zoning laws used to keep out fundamentalist chicken.

So they should allow lap dancing establishments wherever they want? Fuck that. If a company states a discriminatory aim, and puts money behind it, why shouldn't local jurisdictions decide to raise the bar? Are you now against state and local rights? I fully support your right to eat the foods that make you obese. Support the local planning and zoning board's right to keep enterprise that supports bigotry and spits in the face of equal employment opportunity out of communities that might be offended.

stupid post is obvious
As many people are aware, US zoning laws have been an area where prejudice and bigotry can be used to keep out legitimate business and organizations. Fundamentalist christian forces have been using zoning to keep legitimate gay establishments, and other religions from entering their town. No complaint has really come from the republicans and churches as zoning laws have allowed people to vote against things in their neighborhood, and allow prejudice a foothold in our government.

It seems that some people are now getting smart and using the loophole that allows religion and prejudice to influence our neighborhoods to deny christians from entering neighborhoods. Some may have read about the local pastor who had his home church group banned for blocking the streets of a residential neighborhood and violating local zoning ordinances against using residential property for religious worship by large groups. Well now 2 cities have used their laws to ban the presence of bigoted homophopbic activist chicken sales by chick fillet from entering their markets. I wonder how the right will react?

Of course there will be protests and whining because their loopholes for prejudice will be used against them to deny their businesses from using big markets to get money to fund their fundie ideals and harass others. Perhaps we will get lucky and they will pass some laws that prevent prejudice from hindering business and legitimate places like mosques based on zoning laws that are applied with prejudice on organizations that are legitimate and should not be pe3rsecuted by neighborhoods.

So what do you think, are chicago and boston right in not allowing businesses that don't represent their ideals just like towns are allowed to ban gay establishments and other places, or are the zoning laws in need of a change to disallow the law to be applied differently depending on which groups are found to be offensive? Will the right wing propaganda people agree that they are out of line in using these laws to discriminate, or will they whine because their own loophole was used against them like the hypocrites we know they are?

of course they're right. No chiken for boston or chicago. it sucks to be you donut?
The problem is the stuff you want is NASTY. Sure we dont want strip joints. liquor stores, and adult video stores in areas with kids and families, NOPE we dont, but how is that like Chik Fil A?
I mean are you really that nutty you cant tell the difference? Do I have to explain the difference?

do as i say not as i do......
zoning laws used to keep out fundamentalist chicken.

What's a "fundamentalist chicken"? I've heard of Rhode Island Red's and Plymouth Whites before but never heard of a fundamentalist chicken. Do you bake them or fry them??????
No shit.

And he crapped himself when I said "Oh well, no chicken for Chicago".

"McDonald's has chicken!"

I think most leftist loons are drug addicts. That's the only explanation that fits.
No shit.

And he crapped himself when I said "Oh well, no chicken for Chicago".

"McDonald's has chicken!"

I think most leftist loons are drug addicts. That's the only explanation that fits.

silly allie; you're not a leftist
Chick Fil A uses peanut oil to fry their chicken. Accordingly, it's delicious, and there is one about 10 minutes away from me here in the suburbs of Chicago.
The problem is the stuff you want is NASTY. Sure we dont want strip joints. liquor stores, and adult video stores in areas with kids and families, NOPE we dont, but how is that like Chik Fil A?
I mean are you really that nutty you cant tell the difference? Do I have to explain the difference?

Nobody ever died of a strip joint.

Lots of people have died of clogged arteries...

oh i don't know i bet a lot of guys have died and gone to heaven with a nice set of tits in their faces ;)
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No shit.

And he crapped himself when I said "Oh well, no chicken for Chicago".

"McDonald's has chicken!"

I think most leftist loons are drug addicts. That's the only explanation that fits.

are you constantly checking people pants for shit?
Will the Republicans do something important with this like take up a measure to change the name to Freedom Chicken?
zoning laws used to keep out fundamentalist chicken.

What's a "fundamentalist chicken"? I've heard of Rhode Island Red's and Plymouth Whites before but never heard of a fundamentalist chicken. Do you bake them or fry them??????

shake n bake.
The two things that have been reduced to the absurd, is that gays are protesting the anti gay policies of Chck Fil A. Except there aren't any. No one has been refused service or employment because they are gay. What they are protesting is the opinion of the owner.

The second thing is Rahm Emmanuel saying that traditional marriage does not reflect Chicago "values". To that one can only respond with a big HUH! The values of Chicago are lots of murders and lots of drugs. The values of Chicago are apparently killing chldren with random gunfire. Certainly not something so mundane as a traditional view of marriage.
Will the Republicans do something important with this like take up a measure to change the name to Freedom Chicken?

no, we'll buy and eat the chik fil A cause it's delicious and we won't even mind you having a temper tantrum about it.
The two things that have been reduced to the absurd, is that gays are protesting the anti gay policies of Chck Fil A. Except there aren't any. No one has been refused service or employment because they are gay. What they are protesting is the opinion of the owner.

The second thing is Rahm Emmanuel saying that traditional marriage does not reflect Chicago "values". To that one can only respond with a big HUH! The values of Chicago are lots of murders and lots of drugs. The values of Chicago are apparently killing chldren with random gunfire. Certainly not something so mundane as a traditional view of marriage.

Chicago values are synonymous with crime, crooked police, crooked politicians, and more crime, particularly murder.

Chicago values are not reflected by...pffffffft. They aren't reflected by anything wholesome, that's a fact.
Will the Republicans do something important with this like take up a measure to change the name to Freedom Chicken?

no, we'll buy and eat the chik fil A cause it's delicious and we won't even mind you having a temper tantrum about it.

Oh yeah, I'm steaming mad about it....Order two with extra mayonnaise and bacon to really get me upset with you fat ass
Stupid fundamentalist chickens aren't going to invade Chicago, that's for damn sure!

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