3 men arrested in white supremacist plot in Virginia targeting blacks, Jews

Those assholes are Trump fans, make a bet on it. The KKK = GOP.

Moron…the kkk = democrats….the political party of all racism is the democrat party…always has been and still is…….every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist…...
Just who do the ******-haters vote for now. The GOP. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.

It is known that gang members is chicago vote for democrats…you can bet they are felons and you can bet they are racists...
Known by who? The gang members I know dont indulge in voting.

They are under orders from their leadership here in Chicago to vote for the pet aldermen of the gangs…..

Two Virginia men have been arrested on accusations of being white supremacists plotting to bomb black churches and synagogues as part of a race and hate war, federal authorities said Tuesday.

Robert Curtis Doyle and Ronald Beasley Chaney III were arrested Sunday as part of an undercover FBI operation in which an agent posed as an illegal arms dealer selling weapons and explosives to the two Virginia men, the FBI said in documents filed in federal court in Virginia.


The FBI also found 30 rounds of .45 caliber ammunition from a black backpack in the rear seat of a Doyle's Toyota Tundra at his home, court papers said. One of the firearms allegedly ordered by Doyle was a .45 caliber pistol with a silence, authorities said in documents.

Doyle and Chaney are scheduled to appear in federal court in Richmond on Thursday, and Halderman is scheduled for Friday, according to court records.

Doyle, a previously convicted felon, has seven felon convictions including for offenses such as possession and distribution of a controlled substances, embezzlement, and grand larceny, court papers said.

Chaney has also been convicted of violent and other felonies, court documents said.

Halderman also has 17 felony convictions, the FBI said in court papers, without specifying the nature of the crimes.

How in the fuck does these guys have a combined 24 FELONIES and still walking around? That privilege bwoy...
Cuz liberal judges & Obama keeps letting them go.

These guys are part of Hillary’s new voting base.
Those assholes are Trump fans, make a bet on it. The KKK = GOP.
more fiction on a message board. Thanks,
That's nothing like fiction.

"Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Trump for President"
Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Trump for President

And the rest of his ilk votes the same way.

david duke…you nuts keep dragging him out…..he is not in the Republican party….

And considering that barak obama and his wife actually belonged to an openly, and proudly racist church for 20 years…an actual, racist church….and had the racist minister jeremiah wright marry them and baptize them….and obama was the actual democrat nominee….he is the real racist and you guys all voted for him…

duke can't get elected to save his life…..

Try to come up with an actual racist that matches the actual racism of your current democrat President…barak obama...
There's a reason why the ******* don't vote for your party, whitey. To you they are just stupid *******, and they know it.
The one on the left looks like he probably sexually molested a pig or a dog I bet.

you're projecting again.
Actually I was dropping some bait. Not only did you take it, but you quoted that specific quote because it hurt you personally.
I think you were dropping something alright, bait not so much but you keep thinking you're clever, we all know differently.
It must have caused you emotional turmoil as well. I can tell when you cave chimps take things personally. Dont be so transparent.
Cuz liberal judges & Obama keeps letting them go.

These guys are part of Hillary’s new voting base.
Those assholes are Trump fans, make a bet on it. The KKK = GOP.

Moron…the kkk = democrats….the political party of all racism is the democrat party…always has been and still is…….every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist…...
Just who do the ******-haters vote for now. The GOP. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans

That crap……..the non racist whites in the south became republicans..the racists have stayed democrats…..get over it….racism is the core idea in the democrat party…every core organization in the democrat party is openly racist and proudly racist…….
Those assholes are Trump fans, make a bet on it. The KKK = GOP.

Moron…the kkk = democrats….the political party of all racism is the democrat party…always has been and still is…….every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist…...
Just who do the ******-haters vote for now. The GOP. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans
that's ok, it's your suite of subjects, I just wish you'd stop posting it. That's all, you have no clue who votes for who. You don't.
Where is the KKK active? In the South. Who does the South vote for? The GOP. This isn't rocket science, nor is that required.
How in the fuck does these guys have a combined 24 FELONIES and still walking around? That privilege bwoy...

Same reason you have guys in the hood and barrio with the same number of convictions. Prison overcrowding, judges who are bleeding hearts, technical felonies that have minor time attached, plea bargains, good time behavior, concurrent sentences, and overturning on appeals.

See the difference tho is that my story is real, yours is made up to excuse it. Sorry, assertions dont work around here dummy.
so what is made up in his post? Come now, you don't think there are black gang members who were in prison and now out committing crimes and killing other blacks? Really are you going to say that and show everyone how stupid you are?
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?
3 guys in a "plot"....and one of them is an agent...psyops... what a convenient distraction from REAL events. "Look over there....evil white racistsupremacistnazikkkrednecks"!

meanwhile in detroit/chicago/st louis/memphis/new orleans/baltimore...etc....etc... dozens of negroes were murdered by each other last week....
Red herring fallacy, failed attempt to deflect.
Moron…the kkk = democrats….the political party of all racism is the democrat party…always has been and still is…….every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist…...
Just who do the ******-haters vote for now. The GOP. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans
that's ok, it's your suite of subjects, I just wish you'd stop posting it. That's all, you have no clue who votes for who. You don't.
Where is the KKK active? In the South. Who does the South vote for? The GOP. This isn't rocket science, nor is that required.
so now you're playing the association game because of this it's that. Bull shit you fk, post up some facts or stfu.
Who cares, blacks brutally killed more blacks in Chicago in the last week than these poor losers have managed to intimidate in their entire lives.
Moron…the kkk = democrats….the political party of all racism is the democrat party…always has been and still is…….every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist…...
Just who do the ******-haters vote for now. The GOP. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans
that's ok, it's your suite of subjects, I just wish you'd stop posting it. That's all, you have no clue who votes for who. You don't.
Where is the KKK active? In the South. Who does the South vote for? The GOP. This isn't rocket science, nor is that required.

You can't find enough kkk to fill a non existent phone booth….black racists however have their own movement…blackliesmatter…..
Cuz liberal judges & Obama keeps letting them go.

These guys are part of Hillary’s new voting base.
Those assholes are Trump fans, make a bet on it. The KKK = GOP.
more fiction on a message board. Thanks,
That's nothing like fiction.

"Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Trump for President"
Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Endorses Trump for President

And the rest of his ilk votes the same way.

david duke…you nuts keep dragging him out…..he is not in the Republican party….

And considering that barak obama and his wife actually belonged to an openly, and proudly racist church for 20 years…an actual, racist church….and had the racist minister jeremiah wright marry them and baptize them….and obama was the actual democrat nominee….he is the real racist and you guys all voted for him…

duke can't get elected to save his life…..

Try to come up with an actual racist that matches the actual racism of your current democrat President…barak obama...
There's a reason why the ******* don't vote for your party, whitey. To you they are just stupid *******, and they know it.
now that was racist.
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?

Because racism is the heart and soul of the democrat party….Whites just don't care about race….democrats and their minority allies are obsessed with it…..if democrats stopped making up racism, then there wouldn't be race problems in this country.
Those assholes are Trump fans, make a bet on it. The KKK = GOP.

Moron…the kkk = democrats….the political party of all racism is the democrat party…always has been and still is…….every core group of the democrat party is openly and proudly racist…...
Just who do the ******-haters vote for now. The GOP. Congrats on that.
funny that they are allowed to vote eh? So who do they vote for, you don't have any idea little fk, voting is done in secret so unless you have a ballot with that proof, you should really stfu already.
Just deal with it: New Study Finds The KKK Was Instrumental In Switching Southern Voters From Democrats To Republicans

That crap……..the non racist whites in the south became republicans..the racists have stayed democrats…..get over it….racism is the core idea in the democrat party…every core organization in the democrat party is openly racist and proudly racist…….
Lying to us is boring, lying to yourself in idiotic. The KKK voting for liberals? Not a chance, and the map still looks like this, only the parties flipped.

Same old South, and just as racist.
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?

Because racism is the heart and soul of the democrat party….Whites just don't care about race….democrats and their minority allies are obsessed with it…..if democrats stopped making up racism, then there wouldn't be race problems in this country.
So your claim is that you crackas cant start your race war because democrats something or other?
How in the fuck does these guys have a combined 24 FELONIES and still walking around? That privilege bwoy...

Same reason you have guys in the hood and barrio with the same number of convictions. Prison overcrowding, judges who are bleeding hearts, technical felonies that have minor time attached, plea bargains, good time behavior, concurrent sentences, and overturning on appeals.

See the difference tho is that my story is real, yours is made up to excuse it. Sorry, assertions dont work around here dummy.
so what is made up in his post? Come now, you don't think there are black gang members who were in prison and now out committing crimes and killing other blacks? Really are you going to say that and show everyone how stupid you are?

Go fuck yourself, I dont explain myself to the retarded.
Back to the topic. Why do these inbred cave chimps keep failing to start their coveted race war? Is it because they lack the heart, are they too stupid, or is it just there is not enough of them?

Because racism is the heart and soul of the democrat party….Whites just don't care about race….democrats and their minority allies are obsessed with it…..if democrats stopped making up racism, then there wouldn't be race problems in this country.
Would the ******* vote for your side then, the side that calls them stupid criminal lazy welfare *******?

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