$20.2 Billion per year for Air Conditioning

Exactly why the military is so interested in wind, solar, and high capacity batteries. Every gallon of fuel that does not have to be shipped to an outpost is less risk for one of our troops.
Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.

If there was a real need for us to be there, your rant might have a point. The point of the OP is that we are wasting money by being there, and this is just part of the absurdity of it all. Are you always this dense?

Wasting money? Do you suggest surrendering, and then using that money later to rebuild the next skyscraper these Al Qaeda idiots take out after we leave them alone to regroup???. :cuckoo:

Why don't we just concentrate on killing Al Qaeda if they are here in the US? Wouldn't that be a bit more prudent? Please tell us all how many American lives you believe have been saved by us sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan for more than a decade?

Here is a simple fact. We've lost over 8000 American lives by sending troops to those two countries. On top of than, tens of thousands have come back with injuries that they will never fully recover from. In the end we are pulling out or have pulled out of those wars anyway. What did we accomplish? Not a fucking thing other than to get a bunch of our citizens killed and maimed.
^^^LadyCumSucker is conscious from her latest gang-bang-for-crack-money.

Your lame shitfest of insults is boring to everyone. It's always nice to know what lowlife's such as yourself think about our military. Thanks! :)

Amazing how you can be so detached from the reality of the conversation. This isn't about supporting or not supporting the military. We all support our soldiers who are willing to give their lives for our freedom. The point is that the wars they have been sent to fight in the Middle East are just a pathetic waste of time, money, and most importantly lives. We aren't defending America by sending our troops over there to kill whoever we think should be killed. The rational behind it all is just plain stupid. All we are trying to do is nation building and that has proven to be a disaster, so all we have done is wasted away money and lives, American lives. Do you really support that? Really?
We should try building AMERICA. Giving money to infrastructure, energy infrastructure and r@d is the best way to do that. ;)

Doubling nasa's budget and giving it a real mission would be a good way of creating tens of thousands of high paid jobs.

Fuck nation building in the middle east.
That cost is so staggeringly huge I am having difficulty believing it.

It isn't until one includes all the associated costs of providing that AC that it makes sense.
Most of you leftist IDIOTS don't give a shit about our military so this is no surprise. NO ONE wants to be over in ODUMBO's wars but they are.. and while they're sacrificing so much, they deserve to have some small comfort. If you have a problem with that , that's too fucking bad.
Most of you leftist IDIOTS don't give a shit about our military so this is no surprise. NO ONE wants to be over in ODUMBO's wars but they are.. and while they're sacrificing so much, they deserve to have some small comfort. If you have a problem with that , that's too fucking bad.

I do care about the troops. That's why I want them the hell out of there.

Frankly, they aren't accomplishing anything at this point.

This is an area where I've been critical of Obama. There is no good reason to still be in Afghanistan. (He did keep his promise to get us out of Iraq.)

Obama postured in 2008 that Afghanistan was the "War of Necessity" while Iraq was the "War of Choice", so he could appeal to both sides.

There may be some merit to that, but any validity to the War in Afghanistan ended when Harmid Karzai stole the 2009 election. Then we were reduced from "Bringing democracy" to "propping up a regime."
Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.
Your side is the one that's always talking about reducing the deficit. Well, in order to do that, we need to stop all unecessary spending. And there is nothing more unecessary than spending $400/gal for gas to cart off fuel to a remote outpost in an area where we have no fucking business being there in the first place.

Not only that, but we are paying the Taliban, the very people we are supposed to be fighting, to guard our convoys out to these remote locations. I guess as long as the check clears, they won't shoot at us.

It's costing us $12 billion a month on these bullshit wars and I'm sick of them! I support the troops by wanting them home with their families, not out there in harms way for corporate profit and gain.
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Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.
Your side is the one that's always talking about reducing the deficit. Well, in order to do that, we need to stop all unecessary spending. And there is nothing more unecessary than spending $400/gal for gas to cart off fuel to a remote outpost in an area where we have no fucking business being there in the first place.

Not only that, but we are paying the Taliban, the very people we are supposed to be fighting, to guard our convoys out to these remote locations. I guess as long as the check clears, they won't shoot at us.

It's costing us $12 billion a month on these bullshit wars and I'm sick of them! I support the troops by wanting them home with their families, not out there in harms way for corporate profit and gain.

WTF idiot?? Its your messiah who has them there, NOT me or anyone else.. MY gawd, you libruls are phoney morons.. NO ONE WANTS THEM THERE but they're FUCKING over there because ODUMBO ordered IT.. which means they deserve necessities being they're literally putting their fucking lives on the line for some JACKAZZ like you who doesn't deserve it.
WTF idiot?? Its your messiah who has them there, NOT me or anyone else.. MY gawd, you libruls are phoney morons.. NO ONE WANTS THEM THERE but they're FUCKING over there because ODUMBO ordered IT.. which means they deserve necessities being they're literally putting their fucking lives on the line for some JACKAZZ like you who doesn't deserve it.
Listen, you stupid bitch, the year we first put troops in Afghanistan, Obama was still a Senator. Bush ordered them there and Obama is keeping them there. And I am completely against them being there at all.

I got news for you little dishrag whore, being so cavalier about spending US tax dollars on total bullshit, is not patriotism. And if I'm wrong, then you tell us, what benefit do we get from our troops being in Afghanistan? How are our lives better because of this war? What is our return for that investment?

I'll bet the farm you are incapable of answering those questions.
WTF idiot?? Its your messiah who has them there, NOT me or anyone else.. MY gawd, you libruls are phoney morons.. NO ONE WANTS THEM THERE but they're FUCKING over there because ODUMBO ordered IT.. which means they deserve necessities being they're literally putting their fucking lives on the line for some JACKAZZ like you who doesn't deserve it.
Listen, you stupid bitch, the year we first put troops in Afghanistan, Obama was still a Senator. Bush ordered them there and Obama is keeping them there. And I am completely against them being there at all.

I got news for you little dishrag whore, being so cavalier about spending US tax dollars on total bullshit, is not patriotism. And if I'm wrong, then you tell us, what benefit do we get from our troops being in Afghanistan? How are our lives better because of this war? What is our return for that investment?

I'll bet the farm you are incapable of answering those questions.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booooooooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So Odumbo gets permission to send troops in to wars from Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhhh??? IDIOT ALERT! Wow.. scary. LOL
What does that have to do with NOW and Odumbo STILL sending them dummy?? I don't give a damn about that idiot Bush.. he and your hero Obama are two peas in a pod.. BOTH sent Americans to their deaths.. BOTH-- But your boy is in power now, not Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. so do try to pay attention Zombie. YOUR PRESIDENT sent them and has them there.. thus, being they have NO CHOICE, they deserve to be comforted.. Too difficult for you to comprehend? Yes I know.. no worries.:cuckoo:
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What does that have to do with NOW and Odumbo STILL sending them dummy?? I don't give a damn about that idiot Bush.. he and your hero Obama are two peas in a pod.. BOTH sent Americans to their deaths.. BOTH-- But your boy is in power now, not Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. so do try to pay attention Zombie. YOUR PRESIDENT sent them and has them there.. thus, being they have NO CHOICE, they deserve to be comforted.. Too difficult for you to comprehend? Yes I know.. no worries.:cuckoo:
I withdrew my support for Obama's policies over 3-1/2 years ago. He is not a liberal President. He does not have liberal policies. He doesn't even have a single liberal in his Cabinet. So WTF are you talking about him being "my boy"?
What does that have to do with NOW and Odumbo STILL sending them dummy?? I don't give a damn about that idiot Bush.. he and your hero Obama are two peas in a pod.. BOTH sent Americans to their deaths.. BOTH-- But your boy is in power now, not Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh.. so do try to pay attention Zombie. YOUR PRESIDENT sent them and has them there.. thus, being they have NO CHOICE, they deserve to be comforted.. Too difficult for you to comprehend? Yes I know.. no worries.:cuckoo:
I withdrew my support for Obama's policies over 3-1/2 years ago. He is not a liberal President. He does not have liberal policies. He doesn't even have a single liberal in his Cabinet. So WTF are you talking about him being "my boy"?

Whatever floats your single-celled existence moron.
Whatever floats your single-celled existence moron.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want my tax dollars being used to keep our troops in Afghanistan or anywhere else around the world.

How does our military protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending?
Whatever floats your single-celled existence moron.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't want my tax dollars being used to keep our troops in Afghanistan or anywhere else around the world.

How does our military protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending?

What don't you understand about NO ONE wanting these wars but NEOCONS and war happy leftists which happens to include that IDIOT Obama and his entire Admin who support them??.. OUR TROOPS ARE THERE not by their choice.. and while they have to fucking be there in a God-forsaken far off land away from family, not knowing if they will return home alive, THEY FUCKING deserve their country's support, PERIOD. Now STFU dummy.
What don't you understand about NO ONE wanting these wars but NEOCONS and war happy leftists which happens to include that IDIOT Obama and his entire Admin who support them??.. OUR TROOPS ARE THERE not by their choice.. and while they have to fucking be there in a God-forsaken far off land away from family, not knowing if they will return home alive, THEY FUCKING deserve their country's support, PERIOD. Now STFU dummy.
The troops do not have to obey (or follow) immoral or illegal orders.

And you're not supporting them very well, by just being all apathetic about them being there. Why don't you right your Congressman or Senator and say, "Tell that war-mongering half-black at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to get them the fuck outta there!"
You once claimed you were in Kuwait.

Obviously, you lied.
I've never claimed I was in Kuwait. For the Middle East, I was in Türkiye, Egypt, Morocco, Israel. And I was told I was standing in Syria, but I don't believe it.
Really. Then why did you mention the ITT guys in Kuwait once? I believe it was on Neutral Underground.

Nevertheless, you know it's hot in the Middle East. So why don't you give a shit about our troops?
The ITT guys were in Incirlik, Türkiye.

Edit to add: yeah, it's hot in southern Türkiye, too.

When I was in Croatia in 1993(?) we were in tents - no AC. Just blower fans.

I'm just asking about priorities, when NASA has been gutted, and more people are being denied basic services.
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