4 year old exercises his second amendment rights

2A, if you had no guns, and the criminals had no guns, what would be the problems for you in that case?
Criminals will always have firearms in socialist society's, thats just way it is.
Can you answer the question, yes or no?
Firearms are my lively hood... Duh
Livelihood, and that would be a problem for you then. Any others?
Well, it is the most important right in the Constitution, by a long-shot...
2A, if you had no guns, and the criminals had no guns, what would be the problems for you in that case?
Criminals will always have firearms in socialist society's, thats just way it is.
Can you answer the question, yes or no?
Firearms are my lively hood... Duh
Livelihood, and that would be a problem for you then. Any others?
Well, it is the most important right in the Constitution, by a long-shot...
Think so huh? Okay, how about life this way, you have your guns but you are, by law, Catholic and required to attend weekly Mass, you cannot be a member of any alternate political party but the one in power, the only news you get is from government-approved sources, you have no right to trial or even to know the charges against you, and you cannot travel without a permit even within the US. Still all good?
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Criminals will always have firearms in socialist society's, thats just way it is.
Can you answer the question, yes or no?
Firearms are my lively hood... Duh
Livelihood, and that would be a problem for you then. Any others?
Well, it is the most important right in the Constitution, by a long-shot...
Think so huh? Okay, how about life this way, you have your guns but you are, by law, Catholic and required to attend weekly Mass, you cannot be a member of any alternate political party but the one in power, the only news you here is from government-approved sources, you have no right to trial or even to know the charges against you, and you cannot travel without a permit even within the US. Still all good?
Needing a permit for a firearm is like needing a permit to breath... So stupid it's funny. Lol
Can you answer the question, yes or no?
Firearms are my lively hood... Duh
Livelihood, and that would be a problem for you then. Any others?
Well, it is the most important right in the Constitution, by a long-shot...
Think so huh? Okay, how about life this way, you have your guns but you are, by law, Catholic and required to attend weekly Mass, you cannot be a member of any alternate political party but the one in power, the only news you get is from government-approved sources, you have no right to trial or even to know the charges against you, and you cannot travel without a permit even within the US. Still all good?
Needing a permit for a firearm is like needing a permit to breath... So stupid it's funny. Lol
Didn't say you needed a permit, and you didn't answer the question. Is the gun the most important thing now?
2A, if you had no guns, and the criminals had no guns, what would be the problems for you in that case?

Predfan just posted a story about an a guy with an axe who was shot by a concealed carry permit holder...the victim was 60 years old and was holding a cup of coffee...vs. a guy with an axe....and the 60 year old won.....

Can you name any other martial discipline that would have allowed that outcome....?
And, what if he had had a gun instead?

Then we would both be equal. And if he goes into it not really meaning to shoot or kill anyone..the advantage is mine. Have you ever studied self defense...and reaction times......or the reaction sequence to a threat?

There could be 3 guys with guns and we are all equal....I can do as much harm to them as they can to me and I have posted story after story of that exact situation....and how the good guy will often win..even at those odds facing criminals with guns....
If we both have guns fine, if neither of us do, now it's a battle. Not fair. But the fact that he'll probably have a gun means I need one.

Are you a criminal and that is why you expect to need to defend yourself?

I have spoken to your parents brain...they say they have done all they can to get you to grow up...but nothing has worked.....it might be time to send you to that special school....
2A, if you had no guns, and the criminals had no guns, what would be the problems for you in that case?

Because his sword might be bigger than mine. If he wants to kill me he'll do it, I'd rather have the upper hand on defending myself. I don't want it to be a fair fight.
And if his gun is the same, or bigger? What's your advantage now?

The advantage is the same.......I can hurt him as easily as he can hurt me....he has no advantage in the ability to injure or kill.....a 9mm is as deadly as a .357 when it hits a body....and if I have a 9 and he has a .357.....he knows I can kill him too........it is not the same if we are both unarmed....then if he is younger, bigger, stronger, more aggressive, on drugs or has a knife, or a club....he has the advantage..

Have you ever studied self defense?
If we both have guns fine, if neither of us do, now it's a battle. Not fair. But the fact that he'll probably have a gun means I need one.

Are you a criminal and that is why you expect to need to defend yourself?

I have spoken to your parents brain...they say they have done all they can to get you to grow up...but nothing has worked.....it might be time to send you to that special school....

You lose on the facts and resort to acting like a child.
If we both have guns fine, if neither of us do, now it's a battle. Not fair. But the fact that he'll probably have a gun means I need one.

Are you a criminal and that is why you expect to need to defend yourself?

I have spoken to your parents brain...they say they have done all they can to get you to grow up...but nothing has worked.....it might be time to send you to that special school....

You lose on the facts and resort to acting like a child.

I have the truth, facts and reality........you hate guns.....you don't want people to have guns...so in order to push your agenda, you have to lie by omission, lie with emotions....and hide the truth, facts and reality.

Then you act like a child.....
If we both have guns fine, if neither of us do, now it's a battle. Not fair. But the fact that he'll probably have a gun means I need one.

Are you a criminal and that is why you expect to need to defend yourself?

I have spoken to your parents brain...they say they have done all they can to get you to grow up...but nothing has worked.....it might be time to send you to that special school....

You lose on the facts and resort to acting like a child.

I have the truth, facts and reality........you hate guns.....you don't want people to have guns...so in order to push your agenda, you have to lie by omission, lie with emotions....and hide the truth, facts and reality.

Then you act like a child.....

Actually it was you lying and then acting like a child, hence your childish responses. You lose again.
2A, if you had no guns, and the criminals had no guns, what would be the problems for you in that case?

Because his sword might be bigger than mine. If he wants to kill me he'll do it, I'd rather have the upper hand on defending myself. I don't want it to be a fair fight.
And if his gun is the same, or bigger? What's your advantage now?

The advantage is the same.......I can hurt him as easily as he can hurt me....he has no advantage in the ability to injure or kill.....a 9mm is as deadly as a .357 when it hits a body....and if I have a 9 and he has a .357.....he knows I can kill him too........it is not the same if we are both unarmed....then if he is younger, bigger, stronger, more aggressive, on drugs or has a knife, or a club....he has the advantage..

Have you ever studied self defense?
You both have the same gun, and he is: younger, bigger, stronger, more aggressive, on drugs...

Are you equals?
Guns are equalizers. It won't matter how young and how strong he is, a 9mm hollowpoint will rip a hole in him just as fast as a weakling. 99% of robbers surveyed said they preferred unarmed victims.
Guns are equalizers. It won't matter how young and how strong he is, a 9mm hollowpoint will rip a hole in him just as fast as a weakling. 99% of robbers surveyed said they preferred unarmed victims.
And, you prefer unarmed robbers. How is that different?

You obviously aren't equal when you both have a gun...
Guns are equalizers. It won't matter how young and how strong he is, a 9mm hollowpoint will rip a hole in him just as fast as a weakling. 99% of robbers surveyed said they preferred unarmed victims.

Guns are equalizers. It won't matter how young and how strong he is, a 9mm hollowpoint will rip a hole in him just as fast as a weakling. 99% of robbers surveyed said they preferred unarmed victims.
Or a 4 year old in the back seat shooting his mother.
None of those things are constitutionally guaranteed RIGHTS either. The right to own a gun IS a constitutionally guaranteed right.

You're correct. But if an individual through his/her own efforts shows that they aren't responsible or pose a threat, shouldn't the government be able to say no for the safety of the other citizens?

Yes...we have laws for that already. If you commit a crime with a gun...showing you are irresponsible, you can be arrested and your Right to own a gun can be stripped.....

Yes...we have laws for that already. If you commit a crime with a gun...showing you are irresponsible, you can be arrested and your Right to own a gun can be stripped....

If a person has been convicted of a violent crime should he/she be permitted to buy to be in possession of a gun?

A violent crime, no....and for non violent felonies he should have to wait a period of years before he can own and carry a gun again.

But...we already have laws that enforce that....if you are a felon and you are caught owning a gun or carrying a gun you can already be arrested under existing law.....

A violent crime, no....and for non violent felonies he should have to wait a period of years before he can own and carry a gun again.


But...we already have laws that enforce that....if you are a felon and you are caught owning a gun or carrying a gun you can already be arrested under existing law.....

We sure do, and to catch these folks we need to do background checks.

We already do background checks idiot.

We already do background checks idiot.

Yes, but the constitutional crowd calls background checks unconstitutional.
None of those things are constitutionally guaranteed RIGHTS either. The right to own a gun IS a constitutionally guaranteed right.

You're correct. But if an individual through his/her own efforts shows that they aren't responsible or pose a threat, shouldn't the government be able to say no for the safety of the other citizens?

Yes...we have laws for that already. If you commit a crime with a gun...showing you are irresponsible, you can be arrested and your Right to own a gun can be stripped.....

Yes...we have laws for that already. If you commit a crime with a gun...showing you are irresponsible, you can be arrested and your Right to own a gun can be stripped....

If a person has been convicted of a violent crime should he/she be permitted to buy to be in possession of a gun?

A violent crime, no....and for non violent felonies he should have to wait a period of years before he can own and carry a gun again.

But...we already have laws that enforce that....if you are a felon and you are caught owning a gun or carrying a gun you can already be arrested under existing law.....

A violent crime, no....and for non violent felonies he should have to wait a period of years before he can own and carry a gun again.


But...we already have laws that enforce that....if you are a felon and you are caught owning a gun or carrying a gun you can already be arrested under existing law.....

We sure do, and to catch these folks we need to do background checks.

They are not caught with background checks...they are caught committing actual crimes and then arrested. The background check has nothing to do with it...nice lie though.

Felons use people with clean records to buy their guns or they steal them.....the background check does nothing to stop this.....

They are not caught with background checks...they are caught committing actual crimes and then arrested. The background check has nothing to do with it...nice lie though.

How do you know that people aren't denied when they try to purchase?

Felons use people with clean records to buy their guns or they steal them.....the background check does nothing to stop this.....

So we should do nothing?

If we both have guns fine, if neither of us do, now it's a battle. Not fair. But the fact that he'll probably have a gun means I need one.

Are you a criminal and that is why you expect to need to defend yourself?

I have spoken to your parents brain...they say they have done all they can to get you to grow up...but nothing has worked.....it might be time to send you to that special school....

You lose on the facts and resort to acting like a child.

I have the truth, facts and reality........you hate guns.....you don't want people to have guns...so in order to push your agenda, you have to lie by omission, lie with emotions....and hide the truth, facts and reality.

Then you act like a child.....

Actually it was you lying and then acting like a child, hence your childish responses. You lose again.

Sorry, we have facts on our side. You have fear and misinformation.

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