2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th


This guy fought in the war that Obama called "dumb".

He must feel so supported from this President.
I agree with a lot he is saying i am still waiting for Mitt to give us his plans and such oh wait he wants us to wait until after the election.
Obama is giving the worst speech of both elections. He's lost his mojo. Or his Teleprompter is broken.
I'm watching Obama on DVR delay.

Obama wants utilize natural gas now? Maybe i was out of the loop.

It's a good idea as we have a lot of it. :eusa_angel:

Yep, America is getting the hell "fracked" out of it. Before long, we can all light our tap water for heat.

what's wrong with that? lol:eusa_shhh:

Seriously, Wind and solar as of now will never be more than 25% of our energy needs. We must come to support nuclear.
I wish he was more pro-science when it comes to space.

There is so much advancement we could make. We shouldn't ever limit ourselves. I'll attack Romney very hard if he comes out against this.

He IS "pro-space" but he cares more about hungry kids and our elderly here on earth.

I'd love to have the money to spend on space exploration but, first things first.
Obama speech.. Meh. Not what it was 8 and 4 years ago.

Bush would have knocked out of the park for Romney. What kind of scumbag wouldn't allow a former President speak at a party convention?

It still remains a fact that the highlight of the GOP convention was an old man yelling at an empty chair.

Wouldn't allow? Bush declined, smart one.

He wasn't invited to speak. Why? Funny, since Romney's proposed policy is exactly the same as Bush's. Cut taxes for the wealthy, increase military spending, and deregulate the banks. Bush could have fired up the crowds about how well that worked.
Don't know about the rest of you, but after a spech like this, I can't wait for the debates.

Anyway, that's it for me.

As usual, good night and...

...suck it, wingnuts. :D
I agree with a lot he is saying i am still waiting for Mitt to give us his plans and such oh wait he wants us to wait until after the election.

And then he will call the ones who voted for him sucka's for believing him. Unbelievable that you would vote for something that you don't know what the hell your voting for just because he says he is in your party..:cuckoo:
I agree with a lot he is saying i am still waiting for Mitt to give us his plans and such oh wait he wants us to wait until after the election.

You haven't read his website?

Plans all over the place there...

Do you need a link?

Romney's website is like an Etch-a-Sketch - here today, changed or gone tomorrow.

No, all the platforms are represented... You've never been to the site - that is obvious...

0bama is the "evolving one", Shitting Bull....

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