn't have for a while) want dependent tax have children. :D

Cant u see that some people would like to get married but cant?

What you are saying is akin to saying, Gay people can get married to someone of the opposite sex but choose not to. (and indeed a lot of gay people have been traditionally married.)

What's stopping them?
Choice does have something to do with want single tax remain want married tax marry (this is a choice gays didn't have for a while) want dependent tax have children. :D

Cant u see that some people would like to get married but cant?

What you are saying is akin to saying, Gay people can get married to someone of the opposite sex but choose not to. (and indeed a lot of gay people have been traditionally married.)

What's stopping them?

whats stopping gay and lesbians from marrying someone of the opposite sex?

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