10 Reasons The Unborn Is Not Part of a Woman's Body

It's a biological fact
In plain street lingo the mother is the HOST & the babu in her belly is the resident GUEST, whether wanted or not. As far as a woman's body goes she cannot do as she pleases with her body such as taking illegal drugs, driving a motor vehicle intoxicated, commit premeditated murder, utter out verbal threats to other people, commit shoplifting/burglary, torture animals, smoke in a non smoking area etc, without getting punished for committing these offenses. Like it or not there are morals put into place in any & ALL societies for without morals there can not exist any society. Most likely the pro abortionists are just a lefty division of the narcissistic radical feminist spoiled rotten brats who crave all the attention they can get from others whether negative or not.
In plain street lingo the mother is the HOST & the babu in her belly is the resident GUEST, whether wanted or not. As far as a woman's body goes she cannot do as she pleases with her body such as taking illegal drugs, driving a motor vehicle intoxicated, commit premeditated murder, utter out verbal threats to other people, commit shoplifting/burglary, torture animals, smoke in a non smoking area etc, without getting punished for committing these offenses. Like it or not there are morals put into place in any & ALL societies for without morals there can not exist any society. Most likely the pro abortionists are just a lefty division of the narcissistic radical feminist spoiled rotten brats who crave all the attention they can get from others whether negative or not.
You call it a guest, that's nice. You carry all of them then.
Imagine if you host a party. Super Bowl perhaps. Friends come over. Everyone is drinking and having a good time. The next morning you discover one of your guests is now living in your home. Eating your food. Potentially endangering your safety. Your life.

You find you have no right to order this intruder out of your house. You invited him in. You shouldn’t have done that. It’s your fault.

Even investigating ways to remove this unwanted guest is a crime.

For the next nine months. You are not allowed to smoke or drink. Your guest objects and the law is on his side. You have to tolerate everything and adjust your entire lifestyle to accommodate this unwanted guest in your home.

That living hell would be paradise compared to what a woman with an unwanted pregnancy endures.

If you won’t open your home to a stranger for nine months. Why should she accept your decision in something far more personal.
There is no law saying a woman cannot drink or do drugs while pregnant. Many many do.
Imagine if you host a party. Super Bowl perhaps. Friends come over. Everyone is drinking and having a good time. The next morning you discover one of your guests is now living in your home. Eating your food. Potentially endangering your safety. Your life.

You find you have no right to order this intruder out of your house. You invited him in. You shouldn’t have done that. It’s your fault.

Even investigating ways to remove this unwanted guest is a crime.

For the next nine months. You are not allowed to smoke or drink. Your guest objects and the law is on his side. You have to tolerate everything and adjust your entire lifestyle to accommodate this unwanted guest in your home.

That living hell would be paradise compared to what a woman with an unwanted pregnancy endures.

If you won’t open your home to a stranger for nine months. Why should she accept your decision in something far more personal.
Cute but erroneous analogy. There is only 1 reason to become pregnant, a million reasons (and causes ) why not to.
In plain street lingo the mother is the HOST & the babu in her belly is the resident GUEST, whether wanted or not. As far as a woman's body goes she cannot do as she pleases with her body such as taking illegal drugs, driving a motor vehicle intoxicated, commit premeditated murder, utter out verbal threats to other people, commit shoplifting/burglary, torture animals, smoke in a non smoking area etc, without getting punished for committing these offenses. Like it or not there are morals put into place in any & ALL societies for without morals there can not exist any society. Most likely the pro abortionists are just a lefty division of the narcissistic radical feminist spoiled rotten brats who crave all the attention they can get from others whether negative or not.
Just as every pregnancy is unique. Every abortion is unique. People are people, we are all different. Different upbringing, different beliefs ending up in different situations. Every person should be able to choose their own destiny. Calling all people who are women's rights narcissistic radical feminist spoiled rotten brats is Ludacris. We are all different, we care about the issue differently, some more, some more ( like me ). All I have to say is the decision whether or not to have an abortion does not belong in the courts, does not belong in the hands of government. It belongs between a woman her husband if there is one and her doctor. It isn't an easy decision to make, adding the threats of punitive action from outside sources does not help matters at all.
We consider a very simple standard for Rape. The woman says yes. Or she says no. If she says yes the sex is consensual. If she says no it is an assault and serious crime.

The same is true of men. Yes or no. They choose what happens.

If you go into a hospital and say DNR. That means when you code you will not be brought back. You choose what happens.

This argument is specious. We require a finding of mental incompetence to force medical procedures on an individual. We make no such finding in the case of abortion. We don’t extend the same standards for anything else. We allow people to refuse treatment for their children. Vital lifesaving treatment on religious and moral grounds. Christian Scientists do not allow their children many medical procedures. Little baby boys are not asked if they want to be circumcised.

There was a case a while back out of Boston. A girl was I’ll with a rare disease. A Doctor argued the diagnosis was wrong and the parents were harming the girl. The court intervened. The parents were denied their rights.

A year later the rights were reestablished. The girl had indeed suffered the rare diagnosis. Many people. Myself included. Argued the parents should have the say. Unless you had convincing arguments or proof that the parents were doing bad things. It is their call.

Not mine. Not the Judge. And not yours.

But I am Conservative. I believe the medical decisions should be between the doctor and patient. If another doctor is consulted and disagrees he can write that you rejected his recommended treatment AMA and wish you well.

I have no say in what procedure anyone gets. It is not my right. It is not my duty. It is not my responsibility.
Just as every pregnancy is unique. Every abortion is unique. People are people, we are all different. Different upbringing, different beliefs ending up in different situations. Every person should be able to choose their own destiny. Calling all people who are women's rights narcissistic radical feminist spoiled rotten brats is Ludacris. We are all different, we care about the issue differently, some more, some more ( like me ). All I have to say is the decision whether or not to have an abortion does not belong in the courts, does not belong in the hands of government. It belongs between a woman her husband if there is one and her doctor. It isn't an easy decision to make, adding the threats of punitive action from outside sources does not help matters at all.
...Except when it comes to the individual choice to get a vaccine or not, right?

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