
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Exactly..it was a BROAD SPECTRUM attack
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Dale, what you believe to be "fact" is not really evidence here.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election and spent a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
Who cares what they found--the investigation isn't over.
The Russians are still dressing up as Americans and spreading their ill will on American boards, like this one. And you don't care, do you? What in hell is wrong with you people? You say Democrats are unAmerican for not wanting a Wall, yet the Republicans are just as bad, closing their eyes to any thought of foreign influence in our elections.
They are still here. You are their dupes.

Exactly! Who cares what they find so long as they continue to make Trump's life hell with the knowledge that no matter what is found he needs to be impeached anyway

Romney will lead the charge in the US Senate after taking Trump's endorsement to win his seat.

Lovely people those Swamp creatures.
Romney is an empty suit trying to position himself for another Presidential run when Trump implodes
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.

Seth Rich leaked the e-mails and he was murdered for doing so.....and what cracks me up about the leaked e-mails isn't that leftards care about the incriminating contents of corruption and criminality as well as the dirty tactics being employed by the DNC and their media cohorts...OH FUCK NO! They don't give even so much as a fly's fart about the revelations.....it's the fact that they saw the light of day at all.

That should tell you all you need to know about the DNC.....they have no line in the sand that they will not cross and the ends justifies the means and any crooked and dirty tactic used is considered a meritorious deed if it goes towards furthering their commie agenda. ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY disgusting.

And they REALLY wonder as to why we won't come over to THEIR side??????
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.
what was "well done"?

we had brittish foreign influence and the left calls it research. we have a russian lawyer, let into the country BY THE LEFT, who offered to give trumps camp info on hillary and the right said SWEET but never got the info. yet this is some form of collusion and illegal.

yet although i've asked you AND 'lady well done" what laws were broke by what action and you both stop the conversation.

do you want the truth and standards to be held for us all in the same manner or do you want to go BAD TRUMP in any way possible cause those are (2) different goals with the 2nd hiding behind a pretense of the first that's never been proven with the law broken by the action taken.

i don't see it as too much to ask - which law was broken by which action - but that question does get the left mad at me a lot.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Boom. You absolutely destroyed them with that post. Sadly, they never learn.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Dale, what you believe to be "fact" is not really evidence here.

I have fuckling facts on my side. Remember??? I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic. Don't EVER presume to tell me that I don't have an excellent grasp as to what is and has gone on, sis......I have forgotten more than.you will ever know.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.

Seth Rich leaked the e-mails and he was murdered for doing so.....and what cracks me up about the leaked e-mails isn't that leftards care about the incriminating contents of corruption and criminality as well as the dirty tactics being employed by the DNC and their media cohorts...OH FUCK NO! They don't give even so much as a fly's fart about the revelations.....it's the fact that they saw the light of day at all.

That should tell you all you need to know about the DNC.....they have no line in the sand that they will not cross and the ends justifies the means and any crooked and dirty tactic used is considered a meritorious deed if it goes towards furthering their commie agenda. ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY disgusting.

And they REALLY wonder as to why we won't come over to THEIR side??????
oh, Heavens to Betsy, Dale!!! you are so, so, so off your rocker on this!!!!
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Boom. You absolutely destroyed them with that post. Sadly, they never learn.

Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.
what was "well done"?

we had brittish foreign influence and the left calls it research. we have a russian lawyer, let into the country BY THE LEFT, who offered to give trumps camp info on hillary and the right said SWEET but never got the info. yet this is some form of collusion and illegal.

yet although i've asked you AND 'lady well done" what laws were broke by what action and you both stop the conversation.

do you want the truth and standards to be held for us all in the same manner or do you want to go BAD TRUMP in any way possible cause those are (2) different goals with the 2nd hiding behind a pretense of the first that's never been proven with the law broken by the action taken.

i don't see it as too much to ask - which law was broken by which action - but that question does get the left mad at me a lot.
I already responded. Look back through.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Boom. You absolutely destroyed them with that post. Sadly, they never learn.

Google and FB control 75% of the entire internet, yet you think the Russians spent millions on other much smaller platforms. Makes sense to the senseless. Google and Facebook's dominance could lead to the "death of the internet," warns programmer
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.

Seth Rich leaked the e-mails and he was murdered for doing so.....and what cracks me up about the leaked e-mails isn't that leftards care about the incriminating contents of corruption and criminality as well as the dirty tactics being employed by the DNC and their media cohorts...OH FUCK NO! They don't give even so much as a fly's fart about the revelations.....it's the fact that they saw the light of day at all.

That should tell you all you need to know about the DNC.....they have no line in the sand that they will not cross and the ends justifies the means and any crooked and dirty tactic used is considered a meritorious deed if it goes towards furthering their commie agenda. ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY disgusting.

And they REALLY wonder as to why we won't come over to THEIR side??????
oh, Heavens to Betsy, Dale!!! you are so, so, so off your rocker on this!!!!

Yeah, I am cursed with the ability to read and comprehend the information. Sadly, I am not a blithering idiot that simply and blindly will believe that what I read with my own fucking eyes isn't real and if I am told that the moon is made of blue cheese that I am "off my rocker" for calling bullshit.

Go peddle your bullshit to someone else, ya partisan sack of shit. You are not seeking answers but seeking validation for what you want to believe. You are barking up the wrong fucking tree if you REALLY believe that your denials are going to make me give pause and reconsider.
Last edited:
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Dale, what you believe to be "fact" is not really evidence here.

I have fuckling facts on my side. Remember??? I don't participate in the elections of this banana republic. Don't EVER presume to tell me that I don't have an excellent grasp as to what is and has gone on, sis......I have forgotten more than.you will ever know.
I'd like a link to the transcript, then, of what was said at the Trump Tower Adoption meeting, since it was all recorded by the FBI. Please.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.

The New York Times???? The CFR mouthpiece that practically attempted to carry the Hildbeast over the finish line? The lamestream media that even admitted that they gave her favorable coverage while trying to make Trump's candidacy into a joke that would be the punchline of late night talkshows for years to come? The same media that gave her the debate questions in advance? The same media that conspired with the Hildebeast campaign to film the "bulldogging" tactics to provoke Trump supporters and then paint them as the "out of control" Trumpers?

You honestly believe that Russian bots held more sway over the voters than the lamestream media with 1/100000000000th of the budget???? I WAS on facebook A LOT during the election cycle and I never came across one single anti-Hillary ad or anything about her that wasn't fact as it pertained to her e-mail server and the classified information that she claimed never came across her multiple devices outside of the DOT Gov secured servers. I certainly saw biased coverage and negative articles about Trump though........and leftards laughing about what a rout the election would be for the Hildebeast. The gloating started in early August and continued right up to election day....get the fuck outta here with that "THE ROOSKIES STOLE OUR ELECTION" bullshit.
Boom. You absolutely destroyed them with that post. Sadly, they never learn.

Google and FB control 75% of the entire internet, yet you think the Russians spent millions on other much smaller platforms. Makes sense to the senseless. Google and Facebook's dominance could lead to the "death of the internet," warns programmer

Obviously the mega heads of media don't control enough of it and they weren't able to carry the Hildebeast over the finish like even in spite of their efforts BECAUSE according to the leftard clown posse??? The ROOSKIES were able to wiggle their way into the hearts and minds of undecided voters and swayed them to vote against Hildebeast in an election that had been rigged for her......,.

Can you believe this shit? It boggles the mind.........
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.
what was "well done"?

we had brittish foreign influence and the left calls it research. we have a russian lawyer, let into the country BY THE LEFT, who offered to give trumps camp info on hillary and the right said SWEET but never got the info. yet this is some form of collusion and illegal.

yet although i've asked you AND 'lady well done" what laws were broke by what action and you both stop the conversation.

do you want the truth and standards to be held for us all in the same manner or do you want to go BAD TRUMP in any way possible cause those are (2) different goals with the 2nd hiding behind a pretense of the first that's never been proven with the law broken by the action taken.

i don't see it as too much to ask - which law was broken by which action - but that question does get the left mad at me a lot.
I already responded. Look back through.


this is as close as i can get and you said YOU didn't say a thing about the foreign info but easy did. if you said elsewhere what law was broken by what action, please link me. i don't see it.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
100% pure Russian PROPAGANDA..... HOW can you and other USMB right wing members not recognize this...? It's in-explainable HOW LITTLE you all know and truly ignorant you guys are on this topic??? BLOWS MY MIND!!! For very very little money in advertising, the Russians found a way through trolls and Bots to spread those ads to hundreds of millions of people...

Five Takeaways From New Reports on Russia’s Social Media Operations

All of the emphasis on Facebook has obscured the huge role of Instagram, as well as the Russian activity on many smaller platforms.
Most of the early media coverage of the Russian campaign focused on Facebook. The New Knowledge report argues that the Internet Research Agency’s presence on Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, has been underestimated and may have been as effective or even more effective than its Facebook effort. The report says there were 187 million engagements on Instagram — users “liking” or sharing the content created in Russia — compared with 76.5 million engagements on Facebook.

“Our assessment is that Instagram is likely to be a key battleground on an ongoing basis,” the report concludes.

Both reports note that there was hardly a social platform, however obscure, that the Internet Research Agency did not invade: Reddit, Google+, Vine, Gab, Meetup, Pinterest, Tumblr and more. The Russian trolls even created a podcast on SoundCloud.

Why are we still talking about this more than two years after the election?
Russia had used similar online influence tactics inside Russian borders and in neighboring countries, including Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine. But the campaign against the United States in 2016 was historic on several counts: It was the first major foreign influence campaign aimed at affecting a presidential election; it was the biggest influence operation ever to be aimed at Americans from another country; and it was the biggest attack ever — using virtual, not physical weapons — on the United States by its old Cold War adversary, albeit slimmed down from the Soviet Union to Russia alone. It will be studied for years.

It is impossible to measure what effect the Russian campaign — along with the hacking and leaking of Democratic emails — had on the outcome of the very close 2016 election. But some political scientists believe it may have won the presidency for Donald J. Trump — a remarkable conclusion, even if it cannot be proved or disproved.

Inevitably, some American political operatives are learning from Russia’s example, testing the tools of chicanery in their online operations. So the Internet Research Agency may have taught a new generation of tricksters how to swing an election in the cyberage.
Well done, my dear.

Seth Rich leaked the e-mails and he was murdered for doing so.....and what cracks me up about the leaked e-mails isn't that leftards care about the incriminating contents of corruption and criminality as well as the dirty tactics being employed by the DNC and their media cohorts...OH FUCK NO! They don't give even so much as a fly's fart about the revelations.....it's the fact that they saw the light of day at all.

That should tell you all you need to know about the DNC.....they have no line in the sand that they will not cross and the ends justifies the means and any crooked and dirty tactic used is considered a meritorious deed if it goes towards furthering their commie agenda. ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY disgusting.

And they REALLY wonder as to why we won't come over to THEIR side??????
oh, Heavens to Betsy, Dale!!! you are so, so, so off your rocker on this!!!!

Yeah, I am cursed with the ability to read and comprehend the information. Sadly, I am not a blithering idiot that simply and blindly will believe that what I read with my own fucking eyes isn't real and if I am told that the moon is made of blue cheese that I am "off my rocker" for calling bullshit.

Go peddle your bullshit to someone else, ya partisan sack of shit. You are not seeking answers but seeking validation for what you want to believe. You are barking up the wring fucking tree if you REALLY believe that your denials are going to make me give pause and reconsider.
Probably only a nice push of thorazine would make you pause and reconsider, Dale. I somehow admire your ability to come up with these convoluted and imaginative reads on what has actually occurred in the world. Maybe you could have been a novelist.

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