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1 in 6 Draw Welfare in Predominantly Red States

Unions and government are responsible for the jobs leaving this country.

isn't that like blaming a rape victim for a short dress?

"Wow, you are demanding clean air and good wages, you ungrateful bastards!"

seriously, dude, you are the kind of person whose boss cancels your health insurance, and you blame the government.

Yes, because I (and millions of others) had insurance my entire life until that Commie you voted for got involved. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that, so continue being a typical liberal and say nothing is ever the Democrats fault.
Yes it did, but had nothing to do with social programs. Social programs make people lazy and dependent on their federal government. Our founders never wanted that.

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would right wingers EVER have?

All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it. Ben

Ya mean, like dee way you Dems keeps dem Darkies on dee Inner City Plantations wif dee Welfare Moneys and keeps da good Nigras votin' Democrat, dont'cha?


Wrong again, buffalo breath...

I voted for Bernie in the Illinois Primaries...

I voted (extremely reluctantly) for Shrillary in the General on November 8, 2016...

And all your rock-throwing and all your whiny-bitch blathering about systemic racism fails to dilute the power of the Percentages approach outlined in Post #39...


Gawd another farrr right racist prick who was a Bernie supporter AND hated Cheeto so much he voted Hil :)
Your attempts at deflection have failed.

You are unable to counter the data presented in Post #39 1 in 6 Draw Welfare in Predominantly Red States

You do nothing but make excuses for 152 years (or 53 years, if you like) of Chronic Under-Performing.

Sucks to be you.

But it does nothing to detract from the Inconvenient Truth about your beloved Perpetual Victim buddies.

They're losers.

Rather like you.

Don't look now, Twinkle-Toes, but vast numbers of Americans have stopped listening to your (collective) Bull$hit.
Most of my friends? Well.........three people being most of my friends is probably your situation, not mine.

Oh, sorry, man, it just seems like you are a loser, most of the people in your life seem to be losers. And you keep blaming the black guy for you being a loser..

We were not talking about poor people, we were talking about benevolence which yes, includes Medicare and SS:

Right. White people welfare given to people whose families have the means to take care of them. That's the point. You'll whine all day about the pittance given to poor people, but then you'll totally give a pass to White People Welfare which is actually bankrupting us.

You really need a shrink. You can't discuss one issue on USMB without inserting race into it. White people get welfare like black people get welfare. Because of our majority population, there are more whites on all programs than blacks; not per capita,but by total amount. So there is no such thing as black welfare and white welfare. It's another delusion in your mind.

But you keep missing the point.

A white person on social security and medicare for 10-20 years after they decide to stop working you are totally fine with.

A poor person of color getting food stamps and an ObamaPhone, and you guys totally lose your shit.

You're the one with the race problem, not me.
Yes, because I (and millions of others) had insurance my entire life until that Commie you voted for got involved. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that, so continue being a typical liberal and say nothing is ever the Democrats fault.

Well, I don't know, I have insurance and really, my insurance was barely affected by ObamaCare at all. Oh, the one thing that changed after 2010. The HR department stopped calling those meetings where they told us how much more the insurance would cost us and how it would cover a little less. those happened like clockwork before 2010, but after 2010, we stopped having them.

My very favorite was in 2009, when the fat cow who ran our HR Department bubbled about how happy she was that her husband had an HMO when she had her baby, and she didn't have to use our insurance.
...A white person on social security and medicare for 10-20 years after they decide to stop working you are totally fine with.

A poor person of color getting food stamps and an ObamaPhone, and you guys totally lose your shit...
Probably has something to do with...

1. the White guy paying into the retirement fund for 40-50 years before retiring.

2. the Black guy sitting on his dead ass, sucking on the State Teat, and doing it for so long he comes to think of it as a Right



It's not entirely true and it's not entirely fair, but Broadly-Held Public Perceptions rarely are.

And, of course, most Stereotypes have at least SOME substantive basis in fact.

Sometimes, for years or decades after that Basis is no longer broadly operative, if it ever was.
Republicans will do nothing for the poor.
Trying to create a positive pro growth business environment has everything to do with helping the poor. More jobs.

What does not help the poor is flooding the country with no-skill workers that compete for entry level jobs.
No, you can work on SS disability and even SS. You are limited to what kind of income you can have, but they do let you work. I dated a girl on SS and have two tenants on SS: one fully dependent and the other partial. They both have jobs.

Poor Racist from Cleveland can't get health insurance and most of his friends are on disability... but please tell us again how awesome you are.

No, you refer to White People Welfare because you are a self-hating white person with race paranoia.

NO, I refer to it as that to point out that people like you are okay with "welfare" as long as it is the kind white people enjoy. You just called them "Middle Class Entitlements" and you have no problem with them. They make up most of the budget, of course, the charity we give poor people of color is a pittance.

It is? Then why don't you take a look at our spending and tell me what isn't benevolence? Food stamps, school lunch program, foreign aid, funding planned parenthood, HUD, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare checks, Obama Care, day care centers........

At it's a pittance. Leaving out Medicare, we just don't spend that much on poor people.

Here', check out this chart.

Between Federal and State spending last year, not including Social Security or Medicare, the US spent about a Trillion dollars on handouts.
Yes, because I (and millions of others) had insurance my entire life until that Commie you voted for got involved. But you don't have the intelligence to understand that, so continue being a typical liberal and say nothing is ever the Democrats fault.

Well, I don't know, I have insurance and really, my insurance was barely affected by ObamaCare at all. Oh, the one thing that changed after 2010. The HR department stopped calling those meetings where they told us how much more the insurance would cost us and how it would cover a little less. those happened like clockwork before 2010, but after 2010, we stopped having them.

My very favorite was in 2009, when the fat cow who ran our HR Department bubbled about how happy she was that her husband had an HMO when she had her baby, and she didn't have to use our insurance.

Your own paper disagrees with you:

Here's where health care prices are rising dramatically
Oh, sorry, man, it just seems like you are a loser, most of the people in your life seem to be losers. And you keep blaming the black guy for you being a loser..

You mean like you keep blaming white people for blacks being losers?

Right. White people welfare given to people whose families have the means to take care of them. That's the point. You'll whine all day about the pittance given to poor people, but then you'll totally give a pass to White People Welfare which is actually bankrupting us.

Show me one program that only has white people in it. Welfare people do not get a pittance. Some of them are living in the burbs with middle-class people and living it up. In fact, the US has the most well-to-do poor people in the world. People who use all programs available to them make out better than those who earn the median income. In New York, the benefits given to the poor are more than a starting teacher makes.

But you keep missing the point.

A white person on social security and medicare for 10-20 years after they decide to stop working you are totally fine with.

A poor person of color getting food stamps and an ObamaPhone, and you guys totally lose your shit.

You're the one with the race problem, not me.

The idiot next door to me decided to rent to HUD people. When I leave for work in the morning, their cars are parked in the lot not moving. If I drive by my house during work, the cars are still there. They are there when I come home from work too.

I had to complain to the landlord about them coming home a 3:00am on work nights waking me and my tenants up. They're drunk, slamming car doors and setting of their car alarms without even a concern about us white working people that pay taxes to support them here.

So I work all my life, pay into the system, and when I retire, that's white welfare to you. Yet the people that never worked you're okay with. They are living in the same suburb as me, eating better than me, don't have to pay into the school system like me.

So in the world of Joe, when a person works all of their life and finally gets to retire, that's wrong because it's white welfare. But when a black retires after he drops out of school and doesn't work, it's wrong to criticize him or her.
Probably has something to do with...

1. the White guy paying into the retirement fund for 40-50 years before retiring.

2. the Black guy sitting on his dead ass, sucking on the State Teat, and doing it for so long he comes to think of it as a Right


No, not really.

Here's the thing. If you retire at 65 and live to be at least 72, you will have gotten back everything you paid into Social Security. Since the average life span is 78 years now, we have a lot of people living off the government teet, as you say, for years.

Meanwhile, most people on welfare are only on it for a few years, and they are usually women and children (mostly white), not "the black guy".

Also, that person on welfare is still paying sales taxes and other taxes that support the current system, and a lot of them have jobs that pay minimal wages.

So trying to pretend that one is bad and the other is okay is kind of silly. We should do both a lot smarter.
2. the Black guy sitting on his dead ass, sucking on the State Teat, and doing it for so long he comes to think of it as a Right

What about the white guy sitting on his dead ass, sucking on the State Teat, and doing it for so long he comes to think of it as a Right?

Does he get a pass?
Show me one program that only has white people in it. Welfare people do not get a pittance. Some of them are living in the burbs with middle-class people and living it up. In fact, the US has the most well-to-do poor people in the world.

okay, let's look at this bit of idiocy.


Yup, that bottom line is the US with a 25.1% child poverty rate, compared to 8.5% in German or 12% in the United Kingdom.

So I work all my life, pay into the system, and when I retire, that's white welfare to you. Yet the people that never worked you're okay with. They are living in the same suburb as me, eating better than me, don't have to pay into the school system like me.

Except "those people that never worked" don't exist. As I've pointed out many times, most people on assistance are only on it for a few years.

Oh, yeah, and you live in Cleveland. You are really trying to make a "Leper with the most Fingers" kind of distinction here that no one really buys.
Yup, that bottom line is the US with a 25.1% child poverty rate, compared to 8.5% in German or 12% in the United Kingdom.

I guess all that proves is that people are more responsible in the UK than the US. Now why do you suppose that is? I'll even give you a little clue to see if you can get the right answer:


What would make a person have something they couldn't afford? Oh, that's right, just send the bill to the working people.

Except "those people that never worked" don't exist. As I've pointed out many times, most people on assistance are only on it for a few years.

Oh, yeah, and you live in Cleveland. You are really trying to make a "Leper with the most Fingers" kind of distinction here that no one really buys.

You got me there. I live in an all Democrat (mostly black) city, so what should I expect?
I guess all that proves is that people are more responsible in the UK than the US. Now why do you suppose that is? I'll even give you a little clue to see if you can get the right answer:

you mean that our racist society founded on slavery has more poverty amongst blacks... I know, man, crazy that when you have a policy of 400 years of putting your boot on someone's neck, they stay down.

You got me there. I live in an all Democrat (mostly black) city, so what should I expect?

Well, maybe you could stop kicking down at people who have slightly less than you and kick up towards the rich people who are actually fucking you over.

You know like your boss who can afford to go to Italy but can't pay for your health insurance.
Probably has something to do with...

1. the White guy paying into the retirement fund for 40-50 years before retiring.

2. the Black guy sitting on his dead ass, sucking on the State Teat, and doing it for so long he comes to think of it as a Right


No, not really.

Here's the thing. If you retire at 65 and live to be at least 72, you will have gotten back everything you paid into Social Security. Since the average life span is 78 years now, we have a lot of people living off the government teet, as you say, for years.

Meanwhile, most people on welfare are only on it for a few years, and they are usually women and children (mostly white), not "the black guy".

Also, that person on welfare is still paying sales taxes and other taxes that support the current system, and a lot of them have jobs that pay minimal wages.

So trying to pretend that one is bad and the other is okay is kind of silly. We should do both a lot smarter.

Sales and other taxes don't go into supporting welfare, and neither do minimum wage jobs. Income taxes fund social programs and nearly half of our country do not pay income taxes--especially the poor.

Yes, if a person lives to the average lifespan, they will get more out than they put in. But what about those who die long before that time? They put a whole lot in and got nothing out of it. It's kind of like car or house insurance. The people who make major claims get more out of it than they put in, and the people who paid for the insurance all their life that never made a claim get nothing.
you mean that our racist society founded on slavery has more poverty amongst blacks... I know, man, crazy that when you have a policy of 400 years of putting your boot on someone's neck, they stay down.

Really? Nobody had a boot on anybody's neck as long as I've been alive. In fact, those people have not only been offered every chance possible, we created reverse discrimination (affirmative action) so that they are the one with the boot.

Explain something to me: Why is it that people come here from other countries, nothing more than a few dollars in their pockets, work their asses off, invest their money into their own business, and become self-reliant and some even very successful? In the meantime, we have people here who are not nearly as poor as those foreigners, do nothing with their life but complain, and end up nowhere, on drugs, in prison or dead?

Well, maybe you could stop kicking down at people who have slightly less than you and kick up towards the rich people who are actually fucking you over.

You know like your boss who can afford to go to Italy but can't pay for your health insurance.

I bet you have dreams about me not having insurance.......be honest with me. I've never seen anybody so obsessed with it before--not even my family.

The wealthy didn't move into my neighborhood and turn it into a near ghetto. The wealthy don't throw garbage all over my tree lawn that I have to clean every time I mow the lawn. The wealthy didn't turn my movie theater into a Baptist church, my convince and drug stores into childcare centers. The wealthy didn't turn my barber shop into a cell phone/pager place. The wealthy didn't turn my work clothing store into a nail salon. The wealthy didn't force us to increase the size of our police force and fire department. The wealthy didn't cause my city to go into the red. The wealthy don't drive by and throw and bust beer bottles in front of my home. The wealthy don't send their kids to school here and attack teachers every month.

Need I go on?
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

...In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
You're a retard. You post one inane thing after the other and it's all based on the goodness of big government. Less government automatically is bad, the bigger the better.

You can enjoy big government and the dependency it creates but you don't get to decide values for others. All you are doing it beating your meat and strutting around like you actually did something.

As opposed to CONservative policies which ONLY benefit the richest Cupcake?

Especially in the red states. Ooooh, that's positively orgasmic. How can they compete morally with the angelic beings dwelling in the heavenly blue states?
What's really weird is the fact that 1 in 5 get Welfare nationwide....so it has to be worse in Blue States like California. And a Red State like Texas has alot of illegals dragging down the numbers.

1 in 5? CONservative "math" huh Cupcake?
Slightly less than that. 21%.

Do the math., Libroid....

Link Cupcake? Because I don't accept SS which you pay into is welfare Cupcake :)
Government withholding is paying into welfare? Oh, I see, calling someone cupcake makes it true and you smart, right?


Your inability to use reading comprehension noted Buttercup :(
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

...In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
You're a retard. You post one inane thing after the other and it's all based on the goodness of big government. Less government automatically is bad, the bigger the better.

You can enjoy big government and the dependency it creates but you don't get to decide values for others. All you are doing it beating your meat and strutting around like you actually did something.

As opposed to CONservative policies which ONLY benefit the richest Cupcake?

Oh look a cartoon from Buttlick. How cute. Mindless but cute, like a little mouse.
What's really weird is the fact that 1 in 5 get Welfare nationwide....so it has to be worse in Blue States like California. And a Red State like Texas has alot of illegals dragging down the numbers.

1 in 5? CONservative "math" huh Cupcake?
Slightly less than that. 21%.

Do the math., Libroid....

Link Cupcake? Because I don't accept SS which you pay into is welfare Cupcake :)
Government withholding is paying into welfare? Oh, I see, calling someone cupcake makes it true and you smart, right?


Your inability to use reading comprehension noted Buttercup :(
Your inability to comprehend is noted, Buttlick.

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