11 charges! Felony murder. BULLSHIT ! Every cop should strike!

11 charges! Felony murder? Are you serious?
link to come,, but Trump should demand the release, and send in the best Militia we have..

If the DA doesn’t have the backs of cops, than you won’t have cops.. STRIKE NOW!

What is the dead negros record?

He's got a record and was on probation for.child cruelty.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

The one body cam showed ".108" when ".080" is the legal limit & was almost an hour after 911 was called on Brooks. That dude was so wasted he didn't even know where he was & kept going back to sleep in the drive through lane after the cop woke him up. He could't even keep his stories straight & wanted to drive back. He was dangerous, fought a weapon away from 2 officers & used it on one. Had the officer Rolfe got too close again, Brooks would have taken his gun & used it on them. Brooks was to dangerous to allow to escape or get close too. That was a good shoot by the officer.
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He deserves life in prison. They should have let him walk home
Brooks didn't want to walk home, he said he was going to drive back. He was bombed out of his mind & didn't even know where he was or where he was going. They had to take him off the streets. This was not a revenue generating cop at a checkpoint. They responded to 911 calls on Brooks who was a danger behind the wheel.
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I would like to see this DA sued and charged with malicious prosecution and prosecutorial misconduct
I'd like to see plenty of DAs go down for the same. They're even more crooked than the cops, most of them.
He knows full well that the shoot was legal and warranted.
Cain was a laborer, who tilled the ground and offered rotten windfall fruit to the Lord. God saw plain as day that it wasn't for planting seeds and harvesting crops that Cain worked so hard cultivating the soil: no, Cain was a murderer and a gravedigger, he slew his brother Abel, and his children were craftsmen who played musical instruments.
He is trying to capitalize off this event by trying to suck up to the leftist rabble.
It's the cops themselves going on strike with their own leftist police unions, guilds, and collective bargaining associations, in full solidarity with ANTIFA and other leftist fringe groups. They don't get to call left of left on their murder and extortion victims.

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

I haven't found the statement yet but in the announcement of the charges it's noted that the other officer said what was done was wrong. I'm sure it will be available soon.

He agreed to testify for the prosecution.

What’s he going to say that we didn’t see?

I guess you will have to wait until the trial.


Jeez, are you having trouble following a conversation tht is so simple?

You asked "What's he going to say that we didn't see?". I replied "I guess you will have to wait until the trial". What did you not understand?

Does it matter? We have the video

The video is not the trial. The DA filed 11 charges.

He won’t serve a day

I'll wait until the trial to say either way. I know APD requires its officers to render aid to anyone injured. The paramedics were the first ones to try and do anything.

But I'm sure you know best.

You must be embarrassed how your local DA just acted.. and He’s under investigation for stealing six figures

Embarrassed? Not even close. If he did shit wrong and gets burned, good deal.

And actually, I live just across the line outside Atlanta (still inside the perimeter), so he isn't my DA.

Do you get embarrassed every time a Boston politician gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar?

Yes I think all Boston politician should be round up and kicked out of this country

Yeah, so you have said. 8 months ago you said you were going to have a coup and forcibly remove them all, strip them of their citizenship and deport them. How many have you removed and deported so far? Oh yeah. None.

Then, I think you said it was going to happen on the 4th of July. That is 17 days away. I bet you have some excuse like you did last time.

Funny thing is, you always seem to claim you have an army or a team ready to do it. Not you actually doing it. Let someone else get their hands dirty or get shot. Cowards are like that.

And no, I am still not embarrassed by the Atlanta DA.

I know your not,,, you’re the biggest anti American democrat on here! Ha

and the virus has set us back a lot. But we have sent out notifications recently! Time is coming

I am not anti-American by any stretch of the imagination. Your over-the-top conservatism trolling is far more unAmerican. And so are the liberal causes you seek to back with the people you convert.
The video I watched showed Brooks running and pointing the weapon back at the officer....his back was exposed....but he had the weapon aimed at the cop....what the cop thought he saw is going to make or break this case....
He was shot well after he briefly pointed an EMPTY taser at the officer.
No, he SHOT the tazer at the officer. It's in the video. And the tazer wasn't Rolfe's, it was Brosnan's. How do we know Rolfe knew there were no shots left in that Tazer? He wasn't the one shooting it! He was supposed to think of that while the guy is shooting a tazer at him? You have to keep track of everyone else's shots too, in the midst of a wrestling match?

I know what the prosecutor said, but what it might mean when he is kicked and his shoulders stood on after he was down is that he was still fighting and still had the damned tazer. Probably that is what Rolfe kicked from his hand. And Brosnan stood on his shoulders to keep Brooks from getting up.
People don't usually die right away when they're shot. Arberry kept fighting after being gut shot and ran even after he'd been hit in the chest a second time. It's not like tv, where the bad guys drop like flies and boom, it's immediately over. Not usually.
Rolfe ran back to the patrol car for 1st aid when he realized Brooks was seriously hit. Until then they thought he'd gotten a minor winging, no doubt.

So that's another view of what may have happened. They might be racists. Or they might not.
Why are we not hearing if the guy was drunk or on drugs

Of course he was drunk,thats why they were arresting him.
I finally just heard that, why did the media hide this for all this time.

It's on the arresting video.
The second the cops told him he was under arrest he went ape shit.
Yea I saw the breathalizer but the media never once said that he tested positive. I hope every drunk punches the arresting cop in the face at this point

The one body cam showed ".108" when ".080" is the legal limit & was almost an hour after 911 was called on Brooks. That dude was so wasted he didn't even know where he was & kept going back to sleep in the drive through lane after the cop woke him up. He could't even keep his stories straight & wanted to drive back. He was dangerous, fought a weapon away from 2 officers & used it on one. Had the officer Rolfe got too close again, Brooks would have taken his gun & used it on them. Brooks was to dangerous to allow to escape or get close too. That was a good shoot by the officer.
The hateful media that is cop bashing including FOX however never mentioned any of that. Which means that FOX was helping incite riots, everyone in the media is doing this with no exceptions
11 charges! Felony murder? Are you serious?
link to come,, but Trump should demand the release, and send in the best Militia we have..

If the DA doesn’t have the backs of cops, than you won’t have cops.. STRIKE NOW!

In almost all instances, today, in the U.S., police strike is NOT a legal option. They can resign, en masse, or there can be a epidemic of blue flu, but they cannot go on strike.
11 charges! Felony murder? Are you serious?
link to come,, but Trump should demand the release, and send in the best Militia we have..

If the DA doesn’t have the backs of cops, than you won’t have cops.. STRIKE NOW!

Unreal- the scum was released from prison because of Covid19
Why you ask was he in prison? He was sentenced to 7 years for beating his kids, It is just more proof that third world animals cannot live in a first world society

Did you see his family (that he abused) crying their "mababydindunutin" tears yesterday?
Addressed in the link I posted. The taser was useless.
And you are sure he knew it was the taser pointed at him and not a gun?....
They already patted him down for weapons before they gave him the breathalizer. They knew the only weapon he had was the empty taser.
It takes a police taser 5 seconds to recharge

Is it asking too much for you to read the links provided?


Correct, he's being used as a scapegoat because they are too afraid to stand up to the angry mob
It wasn't a cut and dried case, there has been a lot of reasonable debate on both sides. But I agree with you that they are afraid of the angry mob. His immediate firing, the description of their actions after Brooks was shot, the felony murder charge....those were pc pandering. Cops have one of the most challenging jobs there is. Someone HAS to have their back when a case goes bad and they are attacked. They deal with dangerous, unpredictable people sometimes. And cops are human, too.

Is Officer Rolfe racist? How would I know? He has won commendations for his DUI work. He seemed respectful but businesslike enough during his 40-some minute assessment of Brooks before all shit hit the fan. Brooks wrestled them, took his partner's tazer and ran, firing the tazer at Rolfe. It might not have been by the book, but I think if the guy had been white, the outcome might have been the same. Adrenaline, self protection instinct, it all happened in moments, no time to sit down and think it over like in ethics training. Tazers are seldom lethal but they incapacitate you. Rofle knew that, knew he had been seriously threatened. Did he count how many times Brosnan's tazer had been fired before Brooks stole it? Do you really think he knew or that he was thinking about that as he dodged that tazer barb? Rolfe had no shots left in his tazer either. So he pulled his gun. Without even thinking about it. It is what you do.

Maybe he should be in trouble for the decisions he made, but I think they're understandable. The law doesn't forgive based on sympathy, but what the D.A. and mayor did is ugly.
Last edited:

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

I haven't found the statement yet but in the announcement of the charges it's noted that the other officer said what was done was wrong. I'm sure it will be available soon.

He agreed to testify for the prosecution.

What’s he going to say that we didn’t see?

I guess you will have to wait until the trial.


Jeez, are you having trouble following a conversation tht is so simple?

You asked "What's he going to say that we didn't see?". I replied "I guess you will have to wait until the trial". What did you not understand?

Does it matter? We have the video

The video is not the trial. The DA filed 11 charges.

He won’t serve a day

I'll wait until the trial to say either way. I know APD requires its officers to render aid to anyone injured. The paramedics were the first ones to try and do anything.

But I'm sure you know best.

You must be embarrassed how your local DA just acted.. and He’s under investigation for stealing six figures

Embarrassed? Not even close. If he did shit wrong and gets burned, good deal.

And actually, I live just across the line outside Atlanta (still inside the perimeter), so he isn't my DA.

Do you get embarrassed every time a Boston politician gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar?

Yes I think all Boston politician should be round up and kicked out of this country

Yeah, so you have said. 8 months ago you said you were going to have a coup and forcibly remove them all, strip them of their citizenship and deport them. How many have you removed and deported so far? Oh yeah. None.

Then, I think you said it was going to happen on the 4th of July. That is 17 days away. I bet you have some excuse like you did last time.

Funny thing is, you always seem to claim you have an army or a team ready to do it. Not you actually doing it. Let someone else get their hands dirty or get shot. Cowards are like that.

And no, I am still not embarrassed by the Atlanta DA.

I know your not,,, you’re the biggest anti American democrat on here! Ha

and the virus has set us back a lot. But we have sent out notifications recently! Time is coming

I am not anti-American by any stretch of the imagination. Your over-the-top conservatism trolling is far more unAmerican. And so are the liberal causes you seek to back with the people you convert.

If you visit your recent activity your likes of some of the most vile lefties on here speaks volumes, You’re one of the most racist anti-American left wingers I’ve ever seen in my life get on your knees on that flag boy
11 charges! Felony murder? Are you serious?
link to come,, but Trump should demand the release, and send in the best Militia we have..

If the DA doesn’t have the backs of cops, than you won’t have cops.. STRIKE NOW!

Unreal- the scum was released from prison because of Covid19
Why you ask was he in prison? He was sentenced to 7 years for beating his kids, It is just more proof that third world animals cannot live in a first world society

Did you see his family (that he abused) crying their "mababydindunutin" tears yesterday?
Setting up for the upcoming Wrongful Death Court Case
Shooting someone in the back as they are running away has never been acceptable. It is what Michael Slager was convicted of doing. Shooting a man in the back as he was running away.
Even when they turn and point a weapon at you?.....hmmmm you wouldn't last one shift in the streets....
Timing is everything. Officers can shoot when the suspect represents a danger. If that danger stops, like he is running away, the use of force stops. If he turns to point a weapon, that is when you shoot him, while he's facing you.
So, you are saying a weapon cannot be discharged over your shoulder, with your back towards the target?
I would like to see this DA sued and charged with malicious prosecution and prosecutorial misconduct
I'd like to see plenty of DAs go down for the same. They're even more crooked than the cops, most of them.
He knows full well that the shoot was legal and warranted.
Cain was a laborer, who tilled the ground and offered rotten windfall fruit to the Lord. God saw plain as day that it wasn't for planting seeds and harvesting crops that Cain worked so hard cultivating the soil: no, Cain was a murderer and a gravedigger, he slew his brother Abel, and his children were craftsmen who played musical instruments.
He is trying to capitalize off this event by trying to suck up to the leftist rabble.
It's the cops themselves going on strike with their own leftist police unions, guilds, and collective bargaining associations, in full solidarity with ANTIFA and other leftist fringe groups. They don't get to call left of left on their murder and extortion victims.
The left hates this union, your wrong, take a
11 charges! Felony murder? Are you serious?
link to come,, but Trump should demand the release, and send in the best Militia we have..

If the DA doesn’t have the backs of cops, than you won’t have cops.. STRIKE NOW!

In almost all instances, today, in the U.S., police strike is NOT a legal option. They can resign, en masse, or there can be a epidemic of blue flu, but they cannot go on strike.
cooool story


Correct, he's being used as a scapegoat because they are too afraid to stand up to the angry mob
It wasn't a cut and dried case, there has been a lot of reasonable debate on both sides. But I agree with you that they are afraid of the angry mob. His immediate firing, the description of their actions after Brooks was shot, the felony murder charge....those were pc pandering. Cops have one of the most challenging jobs there is. Someone HAS to have their back when a case goes bad and they are attacked. They deal with dangerous, unpredictable people sometimes. And cops are human, too.

Is Officer Rolfe racist? How would I know? He has won commendations for his DUI work. He seemed respectful but businesslike enough during his 40-some minute assessment of Brooks before all shit hit the fan. Brooks wrestled them, took his partner's tazer and ran, firing the tazer at Rolfe. It might not have been by the book, but I think if the guy had been white, the outcome might have been the same. Adrenaline, self protection instinct, it all happened in moments, no time to sit down and think it over like in ethics training. Tazers are seldom lethal but they incapacitate you. Rofle knew that, knew he had been seriously threatened. Did he count how many times Brosnan's tazer had been fired before Brooks stole it? Do you really think he knew or that he was thinking about that as he dodged that tazer barb? Rolfe had no shots left in his tazer either. So he pulled his gun. Without even thinking about it. It is what you do.

Maybe he should be in trouble for the decisions he made, but I think they're understandable. The law doesn't forgive based on sympathy, but what the D.A. and mayor did is ugly.

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

I haven't found the statement yet but in the announcement of the charges it's noted that the other officer said what was done was wrong. I'm sure it will be available soon.

He agreed to testify for the prosecution.

What’s he going to say that we didn’t see?

I guess you will have to wait until the trial.


Jeez, are you having trouble following a conversation tht is so simple?

You asked "What's he going to say that we didn't see?". I replied "I guess you will have to wait until the trial". What did you not understand?

Does it matter? We have the video

The video is not the trial. The DA filed 11 charges.

He won’t serve a day

I'll wait until the trial to say either way. I know APD requires its officers to render aid to anyone injured. The paramedics were the first ones to try and do anything.

But I'm sure you know best.

You must be embarrassed how your local DA just acted.. and He’s under investigation for stealing six figures

Embarrassed? Not even close. If he did shit wrong and gets burned, good deal.

And actually, I live just across the line outside Atlanta (still inside the perimeter), so he isn't my DA.

Do you get embarrassed every time a Boston politician gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar?

Yes I think all Boston politician should be round up and kicked out of this country

Yeah, so you have said. 8 months ago you said you were going to have a coup and forcibly remove them all, strip them of their citizenship and deport them. How many have you removed and deported so far? Oh yeah. None.

Then, I think you said it was going to happen on the 4th of July. That is 17 days away. I bet you have some excuse like you did last time.

Funny thing is, you always seem to claim you have an army or a team ready to do it. Not you actually doing it. Let someone else get their hands dirty or get shot. Cowards are like that.

And no, I am still not embarrassed by the Atlanta DA.

I know your not,,, you’re the biggest anti American democrat on here! Ha

and the virus has set us back a lot. But we have sent out notifications recently! Time is coming

I am not anti-American by any stretch of the imagination. Your over-the-top conservatism trolling is far more unAmerican. And so are the liberal causes you seek to back with the people you convert.

If you visit your recent activity your likes of some of the most vile lefties on here speaks volumes, You’re one of the most racist anti-American left wingers I’ve ever seen in my life get on your knees on that flag boy

You'll have to provide examples of my Likes that you think make me a "vile leftie".

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

This is the kind of shit that makes me believe you are a liberal who trolls as an extreme conservative. You know the reactions of most mainstream people will be against this sort of shit.

And first of all, dogs don't "track fear". Yes, they can sense fear. But track it? Bullshit.

Second of all, what is the point of this post other than to sound like an over-the-top conservative in order to push the reactions. What are you going to do with the dogs who can "track fear"? Are you going to bring them to Atlanta and track people who are afraid of a barking pack of dogs? lol No, you are not. If there are no cops on the street because they walk off the job, the criminals will be LESS afraid, not more afraid. So what are your dogs going to track?

And lastly, I doubt anyone with any sense posting on these forums believes you have trained dogs. These kinds of dogs are expensive to own and take a lot of time and effort to get and maintain their skills. You spend nearly every waking minute of your day posting here. As someone who has worked with dogs in kennel and training, I know what it takes to do it. You aren't doing anything but making up lies and trying to make actual conservatives look bad.

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

This is the kind of shit that makes me believe you are a liberal who trolls as an extreme conservative. You know the reactions of most mainstream people will be against this sort of shit.

And first of all, dogs don't "track fear". Yes, they can sense fear. But track it? Bullshit.

Second of all, what is the point of this post other than to sound like an over-the-top conservative in order to push the reactions. What are you going to do with the dogs who can "track fear"? Are you going to bring them to Atlanta and track people who are afraid of a barking pack of dogs? lol No, you are not. If there are no cops on the street because they walk off the job, the criminals will be LESS afraid, not more afraid. So what are your dogs going to track?

And lastly, I doubt anyone with any sense posting on these forums believes you have trained dogs. These kinds of dogs are expensive to own and take a lot of time and effort to get and maintain their skills. You spend nearly every waking minute of your day posting here. As someone who has worked with dogs in kennel and training, I know what it takes to do it. You aren't doing anything but making up lies and trying to make actual conservatives look bad.

A lot of posts are simply meant to increase click counts.

You better hope cops don’t go on strike haha my dogs can track fear ha

This is the kind of shit that makes me believe you are a liberal who trolls as an extreme conservative. You know the reactions of most mainstream people will be against this sort of shit.

And first of all, dogs don't "track fear". Yes, they can sense fear. But track it? Bullshit.

Second of all, what is the point of this post other than to sound like an over-the-top conservative in order to push the reactions. What are you going to do with the dogs who can "track fear"? Are you going to bring them to Atlanta and track people who are afraid of a barking pack of dogs? lol No, you are not. If there are no cops on the street because they walk off the job, the criminals will be LESS afraid, not more afraid. So what are your dogs going to track?

And lastly, I doubt anyone with any sense posting on these forums believes you have trained dogs. These kinds of dogs are expensive to own and take a lot of time and effort to get and maintain their skills. You spend nearly every waking minute of your day posting here. As someone who has worked with dogs in kennel and training, I know what it takes to do it. You aren't doing anything but making up lies and trying to make actual conservatives look bad.

A lot of posts are simply meant to increase click counts.

Oh I know. Jitsie seems to think the Poster of the Month title gives him extra privileges. But so many of his posts are just to pad his numbers.

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