22 shot in Chicago this weekend

So just because they may steal the guns they need we shouldn't attempt to prevent them from buying the guns they need

Sheeesh, all the gun laws in the world isn't going to prevent an insane person from stealing a gun and using them. I'm surprised in you leftwinger. :doubt:

I'm sorry....but I should know better than to try to reason with gun nuts

Every attempt to try to keep guns out of the hands of those most likely to commit mass killings is met with.....that won't work, he could use a knife, he could steal a gun

What is your answer Meister?

You live next door to a fucking crazy who is stockpiling guns and screams at you everyday about walking on his lawn

What is your solution?

Stop walking on his lawn. :cuckoo:
So just because they may steal the guns they need we shouldn't attempt to prevent them from buying the guns they need

Sheeesh, all the gun laws in the world isn't going to prevent an insane person from stealing a gun and using them. I'm surprised in you leftwinger. :doubt:

I'm sorry....but I should know better than to try to reason with gun nuts

Every attempt to try to keep guns out of the hands of those most likely to commit mass killings is met with.....that won't work, he could use a knife, he could steal a gun

What is your answer Meister?

You live next door to a fucking crazy who is stockpiling guns and screams at you everyday about walking on his lawn

What is your solution?

My solution? Keep the guns out of the hands of the clinically insane....yes, it's just that simple.
The rest of your drivel is BS, because there is no way you're going to prevent someone who never had an issue to go off on somebody. You're taking the guns away from the masses to maybe get one that would go off, doesn't sound very American to me......that's because it isn't American.
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So just because they may steal the guns they need we shouldn't attempt to prevent them from buying the guns they need

Sheeesh, all the gun laws in the world isn't going to prevent an insane person from stealing a gun and using them. I'm surprised in you leftwinger. :doubt:

I'm sorry....but I should know better than to try to reason with gun nuts

Every attempt to try to keep guns out of the hands of those most likely to commit mass killings is met with.....that won't work, he could use a knife, he could steal a gun

What is your answer Meister?

You live next door to a fucking crazy who is stockpiling guns and screams at you everyday about walking on his lawn

What is your solution?
Hell, that's what they're doing. For the love of God, you're dense.
Conjecture by a doctor?

Look .....these guys doing the massacres are not even borderline

Everyone who encounters them is afraid of them. Adam Lanzas mother was afraid of her own kid, but still she kept guns in the house. Professionals need to be empowered to put these people on a no-sell list. Sit me down with these creeps for five minutes and I could tell you they shouldn't be near guns

The bold part above is why we have a 2nd amendment right. The founding fathers knew there would be asswipes like we're dealing with in this thread and made sure we had an amendment in the Constitution to stop them dead in their tracks.

Crazies never had a constitutional right to bear arms
Crazies according to a gun hating left wing nut. :cuckoo:
Our recent massacres had one thing in common. Sandy Hook, Tucson, Virginia Tech, Aurora.....not a single person was surprised that the person did it.
These men were not just "a little off".....they were batshit crazy and everyone who made even slight contact with them thought so

So here's to you gun owners
You are catching a lot of shit for the actions of these crazies. You are being pressured to give up your gun rights because of what these assholes do. Are you willing to pass tougher laws to keep guns out of the hands of crazies with the possible negative that someone who is only "slightly crazy" might be denied a gun?

Where do you draw the line?
How many of those guns were stolen? How many were owned by the perp?

You still avoided my question, and came back with slightly crazy? What's slightly crazy? Either you're insane, or you're not insane. Can someone be slightly pregnant?
Your politicians were shot down because their definition went far beyond insane.
Someone who had a mental breakdown 20 years ago could never own a gun?

Let's start with psychiatric drugs. People taking some of these drugs lose their right to drive because they may be a danger to others....but can still go out and buy an AR-15 with a 40 round magazine
We need to empower psychiatric professionals and their families to ensure these people do not have access to guns

Really? Just how many of those mass shooters were on drugs, leftwinger?
Get back to reality and off your authoritarian utopia world. :eusa_whistle:
How many of those guns were stolen? How many were owned by the perp?

You still avoided my question, and came back with slightly crazy? What's slightly crazy? Either you're insane, or you're not insane. Can someone be slightly pregnant?
Your politicians were shot down because their definition went far beyond insane.
Someone who had a mental breakdown 20 years ago could never own a gun?

Let's start with psychiatric drugs. People taking some of these drugs lose their right to drive because they may be a danger to others....but can still go out and buy an AR-15 with a 40 round magazine
We need to empower psychiatric professionals and their families to ensure these people do not have access to guns

Really? Just how many of those mass shooters were on drugs, leftwinger?
Get back to reality and off your authoritarian utopia world. :eusa_whistle:

I said lets start..

How many had school authorities concerned with their behavior? How many had families asking for help? How many had employers that said ths guy creeps me out?

We need a mechanism for denitrifying crazies. In the absence of that, Im good with bans on assault rifles, high capacity mags, strict background checks, waiting periods and registration

If we can't single out those who are the biggest threat then lets just pass laws that apply to everyone
Let's start with psychiatric drugs. People taking some of these drugs lose their right to drive because they may be a danger to others....but can still go out and buy an AR-15 with a 40 round magazine
We need to empower psychiatric professionals and their families to ensure these people do not have access to guns

Really? Just how many of those mass shooters were on drugs, leftwinger?
Get back to reality and off your authoritarian utopia world. :eusa_whistle:

I said lets start..

How many had school authorities concerned with their behavior? How many had families asking for help? How many had employers that said ths guy creeps me out?

We need a mechanism for denitrifying crazies. In the absence of that, Im good with bans on assault rifles, high capacity mags, strict background checks, waiting periods and registration

If we can't single out those who are the biggest threat then lets just pass laws that apply to everyone
Then people start losing their rights, and you're good with that as long as it's an agenda you agree with.
But, in your world we can't profile because it's not part of your agenda.
I see how this works now, don't you?
Let's start with psychiatric drugs. People taking some of these drugs lose their right to drive because they may be a danger to others....but can still go out and buy an AR-15 with a 40 round magazine
We need to empower psychiatric professionals and their families to ensure these people do not have access to guns

Really? Just how many of those mass shooters were on drugs, leftwinger?
Get back to reality and off your authoritarian utopia world. :eusa_whistle:

I said lets start..

How many had school authorities concerned with their behavior? How many had families asking for help? How many had employers that said ths guy creeps me out?

We need a mechanism for denitrifying crazies. In the absence of that, Im good with bans on assault rifles, high capacity mags, strict background checks, waiting periods and registration

If we can't single out those who are the biggest threat then lets just pass laws that apply to everyone


Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Wrong side of all the issues ALL the fucking time s0n!!
In a country of over 300 million you can find people who prefer to eat dog shit than Big Macs.
There will always mentally ill people who one day snap. If there were zero guns in the world those people would find something else to murder innocent people with.
The only group of people who are routinely killing each other with hand guns are inner city Blacks. That's not news. Everyone knows the hand guns they use were stolen somewhere back down the line.
But trust the LIB 'men who pee sitting down' not to want to point the finger at the inner city Blacks. They are the LIB's voter base after all so no one will EVER stand up and tell it like it is for fear of being called a 'racist'.
These LIBs are appealing to White-guilter urban White soccer moms and 'Metros' who would be the FIRST people to run to some one with a gun when they or their family is in danger. Ironic.
More money for education
More money for infrastructure, science and r@D jobs that pay good for our children to go into
More focus on teaching our children good and giving them hope

You do know that we give more money per student than any other country, right?
Just where has that got us? Throwing more money at the education isn't going to do squat.
The teachers union prevents us from getting the very best to the students and out of the students.
I don't understand how you people on one hand help create the problem, then on the other hand have some kind of pie-in-the-sky dream that the results will just be there.
Our public education system is an embarrassment considering the resources invested. More effort is needed on practical aspects and less on political and social indoctrination. US school excell at producing unskilled but self-righteous wankers.
Our public education system is an embarrassment considering the resources invested. More effort is needed on practical aspects and less on political and social indoctrination. US school excell at producing unskilled but self-righteous wankers.

Maybe we need to adopt Norways or Japans educational system? There's simply no other way other then political to move us towards this. You're totally right that education should lose the political indoctrination part and focus on making people that can innovate.
Our public education system is an embarrassment considering the resources invested. More effort is needed on practical aspects and less on political and social indoctrination. US school excell at producing unskilled but self-righteous wankers.

Maybe we need to adopt Norways or Japans educational system? There's simply no other way other then political to move us towards this. You're totally right that education should lose the political indoctrination part and focus on making people that can innovate.

Maybe we should just throw some more money their way, right? :doubt:
Our public education system is an embarrassment considering the resources invested. More effort is needed on practical aspects and less on political and social indoctrination. US school excell at producing unskilled but self-righteous wankers.

Maybe we need to adopt Norways or Japans educational system? There's simply no other way other then political to move us towards this. You're totally right that education should lose the political indoctrination part and focus on making people that can innovate.
We don't have Japanese not Norwegian students. We have a far less intelligent crop.
Who said they went off the rail 20 years ago?
Mental breakdown isn't insanity, it isn't crazy. A person may have just lost a loved one and went into a deep depression. So his rights get taken away for that? The lib politicians thought so, apparently
you did, a mental break down is temporary insanity

temporary insanity n. in a criminal prosecution, a defense by the accused that he/she was briefly insane at the time the crime was committed and therefore was incapable of knowing the nature of his/her alleged criminal act. Temporary insanity is claimed as a defense whether or not the accused is mentally stable at the time of trial. One difficulty with a temporary insanity defense is the problem of proof, since any examination by psychiatrists had to be after the fact, so the only evidence must be the conduct of the accused immediately before or after the crime. It is similar to the defenses of "diminished capacity" to understand one's own actions, the so-called "twinky defense," the "abuse excuse," "heat of passion," and other claims of mental disturbance which raise the issue of criminal intent based on modern psychiatry and/or sociology. However, mental derangement at the time of an abrupt crime, such as a sudden attack or crime of passion, can be a valid defense, or at least show lack of premeditation to reduce the degree of the crime. (See: crime, insanity, intent, defense, diminished capacity)

Your talking about a legal definition to support your premise. So in other words, the person would have to go through the court system to be declared temporally insane because he had a mental breakdown.

Mental breakdown in a general term that describes symptoms....but, not necessarily insane. just sayin'....
There we go with that word "conjecture", and that wasn't part of the bill that failed in Congress was it?

Conjecture by a doctor?

Look .....these guys doing the massacres are not even borderline

Everyone who encounters them is afraid of them. Adam Lanzas mother was afraid of her own kid, but still she kept guns in the house. Professionals need to be empowered to put these people on a no-sell list. Sit me down with these creeps for five minutes and I could tell you they shouldn't be near guns

The bold part above is why we have a 2nd amendment right. The founding fathers knew there would be asswipes like we're dealing with in this thread and made sure we had an amendment in the Constitution to stop them dead in their tracks.
total bullshit...do you have any idea what the second amendment says....or did yo have Sara palin read it to you.?

U.S. Constitution - Amendment 2 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

The Second Amendment: 27 Words, Endless Interpretations : NPR

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