100 Years Of Deception


Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
I recently published a book entitled "100 Years Of Deception", which clearly establishes that the government of this once great nation has been overthrown. “100 Years Of Deception” is a must read for anyone interested in restoring our Republic, stopping the unending/insane wars we fight, and saving this planet from the horrible fate presently in store for us. Not only does this book describe what is wrong with this nation, it also identifies who is behind the mess we are in, and goes on to offer positive solution which will rectify our lamentable situation.

"100 Years Of Deception" may be found at:

Long time no see, Citizenal.

If memory serves, you're a vehement anti-Zionist, yes?

I hope your book goes beyond the role of Zionism proper to identify some of the non-religious modes of conquest. The title seems to suggest that you probably have at least covered the criminal advent of the Federal Reserve (which has certainly been a key factor in bringing the American People under the merciless thumb of the banksters), but I hope you've also delved into the money-laundering nature of the Wall Street based economy (involving CIA drug money, ETC.) - Who was it that said something to the effect that America's economy has been based to varying degrees over time on the slogan, "In G.O.D. we trust", meaning Gold, Oil, and Drugs?

To say nothing of the ceaseless war-profiteering enjoyed by the big players of the 'military industrial complex'.

How's about a vague summary?
Is the deception government creating an agency of government?
Or was the deception the months of public debate followed by a majority vote
in both houses followed by a Presidential signature?
The book focuses on three elements which, as far as screwing up the world goes, work together to the detriment of everyone else.. These are the Federal Reserve Bank, the Zionists, and the New World Order, which is really the Old World Order with an upscale name.

A summary of the book follows:

The citizens of the United States have been played for fools for the past 100 years. Very few of us know what is behind the events that have shaped our world. Most Americans assume that information provided by the news, radio and television industries is the truth. And most of it is! However, it is also true that on critical issues we only get part of the story and important information is deliberately left out. “100 Years of Deception” begins by establishing that passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 constituted an overthrow of our government. Since then, the conspirators have pulled the strings that make us dance and controlled our Nation’s media to keep us in the dark and compliant. The conspirators eventually infiltrated most of the key institutions of our society. Through propaganda and undue influence they have shaped how Americans view the world and left us hopelessly brainwashed. This book not only demonstrates that our government was overthrown, it also provides an accounting of the catastrophic consequences the world has suffered because of these conspirators and offers proposals for rectifying our deplorable state of affairs.
Is the deception government creating an agency of government?
Or was the deception the months of public debate followed by a majority vote
in both houses followed by a Presidential signature?

The deception is that for the past 100 years, our government pretended to be our government, while in truth it worked for, was beholden to, and controlled by a group of criminal conspirators. These conspirators have established a new world order with them in charge and the truth of the matter is the government we used to have is incompatible with a "new world order". Therefore, the conspirators had to destroy our government, so they could have theirs. The con was so successful that most Americans, as I write, think that the government we are supposed have still exists. What a truly pathetic situation.
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If memory serves, you're a vehement anti-Zionist, yes?

I hate to think of myself as being "vehement" anti-anything, because this implies you are not in control of your emotions. What I am is pro-America, not the nation, but the principles and thinking that established the nation. This makes me stand against lies, deception, and doing evil for a just cause. In this sense, I am against what the Zionists have done. There is no vehemence involved. I am the guy on the white horse, wearing the white hat who does whatever it takes to right an obvious wrong. In case you are interested, it is called being Christian.
Christian, any religionism, is wrong. it's irrational. There's nothing special about you, nor about the way things have gone for Christians or this nation.
Every man has to or should let some philosophical discipline guide their life. The three available to us are atheism, agnosticism, or a belief in God. I chose God and Christianity not because it makes me special, but because it makes me humble. In my book I posture that we live in a world where true Christianity has died and because of this truth, you, I, and everyone else in the world are all worse off because of it. It is not important for all of us to be Christian, but it is very important that all of us live in a Christian world or at least a world based on Christian values. We do not, and this is why life on this planet is turning into a living hell.

As far as rationality goes, what makes you think that it is the sole province of non-believers? I know a lot of non-believers who are just as irrational as worst kind of bible banger.
Is the deception government creating an agency of government?
Or was the deception the months of public debate followed by a majority vote
in both houses followed by a Presidential signature?

The deception is that for the past 100 years, our government pretended to be our government, while in truth it worked for, was beholden to, and controlled by a group of criminal conspirators. These conspirators have established a new world order with them in charge and the truth of the matter is the government we used to have is incompatible with a "new world order". Therefore, the conspirators had to destroy our government, so they could have theirs. The con was so successful that most Americans, as I write, think that the government we are supposed have still exists. What a truly pathetic situation.

The deception is that for the past 100 years, our government pretended to be our government, while in truth it worked for, was beholden to, and controlled by a group of criminal conspirators.

I know liberals are bad, especially liberal Dems, but come on.
[QUOTE="I know liberals are bad, especially liberal Dems, but come on.[/QUOTE]

Sir: If you are one of those who see is distinction between a liberal and a conservative; a Democrat and a Republican, then you are part of the problem and not the cure. Those catagorations are the pseudo separations that keep us subjugated and compliant. While we sit back and debate such things, they are having their way with us. Republicans and Democrats; liberals and conservatives are both sides of the same coin, owned and controlled by our oppressors. You, more than anyone I know should read my book........then. God willing, you will understand.
Sir: If you are one of those who see is distinction between a liberal and a conservative; a Democrat and a Republican, then you are part of the problem and not the cure. Those catagorations are the pseudo separations that keep us subjugated and compliant. While we sit back and debate such things, they are having their way with us. Republicans and Democrats; liberals and conservatives are both sides of the same coin, owned and controlled by our oppressors. You, more than anyone I know should read my book........then. God willing, you will understand.

Is it the evil of fractional share banking that wakes you screaming at night?
Is it the evil of fractional share banking that wakes you screaming at night?[/QUOTE said:
No, not at all. Fractional share banking is a blessing and a necessary part of any modern economy. However, it is evil when it is in the hands of mentally deranged private individuals.

Why don't you read my book to find out what I am all about, stand for, and stand against.
I recently published a book entitled "100 Years Of Deception", which clearly establishes that the government of this once great nation has been overthrown. “100 Years Of Deception” is a must read for anyone interested in restoring our Republic, stopping the unending/insane wars we fight, and saving this planet from the horrible fate presently in store for us. Not only does this book describe what is wrong with this nation, it also identifies who is behind the mess we are in, and goes on to offer positive solution which will rectify our lamentable situation.

"100 Years Of Deception" may be found at:

thank you,i will take a look at it and thanks for sharing that with us.:beer:

ignore any of the trolls that reply to you here.
[QUOTE="I know liberals are bad, especially liberal Dems, but come on.

Sir: If you are one of those who see is distinction between a liberal and a conservative; a Democrat and a Republican, then you are part of the problem and not the cure. Those catagorations are the pseudo separations that keep us subjugated and compliant. While we sit back and debate such things, they are having their way with us. Republicans and Democrats; liberals and conservatives are both sides of the same coin, owned and controlled by our oppressors. You, more than anyone I know should read my book........then. God willing, you will understand.[/QUOTE]

there are a bunch of sheep here in america like that and on our forum who are a part of the problem for why america has gone to hell.
[/QUOTE]There are a bunch of sheep here in America like that and on our forum who are a part of the problem for why America has gone to hell.[/QUOTE]

America has gone to hell because we trusted those we sent to Washington to do the right thing. No one suspected how truly corrupt and twisted things would become because no one understood the corrupting process associated with the power of central banking in the hands of private individuals. All Americans should stand up and be counted when it comes to ridding this nation and the world of private central bankers. To do otherwise means you are part of the problem and not part of the cure.
I recently published a book entitled "100 Years Of Deception", which clearly establishes that the government of this once great nation has been overthrown. “100 Years Of Deception” is a must read for anyone interested in restoring our Republic, stopping the unending/insane wars we fight, and saving this planet from the horrible fate presently in store for us. Not only does this book describe what is wrong with this nation, it also identifies who is behind the mess we are in, and goes on to offer positive solution which will rectify our lamentable situation.

"100 Years Of Deception" may be found at:


Have you ever read, "Pawns in the Game?" Do you know who William Guy Carr is?
I've just about completed my first book.

And when I do, I think I'll read another.
Have you ever read, "Pawns in the Game?" Do you know who William Guy Carr is?

No, I have not read "Pawns in the Game". From the title, I would guess that it is and interesting book that dovetails with mine. I also do not know who William Guy Carr is, but will Google him and find out. My favorite writers are Chuck Baldwin, Frosty Wooldridge, and Larkin Rose. Talk about great Americans. Those three definitely get the nod.
I recently published a book entitled "100 Years Of Deception", which clearly establishes that the government of this once great nation has been overthrown. “100 Years Of Deception” is a must read for anyone interested in restoring our Republic, stopping the unending/insane wars we fight, and saving this planet from the horrible fate presently in store for us. Not only does this book describe what is wrong with this nation, it also identifies who is behind the mess we are in, and goes on to offer positive solution which will rectify our lamentable situation.

"100 Years Of Deception" may be found at:

thank you,i will take a look at it and thanks for sharing that with us.:beer:

ignore any of the trolls that reply to you here.
i see one of the paid trolls i was talking about posted a funny since thats all he can do since the neg rep system has been taken away for him to troll and call people names with comments like in the past.

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