2/3 Say America Headed in Wrong Direction

And Hillary is trying to ride on Obamas coattail.
You go girl.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

And that is the only poll that counts my friend. The country's direction is going to be tied around Hillary and Obama's neck, and once the general election candidates spell out their positions, Hillary is DOA on election day!

Do NOT fear or believe the Democrat narrative of victory. They are paper tigers, and they are in deep-doo. If you seen the internals I see, you would be doing cartwheels, and you must trust me on that!
The difference between a Liberal and a Conservative:

View attachment 60722

And people wonder why this country is slowly biting the dust. Think about it...hell, as little as 30-40 years ago, no self-respecting person would dream of taking handouts from Uncle Sugar. Now? There are few decent jobs, and our president tells kids to "stay in school " for the rest of their lives.

And what does the left in this country do to garner votes? Give everyone freebies - to hell with making the country better - no sir, continue running the debt higher and higher until we collapse from within.

Stalin is smiling from the grave.
The difference between a Liberal and a Conservative:

View attachment 60722

And people wonder why this country is slowly biting the dust. Think about it...hell, as little as 30-40 years ago, no self-respecting person would dream of taking handouts from Uncle Sugar. Now? There are few decent jobs, and our president tells kids to "stay in school " for the rest of their lives.

And what does the left in this country do to garner votes? Give everyone freebies - to hell with making the country better - no sir, continue running the debt higher and higher until we collapse from within.

Stalin is smiling from the grave.

Yes sir, you are 100% correct!

Not to make this a campaign speech or anything for a candidate, buuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt, it appears this election, the massive influx of new voters coming in, are going to be those who have not voted in years. The consensus is.........these voters are coming in because they are sooooooo upset with Washington, they want to do something about it. That does not bode well for establishment candidates at all!

To get these voters to the polls, we MUST have Cruz or Trump to give them a place to vote their displeasure. The left knows this, which is why they hammer any outsider high in the polls who will draw these voters. Hell, go on here in different threads, and you hear the LEFT singing the praises of Rubio, Bush, and Kasich. What does that tell everyone who can think?!?!?!

Hillary if the nominee, will not win. Neither will Bernie! All we need fear is someone coming in off the bench.

Now that doesn't mean the left won't try to pull off an October surprise, but as of right now, feel confidant.........no, EXTREMELY confidant, that you will see our nominee taking the oath of office, January of 17!
The difference between a Liberal and a Conservative:

View attachment 60722

And people wonder why this country is slowly biting the dust. Think about it...hell, as little as 30-40 years ago, no self-respecting person would dream of taking handouts from Uncle Sugar. Now? There are few decent jobs, and our president tells kids to "stay in school " for the rest of their lives.

And what does the left in this country do to garner votes? Give everyone freebies - to hell with making the country better - no sir, continue running the debt higher and higher until we collapse from within.

Stalin is smiling from the grave.
When college kids openly cheer they can remain on Mommys insurance until 26 it tells you how times have flip flopped. 30 years ago you'd be ashamed of such a thing.

Romney was right, 47% will vote for handouts.
The difference between a Liberal and a Conservative:

View attachment 60722

And people wonder why this country is slowly biting the dust. Think about it...hell, as little as 30-40 years ago, no self-respecting person would dream of taking handouts from Uncle Sugar. Now? There are few decent jobs, and our president tells kids to "stay in school " for the rest of their lives.

And what does the left in this country do to garner votes? Give everyone freebies - to hell with making the country better - no sir, continue running the debt higher and higher until we collapse from within.

Stalin is smiling from the grave.
When college kids openly cheer they can remain on Mommys insurance until 26 it tells you how times have flip flopped. 30 years ago you'd be ashamed of such a thing.

Romney was right, 47% will vote for handouts.

Actually, I believe that it's now closer to 50-55% :(
The difference between a Liberal and a Conservative:

View attachment 60722

And people wonder why this country is slowly biting the dust. Think about it...hell, as little as 30-40 years ago, no self-respecting person would dream of taking handouts from Uncle Sugar. Now? There are few decent jobs, and our president tells kids to "stay in school " for the rest of their lives.

And what does the left in this country do to garner votes? Give everyone freebies - to hell with making the country better - no sir, continue running the debt higher and higher until we collapse from within.

Stalin is smiling from the grave.

Yes sir, you are 100% correct!

Not to make this a campaign speech or anything for a candidate, buuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt, it appears this election, the massive influx of new voters coming in, are going to be those who have not voted in years. The consensus is.........these voters are coming in because they are sooooooo upset with Washington, they want to do something about it. That does not bode well for establishment candidates at all!

To get these voters to the polls, we MUST have Cruz or Trump to give them a place to vote their displeasure. The left knows this, which is why they hammer any outsider high in the polls who will draw these voters. Hell, go on here in different threads, and you hear the LEFT singing the praises of Rubio, Bush, and Kasich. What does that tell everyone who can think?!?!?!

Hillary if the nominee, will not win. Neither will Bernie! All we need fear is someone coming in off the bench.

Now that doesn't mean the left won't try to pull off an October surprise, but as of right now, feel confidant.........no, EXTREMELY confidant, that you will see our nominee taking the oath of office, January of 17!

Honestly, what I see happening is something along these lines..... Hillary is going to come under such scrutiny over these Emails that she will eventually bow out. I would then expect that drunk Joe Biden to come waltzing in. If the only choice left to the limp-wrists is Bernie Sanders (he has NO chance) Biden will jump in. Count on it.

Won't make a hill of beans difference however. America (the sleeping giant) has awakened. No matter who runs on the communist side, it will be a landslide. The likes this country has never seen before in favor of the republicans. It will be a blood letting.

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