4 attendees of SCOTUS nomination at Rose Garden test positive for COVID-19

I don't mean to insult you guys that believe covid isn't a problem, but look at all the republicans that are coming down with it lately, large part, due to trying to project it is not a big deal. As much as trumpers piss me off at times, I really think you should give careful consideration to masking at least in interior crowded spaces, observing social distancing, avoid cabs or other none private transportation, avoid air travel all together, avoid all large gatherings indoors or outdoor, wash hands, keep hand sanitizer handy, in other words, act conservatively and don't take foolish chances. Just a suggestion.
Maybe they will NOW. Like Trump, they have completely bought into the talk radio narrative that the virus isn't so dangerous.

Group pathology. This is what it looks like. And I'll bet MOST of them STILL won't get it.
Well, it's been reported that Barrett had COVID 19 over the summer. Dunno if that could possibly be a factor, but it might. We used to think that people who caught it and recovered couldn't catch it again, but that has been proven false.

Yes--but Hicks wasn't at the judges announcement. Which btw 7 people just don't get sick all at once, even exposed the virus doesn't actually infect everyone. They are reporting an UNNAMED journalist----would like to hear about who this is...........and when their symptoms started.
Imagine if you a will a place that people get a highly contagious virus that 40 to 60% of the people don't know they have it, where those under 50 have a death rate of .001%, and the worst record of it come from places with the most tyrannical regulations for the virus.....aka everyone wearing masks, and then these same people try to tell others how to prevent it.

OMFG...........people get a virus during a pandemic.....IF ONLY EVERYONE WOULD WEAR A MASK....

Six now.

Great job, Mr. "President", your "leadership" is responsible for the dearth of masks in this photo, and around the country.

You're quite the "leader".

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And Joe Biden came up negative, the one who always comes sniffing behind the President.
It let us know that Biden has it and has sprayed the virus on Pres. Trump at the debate.
They are trying to control the flow of information that Pres. Trump receives daily. Keeping him secluded from his family and friends.
They are doing this to make sure he doesn't have anyone to help him get information of what is going on in the world. Remember, he didn't know that Joe Arpaio was arrested, until he heard it on the alternative news network.


Y'all ought to read this

You can dismiss it and not even read it if it makes you feel safer, but it's by someone who was there today, and was there over the summer. That is why they're dropping like flies at 1600 Pennsylvania.
I have heard that the procedure to actually get in front of POTUS is extensive

in fact, the rumblings I am hearing are more in line with, "wow, if POTUS got it, we really cannot prevent anyone from getting it, mask or no mask, temp check or not, etc,,,"
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Maybe they will NOW. Like Trump, they have completely bought into the talk radio narrative that the virus isn't so dangerous.
lol, you are certainly a nervous little thing

the virus is not that dangerous, much less dangerous than the seasonal flu for most people

not dangerous at all for normal children

there is no reason to shut down school or business EXCEPT to score political points and attempt to hurt Trump

Trump getting it does not change the reality that we have dramatically overreacted to this and that blue states & cities are still shut down for the sole purpose of keeping the economy down to hurt this President
Maybe they will NOW. Like Trump, they have completely bought into the talk radio narrative that the virus isn't so dangerous.
lol, you are certainly a nervous little thing

the virus is not that dangerous, much less dangerous than the seasonal flu for most people

not dangerous at all for normal children

there is no reason to shut down school or business EXCEPT to score political points and attempt to hurt Trump

Trump getting it does not change the reality that we have dramatically overreacted to this and that blue states & cities are still shut down for the sole purpose of keeping the economy down to hurt this President
Another one, right on cue. I say it, they do it.
Y'all ought to read this

You can dismiss it and not even read it if it makes you feel safer, but it's by someone who was there today, and was there over the summer. That is why they're dropping like flies at 1600 Pennsylvania.
I have heard that the procedure to actually get in front of POTUS is extensive

in fact, the rumblings I am hearing are more in line with, "wow, if POTUS got it, we really cannot prevent anyone from getting it, mask or no mask, temp check or not, etc,,,"
That's true. The visitor who wrote that article didn't have business with Trump himself in the inner sanctum. But he doesn't allow masks around him and in the rest of the building they aren't following any kind of protocol. He works and lives in that very building, and giving people a test doesn't prevent them from catching it down the hall or out on their lunch break.

It's being run lax, to ignore Covid as much as possible, and it caught up with them, that's all.

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