You're Not Special

Very true. Look at the environment in which our kids are "growing up":
  • Participation medals for just showing up
  • Not keeping score so that feelings aren't hurt
  • Safe spaces, trigger warnings, microaggressions
  • Opposing viewpoints being shut out, shut up, shut down
  • Kids becoming famous for selfies and vile videos
On and on. We isolate our kids in these little protective bubbles and then expect them to function as adults in the real world.

It's a lousy thing to do to a kid.
He has it down-

Thanks for posting about him. It would do good for everyone to listen to.
The guy makes some great points, sure. But they apply to all generations, not just millennials. Boomers need to get off their cell phones, because the social media and dopamine reception is just as bad for them. And once millennials stop helping them with their technology, that will happen.

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