You're all part of the problem

1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.

Nope. The decision to opposed everything he proposed, even if Republicans supported it in the past, was made before he took office and made any proposals. No compromises, nothing.

Witch doctor photos, Monkey faces of the President and First lady, Rushbo's parroting the Magic Negro song, Birthers, are just a few examples of the rabid rights racist reaction that had nothing to do with policy.

Try again.

Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?
I understand replacement rate but how does that relate to his comment that "leftists are trying to replace white people"?

"I understand replacement rate but how does that relate to his comment that "leftists are trying to replace white people"?"

I think that relates in that it's predominately Leftist Groups who are demanding that UNLIMITED amounts of those from the Middle East and Sub-Sahara Africa are imported into ONLY Western nations which have throughout history been predominantly White.

So that would be Population Replacement.

EG. If X nation has a birth rate of 2 children per family and you import Y group who on average have a birth rate of 6 children per family, then at some point 40-60 years in the future Y group are going to replace X nation in demographics.

That is simple mathematics.

People who point this out of course are called racist, which is the usual slur that's given when people cannot refute the argument put forward.

OK thanks.

Who is demanding or even suggesting we have completely open borders? I don't know of any real movements to totally open our borders to any and all people.

There are many groups who demand completely open borders, there is even a group called Open Borders, The UN supports a world WITHOUT Borders....this is all absolutely insane and not natural ever at ANY point in history.

If a nation does not have borders, it ceases to be a nation, part of what makes a nation a nation are it's borders, it differentiates the nation from the next nation, no borders is the death of both Individuality and Sovereignty.

I agree that borders are needed. I thought we were discussing U.S. policy here but maybe I was wrong. If we're just talking about the U.S. I do not know of any credible group/authority figure that is pushing for totally open borders in the U.S.

Well in America you have the established Left with their NGOs in tow, the latter push for open borders, here's a few of them Democracy Alliance,, America Coming Together, The Center for American Progress and the New Democrat Network.

The same crap the above preach that their ilk preach elsewhere, that being America has a moral DUTY to open it's borders to allow basically the Third World into America because of The Environment/Global Warming, War Torn Refugees, Economic Migrants ie. they have destroyed their own nations and so Americans must provide them with a standard of living their own Third World shit holes cannot.

The modus operandi is the same as elsewhere and that's using Emotional Blackmail ie. Muh Slave Trade, Muh Colonialism etc in the hope that there are X amount of ignorant and naïve Americans who will have a purely Emotional Reaction ie. Altruism and also Pathological Altruism that they'll support the Open Borders Agenda.

Anyone who does not support the Open Borders Agenda is of course demonised as a racist bigot.

Can you link me to one statement by any of those groups that says they want totally open borders. I am against open borders and want to know who is advocating this as I have not heard it before.
Do you think the Democratic party welcomes you? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Surely they don't find me more contemptible than I find them.

Nearly all politicians are contemptible regardless if they're on the Left or Conservative, most do not give a crap about the public in general, only at election times when they need their votes, most politicians are only beholden to the Special Interest Groups and Big Corporations who fund their campaigns and once elected expect them to deliver for them and ONLY them.
I don't do that much posting. Mostly, I like to read others' posts to sort of test my own positions on issues.

Fortunately, I'm always right. :wink_2:
Read some MSM articles on the subject of charlottesville or white supremacy or antifa. Then take a look at the facebook comments section of said articles. Leftists radicals are emboldened by the establishment's reaction and go around threatening anyone and everyone right there in public for everyone to see. Not just a handful but thousands of people, threatening to kill you for disagreeing.

And how many have actually been killed? None. You ramp up the rhetoric and think it the norm. It's not even close....
And how many have actually been killed? None. You ramp up the rhetoric and think it the norm. It's not even close....

So you're saying it's ok to physically assault people because of the hat they wear, or if they carry an american flag or attend a prayer event.
And how many have actually been killed? None. You ramp up the rhetoric and think it the norm. It's not even close....

So you're saying it's ok to physically assault people because of the hat they wear, or if they carry an american flag or attend a prayer event.

No. But I saw the assaults happening at Trump rallies pre election. Go on YouTube or Google. There are plenty. Both sides. That is a difference between someone sucking down KoolAid and someone who actually does research. Both sides have their moments.
No. But I saw the assaults happening at Trump rallies pre election. Go on YouTube or Google. There are plenty. Both sides. That is a difference between someone sucking down KoolAid and someone who actually does research. Both sides have their moments.

Trump got in big trouble with the literally hitler crowd for saying 'both sides'...
1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.

Nope. The decision to opposed everything he proposed, even if Republicans supported it in the past, was made before he took office and made any proposals. No compromises, nothing.

Witch doctor photos, Monkey faces of the President and First lady, Rushbo's parroting the Magic Negro song, Birthers, are just a few examples of the rabid rights racist reaction that had nothing to do with policy.

Try again.

Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?
1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.

Nope. The decision to opposed everything he proposed, even if Republicans supported it in the past, was made before he took office and made any proposals. No compromises, nothing.

Witch doctor photos, Monkey faces of the President and First lady, Rushbo's parroting the Magic Negro song, Birthers, are just a few examples of the rabid rights racist reaction that had nothing to do with policy.

Try again.

Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?

Don't have a cow but we have the right in this country to oppose policies we disagree with. As much as the left would love to silence opposition.
1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.

Nope. The decision to opposed everything he proposed, even if Republicans supported it in the past, was made before he took office and made any proposals. No compromises, nothing.

Witch doctor photos, Monkey faces of the President and First lady, Rushbo's parroting the Magic Negro song, Birthers, are just a few examples of the rabid rights racist reaction that had nothing to do with policy.

Try again.

Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?

Don't have a cow but we have the right in this country to oppose policies we disagree with. As much as the left would love to silence opposition.

Their blanket policy of obstructionism to deny the President any legislative victory at all was not based on any specific policy.or proposal.
No. But I saw the assaults happening at Trump rallies pre election. Go on YouTube or Google. There are plenty. Both sides. That is a difference between someone sucking down KoolAid and someone who actually does research. Both sides have their moments.

Trump got in big trouble with the literally hitler crowd for saying 'both sides'...

That was different. He was somehow equating neonazi scum with those who are against racism etc. They are not equal. Never will be. However, there is a certain section of the left who react way OTT. They need to be called out when they do. And rightly so.
Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.

Nope. The decision to opposed everything he proposed, even if Republicans supported it in the past, was made before he took office and made any proposals. No compromises, nothing.

Witch doctor photos, Monkey faces of the President and First lady, Rushbo's parroting the Magic Negro song, Birthers, are just a few examples of the rabid rights racist reaction that had nothing to do with policy.

Try again.

Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?

Don't have a cow but we have the right in this country to oppose policies we disagree with. As much as the left would love to silence opposition.

Their blanket policy of obstructionism to deny the President any legislative victory at all was not based on any specific policy.or proposal.

And they have that right, tissue? Just as Dem's in the minority are doing now voting No on everything hello.
Nearly all politicians are contemptible regardless if they're on the Left or Conservative, most do not give a crap about the public in general, only at election times when they need their votes, most politicians are only beholden to the Special Interest Groups and Big Corporations who fund their campaigns and once elected expect them to deliver for them and ONLY them.
Couldn't agree more. The vast majority of Congressmen, of both parties, live on their knees before their corporate or rich individual donors. They live their miserable lives on their knees. And everything they do is to please their masters (donors).

But what makes me incredibly angry is how amazingly arrogant these Congressional pricks become. They act as if they're sugar and their constituents are shit. They look down on everyone who is not a part of their own privileged little circle. It's disgusting.

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