Republicans do need to learn to ask before using music at their rallies. I've heard about this happening to them before. One time with Bruce Springsteen. :)

Dropkick Murphys To Scott Walker: 'We Literally Hate You'

Punk rock band Dropkick Murphys is not happy with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R).

In fact, the band tweeted its members "literally hate" Walker, who used the band's song "I'm Shipping Up to Boston" as intro music ahead of his speech at Saturday's Iowa Freedom Summit.

Dropkick Murphys lashed out at another Wisconsin Republican in 2012 for using the same song, posting a message about then-Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (R) on its Facebook page.

"The stupidity and irony of this is laughable," the message said. "A Wisconsin Republican U.S. Senate candidate - and crony of anti-Union Governor Scott Walker - using a Dropkick Murphys song as an intro is like a white supremacist coming out to gangsta rap!"

Fitzgerald said he was "surprised" by the backlash, noting he chose the song, featured in the 2006 film "The Departed," because he liked the beginning and "my last name is Fitzgerald." He said he wouldn't use the song anymore.

"I don't want anyone to get angry or bent out of shape," Fitzgerald said.

Dropkick Murphys To Scott Walker We Literally Hate You


The poor little fuckwads will get over it.

Or not.

No matter either way...
Trump and Cruz it is! Love it! Even Bernie can beat these clowns.

Hillary can't, though.

{The latest Quinnipiac University swing state polling was released on Wednesday per CNN, and it has Hilary Clinton trailing the three top Republican candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado. In those states, Clinton was behind former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.}

2016 Presidential Polls Hillary Clinton Trailing Republicans Jeb Bush Marco Rubio In Battleground States - Donald Trump Falters
Trump and Cruz it is! Love it! Even Bernie can beat these clowns.

Hillary can't, though.

{The latest Quinnipiac University swing state polling was released on Wednesday per CNN, and it has Hilary Clinton trailing the three top Republican candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado. In those states, Clinton was behind former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.}

2016 Presidential Polls Hillary Clinton Trailing Republicans Jeb Bush Marco Rubio In Battleground States - Donald Trump Falters

Yes, choose your polls carefully. She wins in several others. Jeb is the only one that comes close. Trump is a joke. Only a matter of time.....
Yes, choose your polls carefully. She wins in several others. Jeb is the only one that comes close. Trump is a joke. Only a matter of time.....

Trump, like Sanders is there only to broach the subjects the legitimate candidates cannot.

I still maintain that Walker will be the GOP pick.

The only Republican who can lose to Hillary is Bush - which you already know - and why you of the left campaign so hard for him. Walker or Rubio will win in a landslide - with 40% of the country not bothering to vote...
Yes, choose your polls carefully. She wins in several others. Jeb is the only one that comes close. Trump is a joke. Only a matter of time.....

Trump, like Sanders is there only to broach the subjects the legitimate candidates cannot.

I still maintain that Walker will be the GOP pick.

The only Republican who can lose to Hillary is Bush - which you already know - and why you of the left campaign so hard for him. Walker or Rubio will win in a landslide - with 40% of the country not bothering to vote...

I do think Walker has a better chance than Trump. But he has trouble in his state's budget that will need to be afdressed. Glad you see that Trump is just an "entertainer."

The GOP problem will come when he thinks he is a viable candidate. Who will tell him to step down?
Trump and Cruz it is! Love it! Even Bernie can beat these clowns.

Hillary can't, though.

{The latest Quinnipiac University swing state polling was released on Wednesday per CNN, and it has Hilary Clinton trailing the three top Republican candidates in Iowa, Virginia, and Colorado. In those states, Clinton was behind former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.}

2016 Presidential Polls Hillary Clinton Trailing Republicans Jeb Bush Marco Rubio In Battleground States - Donald Trump Falters

Yes, choose your polls carefully. She wins in several others. Jeb is the only one that comes close. Trump is a joke. Only a matter of time.....
I hope people remember the 8 years under GW and the 4 under HW but I think people have short memories. It's sad really. They don't even know who or what caused the Great Recession of 2007. I remember I was shocked that the American people gave GW a shot after his dad's failure but they did. They thought, "ah, what harm could he do". I remember 1999 people said they'd rather have a beer with GW than Gore. That's how people decided. Stupid voters.
Yes, choose your polls carefully. She wins in several others. Jeb is the only one that comes close. Trump is a joke. Only a matter of time.....

Trump, like Sanders is there only to broach the subjects the legitimate candidates cannot.

I still maintain that Walker will be the GOP pick.

The only Republican who can lose to Hillary is Bush - which you already know - and why you of the left campaign so hard for him. Walker or Rubio will win in a landslide - with 40% of the country not bothering to vote...
There is no Republican who can beat Hillary. Perhaps Chris Christie can make it a foot race but no, none of them are near ready to present a challenge to Hillary.
Yes, choose your polls carefully. She wins in several others. Jeb is the only one that comes close. Trump is a joke. Only a matter of time.....

Trump, like Sanders is there only to broach the subjects the legitimate candidates cannot.

I still maintain that Walker will be the GOP pick.

The only Republican who can lose to Hillary is Bush - which you already know - and why you of the left campaign so hard for him. Walker or Rubio will win in a landslide - with 40% of the country not bothering to vote...
You should know we fear Jeb because he seems much smarter than his brother and he's very moderate. I still think all Republicans are scum but Jeb is the least scummy IMO. It is honestly why you will run him. He has the best chance. But most moderates realize ultimately GOP policies favor the rich and hurt us. If only they would show up and vote every 2 years things would be much different. In fact when 30% vote during midterms and 50% vote in the main presidential years, we have a problem. An ignorant citizenry. My brothers been living in Switzerland the last 4 years. He agrees, America is kidding itself when it says its the greatest country on the planet. Sure if you are rich. But I"d rather live in Switzerland if I am a waitress, farmers or front desk clerk or factory worker. They get paid a decent livable wage.
There is no Republican who can beat Hillary. Perhaps Chris Christie can make it a foot race but no, none of them are near ready to present a challenge to Hillary.


You keep chanting that.

There is the 10% core left, which you are part of, who care ONLY about party - the other 90% of America don't like Hillary, with half of that openly despising her. Hillary will never be president.

Hillary will be the next president with Elizabeth Warren her VP. Or Bernie Sanders. Or Webb. Any of them would make fine VP's and the next President in 2024 - 2032.

Sure silly bonobo...
I love it how republicans like you who cry for the rich who are doing better than ever. Or you suggest it's Democratic policies that are benefitting the rich, not Republicanomics.

If the rich are doing better than ever and if trickle down works, why aint it working?

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