Yup we're doing great under the great O...7 million have left the workforce.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.

He's awesome, but it's what he wants.... Imagine there's nothing left to kill or fie for......it's in the liberal national anthem.
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard

"PEW Research in Dec, 2010 published 10,000 [people retire each] day, for the next 19 years"

House Speaker John Boehner says 10,000 baby boomers retire every day | PolitiFact Ohio

Do the math!

10k/day means 3,650,000 per year retire. Obama has been in office for 5+ years so technically that would be over 18 million who have left the workforce.

The math doesn't lie but politicians do so all the time for partisan purposes.
What idea did the Republicans have to improve employment and wages which was blocked by Obama? What did they propose as an alternative to ACA? What specific reforms to ACA has Boehner proposed over the past four years?
U.S. Labor Force Participation Rate

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


And this includes all the retirees, all the people who have given up looking for jobs, and all the new college graduates coming out with their degrees, and finding nothing. It does not include the new college graduates getting jobs... sweeping floors.


That chart looks different in a proper context:


Looks to me like our best bet would be to bring back Clinton, or the closest thing to Clinton we can get,

if you're going to claim that presidents are responsible for this.

You also see that the rate fell as much or more under Bush as it has under Obama
Yes it is a large number since the baby boomers are retiring. Many that went back to work because of reduced real estate values and stock value loss are now going back into retirement since the stocks have recovered and real estate values have stop dropping.
Conservatives used to always say that the Government can't create jobs, up until they decided they could blame Obama for not creating jobs.
If you ain't got a job, get off your ass and create one or drop the ego and work at whatever you can find...I seem to have no problem, and I am turning down work.. I make about 150-2900 bucks a day as a mason doing small jobs, if I ran a crew it would be about 5-6 grand a month..
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I am not fond of predictions. Especially ones that are not going to be tested for months....or years. But....let me make one.

The DNC will begin to campaign on the fact that all of the job losses that we experienced during the trickle down recession have been recovered. Democratic politicians will make job creation over the past 4 years a major part of their message.

A little more specific? In the next State of the Union.....the president will announce a sub 6 unemployment rate and a rapidly improving economy.

Good news for Americans. Bad news for USMB nutters.
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That chart looks different in a proper context:


Looks to me like our best bet would be to bring back Clinton, or the closest thing to Clinton we can get,
You meant Reagan, right?

Or ar you trying to pretend that the 1% under Clinton was somehow BETTER than the 4% increase under Reagan?

You also see that the rate fell as much or more under Bush as it has under Obama
A 1% fall (followed by a slight recovery) under Bush, is somehow "worse" than a 3% fall (followed by NO recover) under Obama?

Are you on some strange "medication" that the rest of us should be made aware of?
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What idea did the Republicans have to improve employment and wages which was blocked by Obama? What did they propose as an alternative to ACA? What specific reforms to ACA has Boehner proposed over the past four years?
Replacing stupid failed progressive programs with nothing at all would be a major improvement.

Stop expecting the govt. to get you a job. Around here they can't get enough people to work...
The trucking industry is looking for 40k drivers a year...
Conservatives used to always say that the Government can't create jobs, up until they decided they could blame Obama for not creating jobs.

Ok, NY I guess this debate is above your head....

The govt doesn't create jobs, but they can kill them.

Raise the income tax to %100

see how many people want to work then?

Raise the corporate tax rate to $100

See how many business stay working and are created

Hint...the answer to both is ZEROOOOOOOOOOO
"Since President Obama came into office in 2009, 7.2 million people have left the workforce entirely. One out of every six men aged 25–54 is not working. Employment in this group fell by 72,000 last month, while the number of employed women aged 25–54 fell by 37,000. Meanwhile, the workforce participation rate for women is at its lowest level in 23 years. Median household income is down almost $2,300 from what it was when the President took office. Real wages are lower than they were in 1999. Growth in the first quarter of this year was negative.
"These numbers are grim and make clear that this economy is nowhere close to performing at an acceptable level."

Sessions: 7 Million Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office | The Weekly Standard

Forget the fact that Boomers are retiring, the Right already knew that and were predicting it as a rationalization for privatizing SS throughout the Bush Regime, remember how the Right were telling us how bad it was for women to work and now it is suddenly bad for women not to work.

Just another example of the Right being on BOTH sides of EVERY issue!!!!

Working mothers 'bad for children' | Money | The Guardian

Working mothers 'bad for children'

John Carvel, social affairs editor
The Guardian, Friday 14 November 2003 05.03 EST

The children of mothers who return to work full time in the years before they start school have slower emotional development and score less well in reading and maths tests, according to a study published today by the Institute for Social and Economic Research.
The disadvantage starts in primary school and persists into early adulthood, with lower educational attainment, higher unemployment and greater likelihood of childbearing early in life.

An early return to work by the mother reduces the child's chances of progressing to A-level from 60% to 50%. The employment patterns of the father have little effect, said the study by John Ermisch and Marco Francesconi, professors at Essex University.
Conservatives used to always say that the Government can't create jobs, up until they decided they could blame Obama for not creating jobs.

Ok, NY I guess this debate is above your head....

The govt doesn't create jobs, but they can kill them.

Raise the income tax to %100

see how many people want to work then?

Raise the corporate tax rate to $100

See how many business stay working and are created

Hint...the answer to both is ZEROOOOOOOOOOO

Freudian slip?

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