You're all part of the problem

Nope. The decision to opposed everything he proposed, even if Republicans supported it in the past, was made before he took office and made any proposals. No compromises, nothing.

Witch doctor photos, Monkey faces of the President and First lady, Rushbo's parroting the Magic Negro song, Birthers, are just a few examples of the rabid rights racist reaction that had nothing to do with policy.

Try again.

Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?

Don't have a cow but we have the right in this country to oppose policies we disagree with. As much as the left would love to silence opposition.

Their blanket policy of obstructionism to deny the President any legislative victory at all was not based on any specific policy.or proposal.

And they have that right, tissue? Just as Dem's in the minority are doing now voting No on everything hello.

Having the right to do it is not the point (and I certainly concede the point that the Dems are doing it now too.). Having it predetermined before any policies are put on the table is the point. They were out to tarnish him before the first question like "Is this Obama's Waterloo?" was ever asked.
Dude, Obama just spent months telling the entire world what he planned to do if elected what are you smoking?

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?

Don't have a cow but we have the right in this country to oppose policies we disagree with. As much as the left would love to silence opposition.

Their blanket policy of obstructionism to deny the President any legislative victory at all was not based on any specific policy.or proposal.

And they have that right, tissue? Just as Dem's in the minority are doing now voting No on everything hello.

Having the right to do it is not the point (and I certainly concede the point that the Dems are doing it now too.). Having it predetermined before any policies are put on the table is the point. They were out to tarnish him before the first question like "Is this Obama's Waterloo?" was ever asked.

Again Obama put a bunch of policies on the table during the campaign, just admit it.
That was different. He was somehow equating neonazi scum with those who are against racism etc. They are not equal. Never will be. However, there is a certain section of the left who react way OTT. They need to be called out when they do. And rightly so.

How can you watch footage of the charlottesville fiasco and not see the hordes of leftists attacking people? All of that is erased from your mind because of the car crash incident.
Well, not all of you, but most of you. I've been hanging out in political forums for about a decade now, and as times change and we move from controversy to controversy I notice one constant. Grown ass people can't have disagreements in a grown up way. You see it here; you see it everywhere. Name calling, unfair assumptions and accusations, etc.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you here to just shit on the floor, or are you here in hopes that some part of what you say might get through and impact another person? I know it's the latter for me, and I know that if I ever hope to achieve that I'll need to start by not acting like an ignorant asshole when I'm talking about my point of view. The moment you get hostile and shitty with people you ensure two things. One, they're now closed off to anything you might have been able to teach them, and two, you have closed yourself off to anything they might have been able to teach you.

So policy proposal made by the President were a moot point to be vigorously opposed because of what he said during the campaign, even if the proposed policies were once supported by Republicans?

I don't always smoke but when I do I prefer Hashish, why?

Don't have a cow but we have the right in this country to oppose policies we disagree with. As much as the left would love to silence opposition.

Their blanket policy of obstructionism to deny the President any legislative victory at all was not based on any specific policy.or proposal.

And they have that right, tissue? Just as Dem's in the minority are doing now voting No on everything hello.

Having the right to do it is not the point (and I certainly concede the point that the Dems are doing it now too.). Having it predetermined before any policies are put on the table is the point. They were out to tarnish him before the first question like "Is this Obama's Waterloo?" was ever asked.

Again Obama put a bunch of policies on the table during the campaign, just admit it.

I think you're conflating campaigning and governing. Maybe that's the problem with our government, mostly campaigning less governing.
Well, not all of you, but most of you. I've been hanging out in political forums for about a decade now, and as times change and we move from controversy to controversy I notice one constant. Grown ass people can't have disagreements in a grown up way. You see it here; you see it everywhere. Name calling, unfair assumptions and accusations, etc.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you here to just shit on the floor, or are you here in hopes that some part of what you say might get through and impact another person? I know it's the latter for me, and I know that if I ever hope to achieve that I'll need to start by not acting like an ignorant asshole when I'm talking about my point of view. The moment you get hostile and shitty with people you ensure two things. One, they're now closed off to anything you might have been able to teach them, and two, you have closed yourself off to anything they might have been able to teach you.


So racist. Obviously that comment about people shitting on the floor is far-right code for middle eastern immigrants.
Well, not all of you, but most of you. I've been hanging out in political forums for about a decade now, and as times change and we move from controversy to controversy I notice one constant. Grown ass people can't have disagreements in a grown up way. You see it here; you see it everywhere. Name calling, unfair assumptions and accusations, etc.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you here to just shit on the floor, or are you here in hopes that some part of what you say might get through and impact another person? I know it's the latter for me, and I know that if I ever hope to achieve that I'll need to start by not acting like an ignorant asshole when I'm talking about my point of view. The moment you get hostile and shitty with people you ensure two things. One, they're now closed off to anything you might have been able to teach them, and two, you have closed yourself off to anything they might have been able to teach you.


So racist. Obviously that comment about people shitting on the floor is far-right code for middle eastern immigrants.

He must be a Nazi then.
How can you watch footage of the charlottesville fiasco and not see the hordes of leftists attacking people? All of that is erased from your mind because of the car crash incident.

I don't know what happened. I've seen about 30 minutes of footage overall, which is not a lot considering it was a two-day event. I've seen racists attacking police. I saw antifa people attacking racists. Who knows. As far as the violence goes, there is enough blame to go around. However, the moral high ground was with the anti racists.
Well, not all of you, but most of you. I've been hanging out in political forums for about a decade now, and as times change and we move from controversy to controversy I notice one constant. Grown ass people can't have disagreements in a grown up way. You see it here; you see it everywhere. Name calling, unfair assumptions and accusations, etc.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you here to just shit on the floor, or are you here in hopes that some part of what you say might get through and impact another person? I know it's the latter for me, and I know that if I ever hope to achieve that I'll need to start by not acting like an ignorant asshole when I'm talking about my point of view. The moment you get hostile and shitty with people you ensure two things. One, they're now closed off to anything you might have been able to teach them, and two, you have closed yourself off to anything they might have been able to teach you.
I’m here to have some fun, read the opinions of others, and share a few of my own. Basic entertainment. I lurked for many months before joining USMB so I knew there are lots of angry, illogical, sometimes sick, people here. But one can have no real idea how bad it is until one is a member.

Sadly, there are many people whose posts amount only to personal and partisan attacks, there is no reasonable position, at all, put forth. They’re just hit and run insults. These are the people I quickly put on Ignore because they have nothing of value to share, imo.

And, there seems to be little real debate that takes place here, mostly it’s just insults tossed around like electronic molotov cocktails. I, and others, have been insulted because we use the Ignore feature to clean up the board. The insulters, in their twisted little minds, seem to think there is some valorous reason for members not to use Ignore feature, and instead, to just tolerate their assinine bullshit. I disagree. I’m here to have some fun, not to listen to five year-olds endlessly scream at each other.

The giveaway, often, is in the way their posts begin. You can expect a steaming pile of shit when the first words are something like:

All blacks are....
or, All hair-brained liberals want to control....
or, Right wingers are all Toe-Tapping faggots....
or, (in my own case) starting posts with: the Orange Doosh/Maggot/Draft-Dodger, etc.

Well, you get the idea. The forum can instantly be made better by placing most of these folks immediately on Ignore, imo.

To be honest, I’ve been guilty on too many occasions of engaging in the same stupid shit. I want to do better, and I will do better. But I suppose it’s human nature to counter-attack anyone who insults you. And. because I deeply love this country, and I think donald trump is a horrible president, I engage in a lot of stupid insults, too. Maybe it’s the bigger and better man who can calmly walk away, leaving the insulting knuckle-dragger to sink more deeply into his own stinking pile of diarrhea.

Thank you, Confounding, for a thoughtful and needed thread. One that should get all of us thinking about our own online behavior. With this thread, you’ve achieved your stated goal of getting through to, and impacting, another person. That person is, me.

I hope there are others who have been 'impacted', as well.
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I don't know what happened. I've seen about 30 minutes of footage overall, which is not a lot considering it was a two-day event. I've seen racists attacking police. I saw antifa people attacking racists. Who knows. As far as the violence goes, there is enough blame to go around. However, the moral high ground was with the anti racists.

WHAT? Show me one second of footage of your so-called racists attacking police. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. It was quite the opposite.
What exactly are you trying to achieve? Are you here to just shit on the floor, or are you here in hopes that some part of what you say might get through and impact another person?
I've asked this in various ways, and it's difficult to get a straight answer. It's hard to imagine that an adult actually thinks they're going to change another person's mind with constant name-calling, personal insults and lies. So my guess is that the behavior here is more cathartic than anything else.

The problem, to me anyway, is that this place is becoming more and more representative of our culture as a whole. When is the last time you saw two people who disagreed on something have a calm, reasonable, rational discussion, particularly in the media? And this behavior is polluting everything else, from popular culture to sports to freakin' Facebook.

If it were just a bunch of adults acting like petulant children on an internet message board, that would be one thing. But when it becomes cultural, that's something else entirely.


Cocky meme-guy brings up some good points. Care to respond?

Leftists have decided it's their moral imperative to replace white people. How the fuck do you expect me to react to that..?
And pseudocons have decided it's their moral imperative to lynch all black people.

Gee, straw man fallacies are fun!

Justice Department Statistics: Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia (20/5/1995)
Politics have always been mud slinging arena's..............People disagree on many things and we are at a point when the other side refuses to compromise on any damned thing and expects us to cow tow their agenda.............

The leftist stand lock and barrel together on their agenda refusing to compromise time and time again..........Giving the other side no choice but to do the same.

It gets ugly...........and that is the way it is..............Some believe our path is a destructive one......financially with endless debt until it destroys us...............I'll stick to my guns.
This would have been a great thread and a wonderful and smart thread subject 20 years ago but today's leftest is not your grandpas leftest.
Today's liberals are absolutely insane and enraged.
Unfortunately we are way past civil discussion.
You can't reason with people that would love it if you were dead.
You can't reason with people that think they are entitled to your earnings.
You can't reason with people that think lying, stealing and cheating is fine.
And you can't reason with people that hate God and Country.
Politics have always been mud slinging arena's..............People disagree on many things and we are at a point when the other side refuses to compromise on any damned thing and expects us to cow tow their agenda.............

The leftist stand lock and barrel together on their agenda refusing to compromise time and time again..........Giving the other side no choice but to do the same.

It gets ugly...........and that is the way it is..............Some believe our path is a destructive one......financially with endless debt until it destroys us...............I'll stick to my guns.

When you catch leftists in a lie like I did just now with Dr Grump, they disappear. Next time you see them, they're slinging the same old bull. How can you ever reach a compromise with people who refuse to admit when they're wrong?
The Democrats always make politics about race because they are racist.
Democrats have all of the race based political organizations and hate groups.
1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.
It wasn't just his policies that "you people" opposed and don't pretend otherwise.
1) The Country has not been so divided since just before the Civil War. (Obama did that, no doubt---whether he did good or bad depends mainly on where you live...and whether you are working and self-reliant...or relaxing on the front porch of the Federal Plantation.)

2) People do not come onto Political Discussion Boards such as this to gather information to make up their minds about a political point; they come to express their opinion which is already set in stone. They do it out of frustration that other people's opinions are so at variance with their own. (Catharsis, as mentioned above). Nobody's opinion changes; folks just have to have a release over what they see this country turning into.

No minds change, but there are groups of posters who put forward intelligent points and rational arguments to support them; and they are groups whose only responses are things like:

1) Racist!!

2) Islamaphobe!!

3) Rube!!

If you want to be an unbiased observer, pick any thread, and with each post, decide if the poster is likely Liberal or likely Conservative, and then decide if the post attempts to make a legitimate point; or just amounts to name-calling. There will be ample children on both sides, but by far the preponderance of childishness will come from the Liberals, because their shopworn Marxist ideas have failed everywhere they have ever been tried; whereas Conservatives have a legitimate argument for why this country should not undergo the drastic transformation Obama wants---that argument being that, though not perfect, it has been the most successful Culture thus far in the Human Experience.

This Truth
explains why everybody on the Planet is trying to get into America and nobody wants to leave; but it does not at all explain why everybody who gets here wants to change it into the failed Cultures they left--like Mexico and the Middle East.

People are leaving California for Texas because California is a bankrupt mess; they are leaving New York and New Jersey for Florida and North Carolina for the same reasons----but when they get to those places what do they want to do? Turn it into the Liberal Nightmare they left.

Detroit used to be called the Paris of the West...then it was run by Democrats for half a it looks like Beirut during the Lebanese Civil empty shell.

Did the people who left learn anything? I doubt it. Liberals never learn. They only lecture the Rubes about how screwed up their Country is.

No minds are being changed on this board. We are fighting another Civil War. At least nobody is dying, as yet.


1. It was the Rabid rights reaction to President Obama's election that let loose the pent up racism many still have in this country and world.

2. Some folks never change.

Lib please, YOU people injected race into it. Obama is a liberal who immediately told OUR elected representatives in congress to sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking did you think we would stand for that? So we opposed Obama's policies and you people screamed racism.
It wasn't just his policies that "you people" opposed and don't pretend otherwise.

So you're saying we should abandon all of our beliefs because Obama is black.

Cocky meme-guy brings up some good points. Care to respond?

Leftists have decided it's their moral imperative to replace white people. How the fuck do you expect me to react to that..?
And pseudocons have decided it's their moral imperative to lynch all black people.

Gee, straw man fallacies are fun!

Justice Department Statistics: Blacks commit more than 50 times the number of violent interracial crimes as Whites commit. Sydney Morning Herald, Australia (20/5/1995)


Thanks for confirming pseudocons hate negroes.

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