4 Star General of the US posts footage from Arma 3 as "evidence" for destroyed Russian aircraft.

Keep coping with those fake made up deadlines. Russian army is currently making gains in the Donbas and now that Mariupol is taking and the "Defenders" in penal colonies, Russian forces can now focus on taking Nikolaiv and then odessa.
You’re “making gains in Donbas”, funny, I thought your fake partisans already controlled Donbas?
You’re “making gains in Donbas”, funny, I thought your fake partisans already controlled Donbas?
Those partisans are the only ones actually willing to fight...the Russians just want to survive this debacle and go home!

He's an MSNBC contributor and is paid to LIE...........He posted from a VIDEO GAME.

Nothing new for MSDNC.
Kiev was a ploy you stupid idiot. Do you really think Putin would sent 20.000 soldiers to take Kiev? They were there to keep the soldiers in Kiev busy until Russia crippled Ukraine's mobility and infrrastrcture which they did. Ukraine has no longer the mobility to send enough troops where they are needed the most and their best forces in the Donbas are being killed or surrender in great numbers, their morale is low and their ammo mostly exhausted.

Do you really think Putin would invade the Ukraine? He literally thought he'd win in a matter of days.
Well, let's take a look and analyze this a bit then. Here is a map of the areas they controlled on 9 March, 2 weeks into the invasion.


And here is one of 15 May, just last week:


Does this look like a "successful campaign", where "Russia has already won"? They got their asses booted out of everywhere not on their border, and even driven off from many of the border areas.

The US needed over a month to defeat Iraq despite everything they threw at them. By the end of the war, the US murdered over 500.000 Civilians and turned most of Iraq into a ruin.

Again idiot, Russian forces did not retreat from the North, they were relocated to the Donbas, where they are currently capturing more territories, among them Popasna and other important cities while Ukrainian forces are retreating into the Urban areas. The Ukrainian forces in the Donbas are among the best soldiers of the Ukrainian army and they are being decimated as we speak.

Just 2 days ago, most of the "valiant" defenders of Azovstal surrendered, the rest will be finished off in time.

The fact that Ukraine is conscripting Teengagers, children, women, middle aged men on low morale and even elderly people pretty much tells us that Ukrainian army is done for. Most of the soldiers that surrendered to the Russian army were infact forced into battle against their will.

Taking Parts of Ukraine is not a matter of time, because Russia got all the time and resources, but about decimating Ukrainian army to a point where they are unable to maneuver or make any meaningfull counterattacks.

Yet the US continues to waste billions into Ukraine. Where did the Trillion you wasted on Afghanistan or Syria go anyway? Right, into terrorists hands. It seems Americans havnt learned from their past failures.

Here is also the current map from yesterday.

Gee, Captain...compare the US military going into Kuwait and Iraq with the Russian military going into Ukraine! Desert Storm was over in a matter of days. Complete and utter destruction of an opposing force. You clowns have been throwing everything you've got against the Ukrainians for three MONTHS now and your troops not only haven't won the war...you're in retreat!
You've also provoked Sweden and Finland into joining NATO! Talk about a cluster f*ck!
Good god, Russian forces were relocated from the North to Donbas to take the area, which is exactly what they do, while the Ukrainian army is being decimated there. Also, it actually took the US with the coalition over a month to defeat Iraq.

The US was in Afghanistan for over 20 years and made no substantial gains against the Taliban, in fact, the Taliban actually grew in influence and your government collapsed. Now Afghanistan is ruled by the Taliban.

As for Finland and Sweden, not if Turkey vetos the decision. Infact, both the US, Finland and Sweden will have to make a choice. In order for Turkey to approve of their membership, the US, finland and Sweden must extradite all political opponents of Erdogan to Turkey and completly abandon the Kurds. Easier said than done as Erdogan is pretty much putting your "democracy" to the test. If you were to abandon the Kurds, they would open up their regions to Iran, Syria and Russia and you will be forced out of those regions.

Otherwise, Finland and Sweden wont join NATO as long as Turkey vetos it.
Good god, Russian forces were relocated from the North to Donbas to take the area, which is exactly what they do, while the Ukrainian army is being decimated there. Also, it actually took the US with the coalition over a month to defeat Iraq.

The US was in Afghanistan for over 20 years and made no substantial gains against the Taliban, in fact, the Taliban actually grew in influence and your government collapsed. Now Afghanistan is ruled by the Taliban.

As for Finland and Sweden, not if Turkey vetos the decision. Infact, both the US, Finland and Sweden will have to make a choice. In order for Turkey to approve of their membership, the US, finland and Sweden must extradite all political opponents of Erdogan to Turkey and completly abandon the Kurds. Easier said than done as Erdogan is pretty much putting your "democracy" to the test. If you were to abandon the Kurds, they would open up their regions to Iran, Syria and Russia and you will be forced out of those regions.

Otherwise, Finland and Sweden wont join NATO as long as Turkey vetos it.
Russian forces are being relocated because they're getting maimed by Ukrainian forces. Face it...Russian soldiers don't want to die attacking Ukrainian territory. The only reason you're doing anything in the Donbas region is that Ukrainian separatists fighting on your side are willing to fight.
The Russian military has been exposed.
Russian forces are being relocated because they're getting maimed by Ukrainian forces. Face it...Russian soldiers don't want to die attacking Ukrainian territory. The only reason you're doing anything in the Donbas region is that Ukrainian separatists fighting on your side are willing to fight.
The Russian military has been exposed.
Actually, Ukraine lost Popasna, a major stronghold in the Donbas and a a result, their defenses have now cracked, which is why Russian Forces make steady gains in the Donbas and are about to surround another large city there.

The Ukrainain forces on the other hand are retreating to the cities and hide behind civilian structures. We will see who is going to get maimed and who not.
Actually, Ukraine lost Popasna, a major stronghold in the Donbas and a a result, their defenses have now cracked, which is why Russian Forces make steady gains in the Donbas and are about to surround another large city there.

The Ukrainain forces on the other hand are retreating to the cities and hide behind civilian structures. We will see who is going to get maimed and who not.
Oh, bullshit! You assholes have been hitting civilian structures since this conflict began. Russians are scum. You don't belong in organizations like the UN. You've lost this conflict because win or lose you've made yourselves into international pariahs.
Oh, bullshit! You assholes have been hitting civilian structures since this conflict began. Russians are scum. You don't belong in organizations like the UN. You've lost this conflict because win or lose you've made yourselves into international pariahs.
That says the country that bombs civilians in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

Despite everything you throw at them, Iran and the houthis co tinue to humiliate you.
That says the country that bombs civilians in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

Despite everything you throw at them, Iran and the houthis co tinue to humiliate you.
In Somalia. Old guy walked down the beach and waved at the U.S. Guard posts. They waved at each other. He had a mortar over his shoulder and then fired one round that hit the side of a Indian Tanker. Didn't do anything but dent a little and scratch the paint. But he just walked off as everyone scrambled to figure out what was going on.

That is brass balls of someone who doesn't care if he dies...........and that is the reality of the Sand Box........Something you found out it Afghanistan. And will now find out in Ukraine.
That says the country that bombs civilians in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

Despite everything you throw at them, Iran and the houthis co tinue to humiliate you.
I've never seen anyone bomb civilians like you scum bag Russians do! You can't defeat Ukraine's military so you resort to terrorizing it's civilian population. You mistakenly think that will make Ukraine surrender and the world fear you but what it's done is harden the world's resolve against you. Right now you're no better than the Nazis were in World War II. The world LOATHS you!
After being defeated in Kiev and Sumy, we were told that was just a feint to keep Ukraine from reinforcing in the East.

Mission accomplished, the Russian army could turn to it's "true objective", the encirclement of 60,000 UA in the Donbas.

But in nearly 2 months of heavy fighting, the "cauldron" has shrunk to just a few thousand UA troops and the cities of Severodonetsk and Lisichansk, and there is no larger encirclement within Russia's grasp.

Russia will take these cities- the "tip" of the Donbas cauldron, and the towns in the Russian path are reduced to their foundations. Rubizhne (pop 60K) and Popasna (pop 20K) are both completely destroyed and depopulated. The same fate awaits Severodonetsk and Lisichansk.

This would have been avoided but for the EU and US waffling over weapons...
I've never seen anyone bomb civilians like you scum bag Russians do! You can't defeat Ukraine's military so you resort to terrorizing it's civilian population. You mistakenly think that will make Ukraine surrender and the world fear you but what it's done is harden the world's resolve against you. Right now you're no better than the Nazis were in World War II. The world LOATHS you!
Steel youe resolve? Certqinly worked our for you in Afghanistan and Vietnam

Ruasia will humiliate the west and their Ukrainian puppets as your terrorists humiliated you before.
Steel youe resolve? Certqinly worked our for you in Afghanistan and Vietnam

Ruasia will humiliate the west and their Ukrainian puppets as your terrorists humiliated you before.
Russia is the one being humiliated at the moment, Captain! You thought you'd roll Ukraine in a few days and now you're getting your asses handed to you. The rest of the world loathes you. They see you as the bully that tried to pick on the weaker kid from the neighborhood and got a bloody nose instead. I don't think there is anything that people like more than a bully who gets what they have coming to them!
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Russia is the one being humiliated at the moment, Captain! You thought you'd roll Ukraine in a few days and now you're getting your asses handed to you. The rest of the world loathes you. They see you as the bully that tried to pick on the weaker kid from the neighborhood and got a bloody nose instead. I don't think there is anything that people like more than a bully who gets what they have coming to them!
Russian forces just breaked through Ukrainian defenses in the Donbas, Ukraines most elite soldiers are retreating or surrendering and you still insist Russia is getting beaten.
You are being in denial amerikansky. Your alliances start to fall apart, even your largest, most vital ally Turkey does not take you serious anymore.
Russian forces just breaked through Ukrainian defenses in the Donbas, Ukraines most elite soldiers are retreating or surrendering and you still insist Russia is getting beaten.
You are being in denial amerikansky. Your alliances start to fall apart, even your largest, most vital ally Turkey does not take you serious anymore.
Dude, Putin's idiotic move has prompted both Sweden and Norway to join NATO! You're losing tens of thousands of soldiers...hundreds of tanks...and scores of high ranking officers! You've lost ground everywhere but the Donbas and with the overall morale of your troops it's just a matter of time before you start to lose there as well. This has been a total disaster for the Russian military.
Not to mention that the Ukrainian people now hate Russians more than they hate anyone else on the planet because of the atrocities that your military have committed. That country will NEVER be your friend again!

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