2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

Wow, loved Jennifer Stanholm and John Kerry is nailing it quite well.

What a terrible mistake that he was not elected.

Well, he mainly has his own campagin to blame. He was a lousy candidate.

As volunteer for Kerry's presidential campaign in Durham, North Carolina and as a veteran for Kerry what Rove and crew pulled to keep Bush in power was more than any honest politician could overcome. Republicans are scum.
Aside from the religious platform thingy, this Convention has certainly removed the foul shit taste in my mouth from the NaziCon Convention.
Granholm was lulz. She sounded too cheerleader-ish for my taste. DNC version of Ann Romney's speech basically. Kept taking me back to the pep rallies in high school.

Ann Romney wasn't near that animated. In fact, she sounded more like she was talking down to the help.

I was thinking primarily about the whole " I-LOVE-WOMEN!" portion of Romney's speech. Granholm reminded me of that lol
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Thank you, Gabby! Best wishes!

Gabby had her life taken from her. Yes, she's standing and breathing but watching her should give you some idea of the incredible ordeal she has been through. She is a true inspiration. A very real hero.

And, her dear friend - Debbie Wasserman-Shultz - She's an amazing woman. Another one who fights for the people instead of her bank account.
On December 18, 1972, a few weeks after the election, Biden's wife and one-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile accident while Christmas shopping in Hockessin, Delaware.[1] Neilia Biden's station wagon was hit by a tractor-trailer as she pulled out from an intersection; the truck driver was cleared of any wrongdoing.[32] Biden's two sons, Beau and Hunter, were critically injured in the accident, but both eventually made full recoveries.[1] Biden considered resigning to care for them;[12] he was persuaded not to by Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield and others and was sworn into office from one of their bedsides.[33] The accident left Biden filled with both anger and religious doubt: "I liked to [walk around seedy neighborhoods] at night when I thought there was a better chance of finding a fight ... I had not known I was capable of such rage ... I felt God had played a horrible trick on me."[34]

Joe Biden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vice President Joe Biden is a GOOD man.
More USA!!!!!!!!USA!!!!!!!!

Take that, nutters.

I don't know why the rw's hate the US but they do. They have lost the thrill, the wonder of being a real patriot, of having the hair stand up on your arm, the pressure behind your eyes when you hear and sing the National Anthem.

All they talk about now is their hate for Obama, the lies, their desperate tag-along behind such sad scum as Arpaio and Trump.

The split is there. Such anti-Americans as McDonnell have gotten what they want. I have not doubt that Obama will continue to try to work WITH the r but I also believe McDonnell, Boehner, Ryan, Cantor will do everything they can to stop the further creation of jobs and economic growth.

Just like four years ago, our president has a huge job in front of him. All we can do is support him and help him fight for us.
I feel so strongly about the military, about our wounded vets, the families of all military - I posted about the Wounded Warriors and the thread got hijackee but still - they deserve so much more than we've ever given them.

Mitt didn't even bother to mention them.
I could do without some of the sappy videos, like the one for Biden, but I guess it's just part of every convention.
I could do without some of the sappy videos, like the one for Biden, but I guess it's just part of every convention.

The R's didn't show good vid's.

Actually, I might have fallen asleep.


Seriously, sappy can be good.

We have some really good people in the D party, on the D ticket. Nothing wrong with feeling patriotic and Gung HO! about them.

No matter which side one is on. This is something that other countries don't have and we should bask in our process.

I'm just jealous that I'm not there.

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