11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

You can't change the Constitution. The only way to change the Constitution is through the amendment process which we will never see in this country again. A right is not just some silly rule, it's the law of the land. If you or a family member ever had to face trial, that right protects you from white people stating they have a bias against you for whatever reason and already deemed you guilty.
That's bullshit and you know it.
What really pisses me off about this thread is I am one of the people trying to make sure black folks get fair treatment in the justice system.

The entirety of the facts surrounding this case would be no different than any other situation. It is entirely similar to the "white on white" shooting that occurred in Kenosha.

Stupid motherfuckers: do you not attempt to disarm another person unless you have no other options.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
What’s the point here? You speaking for those blacks you think are inferior to you?
What really pisses me off about this thread is I am one of the people trying to make sure black folks get fair treatment in the justice system.

The entirety of the facts surrounding this case would be no different than any other situation. It is entirely similar to the "white on white" shooting that occurred in Kenosha.

Stupid motherfuckers: do you not attempt to disarm another person unless you have no other options.
He had no other choice....he was going to back to prison and he knew it.
Racist whites are more than capable of making unjust decisions, we have seen that time and time again in this country. What kind of creatures are racist whites?

About the same kind of creatures as racist blacks. One of these days somebody is going to wake you up and you're going to realize this is 2021, not 1954. You will probably have a heart attack.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
I'm not going to comment on this one particular case because I don't know all of the facts. But, I will say that it is a sad world we live in that if a trial such as this has to have a half and half jury to be considered fair, because we naturally expect all of the white people to vote one way and all of the black people to vote a different way. If that is the case it seems to me that our system is screwed if we can't depend on ALL jurors to decide a case fairly and without prejudice or bias. While I'm not saying that an 11 - 1 jury is just fine, it seems to me to be a slap in the face of the jurors if we automatically prejudge that an 11-1 white jury can't decide the case fairly.
I'm not going to comment on this one particular case because I don't know all of the facts. But, I will say that it is a sad world we live in that if a trial such as this has to have a half and half jury to be considered fair, because we naturally expect all of the white people to vote one way and all of the black people to vote a different way. If that is the case it seems to me that our system is screwed if we can't depend on ALL jurors to decide a case fairly and without prejudice or bias. While I'm not saying that an 11 - 1 jury is just fine, it seems to me to be a slap in the face of the jurors if we automatically prejudge that an 11-1 white jury can't decide the case fairly.
History is all that we have to go on and when it comes to cases like this they haven't.
What really pisses me off about this thread is I am one of the people trying to make sure black folks get fair treatment in the justice system.

The entirety of the facts surrounding this case would be no different than any other situation. It is entirely similar to the "white on white" shooting that occurred in Kenosha.

Stupid motherfuckers: do you not attempt to disarm another person unless you have no other options.
usaully you dont approach anyone with a gun
History is all that we have to go on and when it comes to cases like this they haven't.
What is the justice system? If we can't expect 12 jurors to decide a case fairly then what does that say about the system itself? Why use this system at all if we don't have confidence in the jurors to do the right thing? Isn't it a slap in the face to the white jurors in this case if you are already pre-judging that they will vote solely based on the fact that they are white and not on the merits of the case? (personally, I believe they will vote guilty)

And, what is justice? Is justice a case like this and 6 black jurors vote guilty and 6 white jurors vote not guilty? Is that fairness and justice? What is fair about a system where all of the black jurors vote one way and all of the white jurors vote another way, the hell with what goes on in court? We seem to live in a society now where justice and truth don't really matter. These cases seem to be decided before the trial and then we expect the jurors to ignore the trial and vote only based on the pretrial perception. If one side does not get the result they want then jurors are accused of not doing their jobs.

In the summer long riots, protesters often talked about wanting justice but they didn't really want justice, they wanted the outcome they wanted and if they didn't get it, they say that justice was not done.
So they have 11 people that have an IQ above 60. Maybe they'll do right.
Yea it was legal, so was Slavery and Jim Crow and that's why folks are advocating for the Law to be changed.
LOL you fucking retard it is not the same AT all. Go crawl back under your racist rock. You want to seat biased people o a JURY it works both ways dumb ass, if you can seat yours the other side can seat theirs.

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