16 killed in "freedom flotilla"!

From what i understand those video are not new, maybe im worng BUT this is not an argument "i said you said" the FACT is that Hamas and the Fatah are ENEMIES!!!! Not political enemies, ememies when Hamas KILL the Fatah members!!!!
Hamas control Gaza while Fatah control the West Bank. Ask anyone with real knowledge not form the media.

YouTube - Hamas gangs kill Fatah members in Gaza
YouTube - Hamas
YouTube - Hamas wanted to kill him; Israeli saved his life
YouTube - GAZA - The War Hamas vs Fatah. never seen Must Watch!!! HAMAS KILLING CIVILIANS IN GAZA

The videos you posted do not necessarily conflict with what I said. There is a part of Fatah, Abbas and his followers, who have sold out to Israel and the US. All the money and weapons are provided to them. They are supposed to provide "security" and "restore law and order." That is a euphemism for taking out any resistance to the occupation in general and Hamas in particular. These US armed, paid, and trained forces (look for the names Dahlan and General Keith Dayton) were employed in Gaza to take over the elected government and put the losers (Fatah) back in power. That takeover failed leaving the elected government in power in Gaza. The part of Fatah that was involved in this attack was routed. The Fatah members who were not involved were given amnesty from Hamas the day after the "coup." There still are members of Fatah in Gaza who are trying to destabilize the government and spy for Israel and those are the ones under attack by the government and Hamas. There are other Fatah members who are loyal to Palestine and they are still active in the government in Gaza. I mentioned the four PLC member who still hold their seats in Gaza.

The Gaza Bombshell
After failing to anticipate Hamas’s victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and current U.S. officials, the author reveals how President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving Hamas stronger than ever.
by David Rose

The Gaza Bombshell | Politics | Vanity Fair

I apologize in front if what i'm going to say sound rude not my intention but your post have nothing to do with reality. I have no idea were you live but i strongly suggest you to go to the near UNI and ask some professor who teach Middle East program about that.

Plus according to you if as a Palestine you want to live in peace with Israel or if you a Plestine leader who want noting to do with Iran AKA Hamas AKA terror and you provide your people education opportunities, good jobs and etc.. thats mean that you "sold out you pepole" but if you use pepole as a human shield, sent them to suicide mission, hide wapen in kindergartens while you sit comfortable and safe in Damesek - that mean you loyal to them.

As a human bean regardless of my religion, the place i live in, my skin color or whatever you think define me as a person i feel sad that someone somewere think like that.
I have no idea were you live but since i wish everyone in earth peace love and good life i hope that your leaders "sold you out" and they not "loyal to you".

It is probably true that Iran does support Palestine through the elected government i.e. Hamas, but I have seen no evidence that Iran has influenced Hamas. I have not seen where Iran has told Hamas to do anything.

I don’t think any faction has any more concern about peace, education, and jobs than any other. The point I am making is that Abbas is not the president. Fayyad is not the Prime Minister. The whole government in Ramallah is illegitimate. That “government” was installed by the US to serve Israel where the Hamas lead elected government is there to serve the people. That is why Abbas is called “moderate” while Hamas is called every name in the book.
The videos you posted do not necessarily conflict with what I said. There is a part of Fatah, Abbas and his followers, who have sold out to Israel and the US. All the money and weapons are provided to them. They are supposed to provide "security" and "restore law and order." That is a euphemism for taking out any resistance to the occupation in general and Hamas in particular. These US armed, paid, and trained forces (look for the names Dahlan and General Keith Dayton) were employed in Gaza to take over the elected government and put the losers (Fatah) back in power. That takeover failed leaving the elected government in power in Gaza. The part of Fatah that was involved in this attack was routed. The Fatah members who were not involved were given amnesty from Hamas the day after the "coup." There still are members of Fatah in Gaza who are trying to destabilize the government and spy for Israel and those are the ones under attack by the government and Hamas. There are other Fatah members who are loyal to Palestine and they are still active in the government in Gaza. I mentioned the four PLC member who still hold their seats in Gaza.

The Gaza Bombshell
After failing to anticipate Hamas’s victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and current U.S. officials, the author reveals how President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving Hamas stronger than ever.
by David Rose

The Gaza Bombshell | Politics | Vanity Fair

I apologize in front if what i'm going to say sound rude not my intention but your post have nothing to do with reality. I have no idea were you live but i strongly suggest you to go to the near UNI and ask some professor who teach Middle East program about that.

Plus according to you if as a Palestine you want to live in peace with Israel or if you a Plestine leader who want noting to do with Iran AKA Hamas AKA terror and you provide your people education opportunities, good jobs and etc.. thats mean that you "sold out you pepole" but if you use pepole as a human shield, sent them to suicide mission, hide wapen in kindergartens while you sit comfortable and safe in Damesek - that mean you loyal to them.

As a human bean regardless of my religion, the place i live in, my skin color or whatever you think define me as a person i feel sad that someone somewere think like that.
I have no idea were you live but since i wish everyone in earth peace love and good life i hope that your leaders "sold you out" and they not "loyal to you".

It is probably true that Iran does support Palestine through the elected government i.e. Hamas, but I have seen no evidence that Iran has influenced Hamas. I have not seen where Iran has told Hamas to do anything.

I don’t think any faction has any more concern about peace, education, and jobs than any other. The point I am making is that Abbas is not the president. Fayyad is not the Prime Minister. The whole government in Ramallah is illegitimate. That “government” was installed by the US to serve Israel where the Hamas lead elected government is there to serve the people. That is why Abbas is called “moderate” while Hamas is called every name in the book.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that has a goal of the extermination of Israel. You support that. That makes you a terrorist. You support terrorism of a democracy and the murder of innocent people by a terrorist organization. Shame on you and shame on your parents and everyone responsible for your behavior.
I apologize in front if what i'm going to say sound rude not my intention but your post have nothing to do with reality. I have no idea were you live but i strongly suggest you to go to the near UNI and ask some professor who teach Middle East program about that.

Plus according to you if as a Palestine you want to live in peace with Israel or if you a Plestine leader who want noting to do with Iran AKA Hamas AKA terror and you provide your people education opportunities, good jobs and etc.. thats mean that you "sold out you pepole" but if you use pepole as a human shield, sent them to suicide mission, hide wapen in kindergartens while you sit comfortable and safe in Damesek - that mean you loyal to them.

As a human bean regardless of my religion, the place i live in, my skin color or whatever you think define me as a person i feel sad that someone somewere think like that.
I have no idea were you live but since i wish everyone in earth peace love and good life i hope that your leaders "sold you out" and they not "loyal to you".

It is probably true that Iran does support Palestine through the elected government i.e. Hamas, but I have seen no evidence that Iran has influenced Hamas. I have not seen where Iran has told Hamas to do anything.

I don’t think any faction has any more concern about peace, education, and jobs than any other. The point I am making is that Abbas is not the president. Fayyad is not the Prime Minister. The whole government in Ramallah is illegitimate. That “government” was installed by the US to serve Israel where the Hamas lead elected government is there to serve the people. That is why Abbas is called “moderate” while Hamas is called every name in the book.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that has a goal of the extermination of Israel. You support that. That makes you a terrorist. You support terrorism of a democracy and the murder of innocent people by a terrorist organization. Shame on you and shame on your parents and everyone responsible for your behavior.

Terrorist is a meaningless, BS, political term with no defined meaning.
Israel has not yet won the war it started with Palestine in 1947. We can move on after that war is over.

Aret you going to go over there and join the Pals and fight?

Rather silly since she didn't expect to be killed. She was just stupid.

She died fighting for what she believed in. Helping other people. Of course a self righteous jackass like you would think that is stoopid. You can't muster a fraction of the courage for what that takes.

I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.
It is probably true that Iran does support Palestine through the elected government i.e. Hamas, but I have seen no evidence that Iran has influenced Hamas. I have not seen where Iran has told Hamas to do anything.

I don’t think any faction has any more concern about peace, education, and jobs than any other. The point I am making is that Abbas is not the president. Fayyad is not the Prime Minister. The whole government in Ramallah is illegitimate. That “government” was installed by the US to serve Israel where the Hamas lead elected government is there to serve the people. That is why Abbas is called “moderate” while Hamas is called every name in the book.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that has a goal of the extermination of Israel. You support that. That makes you a terrorist. You support terrorism of a democracy and the murder of innocent people by a terrorist organization. Shame on you and shame on your parents and everyone responsible for your behavior.

Terrorist is a meaningless, BS, political term with no defined meaning.

Anyone who targets civilians of a nation and has a goal of exterminating that nation is a terrorist. Anyone who supports them is a terrorist. Shame on you and your parents.
It's pretty stupid to think I can stop a military operation by simply getting in their way. She was young and naive. That's not Israel's fault.

You don't know history very well. Israel murdered unarmed people and you are defending it. Fucking hypocrite.

Muslim fascists murder people every day and you defend it.

Defending your nation is not "murder". Terrorism is murder. Fucking pusillanimous pissant prarie punk.
You're confused.

Aret you going to go over there and join the Pals and fight?

Rather silly since she didn't expect to be killed. She was just stupid.

She died fighting for what she believed in. Helping other people. Of course a self righteous jackass like you would think that is stoopid. You can't muster a fraction of the courage for what that takes.

I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

You're a dumb bitch. Read my post again. Then do it again.
Aret you going to go over there and join the Pals and fight?

Rather silly since she didn't expect to be killed. She was just stupid.

She died fighting for what she believed in. Helping other people. Of course a self righteous jackass like you would think that is stoopid. You can't muster a fraction of the courage for what that takes.

I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

It's pretty stupid to think I can stop a military operation by simply getting in their way. She was young and naive. That's not Israel's fault.

You don't know history very well. Israel murdered unarmed people and you are defending it. Fucking hypocrite.

Muslim fascists murder people every day and you defend it.

Defending your nation is not "murder". Terrorism is murder. Fucking pusillanimous pissant prarie punk.
You're confused.

Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.

The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.
It is probably true that Iran does support Palestine through the elected government i.e. Hamas, but I have seen no evidence that Iran has influenced Hamas. I have not seen where Iran has told Hamas to do anything.

I don’t think any faction has any more concern about peace, education, and jobs than any other. The point I am making is that Abbas is not the president. Fayyad is not the Prime Minister. The whole government in Ramallah is illegitimate. That “government” was installed by the US to serve Israel where the Hamas lead elected government is there to serve the people. That is why Abbas is called “moderate” while Hamas is called every name in the book.

Hamas is a terrorist organization that has a goal of the extermination of Israel. You support that. That makes you a terrorist. You support terrorism of a democracy and the murder of innocent people by a terrorist organization. Shame on you and shame on your parents and everyone responsible for your behavior.

Terrorist is a meaningless, BS, political term with no defined meaning.

you can always tell the boardmembers who live in places like Bumfook USA, or Sctratchmyassville!!!!
She died fighting for what she believed in. Helping other people. Of course a self righteous jackass like you would think that is stoopid. You can't muster a fraction of the courage for what that takes.

I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

You don't know history very well. Israel murdered unarmed people and you are defending it. Fucking hypocrite.

Muslim fascists murder people every day and you defend it.

Defending your nation is not "murder". Terrorism is murder. Fucking pusillanimous pissant prarie punk.
You're confused.

Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.
The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.

Did you see the picture that the turkish newspaper publish?
She died fighting for what she believed in. Helping other people. Of course a self righteous jackass like you would think that is stoopid. You can't muster a fraction of the courage for what that takes.

I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

You're a dumb bitch. Read my post again. Then do it again.

You're a dumb pusillanimous pissant prarie punk. Read my post. Then do it again.
She died fighting for what she believed in. Helping other people. Of course a self righteous jackass like you would think that is stoopid. You can't muster a fraction of the courage for what that takes.

I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

You don't know history very well. Israel murdered unarmed people and you are defending it. Fucking hypocrite.

Muslim fascists murder people every day and you defend it.

Defending your nation is not "murder". Terrorism is murder. Fucking pusillanimous pissant prarie punk.
You're confused.

Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.

The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.

The reason bigots like you fall for Islamofascist propaganda is because you're an educated dummy who believes whatever your puppetmasters feed you, tight-assed, pimply faced, dirty diaper, whiney brat.
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I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

Muslim fascists murder people every day and you defend it.

Defending your nation is not "murder". Terrorism is murder. Fucking pusillanimous pissant prarie punk.
You're confused.

Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.

The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.

The reason bigots like you fall for Islamofascist propaganda is because you're an educated dummy who believes whatever your puppetmasters feed you, tight-assed, pimply faced, dirty diaper, whiney brat.

No the real reasons is they are SCARED SHITLESS!

The liberal sees these facts:mind thinks
(1) 1.2-1.5 billion Muslims worldwide and anywhere from 1-20% are radical, meaning that could be 15 million to 300 million.
(2) There are 20-30 Muslim countries, most which are 90%+ Muslim (including Turkey which is 99% Muslim).
(3) Muslims are the fast growing groups in Europe (while the Whites are decreasing) and they are the most vocal minority in Europe, China, Russia and India.
(4) They make up 10% (110 million) of India.
(5) Right now they make up 30% of Russia, in which the Native Russian White population is the least reproductive in the WORLD, they are decreasing and they Russian population as a whole is decreasing. While through birth and immigration, the Muslim population is growing via leaps and bounds. Check any prediction, Muslims might be the majority by 2025 and foresure by 2050.
(6) Islamic terrorist attacks on the West have been numerous and devastating. The rhetoric has not slowed down.
(7) Jews by contrast make up 15 million worldwide. With one small country
(8) Israel and the Jews are not a direct threat to the liberals of Europe or America, while some Muslims are a threat to both.
(9) Israel is just and easy target because its small, made of Jews and can't win the PR war
(10) Israel has no oil, while the Muslim countries have a ton of it.

Bottom line is its much easier and safer to take on Israel. The liberals think that if they take on Israel, the radical Muslims will say, thank you liberals we will leave you alone. We won't demand Sharia law in your countries, we won't find shit to complain about and we won't find another excuse to declare a holy war on the West if Israel is gone!

They are COWARDS! Plain and simple!
I help people all the time. I don't put myself in the middle of a military operation to attempt to stop it. That would be stupid and she was stupid. Being stupid is not the same as courage. Only a fool would think it is.

Muslim fascists murder people every day and you defend it.

Defending your nation is not "murder". Terrorism is murder. Fucking pusillanimous pissant prarie punk.
You're confused.

Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.

The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.

The reason bigots like you fall for Islamofascist propaganda is because you're an educated dummy who believes whatever your puppetmasters feed you, tight-assed, pimply faced, dirty diaper, whiney brat.

Rotfl! You're repeating the spoon fed oxymoron "Islamofascist" but accuse others of being sheep???? You dumbass!

Now show where I defended anyone being murdered you lying cocksucker.
Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.

The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.

The reason bigots like you fall for Islamofascist propaganda is because you're an educated dummy who believes whatever your puppetmasters feed you, tight-assed, pimply faced, dirty diaper, whiney brat.

Rotfl! You're repeating the spoon fed oxymoron "Islamofascist" but accuse others of being sheep???? You dumbass!

Now show where I defended anyone being murdered you lying cocksucker.


That the bent tight retard doesn't care for the term "Islamofascist" does not make it an oxymoron. bent tight is just an old fashioned moron: a lying lowlife moron.
Show where I defend people being murdered by anyone you lying bitch.

Israel was not defending itself against an attacking force you fuckwad. They were civilians with no weapons 70 miles from Israel.

The reason bigots like you lie is because you were ever honest you wouldn't be ignorant backwater redneck fucking dumbasses.

The reason bigots like you fall for Islamofascist propaganda is because you're an educated dummy who believes whatever your puppetmasters feed you, tight-assed, pimply faced, dirty diaper, whiney brat.

Rotfl! You're repeating the spoon fed oxymoron "Islamofascist" but accuse others of being sheep???? You dumbass!

Now show where I defended anyone being murdered you lying cocksucker.

They are Islamofascists, dick nose.

Aren't you defending the fascists in the flotilla? You're defending murderers, lying cocksucker, ass reaming booger eater.
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The reason bigots like you fall for Islamofascist propaganda is because you're an educated dummy who believes whatever your puppetmasters feed you, tight-assed, pimply faced, dirty diaper, whiney brat.

Rotfl! You're repeating the spoon fed oxymoron "Islamofascist" but accuse others of being sheep???? You dumbass!

Now show where I defended anyone being murdered you lying cocksucker.

They are Islamofascists, dick nose.

Aren't you defending the fascists in the flotilla? You're defending murderers, lying cocksucker, ass reaming booger eater.

liars, eh?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFMfaI_A8lk&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - israel Admits It Doctored Flotilla Audio Tapes[/ame]
All of this nonsense does not matter. God JHVH is going to settle this His way, so who cares what crazy stuff they do now.

Allah is Satan as can clearly be seen in all of the beheading videos as the murders call out to Satan just as Muhammet did when he killed all of the Jewish merchants of Medina and then raped their daughters and young wives, 1.5 thousand years ago. It is all about Satanic blood sacrifice and sexual perversion.
Islam appears to be steeped in that kind of insanity.
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Rotfl! You're repeating the spoon fed oxymoron "Islamofascist" but accuse others of being sheep???? You dumbass!

Now show where I defended anyone being murdered you lying cocksucker.

They are Islamofascists, dick nose.

Aren't you defending the fascists in the flotilla? You're defending murderers, lying cocksucker, ass reaming booger eater.

liars, eh?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFMfaI_A8lk&feature=youtube_gdata]YouTube - israel Admits It Doctored Flotilla Audio Tapes[/ame]

A satanic news broadcast. These people need to be punished. I favor using torpedoes as long as the Islamics continue to violate international law. BAMMMMM! No more aide convoy!
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