
Here, for you, too-

Hey fuckheads...this thread is BASED on an article from

Yea...RUSSIA TODAY...the state news org of Russia
Uhh, yes, but it is factual. I posted the video, after checking for myself, because of the source.

LOL, "fact checked".

As confirmed by Fox News!


Now, you do realize this problem was more about Facebook than it was Google. Right?

what's the issue again? any vote flipped? I'm still trying to figure out what the play is other than the coup against trump?
So how much are you ok with? What is the acceptable amount in your opinion?

How much should have Obama been allowed to spend when he was influencing Israeli elections?

The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday.

Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign — all of which set the stage for an anti-Netanyahu campaign, the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations said in a bipartisan staff report.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu

But see, that was OK. It was different.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
They spent more than that, dumbass. This bullshit story was debunked on here months ago.

Try to catch up.

I called him out on it... and his answer was just, "I don't care."
The tards parrot what they are told to parrot and bleev what they are told to bleev.
Here, for you, too-

Hey fuckheads...this thread is BASED on an article from

Yea...RUSSIA TODAY...the state news org of Russia
Uhh, yes, but it is factual. I posted the video, after checking for myself, because of the source.

LOL, "fact checked".

As confirmed by Fox News!


Now, you do realize this problem was more about Facebook than it was Google. Right?

what's the issue again? any vote flipped? I'm still trying to figure out what the play is other than the coup against trump?

The issue is that you're a fucking sheep.
Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election and spent a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy.

‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
View attachment 238085
‘4,700 on Google ads – that’s it? We never found evidence of Russian collusion’
Who cares what they found--the investigation isn't over.
The Russians are still dressing up as Americans and spreading their ill will on American boards, like this one. And you don't care, do you? What in hell is wrong with you people? You say Democrats are unAmerican for not wanting a Wall, yet the Republicans are just as bad, closing their eyes to any thought of foreign influence in our elections.
They are still here. You are their dupes.

Who are they on this board?

And any foreign influence in the elections is wrong. None of their business who we elect or why we elect them.
Here, for you, too-

Uhh, yes, but it is factual. I posted the video, after checking for myself, because of the source.

LOL, "fact checked".

As confirmed by Fox News!


Now, you do realize this problem was more about Facebook than it was Google. Right?

what's the issue again? any vote flipped? I'm still trying to figure out what the play is other than the coup against trump?

The issue is that you're a fucking sheep.

when you got nothing to discuss about the actual topic. I truly enjoy winning.
Here, for you, too-

Hey fuckheads...this thread is BASED on an article from

Yea...RUSSIA TODAY...the state news org of Russia
Uhh, yes, but it is factual. I posted the video, after checking for myself, because of the source.

LOL, "fact checked".

As confirmed by Fox News!


Now, you do realize this problem was more about Facebook than it was Google. Right?

Now, you do realize that Facebook advertising revenue per last year was over $39 Billion, and the Russians spent $100,000 on the campaign ads, which targeted both Trump, Hillary and other groups.

Hillary and Trump spent $81 million on Facebook ads.

Now, if you really think that $100 grand spent on both candidates by the Russians, made a difference compared to the $80 million the candidates spent on Facebook ads, I have a bridge to sell ya...
Don’t know or care. Do you know how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

Thanks for proving my point. If you don't care then why'd you take the time to post this thread that wrong?
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.
Thanks for proving my point. If you don't care then why'd you take the time to post this thread that wrong?
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.
all you have to do is post the link dude. it is simple to do. we'll wait.

BTW, why didn't you flip your vote then?
Thanks for proving my point. If you don't care then why'd you take the time to post this thread that wrong?
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
that dude truly enjoys fake news.
Thanks for proving my point. If you don't care then why'd you take the time to post this thread that wrong?
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Not to mention the free Twitter accounts that hundreds of Russians in their troll farm ran.
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times

That's how much they spent on the ads, not including the money they were paying their people to create and maintain them. That's not even counting all the fake news sites they also ran outside of Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
How are the very words from the Google CEO wrong?

Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?

Do you think $4,700 can turn an election? If so, you have my sympathy.

Let me see if you can figure this out on your own or not... or you are either too stupid to get it, or too partisan. Is $4,700 all the money Russia spent on their disinformation campaign to help Trump get elected?
Don’t know or care. Do you know how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

LOL. Internet controlled by Google. You mean Comcast/Time Warner/Verizon.

Weak dodge....

I almost feel bad discussing how the internet works with people who hear "You've got Mail!" everytime they fire up their computer.

Aaaaaand they're getting weaker.......
Are liberals really so stupid that they'd let a facebook post change their opinion on who to vote for?
All that tells me is they have no idea what the issues are and are so soft headed they can be swayed by anything and shouldnt be voting in the first place.
Here, for you, too-

Hey fuckheads...this thread is BASED on an article from

Yea...RUSSIA TODAY...the state news org of Russia
Uhh, yes, but it is factual. I posted the video, after checking for myself, because of the source.

LOL, "fact checked".

As confirmed by Fox News!


Now, you do realize this problem was more about Facebook than it was Google. Right?

Now, you do realize that Facebook advertising revenue per last year was over $39 Billion, and the Russians spent $100,000 on the campaign ads, which targeted both Trump, Hillary and other groups.

Hillary and Trump spent $81 million on Facebook ads.

Now, if you really think that $100 grand spent on both candidates by the Russians, made a difference compared to the $80 million the candidates spent on Facebook ads, I have a bridge to sell ya...

But wait...I thought you were claiming only $4700 was spent.

We get it. The Russians found an amazingly cheap and effective way to screw with our elections. Thanks you Facebook...ya creeps
Do you need to have your opening post quoted to you?

"Russia colluded with Trump to steal the election by spending a whopping $4,700. LOL!

The gaslighting of some Americans is too easy."

Is $4,700 all the money the Russians spent to interfere in the U.S. elections?
And again I ask you, how much of the internet is controlled by Google?

And that has nothing to do with your opening post. How much did Russia spend to help Trump get elected? Was it $4,700? Yes or no?
Approximately 1.5 million per month was spent by Russia on FACEBOOK alone to interfere with the 2016 Presidential election. Google was not a focus of attention.

Fake Russian Facebook Accounts Bought $100,000 in Political Ads
From the New York Times
So how much Russian money are you ok with being spent to influence our elections?

It was $4700. Now we're up to $100k. How much is your limit?
first you have to prove they influenced an election. have you done that yet?

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