28% of Republican Primary Voters Will Not Support Trump in General Election

What's the percentage of republicans that wouldn't support Jeb Bush in a general election?

Here are the numbers in order of how many Republicans would not support their candidate, first the question:

2. (If Republican or Republican Leaner) Are there any of these candidates you would definitely not support for the Republican nomination for president: Bush, Carson, Christie, Cruz, Fiorina, Gilmore, Graham, Huckabee, Kasich, Pataki, Paul, Rubio, Santorum, or Trump? (Totals may add up to more than 100% because multiple responses were allowed)

Trump - 28%
Bush - 24%
No one - 23%
Graham - 15%
Paul - 14%
Kasich - 13%
Pataki - 13%
Carson - 12%
Christie - 10%
Gilmore - 10%
Fiorina - 10%
Huckabee - 9%
Santorum - 8%
Don't Know - 7%
Rubio - 7%
Cruz - 5%

It's early, it's a single poll, I'm sure there are more than 78% of the GOP are stupid enough to vote for Trump. Also, I'm surprised Cruz comes out the best here. So, I'd take the numbers with a grain of salt but just the same if more Republicans stay home because of Trump more than other candidates then that dooms a Trump candidacy.

EDIT: Democrats asked the same question.

No One - 58%
O'Malley - 19%
Don't Know - 11%
Sanders - 9%
Clinton - 8%

According to this poll the Democrats do not have the same problem.
I am not worried that trump will be the candidate. He will do what he needs to get Hillary going, then vanish
And Romney failed to defeat what should have been a beatable president.

And Bush, a defeatable candidate, managed to beat snoozefest Kerry...because Bush defenders had more enthusiasm than Kerry supporters.

Same in 2012.

Trump will have more enthusiastic supporters...Hillary is the snoozathon.
Trump currently loses to Hillary by seven points, but the last sentence is key. When over a quarter of your party's primary voters won't even support you in the general election no matter what and half the country thinks you would be an embarrassment there is no way you are a viable candidate.

While that might seem true it hinges on Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky being The Democrat Party candidate.

She will not.

Who is going to supplant her? Bernie? Not going to happen.
Labor unions giving serious thought to endorsing Trump

On Tuesday, the 1.4 million-member International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced its executive council would put off a decision on a presidential endorsement due a lack of consensus. Fox Newsreported that the delay was caused partly by members' support for Trump and that the union was seeking a meeting with the candidate.

The following day, Chris Shelton, president of the 600,000-member Communication Workers of America, told Politico that his union was putting off a presidential endorsement for the same reason. "If our members come out with Donald Trump, then we're going to endorse Donald Trump," he said.

His position to tariff products from Mexico and China is drawing Union attention................For them to even consider JUMPING OFF THE DEM SHIP is UNBELIEVABLE in this day and age.

So he is reiterating that Trump is not a free market conservative.
Labor unions giving serious thought to endorsing Trump

On Tuesday, the 1.4 million-member International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced its executive council would put off a decision on a presidential endorsement due a lack of consensus. Fox Newsreported that the delay was caused partly by members' support for Trump and that the union was seeking a meeting with the candidate.

The following day, Chris Shelton, president of the 600,000-member Communication Workers of America, told Politico that his union was putting off a presidential endorsement for the same reason. "If our members come out with Donald Trump, then we're going to endorse Donald Trump," he said.

His position to tariff products from Mexico and China is drawing Union attention................For them to even consider JUMPING OFF THE DEM SHIP is UNBELIEVABLE in this day and age.

So he is reiterating that Trump is not a free market conservative.
Riddle me this..................Ted Cruz proposed a new tax plan.............including a VAT TAX................which is a consumption tax.........Is a tariff ALSO a consumption tax??????
Hear this one every cycle...even said it myself a few times during primary season. Come General Election Day, they will pull the lever for the lessor of two evils, just like I did in 2012.

Not me, Mittens was the last 'lesser of two' that I'll ever vote for. I'm done with voting against someone, I want to pull the lever for someone.

Fiorina, Cruz, Rubio would get my vote. If Trump gets the nod I'm staying home.

I said the same thing in 2008...but I ended up voting for Mitt anyway.
So he is reiterating that Trump is not a free market conservative.
That much is certain. He is high has all the evil economic views of Sanders. The Communication workers know that. He is more electable than Sanders, which is why they are leaning ro him
Romney lost in 2012 because working class white people stayed home. Period. He didn't need more support from Hispanics, Blacks, or Zoroastrian priests (aka, "Magi"). Middle-class, working, white people.

This is the entire underlying motivation of the Trump campaign. Get the truck drivers, construction workers, factory workers, retired people, veterans, and other middle class white guys to vote for him. These people are his target audience when he talks about "building a wall and making Mexico pay for it," "stopping Muslim immigration," and so on.

And they are eating it up.

There may be some Republicans now who say they wouldn't vote for Trump, and when push comes to shove, and they are looking at the possibility of HRC being president, they will vote early and often for The Donald.

I still give Cruz a 40% chance of winning the nomination, and if he wins, HRC is HISTORY. He will make her look like the dog turd she is in any Presidential Debates.

But Trump will also win if he gets the nod.
"28% of Republican Primary Voters Will Not Support Trump in General Election"

And 100 percent of everyone else...
Romney lost in 2012 because working class white people stayed home. Period. He didn't need more support from Hispanics, Blacks, or Zoroastrian priests (aka, "Magi"). Middle-class, working, white people.

This is the entire underlying motivation of the Trump campaign. Get the truck drivers, construction workers, factory workers, retired people, veterans, and other middle class white guys to vote for him. These people are his target audience when he talks about "building a wall and making Mexico pay for it," "stopping Muslim immigration," and so on.

And they are eating it up.

There may be some Republicans now who say they wouldn't vote for Trump, and when push comes to shove, and they are looking at the possibility of HRC being president, they will vote early and often for The Donald.

I still give Cruz a 40% chance of winning the nomination, and if he wins, HRC is HISTORY. He will make her look like the dog turd she is in any Presidential Debates.

But Trump will also win if he gets the nod.

If you say so.
IF it comes down to Trump vs hiLIARy Republicans will support Trump with very few defections.
Strange...Trump leads turnout poll CNBC:


And the other shoe drops.

The 2016 matchups that would get out the vote
IF it comes down to Trump vs hiLIARy Republicans will support Trump with very few defections.

Most likely. But even losing 1 or 2 additional percent could be Huuuuuge.

Maybe. I think it will come down to turnout. hiLIARy is literally HATED by 40% of the country. That burning hatred will help GOP turnout. Democrats don't seem too excited about the cankled cuckquean.....
The greedy ass Conservatives who love cheap labor will just LOVE having Hillary as President.
Reminder: Less than 21% of eligible voters vote.
Trump will generate excitement and the heavy turnout will be in his favor.

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