10% of Trump Supporters Refuse to admit it to pollsters

Okay a show of hands, who's in favor of Biden's trillions in tax increases and a tax on your 401k and IRA?? Anyone?

As long as Republicans hold the Senate, that can be prevented. Unless he uses some kind of executive order or something - doh!

It's the nature of the 401k tax that should concern Americans. It's a tax to PUNISH those who contribute more to their 401k because it's unfair that others cannot contribute as much, wow just wow.
Okay a show of hands, who's in favor of Biden's trillions in tax increases and a tax on your 401k and IRA?? Anyone?

As long as Republicans hold the Senate, that can be prevented. Unless he uses some kind of executive order or something - doh!

It's the nature of the 401k tax that should concern Americans. It's a tax to PUNISH those who contribute more to their 401k because it's unfair that others cannot contribute as much, wow just wow.
Yeah. It's gonna suck. This is why I hate Trump so much.
This election is going to be a blood bath...

I prefer to think of it as a pallet of cream puffs getting hit by a speeding diesel locomotive.

trumo express.jpg
This is what allowed Trump to win in the Upper Midwest. Hillary thought she had a double-digit lead in those states and didn't have enough time to pass around spending cash to buy votes when she found out how close the race was. Let's do it again!

The turnout among black voters will be higher in 2020 than it was in 2016. Also female voters will vote against Trump by a larger margin than they did for Clinton.
No babe...the dems have to have the black voters to win any election----but they aren't enthused by Biden and many more now support Trump than they did in 2016. Unenthused black voters for dems means that the dems lose not just presidency but local elections. There will be fewer voters in all categories this year---Trump motivated based are notoriously loyal to both him and to voting in general (its the age group and the civics driven mentality) and will be voting but the dems black base is going to be down way down-- Their communist base will still be out cheating but Trump has law enforcement watching out for them.
Good for them; fuck the Oligarchs manipulatring us ever more!


1. A lack of trust in phone polls as truly being anonymous.
2. An apprehension to associate their phone numbers with recorded responses.
3. Fear that their responses will become public in some manner.
4. Fear of reprisal and related detrimental impact to their financial, social, and family lives should their political opinions become publicly known.
5. A general dislike of phone polls.
6. Malicious intent to mislead polls due to general distrust of media and political pundits (though a sentiment expressed only by a few “shy voters”).
Specifically, the following explanations were given:
“I don’t believe the information would be confidential and I think it’s dangerous to express an opinion outside of the current liberal viewpoint.”
“Well I probably wouldn’t give my opinion period, but if pushed, I would not give my real opinion for fear of reprisal if someone found out.”
“Because most polls released to the public are slanted and aren’t scientifically based. So, they are messing with the results of the survey from the beginning by knocking down one party or the other. I’m just trying to right the ship.”
My answers could be recorded so I don’t really trust such phone conversations.”
I do not discuss politics — let alone with a total stranger on the telephone.
“I don’t always trust phone call surveys. I wouldn’t want to be bombarded with phone calls and political mail.”
“I don’t want my opinion associated with my phone number.”
I am less anonymous, and somewhat ashamed of my opinion as it is frowned upon.”

They're ashamed to have supported the blob. They should be.
Okay a show of hands, who's in favor of Biden's trillions in tax increases and a tax on your 401k and IRA?? Anyone?


Me, me, me

Repeal Trumps gift to the wealthy and corporations
401ks and IRAs are already taxed as income.
"you can't run a country through polling" - Frank Luntz quoting Dick Cheney quoting Charles De Gaule


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