167 Consecutive Days Below Freezing


U.S. Drought Monitor

The west has had a series of droughts, and our forests and crops are paying the price.

La Niña Pattern. nothin to see here or worry about... Natural Variation..
It sounds like somebody is in denial. I understand that the Sahara used to be a verdant rain forest, things change. That took thousands of years. Now? it's a matter of decades...i am seeing it, and heartily agree it's human caused. 7 billion people are having effects in more ways than just weather, too. Let's just ignore the facts and whistle past the graveyard.

You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
According the global warming messiah, Al Gore, the ice caps should have been gone by now. The simple fact is that global warming predictions haven't been right once. They consistently fail to match reality. What does that tell you?

U.S. Drought Monitor

The west has had a series of droughts, and our forests and crops are paying the price.

La Niña Pattern. nothin to see here or worry about... Natural Variation..
It sounds like somebody is in denial. I understand that the Sahara used to be a verdant rain forest, things change. That took thousands of years. Now? it's a matter of decades...i am seeing it, and heartily agree it's human caused. 7 billion people are having effects in more ways than just weather, too. Let's just ignore the facts and whistle past the graveyard.

You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
That works both ways, you can ignore the facts and cherry pick pseudoscientific babble and deceive yourself. it's a free country. So who should I believe? My own fist hand imperial experience, or some stuff somebody spouts on the internet?

U.S. Drought Monitor

The west has had a series of droughts, and our forests and crops are paying the price.

La Niña Pattern. nothin to see here or worry about... Natural Variation..
It sounds like somebody is in denial. I understand that the Sahara used to be a verdant rain forest, things change. That took thousands of years. Now? it's a matter of decades...i am seeing it, and heartily agree it's human caused. 7 billion people are having effects in more ways than just weather, too. Let's just ignore the facts and whistle past the graveyard.

You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
That works both ways, you can ignore the facts and cherry pick pseudoscientific babble and deceive yourself. it's a free country. So who should I believe? My own fist hand imperial experience, or some stuff somebody spouts on the internet?
I challenge anyone to post one prediction made about global warming that fits reality. Just one.

U.S. Drought Monitor

The west has had a series of droughts, and our forests and crops are paying the price.

La Niña Pattern. nothin to see here or worry about... Natural Variation..
It sounds like somebody is in denial. I understand that the Sahara used to be a verdant rain forest, things change. That took thousands of years. Now? it's a matter of decades...i am seeing it, and heartily agree it's human caused. 7 billion people are having effects in more ways than just weather, too. Let's just ignore the facts and whistle past the graveyard.

You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
That works both ways, you can ignore the facts and cherry pick pseudoscientific babble and deceive yourself. it's a free country. So who should I believe? My own fist hand imperial experience, or some stuff somebody spouts on the internet?
I challenge anyone to post one prediction made about global warming that fits reality. Just one.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...Dude, turn off your computer and go outside and open your beautiful eyes and that's were you will find the truth. Come to Denver, or LA, we have to worry about wild fires ALL year long now, and the fact ski season starts later and ends earlier world wide. And if you are a gardener or want a nice lawn here in the west? Well, that goes out the bloody window unless you can pay for water, and...don't get me started, the proof goes on and on.

La Niña Pattern. nothin to see here or worry about... Natural Variation..
It sounds like somebody is in denial. I understand that the Sahara used to be a verdant rain forest, things change. That took thousands of years. Now? it's a matter of decades...i am seeing it, and heartily agree it's human caused. 7 billion people are having effects in more ways than just weather, too. Let's just ignore the facts and whistle past the graveyard.

You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
That works both ways, you can ignore the facts and cherry pick pseudoscientific babble and deceive yourself. it's a free country. So who should I believe? My own fist hand imperial experience, or some stuff somebody spouts on the internet?
I challenge anyone to post one prediction made about global warming that fits reality. Just one.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...Dude, turn off your computer and go outside and open your beautiful eyes and that's were you will find the truth. Come to Denver, or LA, we have to worry about wild fires ALL year long now, and the fact ski season starts later and ends earlier world wide. And if you are a gardener or want a nice lawn here in the west? Well, that goes out the bloody window unless you can pay for water, and...don't get me started, the proof goes on and on.
Global warming would actually produce MORE rain. So what's this nonsense about droughts and wild fires? Also, things are getting warmer because we just had a mini ice age not long ago. Temperatures are returning to normal. It's mid April where I live and there is going to be a low of 36 tonight. I could really use some of that global warming right now. One more thing. If global warming is a reality, please answer me one question. Why did NOAA feel the need to alter temperature date to make it look like it was getting warmer? Don't even try to deny it happened. It is historical fact. Why did they feel the need to lie to us, if global warming is a fact?
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It sounds like somebody is in denial. I understand that the Sahara used to be a verdant rain forest, things change. That took thousands of years. Now? it's a matter of decades...i am seeing it, and heartily agree it's human caused. 7 billion people are having effects in more ways than just weather, too. Let's just ignore the facts and whistle past the graveyard.

You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
That works both ways, you can ignore the facts and cherry pick pseudoscientific babble and deceive yourself. it's a free country. So who should I believe? My own fist hand imperial experience, or some stuff somebody spouts on the internet?
I challenge anyone to post one prediction made about global warming that fits reality. Just one.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...Dude, turn off your computer and go outside and open your beautiful eyes and that's were you will find the truth. Come to Denver, or LA, we have to worry about wild fires ALL year long now, and the fact ski season starts later and ends earlier world wide. And if you are a gardener or want a nice lawn here in the west? Well, that goes out the bloody window unless you can pay for water, and...don't get me started, the proof goes on and on.
Global warming would actually produce MORE rain. So what's this nonsense about droughts and wild fires? Also, things are getting warmer because we just had a mini ice age not long ago. Temperatures are returning to normal. It's mid April where I live and there is going to be a low of 39 tonight. I could really use some of that global warming right now. One more thing. If global warming is a reality, please answer me one question. Why did NOAA feel the need to alter temperature date to make it look like it was getting warmer? Don't even try to deny it happened. It is historical fact. Why did they feel the need to lie to us, if global warming is a fact?
Where do you get this stuff from? I understand you are getting record snow and cold. Could you send us westerners little of that? Lighten up here, mate. Seriously, and with all respect, things are over all warming and drying. I don't need a weather man or a statistician to point out the obvious. To paraphrase Dylan.
You can "believe" anything you wish. That is the way religion works. However, in the realm of science it doesn't matter what you believe, but you can observe. And the reality is that to date there is no observed scientific data that supports the theory of AGW. None. There's a whole lot of computer derived fiction, but nothing that is actually observed.
That works both ways, you can ignore the facts and cherry pick pseudoscientific babble and deceive yourself. it's a free country. So who should I believe? My own fist hand imperial experience, or some stuff somebody spouts on the internet?
I challenge anyone to post one prediction made about global warming that fits reality. Just one.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...Dude, turn off your computer and go outside and open your beautiful eyes and that's were you will find the truth. Come to Denver, or LA, we have to worry about wild fires ALL year long now, and the fact ski season starts later and ends earlier world wide. And if you are a gardener or want a nice lawn here in the west? Well, that goes out the bloody window unless you can pay for water, and...don't get me started, the proof goes on and on.
Global warming would actually produce MORE rain. So what's this nonsense about droughts and wild fires? Also, things are getting warmer because we just had a mini ice age not long ago. Temperatures are returning to normal. It's mid April where I live and there is going to be a low of 39 tonight. I could really use some of that global warming right now. One more thing. If global warming is a reality, please answer me one question. Why did NOAA feel the need to alter temperature date to make it look like it was getting warmer? Don't even try to deny it happened. It is historical fact. Why did they feel the need to lie to us, if global warming is a fact?
Where do you get this stuff from? I understand you are getting record snow and cold. Could you send us westerners little of that? Lighten up here, mate. Seriously, and with all respect, things are over all warming and drying. I don't need a weather man or a statistician to point out the obvious. To paraphrase Dylan.
You are a fool. The climate change mantra has been discredited over and over again. Someone posted a video, recently, that uses real temperature date to show that it is nothing but BS. There is no hot spot in the troposphere. The oceans are not getting warmer. It's all a lie. And you bought it like the credulous fool you are. But you go right on believing the lie. As P.T. Barnum said, there is a fool born every minute. So you are in good company.
I am a sentimental old fool, no argument there. And I am a hardnosed realist, as well. So you resort to name calling, is that the new scientific method? Dazzle them with malarkey or bash them if they don't agree? Well, nice. Smooth. But it isn't working. Like I said before, who do I believe? My own two peepers or your...stuff?
I am a sentimental old fool, no argument there. And I am a hardnosed realist, as well. So you resort to name calling, is that the new scientific method? Dazzle them with malarkey or bash them if they don't agree? Well, nice. Smooth. But it isn't working. Like I said before, who do I believe? My own two peepers or your...stuff?
Name one climate change prediction that even came close to getting it right. There is you evidence. Because they did not even get it right one time. Your global warming BS is nothing but computer models based on falsified data. It's been proven wrong, yet you still cling to it like a drowning woman. Why?
I am a sentimental old fool, no argument there. And I am a hardnosed realist, as well. So you resort to name calling, is that the new scientific method? Dazzle them with malarkey or bash them if they don't agree? Well, nice. Smooth. But it isn't working. Like I said before, who do I believe? My own two peepers or your...stuff?
Name one climate change prediction that even came close to getting it right. There is you evidence. Because they did not even get it right one time. Your global warming BS is nothing but computer models based on falsified data. It's been proven wrong, yet you still cling to it like a drowning woman. Why?
I can't. Science doesn't predict. Extrapolate, plenty, love ya kiddo. Why are you so hostile?
If you are too cold wherever you are right now, send some of that cold weather to Amarillo.

We've already hit the mid 90's, and have been in summertime mode since the end of March.
I am a sentimental old fool, no argument there. And I am a hardnosed realist, as well. So you resort to name calling, is that the new scientific method? Dazzle them with malarkey or bash them if they don't agree? Well, nice. Smooth. But it isn't working. Like I said before, who do I believe? My own two peepers or your...stuff?
Name one climate change prediction that even came close to getting it right. There is you evidence. Because they did not even get it right one time. Your global warming BS is nothing but computer models based on falsified data. It's been proven wrong, yet you still cling to it like a drowning woman. Why?
I can't. Science doesn't predict. Extrapolate, plenty, love ya kiddo. Why are you so hostile?

Per Decade warming trend = FAILED

"Hot spot" = FAILED

Increasing storminess = FAILED

Decreasing cold and Snowfall = FAILED

One FAILURE was enough 4 becomes a steam roll.

Why do you continue to defend the AGW conjecture?

^^^^Borrowed from sunsettommy.

And I ask you again. Name one prediction that climate change got right. The climate models have failed repeatedly. How many times do they have to be wrong before you get a clue?
I am a sentimental old fool, no argument there. And I am a hardnosed realist, as well. So you resort to name calling, is that the new scientific method? Dazzle them with malarkey or bash them if they don't agree? Well, nice. Smooth. But it isn't working. Like I said before, who do I believe? My own two peepers or your...stuff?
Name one climate change prediction that even came close to getting it right. There is you evidence. Because they did not even get it right one time. Your global warming BS is nothing but computer models based on falsified data. It's been proven wrong, yet you still cling to it like a drowning woman. Why?
I can't. Science doesn't predict. Extrapolate, plenty, love ya kiddo. Why are you so hostile?

"Science doesn't predict...."


90% of the debate on this forum stems from a goofball scientific theory that predicts.....based upon computer models btw.....that in a few decades humans will no longer be able to inhabit the earth.:113:

Gotta pay attention in here sweets......:deal:
If you are too cold wherever you are right now, send some of that cold weather to Amarillo.

We've already hit the mid 90's, and have been in summertime mode since the end of March.
That's nothing. Twenty years ago it was over 100 degrees in march. This was in Las Vegas. Can you guess why I left?
I am a sentimental old fool, no argument there. And I am a hardnosed realist, as well. So you resort to name calling, is that the new scientific method? Dazzle them with malarkey or bash them if they don't agree? Well, nice. Smooth. But it isn't working. Like I said before, who do I believe? My own two peepers or your...stuff?
Name one climate change prediction that even came close to getting it right. There is you evidence. Because they did not even get it right one time. Your global warming BS is nothing but computer models based on falsified data. It's been proven wrong, yet you still cling to it like a drowning woman. Why?
I can't. Science doesn't predict. Extrapolate, plenty, love ya kiddo. Why are you so hostile?

Per Decade warming trend = FAILED

"Hot spot" = FAILED

Increasing storminess = FAILED

Decreasing cold and Snowfall = FAILED

One FAILURE was enough 4 becomes a steam roll.

Why do you continue to defend the AGW conjecture?

^^^^Borrowed from sunsettommy.

And I ask you again. Name one prediction that climate change got right. The climate models have failed repeatedly. How many times do they have to be wrong before you get a clue?

Dude..... Mary is sort of wet behind the ears in this forum. She needs a few weeks to get up to speed....

Recently graduated from People.com
If you are too cold wherever you are right now, send some of that cold weather to Amarillo.

We've already hit the mid 90's, and have been in summertime mode since the end of March.
That's nothing. Twenty years ago it was over 100 degrees in march. This was in Las Vegas. Can you guess why I left?

Really? Because I moved to Amarillo in 1999, and it generally didn't warm up much until mid April. Over the past 5 to 10 years, the warm weather has been coming earlier and earlier.

I've also noticed that in the winters, the cold air comes down more often from the north, resulting in some really cold days. One of the reasons I stayed in Amarillo when I retired from the Navy was because of the mild winters. I liked the fact that I could ride a motorcycle 51 out of 52 weeks of the year.

And by the way.......................Las Vegas (which you say you left), is in the middle of the desert. Amarillo is in the middle of the TX panhandle.
Brad, goes silly in the thread avoiding the posted article completely to push his silly spin.

From Real Climate Science

View attachment 188060


Or you could come here, we didn't have a single day below freezing......

Geography fail in school s0n?

Over 80% of the country is still sporting nut sack warmers in the mornings..... dollar to 1000 stale donuts they're not coming in out of the cold saying, "Shit.... I better call my representative tomorrow and plead with them to do something about all this global warming!!!"

In the end s0n it's all about being able to read the landscape :113::113:.... because nothing else really matters.

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