
How much money do you think Russia should be permitted to spend on influencing U.S. elections?

So the $12MM that The DNC paid Steele for the fake dossier is irrelevant?

$12MM VERSES $4,700? No wonder you voted for a Democrat!
Steele was paid $160k by Fusion GPS for his Investigation

damn. that's 34 times more than russia paid google for ads. and hey - they only paid facebook $100k. so between facebook and google we have $104.7k in spending that convinced the country hillary was a bitch. sounds like the russians got a bigger bang for their buck than hillary and the dems did.
They never should have been there at all.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
Hillary paid the Trump hating foreign spy and the Russians more than that for the Russian authored dossier...

Yup and I'm wondering if that could be called colluding with the Russians to interfere with an election??
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

How can purchasing Russian-authored propaganda through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for an obvious Anti-Trump FBI and Obama Cabinet who used that propaganda illegally NOT be considered collusion with the Russians in an attempt / and an attempt to meddle / alter an investigation?!
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.
Hillary and the DNC undeniably did more to affect / alter the 2016 Presidential Election, which should have been Sanders versus Trump, than the Russians ever did.

I see....so your stance is they're all guilty, but by degree , of which your metric pursuant to this is how effective they were.....

Kinda like being just a little pregnant my man.....

I needed no snowflake translation - my 'stance' is clear:

Hillary and the DNC undeniably did more to affect / alter the 2016 Presidential Election, which should have been Sanders versus Trump, than the Russians ever did.

Without Hillary and the DNC stealing the nomination from Bernie and giving it to Hillary, completely altering the election, it would have been Sanders versus Trump.
but again - feel free to show me the ads you speak of that were actually election focused. i just didn't see many and i spend a good full day looking through them one weekend long ago.


Donald Trump: Posters | Redbubble

they have many anti-trump posters there too. trump on a horse with putin both shirtless. you want one of those?

if you're going to play, understand snark and one liners don't work in my world. provide the ad in question with a link to show it's from russia. there's a billion anti- pro- trump memes out there but that doesnt mean the russians did them all.
The Steele dossier was routine oppo research.
If you consider purchasing a Russian authored propaganda-filled document from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI that was illegally used to spy on a political presidential candidate and open an investigation under false pretenses 'routine opposition research'...
How much money do you think Russia should be permitted to spend on influencing U.S. elections?

So the $12MM that The DNC paid Steele for the fake dossier is irrelevant?

$12MM VERSES $4,700? No wonder you voted for a Democrat!
Steele was paid $160k by Fusion GPS for his Investigation

damn. that's 34 times more than russia paid google for ads. and hey - they only paid facebook $100k. so between facebook and google we have $104.7k in spending that convinced the country hillary was a bitch. sounds like the russians got a bigger bang for their buck than hillary and the dems did.
They never should have been there at all.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
Hillary paid the Trump hating foreign spy and the Russians more than that for the Russian authored dossier...

Yup and I'm wondering if that could be called colluding with the Russians to interfere with an election??
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

How can purchasing Russian-authored propaganda through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for an obvious Anti-Trump FBI and Obama Cabinet who used that propaganda illegally NOT be considered collusion with the Russians in an attempt / and an attempt to meddle / alter an investigation?!
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
The Steele dossier was routine oppo research.
If you consider purchasing a Russian authored propaganda-filled document from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI that was illegally used to spy on a political presidential candidate and open an investigation under false pretenses 'routine opposition research'...
That is twisted so badly it runs the risk of being lies, Easy. Just pointing that out.
The Steele dossier was routine oppo research.
If you consider purchasing a Russian authored propaganda-filled document from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI that was illegally used to spy on a political presidential candidate and open an investigation under false pretenses 'routine opposition research'...
That is twisted so badly it runs the risk of being lies, Easy. Just pointing that out.
but you're saying an offer to give trump "info" on his opponent being made to "collusion with the russians" but paying a "foreign source" for information / dirt on trump is simply "research"? is not twisting what happened, just a bit?

just pointing that out.
How much money do you think Russia should be permitted to spend on influencing U.S. elections?

So the $12MM that The DNC paid Steele for the fake dossier is irrelevant?

$12MM VERSES $4,700? No wonder you voted for a Democrat!
Steele was paid $160k by Fusion GPS for his Investigation

damn. that's 34 times more than russia paid google for ads. and hey - they only paid facebook $100k. so between facebook and google we have $104.7k in spending that convinced the country hillary was a bitch. sounds like the russians got a bigger bang for their buck than hillary and the dems did.
They never should have been there at all.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
Hillary paid the Trump hating foreign spy and the Russians more than that for the Russian authored dossier...

Yup and I'm wondering if that could be called colluding with the Russians to interfere with an election??
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

How can purchasing Russian-authored propaganda through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for an obvious Anti-Trump FBI and Obama Cabinet who used that propaganda illegally NOT be considered collusion with the Russians in an attempt / and an attempt to meddle / alter an investigation?!
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
The Steele dossier was routine oppo research.
If you consider purchasing a Russian authored propaganda-filled document from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI that was illegally used to spy on a political presidential candidate and open an investigation under false pretenses 'routine opposition research'...
That is twisted so badly it runs the risk of being lies, Easy. Just pointing that out.
but you're saying an offer to give trump "info" on his opponent being made to "collusion with the russians" is not twisting what happened, just a bit?

just pointing that out.
I never called it "collusion."
So the $12MM that The DNC paid Steele for the fake dossier is irrelevant?

$12MM VERSES $4,700? No wonder you voted for a Democrat!
Steele was paid $160k by Fusion GPS for his Investigation

damn. that's 34 times more than russia paid google for ads. and hey - they only paid facebook $100k. so between facebook and google we have $104.7k in spending that convinced the country hillary was a bitch. sounds like the russians got a bigger bang for their buck than hillary and the dems did.
They never should have been there at all.
Hillary paid the Trump hating foreign spy and the Russians more than that for the Russian authored dossier...

Yup and I'm wondering if that could be called colluding with the Russians to interfere with an election??
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

How can purchasing Russian-authored propaganda through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for an obvious Anti-Trump FBI and Obama Cabinet who used that propaganda illegally NOT be considered collusion with the Russians in an attempt / and an attempt to meddle / alter an investigation?!
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
The Steele dossier was routine oppo research.
If you consider purchasing a Russian authored propaganda-filled document from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI that was illegally used to spy on a political presidential candidate and open an investigation under false pretenses 'routine opposition research'...
That is twisted so badly it runs the risk of being lies, Easy. Just pointing that out.
but you're saying an offer to give trump "info" on his opponent being made to "collusion with the russians" is not twisting what happened, just a bit?

just pointing that out.
I never called it "collusion."
then please feel free to be specific.

what action did trumps campaign take that actually broke what law.

again - be specific so i don't misunderstand you again.
That is twisted so badly it runs the risk of being lies, Easy. Just pointing that out.
If you are talking about YOUR last post, I agree. As Ice said, "So you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?"

Obama overrides his own Department of Immigration to allow a banned Russian Lawyer to enter the US and arrange a meeting with Trump Jr, a meeting in which the FBI 'bugs' before it happens and in which Obama's own personal Russian translator is in the room (can you say 'Set-Up'?). When Jr finds out what the meeting is about he leaves after 15 minutes - no information / Oppo Research - exchanges hands...and the snowflakes like you and Democrats scream 'ILLEGAL COLLUSION WITH THE RUSSIANS' after their set-up attempt fails.

Hillary buys a Russian-authored propaganda-filled dossier from an admitted Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI and with the Russians to deliver the dossier that is then illegally used by Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI to initiate illegal spying on a presidential candidate and to con Congress into opening an investigation / witch hunt against Trump with their co-conspirator, Mueller - who according to Ohr was communicating with him and Steele about the Dossier before he was ever appointed Special Counsel - as head of the Witch Hunt.....and you claim all of that is 'standard Oppo Research / practices'...

Steele was paid $160k by Fusion GPS for his Investigation

damn. that's 34 times more than russia paid google for ads. and hey - they only paid facebook $100k. so between facebook and google we have $104.7k in spending that convinced the country hillary was a bitch. sounds like the russians got a bigger bang for their buck than hillary and the dems did.
They never should have been there at all.
Yup and I'm wondering if that could be called colluding with the Russians to interfere with an election??
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

How can purchasing Russian-authored propaganda through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for an obvious Anti-Trump FBI and Obama Cabinet who used that propaganda illegally NOT be considered collusion with the Russians in an attempt / and an attempt to meddle / alter an investigation?!
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
No, Easy said that.
damn. that's 34 times more than russia paid google for ads. and hey - they only paid facebook $100k. so between facebook and google we have $104.7k in spending that convinced the country hillary was a bitch. sounds like the russians got a bigger bang for their buck than hillary and the dems did.
They never should have been there at all.
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

How can purchasing Russian-authored propaganda through a Trump-hating foreign spy working for an obvious Anti-Trump FBI and Obama Cabinet who used that propaganda illegally NOT be considered collusion with the Russians in an attempt / and an attempt to meddle / alter an investigation?!
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
No, Easy said that.
my mistake then. i don't read a lot of his posts to know you were referencing him.

but again - what law was broken by what action?
That is twisted so badly it runs the risk of being lies, Easy. Just pointing that out.
If you are talking about YOUR last post, I agree. As Ice said, "So you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?"

Obama overrides his own Department of Immigration to allow a banned Russian Lawyer to enter the US and arrange a meeting with Trump Jr, a meeting in which the FBI 'bugs' before it happens and in which Obama's own personal Russian translator is in the room (can you say 'Set-Up'?). When Jr finds out what the meeting is about he leaves after 15 minutes - no information / Oppo Research - exchanges hands...and the snowflakes like you and Democrats scream 'ILLEGAL COLLUSION WITH THE RUISSIANS'
a meeting in which the FBI 'bugs' before it happens and in which Obama's own personal Russian translator is in the room
I did not hear about that.
They never should have been there at all.
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
No, Easy said that.
my mistake then. i don't read a lot of his posts to know you were referencing him.

but again - what law was broken by what action?
You would have to ask him. I thought it was an interpretation of the campaign rule that they can't accept anything of value from a foreign government to assist their campaign. That has been interpreted to include information of value, not just campaign contributions of cash.
They never should have been there at all.
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.
Yet when it was offered to Don Jr. by the Russian government, Don said "Sweet!"

The Steele dossier was routine oppo research, until the results started coming back and even Christopher Steele, who had spent years spying on the corrupt, was shocked enough to give it to the FBI.

The only thing smelly about the Steele dossier is the target of the research. Trump.

heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
No, Easy said that.
my mistake then. i don't read a lot of his posts to know you were referencing him.

but again - what law was broken by what action?
IF 'Collusion' is illegal which according to snowflakes is despite the fact that it is not, then Hillary and the Democrats are guilty of that crime, seeing as how Hillary paid Russians and a Trump-Hating foreign spy for their help in attempting to win the 2016 election. Jr, as pointed out, walked away from the meeting with the Russian Lawyer without taking anything.

What was illegal was the conspiracy against Trump involving Obama's Cabinet Members - the top Directors in his DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI...was Brennan, Strzok, and Clapper using the Dossier as the basis for the Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Report they criminally passed off to the Intel Community, FISA Court, and Congress as REAL US-collected Intel in order to illegally get warrants to spy on the Trump team and to open the witch Hunt led by Mueller based on LIES...all proven with evidence that includes texts and testimony and more....
heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
No, Easy said that.
my mistake then. i don't read a lot of his posts to know you were referencing him.

but again - what law was broken by what action?
IF 'Collusion' is illegal which according to snowflakes is despite the fact that it is not, then Hillary and the Democrats are guilty of that crime, seeing as how Hillary paid Russians and a Trump-Hating foreign spy for their help in attempting to win the 2016 election. Jr, as pointed out, walked away from the meeting with the Russian Lawyer without taking anything.

What was illegal was the conspiracy against Trump involving Obama's Cabinet Members - the top Directors in his DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI...was Brennan, Strzok, and Clapper using the Dossier as the basis for the Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Report they criminally passed off to the Intel Community, FISA Court, and Congress as REAL US-collected Intel in order to illegally get warrants to spy on the Trump team and to open the witch Hunt led by Mueller based on LIES...all proven with evidence that includes texts and testimony and more....
Of course none of that is true but it won't stop you from repeating it endlessly
a meeting in which the FBI 'bugs' before it happens and in which Obama's own personal Russian translator is in the room
I did not hear about that.
I have only brought it up several times, providing the associated links and articles, and we have only discussed it several times...

The meeting between Jr and the Russian lawyer was only made possible by Obama overriding his own Dept of Immigration's ban on her. The Obama administration obviously already knew this was going to happen as well as when and where. The FBI had the meeting location bugged, and Obama's own translator - a retired FBI agent - was in the room. This, of course, has all been 'explained away' by snowflakes as 'mere coincidences'. Coincidences are when 'shit happens'. Overriding your Dept of Immigration's ban to allow someone into the country so a meeting can take place is not 'coincidence'.
heh - so you're in essence saying one side can call it research and call the other sides illegal. great, was any provided/used or just "Offered"?

now lets look at your sentence:
Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal.

then why is using info from the brits, research or otherwise, suddenly legal? it's foreign? or does the law suddenly stop applying here?
Trump is an international businessman. Can oppo research be limited to things that happen within the boundaries of the United States? If you think that should be a rule, have at it.
you're the one that said:

"Using information obtained from a foreign source in an election in itself is illegal."

is steele american? pretty simple yes or no here, so please don't run to moving goalposts around so one side can do what the other can't. also understand i am not defending trump - i'm asking people to be consistent with the application of rules they expect others to follow.
No, Easy said that.
my mistake then. i don't read a lot of his posts to know you were referencing him.

but again - what law was broken by what action?
You would have to ask him. I thought it was an interpretation of the campaign rule that they can't accept anything of value from a foreign government to assist their campaign. That has been interpreted to include information of value, not just campaign contributions of cash.
so what are *you* pointing to that was illegal?

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