4 Hostages Rescued?!

Noa said she was held by a well-to-do family. Innocent Gazans? The women, kids, grandmas cheering and celebrating when the hostages were being dragged on October 7th? Held by families! Innocence died in Gaza long time ago. Unfortunately. Pure evil.

Adjacent to that, l was watching the testimony of released hostages on Israeli television, and one girl related how shortly after her capture at the Nova music festival, her arrival in Gaza was greeted by excited cheering and dancing around by hundreds of Innocent Gazan civilians.
Also worth noting was the financial incentive. A terrorist who could capture or kill an Israeli, was rewarded with a stipend and an apartment to live in.
Everything with you is so binary, it is to the point that any criticism of Israel is immediately disregarded as fake news.
You weren’t “criticizing Israel”. You were advancing the now-debunked claim by the Muslim terrorists that Israel killed 35,000 civilians. I know you are an antidemitic liberal, but are you also so ignorant that you don’t know they admitted the numbers were wrong?

So again, the question is:

Why are you willing to believe the word of Muslim TERRORISTS over the word of Jewish people? Is your pro-Muslim, anti-Jew attitude THAT extreme?
That anyone can deny that the double standards applied to the Jewish country is driven by anything other than antisemitism is almost laughable….if it weren’t so tragic.

So they rescued four hostages, and the world condemned them for it. :(
But, reaching a new low, the media focuses on the civilian casualties quoting numbers from the Gaza Health Ministry and calls Israel's operation a war crime. But do the details of this operation point to something about the Gaza civilian population and the way the media operates?

It seems to becoming clear that the hostages are being held in civilian areas. Another cowardly operation and collusion by Hamas.
It seems to becoming clear that the hostages are being held in civilian areas. Another cowardly operation and collusion by Hamas.
That’s better than the damp, dark tunnels at least. But if the Muslim civilians had a heart, they would help them escape - not take bribes from HAMAS to keep them captive.
That’s better than the damp, dark tunnels at least. But if the Muslim civilians had a heart, they would help them escape - not take bribes from HAMAS to keep them captive.

It’s becoming more clear. Gazan civilians are complicit in these monstrous crimes. One, as Caroline Glick lays out, an esteemed doctor who held Israeli hostages in his attic, starving them, while treating patients in his so called clinic.
It’s becoming more clear. Gazan civilians are complicit in these monstrous crimes. One, as Caroline Glick lays out, an esteemed doctor who held Israeli hostages in his attic, starving them, while treating patients in his so called clinic.

The comments of a leftist on this thread hints at what we can expect as the stories of how the “innocent Palestinians” starved Jewish hostages - while Israel is condemned for not providing food fast enough to the people who are holding Jews hostage.

They, as they always do, will go on the offensive - insulting Jews in the hopes of silencing them. That is designed to keep Jews on the defensive, and deflect from the antisemitic Palestinians who aided and abetted, and are doing so at this very moment. It’s a tactic right out of Alinsky.
So much of the world thinks there is a moral equivalency.

They actually think, like so many here, that rape, murder and kidnapping can be justified
They think it can be justified here! What do you think DEI is all about? Letting criminals go after they've murdered someone, to murder again. It's justified.

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