115 million tax payer dollars have gone to Trump’s golf trips

Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What will be the conservative response to this? “But...but...HILLARY!”
seems to me thats a problem with the structure of government not trump since every POTUS before him did the same thing,,,

in other words your TDS is so bad that everything is orange man bad to you,,,

Except Trump is taking it to new heights...after he spent 8 years bashing Obama for golfing 1/4 of the amount of time Trump has.

That you deny the hypocrisy is just a sign you are part of it
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What will be the conservative response to this? “But...but...HILLARY!”
seems to me thats a problem with the structure of government not trump since every POTUS before him did the same thing,,,

in other words your TDS is so bad that everything is orange man bad to you,,,

Except Trump is taking it to new heights...after he spent 8 years bashing Obama for golfing 1/4 of the amount of time Trump has.

That you deny the hypocrisy is just a sign you are part of it

Link us to your posts where you voiced your displeasure with how much wetbacks have robbed Americans of...You know, that way we can take you serious and all.
Link us to your posts where you voiced your displeasure with how much wetbacks have robbed Americans of...You know, that way we can take you serious and all.

The only displeasure I have voiced in this thread is with Trump and his worshipers for their hypocrisy on this.

Do try and keep up, I know it is hard for you with your limited intellect, but at least try.
Trump was engaging in golf trips before becoming president

obama was the pauper who cashed in on a new lavish lifestyle
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What will be the conservative response to this? “But...but...HILLARY!”
seems to me thats a problem with the structure of government not trump since every POTUS before him did the same thing,,,

in other words your TDS is so bad that everything is orange man bad to you,,,

Except Trump is taking it to new heights...after he spent 8 years bashing Obama for golfing 1/4 of the amount of time Trump has.

That you deny the hypocrisy is just a sign you are part of it
where did I show hypocrisy???I know both of them do it and condemn them both equally,,,
Link us to your posts where you voiced your displeasure with how much wetbacks have robbed Americans of...You know, that way we can take you serious and all.

The only displeasure I have voiced in this thread is with Trump and his worshipers for their hypocrisy on this.

Do try and keep up, I know it is hard for you with your limited intellect, but at least try.

Haha...all you do is bitch about spending and racism....come on man, save your bullshit and make sense once.
Trump was engaging in golf trips before becoming president

obama was the pauper who cashed in on a new lavish lifestyle

Haha...all you do is bitch about spending and racism....come on man, save your bullshit and make sense once.

I am not worried about less than 40 million a year on golf trips when we are 1.3 trillion in the hole per year.

To quote Jesus...You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!
The game of golf was meant for Trump. Golfers are pretty much on the honor system and he has none. He throws it, boots it and moves it.
How Donald Trump cheats at golf even when playing against Tiger Woods
To say Trump cheats is to say Michael Phelps swims.

He is well known for it, he also cheats when he calculates his handicap. He calculates it off of like 5 rounds total out of the thousands he has played in his life.
Barry and Big Mike still owe me $105M for their fucking off around the planet. Destroying a large North American country does NOT equate to deserving taxpayer funded vacations.
Because he’s a complete moron.
You looney liberals worshiped Obozo like he was a deity,

Yet, he was the worst president to ever occupy the White House. .. :cuckoo:
Bullshit. Nobody ever "worshiped" President Obama. He is a decent man, a gentleman, and a scholar. In my lifetime, this is the first time that we have ever had filthy criminal whores as president and vice president; an orange whore and a sex monkey.
The game of golf was meant for Trump. Golfers are pretty much on the honor system and he has none. He throws it, boots it and moves it.
How Donald Trump cheats at golf even when playing against Tiger Woods
To say Trump cheats is to say Michael Phelps swims.

He is well known for it, he also cheats when he calculates his handicap. He calculates it off of like 5 rounds total out of the thousands he has played in his life.

What you seem to know about golf could likely fit in your boyfriend's dickhole. ALL golfers use the GHIN system for generating handicaps. NOBODY calculates a handicap - it's too tedious and complicated. Your idiotic lie makes you look like a fucking hack because it is NOT even plausible.

You should change your avatar to a pole smoking faggot and your moniker to anything but golf. DO NOT EMBARRASS US THAT ACTUALLY RESPECT AND LOVE THE GAME.
The game of golf was meant for Trump. Golfers are pretty much on the honor system and he has none. He throws it, boots it and moves it.
How Donald Trump cheats at golf even when playing against Tiger Woods
To say Trump cheats is to say Michael Phelps swims.

He is well known for it, he also cheats when he calculates his handicap. He calculates it off of like 5 rounds total out of the thousands he has played in his life.

What you seem to know about golf could likely fit in your boyfriend's dickhole. ALL golfers use the GHIN system for generating handicaps. NOBODY calculates a handicap - it's too tedious and complicated. Your idiotic lie makes you look like a fucking hack because it is NOT even plausible.

You should change your avatar to a pole smoking faggot and your moniker to anything but golf. DO NOT EMBARRASS US THAT ACTUALLY RESPECT AND LOVE THE GAME.

Golf Handicap Calculator
Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What will be the conservative response to this? “But...but...HILLARY!”

Remember how they used to whine every time obama did anything?

We have paid out millions to support this whore, as well has keep his woman and his spawn in NYC, not to mention his trips to his "rallies." Who pays to keep Air Force One in the air, and guard the whore, his current vagina, and his spawn? We do. If the orange whore wants a plane, let him rent one, and pay his security guards himself.

Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What will be the conservative response to this? “But...but...HILLARY!”
A small price to pay so that Trump can cheat at golf

Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

What will be the conservative response to this? “But...but...HILLARY!”
A small price to pay so that Trump can cheat at golf

115 million $ to shank shots - pricless

removing grass stains from the knees of his slacks costs another small fortune -

It is the taxpayer that is keeping the Trump Syndicate...er..I mean...Organization afloat. Trumpotatoes are fine with Trump raiding the treasury for personal gain. The more Trump takes from them, the more they want him to take.

Link us to your posts where you voiced your displeasure with how much wetbacks have robbed Americans of...You know, that way we can take you serious and all.

Stupid deflection. Comment on your orange whore's spending, and the taxpayers' money spent on him, his current and former vaginas, and his spawn. This has absolutely nothing to do with anyone crossing our borders in any fashion.
The game of golf was meant for Trump. Golfers are pretty much on the honor system and he has none. He throws it, boots it and moves it.
How Donald Trump cheats at golf even when playing against Tiger Woods
To say Trump cheats is to say Michael Phelps swims.

He is well known for it, he also cheats when he calculates his handicap. He calculates it off of like 5 rounds total out of the thousands he has played in his life.

What you seem to know about golf could likely fit in your boyfriend's dickhole. ALL golfers use the GHIN system for generating handicaps. NOBODY calculates a handicap - it's too tedious and complicated. Your idiotic lie makes you look like a fucking hack because it is NOT even plausible.

You should change your avatar to a pole smoking faggot and your moniker to anything but golf. DO NOT EMBARRASS US THAT ACTUALLY RESPECT AND LOVE THE GAME.

Golf Handicap Calculator

Thanks for proving my point fucknuts.... unless you're trying to say the President of the United States spends hours filling out that tedious, free app to obtain a handicap that gives him an extra stroke on the par 5's? Really stupid? C'mon, put down the crackpipe.

GHIN - United States Golf Association Service
Barry and Big Mike still owe me $105M for their fucking off around the planet. Destroying a large North American country does NOT equate to deserving taxpayer funded vacations.
WTF are you babbling about? BTW, we don`t need your gay fantasies here.

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