
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?
Anyone who thinks a few clumsy Facebook and Google ads, tweeter postings, and internet trolling can turn a presidential election, might be a MSM gaslighted liberal.
And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?
Anyone who thinks a few clumsy Facebook and Google ads, tweeter postings, and internet trolling can turn a presidential election, might be a MSM gaslighted liberal.
well he keeps using the word influence. that requires knowledge that someone changed their mind. and to date, no one has been found, so his argument is dead in the pool. unless he was influenced by them!
Are liberals really so stupid that they'd let a facebook post change their opinion on who to vote for?
All that tells me is they have no idea what the issues are and are so soft headed they can be swayed by anything and shouldnt be voting in the first place.

The ENTIRE Russia, Russia, Russia story is purely an invention by the Dems and Media to Delegitimize the legally elected President of the United States. They lost, and can not get over it. They will do anything to gain power, even if they have to be unethical, and illegal. That's why they don't want voter ID. They like being able to engage in illegal voter fraud. That is also why they want Open Borders.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’

How many times do I have to school you idiots on this? Who is leading you down that rabbit hole?

Brad Parscale, Trump's ad and web guy, spent $274,000 on FACEBOOK.

The Biggest Spender of Political Ads on Facebook? President Trump

SAN FRANCISCO — It’s official: President Trump is the single biggest political advertiser on Facebook.
Mr. Trump and his political action committee spent $274,000 on ads on the social network since early May
, """"""""""

Google ads don't work for political campaigns, as they found out.
The Trump Campaign On Facebook

In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Trump campaign spent about 50% more in Facebook ads, but more importantly, tested almost 90 times the number of ad variations. Thus “Clinton spent $28 million from June to November 2016, while testing 66,000 different ads,” Bloomberg has reported. “In comparison, Trump spent $44 million in that period and tested 5.9 million versions of ads, suggesting his campaign’s Facebook strategy “was more complex than Clinton’s and better leveraged Facebook’s ability to optimize for outcomes.”
Last edited:
And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?
Anyone who thinks a few clumsy Facebook and Google ads, tweeter postings, and internet trolling can turn a presidential election, might be a MSM gaslighted liberal.

Um, you must not use Facebook. Or else you wouldn't be making such an ignorant statement.
The ads Trump runs are nothing but lies embedded in memes....much like the bullshit you idiots post here.
That's where a lot of it comes from.
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?
Anyone who thinks a few clumsy Facebook and Google ads, tweeter postings, and internet trolling can turn a presidential election, might be a MSM gaslighted liberal.

Um, you must not use Facebook. Or else you wouldn't be making such an ignorant statement.
The ads Trump runs are nothing but lies embedded in memes....much like the bullshit you idiots post here.
That's where a lot of it comes from.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’

How many times do I have to school you idiots on this? Who is leading you down that rabbit hole?

Brad Parscale, Trump's ad and web guy, spent $274,000 on FACEBOOK.

The Biggest Spender of Political Ads on Facebook? President Trump

SAN FRANCISCO — It’s official: President Trump is the single biggest political advertiser on Facebook.
Mr. Trump and his political action committee spent $274,000 on ads on the social network since early May
, """"""""""

Google ads don't work for political campaigns, as they found out.
The Trump Campaign On Facebook

In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Trump campaign spent about 50% more in Facebook ads, but more importantly, tested almost 90 times the number of ad variations. Thus “Clinton spent $28 million from June to November 2016, while testing 66,000 different ads,” Bloomberg has reported. “In comparison, Trump spent $44 million in that period and tested 5.9 million versions of ads, suggesting his campaign’s Facebook strategy “was more complex than Clinton’s and better leveraged Facebook’s ability to optimize for outcomes.”
Did you forget to post the spending by Hillary?

$1.4 B
$623.1 million
Hillary Clinton campaign

$598.2 million
Party and joint fundraising committees

$204.4 million
Super PACs



$957.6 M
$334.8 million
Donald Trump campaign

$543.4 million
Party and joint fundraising committees

$79.3 million
Super PACs

How much money is behind each campaign?
Only $4700 with google, which is the thread topic. Keep up.
Here, for you, too-

Uhh, yes, but it is factual. I posted the video, after checking for myself, because of the source.

LOL, "fact checked".

As confirmed by Fox News!


Now, you do realize this problem was more about Facebook than it was Google. Right?

Now, you do realize that Facebook advertising revenue per last year was over $39 Billion, and the Russians spent $100,000 on the campaign ads, which targeted both Trump, Hillary and other groups.

Hillary and Trump spent $81 million on Facebook ads.

Now, if you really think that $100 grand spent on both candidates by the Russians, made a difference compared to the $80 million the candidates spent on Facebook ads, I have a bridge to sell ya...

But wait...I thought you were claiming only $4700 was spent.

We get it. The Russians found an amazingly cheap and effective way to screw with our elections. Thanks you Facebook...ya creeps
Hillary used the Clinton Foundation to launder money from all those foreign and domestic "speaking engagements". She must be brilliant as $350K a pop is a lot of money.
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?
Anyone who thinks a few clumsy Facebook and Google ads, tweeter postings, and internet trolling can turn a presidential election, might be a MSM gaslighted liberal.

Um, you must not use Facebook. Or else you wouldn't be making such an ignorant statement.
The ads Trump runs are nothing but lies embedded in memes....much like the bullshit you idiots post here.
That's where a lot of it comes from.
It depends upon the real truth, not your concept of what is truth.
Only $4700 with google, which is the thread topic. Keep up.

No, the thread is based on the idea that ONLY the money spent on Google is what Russia did to influence the election.

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

The OP turned one article into the collection of EVERY THING the Russians did.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’

How many times do I have to school you idiots on this? Who is leading you down that rabbit hole?

Brad Parscale, Trump's ad and web guy, spent $274,000 on FACEBOOK.

The Biggest Spender of Political Ads on Facebook? President Trump

SAN FRANCISCO — It’s official: President Trump is the single biggest political advertiser on Facebook.
Mr. Trump and his political action committee spent $274,000 on ads on the social network since early May
, """"""""""

Google ads don't work for political campaigns, as they found out.
The Trump Campaign On Facebook

In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the Trump campaign spent about 50% more in Facebook ads, but more importantly, tested almost 90 times the number of ad variations. Thus “Clinton spent $28 million from June to November 2016, while testing 66,000 different ads,” Bloomberg has reported. “In comparison, Trump spent $44 million in that period and tested 5.9 million versions of ads, suggesting his campaign’s Facebook strategy “was more complex than Clinton’s and better leveraged Facebook’s ability to optimize for outcomes.”
Did you forget to post the spending by Hillary?

$1.4 B
$623.1 million
Hillary Clinton campaign

$598.2 million
Party and joint fundraising committees

$204.4 million
Super PACs



$957.6 M
$334.8 million
Donald Trump campaign

$543.4 million
Party and joint fundraising committees

$79.3 million
Super PACs

How much money is behind each campaign?

Yes. See post #144, idiot.
And besides, the topic isn't campaign spending.
It's about advertising on Google, which is irrelevant.
The social media site that Trump used to get elected was Facebook.
Just Google Brad Parscale, his webbie guy and see for your stupid self.
He even went on "60 Minutes" and let the cat out of the bag.
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?
Anyone who thinks a few clumsy Facebook and Google ads, tweeter postings, and internet trolling can turn a presidential election, might be a MSM gaslighted liberal.

Um, you must not use Facebook. Or else you wouldn't be making such an ignorant statement.
The ads Trump runs are nothing but lies embedded in memes....much like the bullshit you idiots post here.
That's where a lot of it comes from.
It depends upon the real truth, not your concept of what is truth.

Another one who doesn't know Facebook from his own ass.
Quiz-1: Which candidate paid Russia $12m for a phony dossier on an opponent?

Quiz-2: Which candidate was spied on by the US intel agencies, and is being investigated by a special counsel for "collusion"?
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
Did anyone point out yet, that you are using the Russian government propaganda news site, Russia Today as your source?


it made no difference ... these are RUSSIANS on this board.
IMethinks it great that social media , for nothing more than chump change ,can coerce ,collude & corrupt the greatest country this rock has ever seen's election

IMH completely misantropist O, (which isn't all that humble) , we truly deserve the idiocy , along w/ the seven deadlies we're living.....

Happy Armegeddon!!!!


Your 3rd link really nailed the controversy. Hillary lost the election on her own, the Russians didn't really matter. Comey probably cost her some votes. She spent twice as much as Trump, who had a 38% approval rating, and still lost because she was deemed dishonest and untrustworthy by the voters.

Your 3rd link really nailed the controversy. Hillary lost the election on her own, the Russians didn't really matter. Comey probably cost her some votes. She spent twice as much as Trump, who had a 38% approval rating, and still lost because she was deemed dishonest and untrustworthy by the voters.

so we elected the 38%er? what does that tell you about our system?

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