4 traitorous women found guilty of leaving food and water for 'illegal alien' invaders in desert

Again, it’s a matter of perspective and personal choice. You might be fine being a bitter judgmental old man as long as you feel that you’re “right”. If that’s what you need to sleep at night then thats your choice. Not everybody thinks that way

Which is why the vast majority have reservations on the Express Train to the lowest levels of Hell the moment you die.
no one is Celebrating but people who cross deserts are likely to die and thats just acknowledgment of common sense Slade ,
You are damning people who leave water and food in areas where people have been dying. Call it whatever you want but it’s sick if you’d rather see people die than be helped
------------------------------------------ helping them only encourages more of the same ilk Slade .
Bullshit. Leaving them food and water is not encouraging them unless your saying that preventing them from dying is what’s enabling them which is a dumbass arguement
Sounds like lib double talk BS to me. You shills don't accept any "argument" that disagrees with what the media has told you to think.
Think whatever you want man. You trying to define how I think is laughable though
Facts are fact. Everything you post is laughable. You NEVER accept fact or reason, none of you do.
Again, it’s a matter of perspective and personal choice. You might be fine being a bitter judgmental old man as long as you feel that you’re “right”. If that’s what you need to sleep at night then thats your choice. Not everybody thinks that way

Which is why the vast majority have reservations on the Express Train to the lowest levels of Hell the moment you die.
Ok mr high and mighty, I guess you are now judge and jury with that one?. How would Jesus feel about that statement?
--- Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert --- guess that they are supposed 'amerikuns' that live in the USA and who work to flood the USA with illegal mexican and 'otm' alien invaders eh ??
“4 traitorous women found guilty of leaving food and water for 'illegal alien' invaders in desert”

This is a lie – such is the dishonest, reprehensible right.

The women were not found guilty of ‘treason,’ and they were convicted of entering protected Federal land absent a permit, not providing aid to migrants.

Most conservatives are in fact scum, this thread is further proof of that.
You are damning people who leave water and food in areas where people have been dying. Call it whatever you want but it’s sick if you’d rather see people die than be helped
------------------------------------------ helping them only encourages more of the same ilk Slade .
Bullshit. Leaving them food and water is not encouraging them unless your saying that preventing them from dying is what’s enabling them which is a dumbass arguement
Sounds like lib double talk BS to me. You shills don't accept any "argument" that disagrees with what the media has told you to think.
Think whatever you want man. You trying to define how I think is laughable though
Facts are fact. Everything you post is laughable. You NEVER accept fact or reason, none of you do.
Again you don’t know what you are talking about. I can point to several conservatives that would say otherwise. You just don’t know how to listen and engage in an objective way. Everybody that disagrees with you is the enemy and you paint them all with the same brush... #idiot
Ok mr high and mighty, I guess you are now judge and jury with that one?. How would Jesus feel about that statement?

Nope. Not even close. I wouldn't want that job, even if it were offered to me by some Immortal Incarnation. I'm just a guy who has spent the last (almost) 18 years searching for what I believe this life is really about and how we are truly supposed to live, after wasting 27 years on Christianity and it's lies. I've come to see a very different world and believe we are here for a very different reason than most. If I'm right, the vast majority of people will not be very pleased at the moment of their death. If I'm wrong, then I wouldn't have wanted to go to Heaven to begin with.
Ok mr high and mighty, I guess you are now judge and jury with that one?. How would Jesus feel about that statement?

Nope. Not even close. I wouldn't want that job, even if it were offered to me by some Immortal Incarnation. I'm just a guy who has spent the last (almost) 18 years searching for what I believe this life is really about and how we are truly supposed to live, after wasting 27 years on Christianity and it's lies. I've come to see a very different world and believe we are here for a very different reason than most. If I'm right, the vast majority of people will not be very pleased at the moment of their death. If I'm wrong, then I wouldn't have wanted to go to Heaven to begin with.
You think Christianity is a waste yet you still believe in heaven and hell? I think you got some more searching to do buddy
You think Christianity is a waste yet you still believe in heaven and hell? I think you got some more searching to do buddy

Not Heaven and Hell in the same way that Christianity views them, but using those descriptors makes it easier than having to explain what I've come to believe over the last two decades.
You think Christianity is a waste yet you still believe in heaven and hell? I think you got some more searching to do buddy

Not Heaven and Hell in the same way that Christianity views them, but using those descriptors makes it easier than having to explain what I've come to believe over the last two decades.
Believe whatever you want, but I hope you don’t expect others to think it’s fact or reality. People who believe in religion or the supernatural do it to fill a need for an answer to something that doesn’t have an answer that is know so they often choose the thing that makes the most sense to them. It’s a fantasy that’s held together by faith, not fact.
Wow, women trying to prevent dehydration and death. How unAmerican of them!

Also they weren’t working to flood the US with Alien Invaders you dimwit. They were working to prevent other people from dying simple as that.

If I ever had the FU money, I’d open up 100s aid stations through the southwest. They’d have 2 things; water, food, and a motion detector that notified the border patrol to come pick them up. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. I applaud the 4 women and hope they get right back to it.

That is alright with me as long as you understand the illegal migrants need to be stopped and sent home.

That’s been the message from the left since day uno.
Sure. That's the message "sanctuary cities" is sending.


Which I’m against too.
Listen, I respect you. Generally, you are an independent thinker. However, don't make the statement that has been, "the message of the left from day uno." We both know that the left, and the right send mixed messages. They both have conflicts of interest. The left wants undocumented here b/c, they rightly or wrongly believe those folks will increase their voter rolls. The right tells their voters they want secure borders b/c that is what they want to hear, but they secretly tell their donors they will try to make sure that the flow of black market labor remains.

It's a corrupt system.

We must try to speak and write frankly about it.

We like to tell the truth.
not interested in your enemy compromise or good faith Clayton .
--- Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert --- guess that they are supposed 'amerikuns' that live in the USA and who work to flood the USA with illegal mexican and 'otm' alien invaders eh ??
Wow, women trying to prevent dehydration and death. How unAmerican of them!

Also they weren’t working to flood the US with Alien Invaders you dimwit. They were working to prevent other people from dying simple as that.

If I ever had the FU money, I’d open up 100s aid stations through the southwest. They’d have 2 things; water, food, and a motion detector that notified the border patrol to come pick them up. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. I applaud the 4 women and hope they get right back to it.

That is alright with me as long as you understand the illegal migrants need to be stopped and sent home.
If intercepted at the border.

Otherwise, an immigrant is not ‘illegal’ until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization, or remaining beyond authorization.

And entering the country absent authorization doesn’t render an immigrant ‘illegal’ as he may be a refugee seeking asylum in accordance with immigration law.

All persons in the United States have the right to a presumption of innocence and due process of the law, including those undocumented.
--- Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert --- guess that they are supposed 'amerikuns' that live in the USA and who work to flood the USA with illegal mexican and 'otm' alien invaders eh ??
Wow, women trying to prevent dehydration and death. How unAmerican of them!

Also they weren’t working to flood the US with Alien Invaders you dimwit. They were working to prevent other people from dying simple as that.

If I ever had the FU money, I’d open up 100s aid stations through the southwest. They’d have 2 things; water, food, and a motion detector that notified the border patrol to come pick them up. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. I applaud the 4 women and hope they get right back to it.

That is alright with me as long as you understand the illegal migrants need to be stopped and sent home.

That’s been the message from the left since day uno.

Follow immigration law, the rule of law, and the Constitution.
i just want the Trump to feck YOU 'unamerocans' up Clayton .
You are damning people who leave water and food in areas where people have been dying. Call it whatever you want but it’s sick if you’d rather see people die than be helped
------------------------------------------ helping them only encourages more of the same ilk Slade .
Bullshit. Leaving them food and water is not encouraging them unless your saying that preventing them from dying is what’s enabling them which is a dumbass arguement
Would be even better if we could provide limo service from the illegal's shithole to the city/neighborhood of their choice, with an assortment of refreshment salong the way of course.
They probably won’t like the shithole you live in.
Need I remind you I live in Prague, not SW Missouri? Perhaps we could petition the Czech government for flights for the poor immigrants since a limo would hardly do. BTW, we have lots of Gypsies if you're interested.
Oh, so it's a European shithole which is just an older shithole than the ones in the US.
When was a state of war declared?
9-11, for one when MORE Americans were murdered than at Pearl Harbor
And foreigners along with Muslims that worked in and around the towers.
so after Dec 7 1941, you would apologize to Japan!!!!!!???
They are sneaking across the border also?
why don''t you go walk and piss all over a US flag like you want to
good thing you people were not around in 1941--you would apologize to Japan
What was stopping the Japanese from just sneaking over the border, you claim that it is done daily by non-Japanese??
Why would I spend money on a flag and then ruin it?
--- Four women found guilty after leaving food and water for migrants in Arizona desert --- guess that they are supposed 'amerikuns' that live in the USA and who work to flood the USA with illegal mexican and 'otm' alien invaders eh ??
Wow, women trying to prevent dehydration and death. How unAmerican of them!

Also they weren’t working to flood the US with Alien Invaders you dimwit. They were working to prevent other people from dying simple as that.

If I ever had the FU money, I’d open up 100s aid stations through the southwest. They’d have 2 things; water, food, and a motion detector that notified the border patrol to come pick them up. We can’t have open borders but we can have open hearts. I applaud the 4 women and hope they get right back to it.

That is alright with me as long as you understand the illegal migrants need to be stopped and sent home.

That’s been the message from the left since day uno.
Sure. That's the message "sanctuary cities" is sending.


‘There is much confusion about the term “sanctuary city.” The term is often used derisively by immigration opponents to blast what are best described as community policing policies. Critics claim that these cities and states provide “sanctuary” to undocumented immigrants, but research shows that the opposite is true. In fact, community policing policies are about providing public safety services, not sanctuary, to both immigrant residents and the entire community. Crime experts, including hundreds of local police officers, have found that cities with community policing policies continue to work closely with DHS and have built bridges to immigrant communities that have improved their ability to fight crime and protect the entire community.’

Debunking the Myth of "Sanctuary Cities"
------------------------------------------ helping them only encourages more of the same ilk Slade .
Bullshit. Leaving them food and water is not encouraging them unless your saying that preventing them from dying is what’s enabling them which is a dumbass arguement
Would be even better if we could provide limo service from the illegal's shithole to the city/neighborhood of their choice, with an assortment of refreshment salong the way of course.
They probably won’t like the shithole you live in.
Need I remind you I live in Prague, not SW Missouri? Perhaps we could petition the Czech government for flights for the poor immigrants since a limo would hardly do. BTW, we have lots of Gypsies if you're interested.
Oh, so it's a European shithole which is just an older shithole than the ones in the US.
I see you haven't traveled much if you believe Prague to be a shithole. Perhaps you've seen the bright lights of Kansas City and maybe the Ozarks in Arkansas., but there are worlds beyond your trailer park that you cannot imagine.
Maybe that’s what your life is about but that doesn’t mean it’s the same for everybody else. I don’t imagine you are a very happy person

Happiness is irrelevant. The proper standard is Right versus Wrong. Not only did these women litter, they aided criminals and enemies of the United States.
Again, it’s a matter of perspective and personal choice. You might be fine being a bitter judgmental old man as long as you feel that you’re “right”. If that’s what you need to sleep at night then thats your choice. Not everybody thinks that way
Agreed. It's the Jean Valjean perspective, Vs. the Javert POV.


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