$20.2 Billion per year for Air Conditioning

Yes.. necessary over NASA...

Simple enough

Nation building isn't more important then giving millions of Americans technological jobs at nasa. Sorry.

Military is but what's 20 billion anyways?

Support of our military fighting force should be priority #1.. over NASA and whatever jobs, over welfare, over federal education funding, over studies on pig farts, and whatever else


I'm not saying it shouldn't...Our technological edge comes right after that and we have the 20 billion.

I'm just saying that our tech and science edge is more important then nation building.
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Nation building isn't more important then giving millions of Americans technological jobs at nasa. Sorry.

Military is but what's 20 billion anyways?

Support of our military fighting force should be priority #1.. over NASA and whatever jobs, over welfare, over federal education funding, over studies on pig farts, and whatever else


I'm not saying it shouldn't...Our technological edge comes right after that and we have the 20 billion.

Actually.. it doesn't.... the things specifically listed in the constitution come after that.. running the courts and government itself, law enforcement, coining money, regulate commerce, etc...

If we were to do the proper thing and cut spending to the previous year's income levels... I would not even think twice about cutting NASA, federal dept of education, welfare, etc
Nation building isn't more important then giving millions of Americans technological jobs at nasa. Sorry.

Military is but what's 20 billion anyways?

Support of our military fighting force should be priority #1.. over NASA and whatever jobs, over welfare, over federal education funding, over studies on pig farts, and whatever else


I'm not saying it shouldn't...Our technological edge comes right after that and we have the 20 billion.

I'm just saying that our tech and science edge is more important then nation building.

Support and upkeep of our fighting force is not "nation building"... sorry

And also sorry, but in every victorious effort overseas for our fighting forces, we have had to maintain a presence, and fund until whatever level of withdraw happened (and note, we are not out of korea, Germany, etc)
I'm still not convinced the figure of 20b is even remotely accurate. Sounds like BS to me.
If Americans were honest about this they'd realize we spend way too much defending or occupying lands and places where the only thing we accomplish is providing an economic base for the local inhabitants. Anyone who has served knows this, in the good US of A at least our military is supporting the locals here - what, do you guys want all those massage parlors to go out of business? Only joking there - in truth corporate America and the military industrial complex as both Lincoln and Eisenhower warned is a drain on monies that could be spent in more productive ways. And we'd still have the mightiest military power on earth.

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." Dwight D. Eisenhower

"It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war." Abraham Lincoln in a letter to William F. Elkins, November 21, 1864.
What the fuck's NASA done lately, with the exception of blowing up a couple Space Shuttles and killing dozens of innocent civilians in mid-air catastrophes?

Yeah ---- throw more money at 'em.


What is purpose of this thread?

Do you have a problem with troops in the desert having Air Conditioning in their living areas or what?

No, they do deserve AC.

Which does not mean the question is illegitimate.

The answer is in the same area as to why the hammer in Home Depot costs $3.95 and the school district and police department where I live buy it for $39.99.

It is called corruption.
I attended a Ron Paul speech a little over a decade ago. He laid out in very clear detail how Pres. Bush hid military costs from the American people. He did this partly by using the emergency spending provision, carefully hiding his massive military spending off budget. But then he described how military expenses were strategically hidden deep inside non military budgets so the American people didn't fully realize what they were paying for the culture of no-bid contracts that allowed companies like Halliburton to charge $40 for a liter of water. The reason why Ron Paul's message has gained no traction is because Republican voters are so tightly controlled by their party leadership. The result is that Republican voters never ever question Washington when it comes to military spending, especially when a Republican is in office. Let's not even talk about Reagan's Star Wars, which was a massive giveaway to these companies which ended up producing nothing.

For Republicans, national security has always been big business. Of course, the week Democrats go along. But, make no mistake, when it comes to national security, Republicans take the cake. You remember what they did when Clinton started to trim the fat of the military budget? They went nuts. Republicans are not happy unless they are fleecing the American people through their weapons contracts and other other auxiliary services that companies like Halliburton provides. This is why the Reagan deficits were so massive. For every dollar he cut from social programs he added five to military programs. It was a pure fleecing of the American people ... and nobody has ever been the wiser
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What is purpose of this thread?

Do you have a problem with troops in the desert having Air Conditioning in their living areas or what?

No, they do deserve AC.

Which does not mean the question is illegitimate.

The answer is in the same area as to why the hammer in Home Depot costs $3.95 and the school district and police department where I live buy it for $39.99.

It is called corruption.

The military probably buys mil-spec air conditioners from General Dynamics for $20,000 each, not the $300 Home Depot special.
Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.

If there was a real need for us to be there, your rant might have a point. The point of the OP is that we are wasting money by being there, and this is just part of the absurdity of it all. Are you always this dense?

What is purpose of this thread?

Do you have a problem with troops in the desert having Air Conditioning in their living areas or what?

No, they do deserve AC.

Which does not mean the question is illegitimate.

The answer is in the same area as to why the hammer in Home Depot costs $3.95 and the school district and police department where I live buy it for $39.99.

It is called corruption.

The military probably buys mil-spec air conditioners from General Dynamics for $20,000 each, not the $300 Home Depot special.

So what? That doesn't make it the troops fault now does it?
No more nation building. No more middle east war that does nothing for us but spend our blood and treasure.

TIME to spend the money on our technological edge as China does. ;) Forever war is stupid and we may find our selves in trouble one day against china for it.
Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.

If there was a real need for us to be there, your rant might have a point. The point of the OP is that we are wasting money by being there, and this is just part of the absurdity of it all. Are you always this dense?

Wasting money? Do you suggest surrendering, and then using that money later to rebuild the next skyscraper these Al Qaeda idiots take out after we leave them alone to regroup???. :cuckoo:

What is purpose of this thread?

Do you have a problem with troops in the desert having Air Conditioning in their living areas or what?

No, they do deserve AC.

Which does not mean the question is illegitimate.

The answer is in the same area as to why the hammer in Home Depot costs $3.95 and the school district and police department where I live buy it for $39.99.

It is called corruption.

The military probably buys mil-spec air conditioners from General Dynamics for $20,000 each, not the $300 Home Depot special.

The issue is not in the military only. And that is the reason we have so much debt on every level - corruption. It is the same that VA can not negotiate the price of the medications and look for a better deal, but has to buy them for a set by the government price. Government contractors are happy, the taxpayer is not.
Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.

If there was a real need for us to be there, your rant might have a point. The point of the OP is that we are wasting money by being there, and this is just part of the absurdity of it all. Are you always this dense?

Wasting money? Do you suggest surrendering, and then using that money later to rebuild the next skyscraper these Al Qaeda idiots take out after we leave them alone to regroup???. :cuckoo:

Use the drones to kill the Al Qaeda and close the borders. What do you want? Us to take over the middle east?
No, they do deserve AC.

Which does not mean the question is illegitimate.

The answer is in the same area as to why the hammer in Home Depot costs $3.95 and the school district and police department where I live buy it for $39.99.

It is called corruption.

The military probably buys mil-spec air conditioners from General Dynamics for $20,000 each, not the $300 Home Depot special.

So what? That doesn't make it the troops fault now does it?

troops have nothing to do with it. But the managing department which operates the costs - does.
As I've said before - it is everywhere. It's the system. It's corruption and waste. It is because of this system the government officials can go on Vegas "conferences" and could not care less about where the money comes from
Yea, screw our military.. Lets follow this dick's rant- NO AIR CONDITIONING FOR MILITARY MEMBERS risking their lives.. you lowlifes can sweat and SHUT up about it.. How dare you use money to keep cool in a desert, living in a tent, 1000's of miles away from any family.. not knowing if you'll be alive tomorrow.. eating crap and shitting in holes..

There it is on display.. THE HATE FILLED LIBRUL .. sick. sooo sick.

If there was a real need for us to be there, your rant might have a point. The point of the OP is that we are wasting money by being there, and this is just part of the absurdity of it all. Are you always this dense?

Excuse me STOOPID, I didn't say there was a need for us to be there, now did I?? I don't think we should be deployed any fucking place so your assumption is just that, ASSWIPE. However, REALITY is we are and our military deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, PERIOD. ..

Don't thank me.

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