Zone1 14 Small Ways You Can Fight Racism Every Day

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One big way Negroes can fight white racism is to stop reinforcing it by tending to perform poorly in school, and by having high rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Jews and Orientals faced discrimination and bigotry. They overcame it by performing and behaving well.
Incorrect. Once you grow up facing actual racism and continue facing it all your life, you kinda know what is racist and what isn't.
What if someone grows up facing reasons for the widespread hostility toward a race it is dangerous to criticize by name?
In Zone 1 of this forum, a constant refrain is heard about Black members "bringing up racism" as to a reason race relations have not and will not improve. Apparently, the reasoning behind this complaint is that if we would simply stop talking about racism, as it has existed in the United States - past and present, then it will simply cease to exist, or in the very least, make it easier for those non-affected to enjoy their time on the "Race Relations/Racism" forum.

In any case, I ran across this article yesterday and could not help but think of this forum:

Think you can't make a difference every single day? You can. Here's how.

The racial unrest currently escalating in the United States has been unlike anything the country has seen since the L.A. riots over the Rodney King verdict in 1992. Sadly, unnecessary police brutality against Blacks in America persists, and in the age of phone cameras and social media, disturbing images bombard us with increasing frequency. On May 25, a modern-day lynching was caught on camera, sparking a wave of possibly game-changing protests. For eight minutes and 46 seconds, Derek Chauvin, a white Minneapolis cop, leaned his knee into the neck of George Floyd, killing the handcuffed black man who had been arrested over a counterfeit $20 bill. Floyd’s pleas for life now have a permanent spot on the soundtrack of American history.​
My white friends have been asking me what they can do to help conquer that savage beast that is racism once and for all. If a change is ever going to come, we need to be mindful of our everyday actions that hinder it. Here’s where I think we can begin.​

Don’t be afraid of the word “racist”​

Nobody wants to be called the dreaded “R-word.” It is to many white people what the N-word is to black people. However, racism doesn’t always wear a white robe and burn crosses. It’s lurking in everyday microaggressions, from offhand comments (for example, “your people” when talking to a Black person about Black people) to blanket assumptions made about minority groups based on the actions of just one. “It serves us perfectly to be exempt. It’s the root of virtually all-white defensiveness on this topic,” White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo said in a 2018 Elle interview. Until we acknowledge the racism we all harbor, we can’t begin to effectively address it, in others and in ourselves. In case you were wondering, this is why desegregation didn’t put an end to racism in America.​

Call out loved ones when they say or do racist things​

“They’re from a different generation” is no longer a valid excuse for a racist family member.​
This thread is all about black people due to their failure to succeed

They must blame their lack of success on others instead of admitting their own mistakes

It’s time to confront the racism of conservatives, to tell conservatives to their collective face that they are in fact racists the consequence of the policies they support and the perceptions they have of Americans of color.
Pretending white liberals don't have deep rooted racism that manifests as paternalistic contempt is fallacious. Sure, they claim to champion the black man, behind their lily-white gated communities in which a black man would be accosted for being in the wrong place. They demand legislation to "help" the black population that is rooted in the unshakable attitude that black American simply can't succeed without white liberals' help. Watch the average white liberal skedaddle to the other side of the street when they see a group of young black men walking towards them.

So, go ahead, yell at "conservatives", but don't be surprised when it has zero impact on racism.
The entire conservative belief that DEI is only done with unqualified people is an assumption that all whites hired are qualified. And that is racist.
By every objective, measurable criterion whites tend to be more qualified than Negroes.

When the high tech firm I worked for hired a black computer programmer, I mentored him, although I had not been asked to. He told our boss I was helping him. Our boss told me:

"It is my job to train the people I hire, but I do not always have the time to. You are making my job a lot easier."
Nothing relevant about that article. If you oppose racial diversity, you're a racist.
Then I am a racist. Watch me not care. :p

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the enemies of merit, qualifications, and excellence.
Then I am a racist. Watch me not care. :p

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the enemies of merit, qualifications, and excellence.
Merit, qualifications, and excellence are racist.

Stop being a hater!!
Pretending white liberals don't have deep rooted racism that manifests as paternalistic contempt is fallacious. Sure, they claim to champion the black man, behind their lily-white gated communities in which a black man would be accosted for being in the wrong place. They demand legislation to "help" the black population that is rooted in the unshakable attitude that black American simply can't succeed without white liberals' help. Watch the average white liberal skedaddle to the other side of the street when they see a group of young black men walking towards them.

So, go ahead, yell at "conservatives", but don't be surprised when it has zero impact on racism.
George Bush called it the soft bigotry of low expectations

Liberals are full of it
Merit, qualifications, and excellence are racist.

Stop being a hater!!
I hate blacks getting jobs when they are less qualified than whites who apply for them. We need to end affirmative action in hiring.

Hosted by the "Equity & Inclusion Committee'' :26:

As always, however, white checks are accepted at the barrel of a government gun to cover school taxes...even if you don't have kids in school...
George Bush called it the soft bigotry of low expectations

Liberals are full of it
With Negroes the soft bigotry of low expectations is often justified. This has been verified by the failure of No Child Left Behind to close the race gap in academic performance and test scores.
Incorrect. Once you grow up facing actual racism and continue facing it all your life, you kinda know what is racist and what isn't.
And I grew up facing actual antisemitism. So why is it that when I complain of antisemitism, you call me “playing the Jew victim card” -and yet YOU know what real racism is?
White racism against Negroes will persist as long as Negroes reinforce it with their performance and behavior. Until then expressions of hostility for Negroes can be suppressed, but the hostility will remain. Expressions of this hostility cannot be suppressed forever.
Pretending white liberals don't have deep rooted racism that manifests as paternalistic contempt is fallacious. Sure, they claim to champion the black man, behind their lily-white gated communities in which a black man would be accosted for being in the wrong place. They demand legislation to "help" the black population that is rooted in the unshakable attitude that black American simply can't succeed without white liberals' help. Watch the average white liberal skedaddle to the other side of the street when they see a group of young black men walking towards them.

So, go ahead, yell at "conservatives", but don't be surprised when it has zero impact on racism.
Liberals and conservatives blame each other for black failures. They are both mistaken. Blacks fail because of their inadequacies. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the demands of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy.
Liberals and conservatives blame each other for black failures. They are both mistaken. Blacks fail because of their inadequacies. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the demands of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy.
Now that's simple racism.
Liberals and conservatives blame each other for black failures. They are both mistaken. Blacks fail because of their inadequacies. Human evolution has not prepared most Negroes for the demands of civilization. These are intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy.
Jews tend to be high on all three of those metrics. Just saying.
Now that's simple racism.
Yes, I think Hector is overstating it.

The problem is that blacks and their enabling leftists want to blame the failures in their community on everything but their own actions. Excuses galore. All they need to do is reduce the OOW rate, and everything else would fall in place: higher incomes, less crime, better education.
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