'You're JUST like CNN' Trump LASHES OUT at BBC reporter in fiery 'fake news' clash


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
DONALD TRUMP belted the BBC during an astonishing press conference as he compared the British broadcaster to CNN.
'You're JUST like CNN' Trump LASHES OUT at BBC reporter in fiery 'fake news' clash

CNN and their fucking NON-STOP 24/7 coverage of the orange shitlord helped him win. Not sure why he bashes them, they gave him billions worth of free advertising and publicity.
CNN and their fucking NON-STOP 24/7 coverage of the orange shitlord helped him win. Not sure why he bashes them, they gave him billions worth of free advertising and publicity.
Orange Shitlord is a good one.
If one looks into the history of the world, Trump's attack of the press has been replicated only by certified tyrants. FACT
Of course, but in all that history, the media have never been the sacks of lying shit they are today.
CNN and their fucking NON-STOP 24/7 coverage of the orange shitlord helped him win. Not sure why he bashes them, they gave him billions worth of free advertising and publicity.

Good point. That is how lame CNN is. They were trying their very best to make sure Trump failed and beast won. They even screwed up the screw up? All of the MSM = massive failure.

Really smart people like me know what up.....I admit to seeing this pointed out by other poster other thread. I parrot. Polly wanna Trump....
If one looks into the history of the world, Trump's attack of the press has been replicated only by certified tyrants. FACT
Of course, but in all that history, the media have never been the sacks of lying shit they are today.

Says a Trump look-aid drinker. How dare they use his actual quotes and compare them with reality!
CNN and their fucking NON-STOP 24/7 coverage of the orange shitlord helped him win. Not sure why he bashes them, they gave him billions worth of free advertising and publicity.

Good point. That is how lame CNN is. They were trying their very best to make sure Trump failed and beast won. They even screwed up the screw up? All of the MSM = massive failure.

Really smart people like me know what up.....I admit to seeing this pointed out by other poster other thread. I parrot. Polly wanna Trump....

They did not "try to make Trump fail," they hired Corey Lewandowski FFS. They were only concerned with eyeballs and clicks. Period. This campaign was a massive money maker for CNN. Even the CEO regretted their coverage, especially early on when they televised his rallies in full.
They did not "try to make Trump fail," they hired Corey Lewandowski FFS. They were only concerned with eyeballs and clicks. Period. This campaign was a massive money maker for CNN. Even the CEO regretted their coverage, especially early on when they televised his rallies in full.

Are you saying "they did not put the beast on because no one wanted to see her"?
I'll go ahead and quote you up front. Way to step into it A-Roid.
They did not "try to make Trump fail," they hired Corey Lewandowski FFS. They were only concerned with eyeballs and clicks. Period. This campaign was a massive money maker for CNN. Even the CEO regretted their coverage, especially early on when they televised his rallies in full.

Are you saying "they did not put the beast on because no one wanted to see her"?
I'll go ahead and quote you up front. Way to step into it A-Roid.

They knew that Trump = ratings. Trump did such a good job at manipulating the press that the outlets had no choice but to devote 90% of their air time to him, his comments, his tweets, etc....
CNN and their fucking NON-STOP 24/7 coverage of the orange shitlord helped him win. Not sure why he bashes them, they gave him billions worth of free advertising and publicity.

I have heard others on this forum say the same thing but it is simply not true. All the coverage of Trump by CNN and other members of the MSM was negative and that certainly did not help him. Trump did not win because of CNN; rather he won in spite of CNN. The MSM went so extreme in their criticism that the forgotten hard-working men and women in the country (especially those who lived in the flyover states) weren't buying it. Real Americans realized that the MSM were united in an effort to elect Clinton. America's best and most informed citizens treated them like the biased, hypocritical, agenda-driven Clinton butt-kisser they were.

Every politicians knows that negative ads against the other guy hurts him. That is why negative campaigning is so popular. Apparently you believe that the constant (and unproven) accusations of being a “pussy groper” and unsupported charges of being a Russian collaborator gained Trump votes and helped him win the election. I believe the accusations cost him votes. I'll let others decide which one if us is right. I do have two questions for you. They are just rhetorical and therefore I do not expect an answer.

First, what, if anything, did CNN say about Trump that you consider to be complimentary?

Second, what negative coverage do you think caused people to vote for Trump rather than against him?

As I said, I don't expect an answer.

Conclusion: Unrelenting personal attacks against a candidate do not help his campaign. They are designed to hurt him and they do. Fortunately for Trump, the hard working men and women in this country did not trust the MSM and didn't believe the gossip they were trying to spread. Further, they knew the awful truth about Clinton even though the MSM tried their best to defend her. Perhaps you are confusing politics with Hollywood. Back in the day it was not uncommon for movie producers to invent “scandal” involving the leading men and women to lure people into the movie houses. Sandal on the part of politicians has never been a career enhancer and you should know that. You apparently think the amount of coverage and not the type of coverage is the most important thing and you should know better. Most of us know better. Trump won in spite of CNN not because of CNN and nothing could be more obvious than that.
CNN and their fucking NON-STOP 24/7 coverage of the orange shitlord helped him win. Not sure why he bashes them, they gave him billions worth of free advertising and publicity.

Wow President Trump has really gotten under your skin, what is your problem with him exactly?

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