$20 Trillion

President Obama is 'Mr. $20 Trillion'
Its not his money what does he care.
The issue is it is meaningless for most people. What differences have you noticed from when the deficit was $10T? None. It isnt real to people. So they dont care.
They should. Obama has recklessly spent money we dont have and created a potential insecurity that will undermine this country. But Dems dont care.
another debt/deficit confusion thread.

F'n RW's crack me up.
The numbers are constantly "suger-coated" and they still look bad! The last year budget of GWB included TARP $786B (loans to be paid back?). GWB spending was much closer to $2T avg, BHO $3.5T. There are many on this site who also constantly spin the numbers. Congress is too blame as they put sign off on spending. they could have stopped it or shut it down.

Congress did pass the President’s economic recovery plan, allowing U.S. government spending to rise by over 18 percent from $2.98 trillion in 2008 under President Bush to an average of $3.53 trillion during the first four years of the Obama Presidency.
RW's want to run the country and haven't got the slightest clue about the economy.

produce a nifty little clock, blame it on Obama and viola, past deficit history is magically erased.

this from 2006: The Real Plan to Pay Off the Debt

It is the same trick that many other debt-bloated empires, such as Rome, Weimer Germany, John Law’s France and the Soviets, employed just before they crashed.

Based on the Federal Reserve’s past proclivity to expand the money supply every time there is a crisis, politicians will likely take the seemingly easy way out: simply print the additional money needed to repay debts and promised entitlements under Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid and government pensions—the $53 trillion-plus worth. This way, the government can prolong the façade of a healthy fiscal business model a little longer—paying debt and promised benefits with devalued dollars.

As long as the dollar doesn’t devalue too sharply or quickly (loss of value is the result of expanding the money supply relative to demand), paying debt with devalued dollars could sound like a pretty good deal for the U.S. In fact, the U.S. has been doing this for a while. The government is able to borrow money from taxpayers and foreigners, spend it, then pay back the money later at a discount. Crafty. At the very least, it decreases any incentive for politicians to get out of debt.
DAMN that Obama, he got to Puerto Rico too ... aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!

DAMN that Obama, he got to Puerto Rico too ... aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!


The point is this is how a nation ends up with massive debt. Waste, nothing more and nothing less. You can't spend millions on bonuses when you are wallowing in red ink

The budget deficit for 2015 is expected to drop to roughly $425 billion, according to a report released Friday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

That’s down from the $486 billion the CBO projected in March.

If it drops to $425 billion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, it would be a seven-year low for the government’s annual budget shortfalls.

Last year’s deficit was $483 billion, 2.1 percent of gross domestic product, the lowest level since 2008.

Puerto Rico has 70 billion in debt, they are ready to default on 900 million January 1st and they just handed out 120 million in bonuses to government employees. They expect the US taxpayer to bail them out. Fuck'em.

Expecting Bailout, Puerto Rico Pays $120 Million in Christmas Bonuses - Breitbart

3.5mil people run up that much debt? must be a lot of evil corporations shipping jobs to China?
they got all that warm water coastline..............Tourism? WTH?
Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island and unincorporated U.S. territory with a landscape of green mountains, waterfalls and the tropical rainforest of El Yunque National Forest. It's known for its white-sand beaches and coral reefs, popular for snorkeling, diving, surfing and sailing. In San Juan, the capital and largest city, the Isla Verde area is known for its beach bars, nightclubs and casinos.
Capital: San Juan
Currency: United States Dollar
Population: 3.548 million (2014)
Continent: North America
Official languages: Spanish, English

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